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    Module 4 Fine arts-western,Chinese and pop artsLanguage points,Introduction 1.Brainstorming,art gallery(modern art/traditional art)artist painterdrawing figure drawing/realistic portrait brush drawing in black inkspaintinga painting in oils/water colors,traditional,contemporary,brush,Chinese brush,color ink,ink,name 取名 命名 说出 确定 name sb/sthname a day/pricename afterEg.The hospital is named after a hero,1.The way in which something is done _ 2.To watch carefully_3.A style of painting adopted by a group of artists._4.To copy._5.Living or full of life._6.Not special or unusual _7.On of the separate parts of something._8.The way something really is_,style,observe,movement,imitate,alive,ordinary,aspect,reality,Separate adj.分开的,单独的The children sleep in Separate bedsv.分开,隔离Boys will Separate the bad apples from the good onesEngland is Separated from France by Channels,Detailed Reading,Pablo Picasso,Qi Baishi,Xu Beihong,Spain,greatest western artist started Cubism,different aspects of the object or person show-ing at the same time,China,greatest tradi-tional painter,brush drawing in black inks and natural colors,China,best-known 20th century artist,A beautiful brush line,reality,lively horses,This is a painting by the Spanish artist,Pablo Picasso,considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.considered to be=who is considered to be consider 考虑 consider doing 认为 consider as to do(be)小明获得了一等奖,他被认为是一个诚实的孩子。He is considered _(invent)the first computer.,这是西班牙画家巴勃罗毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。,Xiaoming won the first prize,considered to be an honest boy.,to have invented,2.Cubist artists painted objects and people,with different aspects of the object or person showing at the time.,在描绘人或物体的时候,立体派画家会同时展现对象的不同侧面。,with引导的短语作状语,表示伴随。1)He fell asleep,with the windows open.2)The artist arrived,with many people following him.3)we studied with the door closed all the afternoon.,object n.物体,宾语,目标 v.反对,不赞成 object to(介词)eg.His object in life is to become rich.He strongly objected to my going abroad.He objects to _(treat)like a child.,being treated,3.Pop art was an important modern art movement that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life.aim v.1)aim at doing=aim to do 立志/目的是 He aims at becoming a doctor.=He aims to become a doctor.=My aim is to be a lawyer.I aim to be a lawyer.我要当个律师。2)He aimed at the target瞄准靶子(vi)He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.(vt)他用枪瞄准了敌军官。n.目标;目的,agree,aim attempt,decide,expect,hope manage,pretend,Seem,want,wish,4.For example,it shows things such as soup cans and advertisements.句中出现了for example 与 such as 两个类似的短语。For example 用于举例说明,往往用逗号隔开。例如:,Many great people have risen from poverty.For example,Lincoln and Edison.,而such as 用于列举。例如:We study many subjects,such as English,maths and physics.,5.Qi Baishi,one of Chinas greatest painters,followed the traditional Chinese style of painting.齐白石,中国最伟大的画家之一,沿用了中国传统的绘画风格。follow vt.&vi.跟随,跟着,采纳,eg.Follow ones advice/follow the example of 以 为榜样 冬去春来。The professor came in,_ by the students.the dog ran out,_ its owner.,同位语,Spring follows winter.,followed,following,take for example 以 为例set sb.a good example=set a good example to sb.给 树立榜样,5.Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully,and his paintings are special because of this.齐白石观察自然界很细心,他的画也因此而特别。observe vt.&vi.1)看,观察,注意到 observe sb./sth.do doing.sb./sth.be observed有人看到他们进入银行。我看见他出去了。,hear/see/notice/watch,to dodoing,They were observed entering the bank.,I observed him go out.