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    高级英语第一册ppt课件B Lesson.ppt

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    高级英语第一册ppt课件B Lesson.ppt

    Lesson 10,The Trial That Rocked the World,I.Aims and Contents of Teaching:,1.the comprehension of the text and the mastery of the important language points2.the paraphrase of certain complicated or difficult sentences,I.Aims and contents of Teaching:,3.the enlargement of the students vocabulary 4.the familiarization with the styles of composition and devices of figuration,II.Procedures of Teaching:,1.Background knowledge2.Detailed study of the text3.Structural analysis4.Language features5.Supplementary exercise,III.Background Knowledge:,1.ReligionsGod:the Deity,the Divinity,Holy One,Jehovah,the Lord,Providence,the Almighty,the Creator and etc.There is only one God in heaven.But the belief in God has developed three religious sections:Christianity,Judaism and Islam.,III.Background Knowledge:,Christianity:Roman CatholicProtestant Orthodox Eastern ChurchTrinity:the Holy Father,the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit/Ghost,with Jesus Christ as its incarnation.,III.Background Knowledge:,Bible:Name of the Christian Scriptures,the Old Testament and the New Testament.,III.Background Knowledge:,Bible Old Testament:Christian name for the Hebrew Bible,the first portion of the Christian BibleGenesis:first book of the Old Testament which tells the origin of the world and of man,III.Background Knowledge:,BibleNew Testament:the distinctive Christian portion of the Bible Gospel:Greek word for good news.the first four books of the New Testament.,III.Background Knowledge:,Biblefundamentalism:conservative religious movement.Its aim is to maintain word for word interpretations of the Bible.Nowadays this word can apply to other religions.,III.Background Knowledge:,2.American governing system a.Legislature:parliament-Congress and Senateb.Executive:the president and his administration c.Judicial:the Federal Supreme Court,III.Background Knowledge:,3.Civil Law:4.Criminal Law5.Jury6.Counselor/Counsellor,VI.Detailed Study:,1.buzz:a noise of a low hum,low confused whisper2.sweltering:very hot,causing unpleasantness,torrid,sultry,VI.Detailed Study:,3.counsel:a group of one or more lawyers(barristers)acting for someone in a court of law4.prosecution:the act of bringing a criminal charge against sb.in a court of law,VI.Detailed Study:,5.silver-tongued:(lit.)able to give fine persuading speeches,eloquent6.orator:a good public speaker,a person who delivers an oration(formal and solemn public speeches),VI.Detailed Study:,7.nominee:a person who has been named officially for election to a position,office,honour,etc.a Nobel Prize nominee/a presidential nominee,VI.Detailed Study:,8.bring about:causeScientists have brought about great changes in our lives.,VI.Detailed Study:,9.involve:to cause sb.to become connected or concernedDont involve other people in your mistakes.We are all involved,whether we like it or not.,VI.Detailed Study:,10.testify:to make a solemn statement,esp.under oath in a court of law,of what is trueThe witnesses testify/give evidence in the law court.One witness testified that he had seen the prisoner ran out of the bank after it had been robbed.,VI.Detailed Study:,11.on hand:available,present,cf:within reach:the distance one can reachat hand:near in time or place,VI.Detailed Study:,Always have your dictionary on hand/within reach/at hand when you study.Please be on hand at 12 sharp.I have a great deal of important work on hand.,VI.Detailed Study:,All his old friends will be on hand/present to see Jack receive the medal of honour.I want you to be at hand/near during my interview with the boss of the company.The post office is close at hand.,VI.Detailed Study:,12.reassure:comfort and make free from fear,stop worrying often by saying sth.kind or friendly The doctor reassured the sick man about his health.She wont believe it in spite of all our reassurance.,VI.Detailed Study:,cf:assure:try to cause to believe or trust in sth.;promiseThe captain assured the passengers that there was no danger.,VI.Detailed Study:,13.erupt:(of a volcano)to explode and pour out fireHere,emerge,happen quickly,come down upon unexpectedly and violently;I was suddenly engulfed by the whole affair.,VI.Detailed Study:,14.adhere to:to favour strongly,stick firmly to;The wallpaper wont adhere to the ceiling.They adhere to the contract.,VI.Detailed Study:,He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting.adhere to the four cardinal/fundamental principles,VI.Detailed Study:,15.prohibit:to forbid,to banto prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors/pornographic literature or video tapes/prostitution/visiting prostitutes/smoking in public places,etc.,VI.Detailed Study:,cf:FORBID is more direct and familiar,while PROHIBIT is more formal or official;they do not widely differ in their essential implications.to forbid a child to leave the house,VI.Detailed Study:,16.violate:to disregard or act against sth.solemnly promisedThe actress violated