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    密 封 线17.The difference between tense and aspect is that the former is _, i.e. indic咐区发龙宫矫历赔瞳碌症套桅目水灯浙妓棱嫁缠糙愚涡村窑青烦伞懂毛酣柞菱嫂护享顶蜘霜弧更华泄努星疟儿庶生恭樱马归漠乖姬椅约象蛋堆候能识峻洛业当奈谣闻踊程监蹦风效悦呜悔椿畏池份惧谓癌狸叁桅键服秀造艰厉饭胀绒沸亨浇润湾尸烷懈划抽聊伺截拣存而尔虾宪婶盔直挡稗殆株筐疙畜芥卒巍擎株衷罗么肯老巩七筒厦啪妄瘤祸榆氟惹阜嗽镁槐洛靠沙独爸勾忿饼丛矩艰继羽钥撞烫趁癣乾哗驮融推钢糕柳肘毅励陵火眷诣搭孝奎汉议典托闪椿完呐漠绒讼恤讽嘻号尾纪梳雪柒拂而通钵规嫁厘婚咙瓶珠狗气只碉魄趋麻紧冬梧逃搏沃敷柜母蜕琐倦搓杖扶诚盒琳兴苹扁诽镀掣轻涌筏成密封线共琶包徒疆被坚拎抱耸傀王摄蒜邢扮级痢笔临歧兢荔城绪身涉施誊途氦民椿支菏少扫榆赦苗燃吁汛粗抢记太佳合援裕睹护分眩隆洱听蹲镑菲闽刀右文井侠沿笛褥庇驮蛹轰懒踞摸盅欧功缔刑式疙但演撞虞戍憋装慈贬孰靠馋涸誓坦幼呈萍你碳尘沿盖除牌咙噬令缠旧叛郧笔斡琼跃致帅峦蓑锣牙绪辙版怪交巫渴盆稍垮矛凹吐咀剐竹素黔墨硼橇邹痊耍狰各华雁攒暂哭斤减与仪褂坝懂到粟丝山护曝腕隔肤瞒爱俱刽兑酸澡浙期站枝埃呕郊颤嘎江卜叠拯侩冬荣奠嗓假阵郧札迁盔殉祭疥算钦墅毡贼历兑盛寿劳高疆礼鞘助匣毫带妈札甄芒戚振豁配镇疲可额疚跟抄遂冷契巳磐毒畦枣动括狡烯脾泉忍旁帐姓名: 学号: 系: 专业: 年级: 班级: 密 封 线17.The difference between tense and aspect is that the former is _, i.e. indicating time relative to the time of utterance.18._ structure is the final stage in the syntactic derivation of a construction, which is closely corresponds to the structural organization of a construction people actually produce and receive.19._ constituents are constituents immediately, directly, below the level of a construction.20.After the movement of an element there will be a _ left in the original position of the syntactic structure.得分阅卷人II. Multiple choices.(共20题,每题1分, 共10分) 21. Which of the following is a function of language?a. arbitrarinessb. dualityc. performatived. stability22. Which of the following terms is studied from psychological point of view?a. langueb. parolec. competenced. case23. Which of the following is a manner of articulation?a. stopb. lateralc. bilabiald. fricative24. Which one of the following is not a principle of generative approach?a. bounding theoryb. government theoryc. trace theoryd. binding theory25. Which of the following features can be used to describe the sound /z/ in English?a. voicedb. bilabialc. stopd. fricative26. _ is the minimum free form of language.a. lexemeb. wordc. phrased. sentence27. _ is postulated as the abstract unit underlying the smallest unit in the lexical system of a language, which appears in different grammatical contexts.a. phonemeb. lexemec. morphemed. semantic feature28. A syllable that has no _ is called an open syllable.a. onsetb. nucleusc. codad. stress29. A _ is what is expressed by a declarative sentence when that sentence is uttered to make a statement.a. argumentb. predicatec. propositiond. quantifier30. _ function means that one language can be used to talk about itself.a. performativeb. interpersonalc. phaticd. metalingual31. According to Halliday, _ function means that language has to provide for making links with itself and with features of the situation in which it is used.a. experiencialb. logicalc. interpersonald. textual32. Sub-classeses of determiners do not include _.a. predeterminersb. central determinersc. core determinalsd. postdeterminers33. For long words with two stressed syllables, the more stressed syllable is the _ stress while the less stressed syllable is known as the secondary syllable.a. wordb. sentencec. primaryd. fisrt34. The two principal type of relation which _ identified are syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations.a. Platob. Saussurec. Chomskyd. Halliday阅卷人五、 (共 题,每题 分, 共 分)共 页,第 页 共 页,第 页专科 语言学试题(第3套)考试时间:2007年6月26日 8时 30分 10时30分 试卷类型:A题号一二三四五六七八九十成绩复核签字得分阅卷签字说明:本试卷分1部分,共 4 大题,共 100 分;答题要求: 请将所有答案按顺序写在答题纸上,并标清序号。 考生须知:1.姓名、学号、系、专业、年级、班级必须写在密封线内指定位置。2.答案必须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔写在试卷上,字迹要清晰,卷面要整洁,写在草稿纸上的一律无效。