3448.C 浅议WTO与劳工标准之争 英文文献.doc
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3448.C 浅议WTO与劳工标准之争 英文文献.doc
WTO and Labour StandardsIn recent years,with the development of international trade,the western countries put forward a view that the labor standards should be linked with the tradeTherefore,it leads to a debate between trade liberalization and labor standards in the international society that whether or not the 1abor standards should be covered in WTO and then makes a global agreement on the lowest labor standardsDifferent countries have different opinionsBecause the labor standards are different among the countries,the trade disputes are frequently happenedNow the labor standards problem becomes more and more furiously disputed in WTO multilateral trade negotiationSo,a study on this topic is very important and meaningful The emergence of WTO has accelerated the further development of economy globalizationSo our research thoughts should also jump out of the old way and stand on the position of globalization to make our studies On the basis of other scholars studies,this paper chooses the relations between labor standards and trade as the gap,stands Oil the points of globalization and our country to study this topic through the methods of system,comparison,economics and sociology of lawThe author raises some innovative views in this papeg such as the settlements of labor standards in WTO,the analysis of relation between labor standards and trade,the settlement of relation between WTO and ILO This paper consists of five partsThe first part is prefaceThis part tells US the necessity and importance of this study under present international situationIt also introduces the research thoughts and direction of this paper The second part has three sections,raises the topic of this paper From this part the author begins to discuss the labor standards problem inWTOIt mainly explains the background of this problem and why it becomes acuteSection one introduces the definition of 1abor standards Section two Oil the basis of the first begins to introduce the background and analyze the economic and social sources of the labor standards problemThis problem exists for a long time,but it becomes intense only in late years because of the change of international politics structure,the fiercely competition among countries and the political reasonsUnder the initiation of the developed countries,this problem becomes the most disputable topic in WTO multilateral trade negotiation。Then,section three introduces the development of this problem in WTOIt can be divided into three phases,that is,lag phase,turning phase and developing phaseThe third part is the keypart of this paperIt introduces WTO and the disputes on labor standardsThe WTO members,especially the developed and the development have great conflicts on this issue because of their different interestsIt is important to master their different attitudes and viewsSection one mainly introduce the disputes between the two partiesGenerally speaking,the key point of their dispute is whether the developed admit the developments comparative labor advantageThe developed insist that the labor standards should be adjusted by WTO,just because they think this advantage damage their relative industries and injure the fairness and the equality of international tradeThey attempt to impose trade sanctions on the development countries labor advantage This action,of course,is opposed stronglyThis section also analyzes the two parties opinions Oil this issue and discusses their shortcomings of their cognizanceSectiontwo focuses on whether the labor standards should be brought into WTO systemThis section begins with discussing the aim and characteristics of WTO to definite its limits of authorityAs people know WTO is an organization which balances the trade relations among its membersSo to judge whether the labor standards are closelyrelated to the trade is an essential prerequisiteThat is the main point the paper pay attention toAfter the discussion,the author puts forward some innovative views to resolve this issueThough the international society has not reach an agreement on this issue in theory the labor standards is linked with the