=He was observed to go out.,Observe 遵守 奉行 庆祝(节日)We must observe the traffic rules observe the traditional custumsObservation n.,6.Instead,a picture should try to show the“life”of its subject.,相反,一幅画应该努力表现主题的真谛。,Instead adv.意思是“代替,反而,而”。放在句子用逗号隔开;或放在句子后面。,Eg:He is tired,and let me go instead.She never studies.Instead,she plays all day.,拓展:,Instead of 取代,而不Eg:I will go to New Zealand instead of Japan.,我打算去新西兰而不是日本。,We intended to have our breakfast in the garden instead of in the dinning room.我们打算在花园而不是在餐厅吃早饭。,注意:,Instead of 与 instead 的相互转换。例如:我们要去青岛而不是大连度假。Well go to Qingdao instead of Dalian for a holiday.或:,Well not go to Dalian.Instead,well go to Qingdao for a holiday.,They go to school on foot _ by bus.Instead of B.instead C.instead for 7.He is most famous for his lively paintings of horses.他是一个非常有名的艺术家。,A,He is a most famous artist.,8.I think hes an extraordinary artist.我认为他是一个了不起的艺术家。extraordinary adj.不平常的,格外的,特别的。His talents are quite extraordinary.他才华出众。an extraordinary general meeting 特别全会,9.I can tell by the style.我可以通过风格来区分Style:n.风格;样式;文体。Eg:1)Its the painting in the style of Picasso.这是一幅毕加索风格的油画。2)The letter was written in a formal style.该信是用正式文体写的。tell by(from)从.看出、辨认出Eg.You can tell by the way it walks that the dog has been injured,.tell sb/sth apart 区分 辨别Eg.We are all unable to tell the twins aparttell the difference between tell A from B,some important words and phrases in this module,1.delightful adj.令人愉快的,delighted adj.感到愉快的 delight v.使某人开心高兴 n.开心,高兴,To her _,her wish came true at last.delightful B.delight C.delighted D.delighting,B,2 alive adj.无比较级的表语形容词,在句子中只做表语、主补或宾补以及后置定语,不能做前置定语。“活着的 在世的”,living 做前置定语或表语,“有生命的,现存的”,lively“活泼的、栩栩如生的、生机勃勃的”,Live“现场直播的”,There will be a _ TV broadcast of this conference this evening.A.alive B.lively C.living D.live,D,辨析:alive/live/lively/living1)alive意为“活着的、有活力的,是表语形容词,可修饰人或物;在句中做表语宾补或后置定语,不能用作前置定语。如:He was alive when he was taken to the hospital.他被送往医院时还活着。Although he is old,he is still very much alive.虽然年老了但他仍十分活跃。After the war,he remained alive.战后他还活着。Sb be burned/caught alive,2)living意为“活着的、有生命的,健在的,现行的”,主要用于作前置定语及冠词the之后,表示一类人,也可用作表语,可修饰人或物。如:a living plant活的植物The living will go on with the work of the dead.活着的人将继续死者的工作。Her grandfather is still living at the age of 93.她爷爷已经93岁了,仍然健在。Latin is not a living language.拉丁语不是现代使用的语言。,3)live laiv(动、植物)“活的”“有生命的”“活生生的”,主要用来说鸟或其他动物,作前置定语;如:a live fish一条活鱼;(2)实况的、现场直播的。如:a live report现场报道;a live show/broadcast/TV program现场转播的表演/实况广播/现场直播的电视节目,4)lively意为活泼的、有生气的、生动的。可用作表语、定语,指人或物。如a lively child/description/mind/discussion/class,After digging for four days,the trapped miners are still_A.Live B.living C.alive D.lively,C,3.区分especially,particularly,specially 均可表“特别地”。especially一般表示某事物在意义、程度、重要性性超过其他事物。如:I love Italy,especially in summer.(我喜欢意大利,尤其在夏天。)particularly往往着重说明与同类事物不同的个别事物,有时可和especially通用specially 多表示“专门地”,“为特别目的的地”,如:I made chocolate cake specially for you.(我特地为你做了巧克力蛋糕。),I came _ to see you.Specially B.especially C.particularly,A,4.adopt a proposal/suggestionadopt an orphanan adopted son/daughteradoption n.,5.Get/be tired of 厌烦Be tired with/from sth 因.而疲倦Eg.He is tired of hard work He is tired from hard work6.develope an interest in art.培养了对.的兴趣,7.Stand vt.经受、忍受、承担,通常用于否定词或疑问句,不能用于进行时,同义词有:bear、tolerate、put up with,stand/bear/put up with/tolerate doing sth.,我再也无法忍受被人这样误解了。,I cant bear being misunderstood like this any longer,9.Destroy vt 毁坏。同义词:damage,ruin.,辨析:destroy:毁坏 不可修复 damage:破坏 可修复 ruin:毁灭 不可修复,1.The building was completely _(damaged/destroyed)by fire,so we have to move to another place.,2.Smoking serious_(damages/ruins)your health,but if you give it up,you will be better.,


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