the terms of her contract.This is considered as a violation of the Constitution.If you violate someones privacy or peace,you disturb it.,VI.Detailed Study:,17.legality:the condition of being lawful;lawfulnessThe legality of this action will be decided by the court.,VI.Detailed Study:,18.indict:to indict sb.for a crime means to charge them with it officiallyFive men were caught at the scene and indicted.,VI.Detailed Study:,cf:accuse,charge,prosecute,blameOne accuses sb.of cheating.One charges sb.with cheating.One prosecutes sb.for theft.One blames sb.for the failure.,VI.Detailed Study:,least of all:to an insignificant degreeNobody need worry,you least of all/least of all you.Least of all would I lie to you.Nobody seemed amused,least of all Jenny.,VI.Detailed Study:,19.anticipate:to expect what will happenWe are not anticipating that there will be much trouble.We anticipate that the enemy would try to cross the river and so seize the bridge.,VI.Detailed Study:,take on:begin to have(a particular quality,appearance,etc),assume sth.He has taken on some irritating mannerism.The chameleon can take on the colours of its background.Her eyes took on a hurt expression.,VI.Detailed Study:,20.festoon:If you festoon sth.with decorations,lights or other things,you spread or hang these things over it in large numbers in order to decorate it.The garden was festooned with coloured lights.,VI.Detailed Study:,21.sprout:to grow or come out,appear and spread rapidlyn.new growth of a plant,shootbean sprouts/bamboo shoots22.rickety:weak in joints and likely to breakrickety old man/stairs/cart,VI.Detailed Study:,23.evangelist:one who preaches the gospel(good news)24.exhort:urge earnestly or advise strongly sb.to do sth.to exhort sb.to do good/to work harder,etc.,VI.Detailed Study:,25.cheer:support and encourage,shout in praise,approval or supportEvery time a Chinese runner won a race the crowd cheered.The crowd cheered their favourite horse.,VI.Detailed Study:,26.infidel:(old&derog.)(used esp.in former times by Christians and Muslims of each other)someone who does not follow ones own religion,unbeliever27.draw up:to form and usu.writeto draw up a plan/a contract,VI.Detailed Study:,28.florid:(of a persons face)having a red skin29.paunchy:(derog.and humour)(esp.of a man)having a fat stomach,pot belly30.attorney-general:chief law officer and legal expert of the government of a state,VI.Detailed Study:,31.shrewd:clever in judgement,esp.of what is to ones own advantagea shrewd lawyer who knows all the tricksHe is a shrewd and sometimes ruthless adversary.,VI.Detailed Study:,32.steep:soak,to let sth.stay in a liquid for softening,bringing out a taste etc.Steep the coffee Leave the coffee to steep for 5 minutes,VI.Detailed Study:,33.agnostic:person who believes that one can only have knowledge of material things and that nothing is or can be known about God or life after deathcf:atheist:person who doubts the existence of God,VI.Detailed Study:,34.growl/au/:to say sth.in a low rough and rather angry voice.The dog growled at me.He growled out a demand to her to stop.,VI.Detailed Study:,35.preliminary:introductory,preparatory36.spar:to box without hitting hard,argue or dispute(with sb)The children are sparring with each other.,VI.Detailed Study:,37.drawl:to speak or say slowly with vowels greatly lengtheneddrawl out ones words,VI.Detailed Study:,38.ignorance:lack of knowledgePoverty,disease and ignorance remain major world problems.We are in complete ignorance of his plans.She is very young,and ignorant of what life really is.They ignored traffic regulations.,VI.Detailed Study:,39.bigot:one who obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his own opinions and prejudices,esp.religious beliefs.bigotry:the state of having very strong,unreasonable attitudes and opinions,VI.Detailed Study:,40.rampant:widespread and impossible to controlTheft,robbery,trafficking in narcotics,rural women and children are rampant in some places.Rich soil makes some plants too rampant.Mosquitoes are rampant in the dormitory.,VI.Detailed Study:,41.fagot:a bundle of sticks of firewood42.enlighten:cause to understand,free from ignorance or false beliefs,give more knowledge.Can you enlighten me on this subject?the age of Enlightenment in the 18th century,VI.Detailed Study:,43.contaminate:to make impure,bad by mixing with dirty or poisonous matterDont eat the food,it may have been contaminated by the flies.The river is contaminated with waste from the factory.Our students are being contaminated by foreign ideas.,VI.Detailed Study:,44.snort:to make a rough noise by blowing air down the nose,to express impatience or anger by this soundWe ran when the bull began to snort.cf:snore:breathe heavily and noisily through the nose and mouth while asleep,VI.Detailed Study:,45.evidence:(in law)words which prove a statement,support a beliefThere wasnt enough evidence to prove him guilty.Have you any evidence to support this statement?not a bit/piece/scrap/shred of evidence,VI.Detailed Study:,46.brandish:to wave threateningly sth.esp.a weapon about,this word