trade in practice by the developed countries through legislation and multilateral agreementsThey implement some policies to protect their trade,such as unilateral labor trade barrier,SA8000 and anti-dumpingThese measures have very passive effects on the foreign trade and human rights of the development countries which has lower labor standardsThese are the main contents of the second part of this sectionAt the end of this part,the author clearly points out how to handle these disputes under present international trade environment The forth part mainly focuses oil discussing the standing and attitudes of our country in present situationSection one tells US after entering WTO,it is very important and necessary that our labor standards should be linked with the international standardsSection two introduces US the actuality of our labors legislationNowadays,our labors legislation has made a great contribution to the society but compared to the international labor standards,they are still deficient on some aspects,such as the freedom of association,right of striking,the abolition of discrimination in employmentand the abolition of forced laborThats why the developed countries criticize our labor problems in the foreign tradeSo to improve our relative legislation is necessary and urgentIn section three,there are some suggestions for our country and enterprises to face the disputes in WTO The last part is a summary of this paperThrough this paper the author hopes that it can help others to understand this issue中文翻译近年来,随着国际贸易的发展,西方发达国家提出了要将国际贸易与劳工标准挂钩的主张,从而在国际社会引发了一场关于贸易自由化和劳工标准之间的辩论,就是否需要将劳工标准与贸易挂钩并纳入WTO体制下从而就最低劳工标准达成全球性协议,各国际组织或是它们的内部、各种不同类型的国家间存在较人分歧。由于各国劳工标准的差异频频引发国际贸易争端,劳工标准问题业已成为WTO多边贸易谈判中争论激烈的一个话题。因此,对这一问题的研究也就显得意义重火。WTO的出现,促进了经济全球化的进一步发展,社会发展研究的背景也伴随着全球化的进程而带有“一体化”的印记。于是,原有的以一个国家为背景研究社会发展的思路受到了严峻挑战,加之在经济全球化下,客观上要求以“全球化”视角对这一问题进行研究。本文在总结以往学者研究的基础上,以国际贸易与劳工标准的关系为切入点,放眼全球,立足本土,通过系统的、比较分析的、经济学的及法律社会学的研究方法对这一问题进行研究,并在WTO劳工标准问题的解决、劳工标准与国际贸易的关系分析以及处理WTO与ILO的关系等问题上提出了一些创新性的看法。本文共有五个部分。第一部分前言。第二部分是劳工标准问题的提出,分为三节,主要介绍了相关的概念和理沦,并分析了劳工标准问题产生的背景及原因以及WTO劳工标准问题的凸显历程。第三部分WTO与劳工标准之争,是本文的核心部分。第一节就“南北争论”做了简单论述和分析;第二节从探讨WTO的权限出发对WTO劳工标准之争做了详细而深入的论述;第四部分是WTO劳工标准之争与中国,联系我国实际情况,对我国应如何应对WTO劳工标准之每提出了一些看法;最后一部分结语,是对本篇论文的总结。下面就各部分的主要内容作一简单介绍。前言部分主要说明在当前国际形势下研究劳工标准问题的必要性,明确本篇论文的研究思路和方向以及辑结构。第二部分,劳工标准问题的提出。从这一部分开始切入文章主题。这一章主要介绍了劳工标准问题提出的背景及其激化的原因。何谓劳工标准?这是一个前提性的问题,因此本章第一节围绕劳工标准含义的界定进行展开。关于劳工标准的含义,到目前为止,尚没有明确、完整的定义,但国际上对劳工标准的具体内容已有了基本共识。本章第二节在此基础上就劳工标准问题产生的背景及其产生的经济和社会根源进行了系统分析。劳工标准问题由来已久,但在近几年来由于国际贸易格局的变化、国与国间竞争的加剧以及政治上的原因等,劳工标准问题日益暴露并激化,引起各国重视,尤其是在发达国家的倡导下,劳工标准问题开始在WTO多边贸易谈判,成为争论激烈的话题之。因此,第三节在第二节的基础上进而对WTO中劳工标准问题的凸显历程进行了系统介绍。综观WTO的发展历程,劳工标准问题的凸显经历了三个时期,即停滞期、转折期和发展期。第二三部分WTO与劳工标准之争,是本篇论文的核心部分。WTO下的劳工标准问题是由于发达国家与发展中国家在利益上的冲突而产生分歧的,因此掌握发达国家与发展中国家的分歧及二者在劳工:标准问题上的态度就显得尤为重要。所以本章第一节就以“南北争论”开始展开,对双方的观点和立场作_厂介绍。总的来说,二者的分歧主要在于是否承认发达国家在劳动力资源上的比较优势。发达国家认为发展中国家较低的劳动力成本构成了所谓的“劳动力倾销”,损害了其国内相关产业的发展,也影响了国际贸易的公平、公正。因而其主张将劳工标准纳入WTO下,对发展中国家的劳动力倾销行为进行贸易制裁,此举遭到了大发展中国家的坚决反对。本节通过经济学的分析方法来分析双方的观点,对二者在此问题上=的认识缺陷进行了论述。第二节主要就南北双方争论的焦点进行分析,即劳工标准问题是否应纳入WTO,由WTO来调整所以说,这一问题的解决关键在于明确WTO的权限问题。本节从WTO的宗旨、性质出发,对WTO的权限予以了界定,即WTO是协调成员国国际贸易关系的国际组织,劳工标准是否应纳入WTO关键是看其是否与国际贸易有联系,因此本节立足于对二者联系的探讨,进而分析将劳工标准纳入WTO所应具备的几个条件,经过系统地分析和论述,得出了WTO劳工标准之争相关问题的解决思路。尽管劳工标准问题之争在理论上尚未达成统一,但在国际实践中却为发达国家所利用,他们不仅不承认发展中国家的劳动力比较优势,还大力宣扬其所谓的“劳动力倾销”理论,通过国内立法、多边条约将国际贸易与其国内劳工标准挂钩,实施“贸易保护主义”,如单边劳工贸易壁垒SA8000,反倾销等对广大较低劳工标准的发展中国家的对外贸易及国内人权问题等产生了非常消卡及的影响。因此,本节第二部分主要介绍劳工标准问题的发展现状,并就这种状况的产生原因进行了详细的论述,明确提出了广大发展中国家在这种国际贸易形势下的应对策略。研究的目的在于为己所用,因此对国际问题的研究归根到底应有利于中国本土问题的研究和解决,但是由于本篇论文主要探讨的是WTO框架下的劳工标准问题,因此我国劳工标准问题并不是本文的研究重点。第四部分在前面几章的基础上,立足本国,主要探讨我国在当前国际形势下应对WTO劳工标准问题的立场和态度问题。本章分为三节。第一节主要论述我国在入世后,与国际劳工标准接轨的必要性,客观上要求我国对国际劳工标准之争有清醒的认识,这是我国在这一争论中明确立场的前提;第二节简单分析了我国在劳工标准立法上的现状及其与国际劳工标准的差距及完善。从当前形势来看,我国的劳动立法已取得了较大成就,但与国际劳工标准相比还存在较大差距,尤其是在自由结社权、罢工权、消除就业歧视、禁止强迫劳动等的规定上还跟不上国际发展潮流,因此在国际贸易中常成为发达国家对我国出口产品实施贸易抵制的借口。由此可见,对我国劳动标准立法的完善和发展迫在眉睫;第三节针对我国当前所处的国际形势, 对我国如何应对WTO劳工标准之争提出了几点看法,即积极顺应其合理的一面,反对其保护性的一面:应认识到将劳工标准纳入WTO 已成为一个不可扭转的发展趋势,关键在于广大发展中国家同心协力,努力在WTO下建立一个公开、公正的WTO劳工标准;我国应努力提高本国劳工标准,不断缩小与国际标准的差距,使发达国家再无任何借口指责我国劳工问题;我国学界也应重视对国际劳工标准问题的研究,做到“知己知彼,百战不殆”;我国企业面对发达国家的单边劳工贸易壁垒应积极应对,据理力争,同时努力适应国际形势的发展要求。结语部分对本篇论文的观点进行了梳理和总结。本文通过这五部分内容,对WTO下的劳工标准问题进行了全面、系统的论述,希望通过本文,有助于大家对这一问题有一个较为清晰的认识。