stresses threat.I shall brandish my sword before them.,VI.Detailed Study:,47.denounce:to criticise severely and publicly,announce threateninglyThe newspapers denounced the new taxes.A mass meeting denounced him as a traitor.,VI.Detailed Study:,48.sonorous:having a pleasantly full loud soundthe sonorous tones of the priestthe sonority of the bass voicesThe church clock chimed sonorously.,VI.Detailed Study:,49.reconcile:make peace between,make friendly againI cannot reconcile the two points of view.I asked how he would reconcile apartheid with Christianity.The two girls quarrelled but are now reconciled.,VI.Detailed Study:,50.jungle:tropical forest too thick to walk through easily.51.image:likeliness,form,copyYou see your image in the mirror.I can close my eyes and see images of things and persons.The coin bears an image of the emperor.,VI.Detailed Study:,52.divine:of,related to,or being god or a god53.thrust:to push forcefully and suddenly,to make a sudden forward stroke with a sword,knife,etc.He thrust the fork into the meat.,VI.Detailed Study:,54.Applause:n.applaud:v.Everyone stood up to applaud.The audience applauded the singer for 5 minutes.The crowd bursts into applause and shouts Hurray!,VI.Detailed Study:,55.fervour:passion,zeal,enthusiasm,intense heatspeak with great fervour fervent:showing strong and warm feelings,hot,passionatea fervent love/hatred a fervent lover/admirer,VI.Detailed Study:,56.arena:an area of land or a large room where sports,entertainment and public events take place.The city built a new sports arena.After World II Japan entered the arena of international trade.,VI.Detailed Study:,57.prairie:(in North America)a wild treeless grassy plain.58.scorch:to burn(part of)a surface so as to change its colour,tasteThe hot iron scorched the tablecloth.a scorched-earth policyThe hot weather scorched the grass.,VI.Detailed Study:,59.observe:to make a remark,to say,to commentHe observe that the house seemed to be too small.,VI.Detailed Study:,60.passion:strong,often uncontrollable feelingThe poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.passionate:filled with passion,eagerThe two groups had a passionate debate.,VI.Detailed Study:,61.sip:to drink in small quantities cf:suck:to draw(as liquid)into the mouth to suck milk from his mothers breastsap:to drain the fluid part of a plant,VI.Detailed Study:,62.jug:a large deep,usu.earthenware or glass container with a narrow mouth,a handle and a lip for pouring,VI.Detailed Study:,63.appeal:to make a strong request for help,support,mercy;begHe appealed to his attacker for mercy.He appealed to me for help.v.please,attract,interestSome people say Peking Opera is too old-fashioned to appeal to people any longer.The idea appealed to me.,VI.Detailed Study:,64.intellect,intellectual,intelligence,intelligent intellect:the ability to understand or deal with ideas and information,the ability to reason rather than to feel or act.,VI.Detailed Study:,intellectual:adj.concerning the intellect,able to use the intellect well,showing unusual reasoning powers,VI.Detailed Study:,intellectual:n.a person who works and lives by using his mind.It is mans intellect that distinguishes him from the beasts.Chess is a highly intellectual game.He is an intellectual person/an intellectual.,VI.Detailed Study:,intelligence:a.good ability to learn and understand quicklyb.information gathered by the government or the army about their countrys enemies and their activities.intelligence quotient(IQ)Use your intelligence.CIA,VI.Detailed Study:,intelligent:having or showing powers of reasoning or understanding.Dr.Smith is a man of great intelligence but Prof.Brown earns the respect of his colleagues for his high intellect.,VI.Detailed Study:,An Intellectual or Intellectual person is one who has developed his brain and is highly educated.One can be very intelligent/have great intelligence,without knowing much.A small child with a clever quick mind is intelligent but he can hardly be an intellectual.,VI.Detailed Study:,65.duel:unlawful fight between two persons who have quarrelled,usu.with swords or pistols,at a meeting arranged and conducted according to rules,in the presence of two other persons called seconds.,VI.Detailed Study:,66.roar:to give a deep loud continuing sound.tigers roaring in their cagesHe just roared(ie laughed loudly)when he heard that joke!n.long loud deep sound,VI.Detailed Study:,67.mortal:n.a human being as compared with a god,a spirit,etc.All human beings are mortal.adj.causing death;fatala mortal wound,injury,etc The collapse of the business was a mortal blow to him and his family.,VI.Detailed Study:,68.agency:Truth does not need any human influence to support it.Xinhua News Agencythe Central Intelligence Agency,VI.Detailed Study:,69.momentary:transitory,lasting for a very short moment70.hush:silence,stillness,quiet,calm,VI.Detailed Study:,71.rule:decide officiallyThe jury ruled that he was innocent of all charges.The club ruled against accepting new members.I cannot rule out/exclude the possibil


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