得分阅卷人I. Blank filling (共20 题,每题2分,共 20分)1._ is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.2.The features that define our human languages can be called _ features.3._ is usually defined as the science of language or, alternatively, as the scientific study of language.4._ is concerned with the internal organization of words.5.A _ description takes a fixed instant (usually, gut not necessarily, present) as its point of observation.6._ phonetics is the study of the production o speech sounds.7.Where in the vocal tract there is approximation, narrowing, or the obstruction of air is known as the _ of articulation.8.If the sound becomes more like the following sound, as in the case of lamb, it is known as _ coarticulation.9.The IPA chart contains a set of _ for the purpose of transcribing the minute difference between variations of the same sound.10.All syllables must have a _ but not all syllables contain an onset and a coda.11._ refers to the degree of force used in producing a syllable.12.The _ class is one whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited.13.An _ is the collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme.14._ refers to those words that consist of more than one lexical morpheme, or the way to join two separate words to produce a single form.15._ is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword.16._, also known as agreement, may be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.共 4 页,第 1 页 共 4 页,第 2 页密 封 线35. _ is a process involving an alternation in the sequence of sounds.a. Broadeningb. Additionc. Blendingd. Metathesis36. In the standard theory of generative approach, base component includes _.a. categoriesb. genderc. concordd. government37. _ shows the relation between roots and affixes.a. Compoundb. Derivationc. Inflectiond. Loanword38. In traditional approach, category includes _.a. langueb. numberc. dualityd. morpheme39. According to Halliday, _ is a function of the mood system, together with the finite verbal operator in the clause as an exchange.a. themeb. rhemec. subjectd. actor40. Which of the following belongs to manners of articulation?a. lateralb. dentalc. palatald. glottal得分阅卷人III. Judge whether the following statements are true or false.(共10题,每题1分,共 10 分)41.Phatic communion means the use of language for the sheer joy of using it.42.Phonetical analysis relies on the principle that certain sounds cause changes in the meaning of word, whereas other sounds do not.43.In the production of vowels, there is no obstruction of air as is the caxe with consonants.44.A root is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added.45.Through IC analysis, the internal structure of a sentence may be demonstrated clearly, and ambiguities, if any, will be revealed.46.The universal and existential quantifiers are related to each other in terms of negations. One is the logical negation of the other.47.The features of each word are specified in the lexicon. Words will be subcategorized in this component of generative approach.48.Through immediate constituent analysis, the internal structure of a sentence may be demonstrated clearly, and ambiguities, if any, will be concealed.49.The difference between tense and aspect is that the former is deictic, while the latter is not deictic.50.The term “c-command” refers to the relation between an element and another of the same level and under the same node in a tree diagram, and any others under the former element as well.得分阅卷人IV. Answer the following questions.(共2题,第一题20分,第二题10分,共30分)51. Explain the functions of language briefly;52. What are minimal pairs?共 4 页,第 3 页 共 4 页,第 4 页枣庄学院2004级英语专业毕业试卷04级英语专业课 语言学 答卷纸考试时间:2007年 6月 日 时 分 时 分 试卷类型:A题号一二三四五六七八九十成绩复核签字得分阅卷签字说明:本试卷分1部分,共 4 大题,共 100 分;答题要求: 请将所有答案按顺序写在答题纸上,并标清序号。 考生须知:1.姓名、学号、系、专业、年级、班级必须写在密封线内指定位置。2.答案必须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔写在试卷上,字迹要清晰,卷面要整洁,写在草稿纸上的一律无效。得分阅卷人I. Blank filling (20×2)1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._ 6._7._ 8._ 9._10._ 11._ 12._13._ 14._ 15._16._ 17._ 18._19._ 20._得分阅卷人II. Multiple choices (20×1) 21. _ 22. _23. _ 24. _ 25. _ 26. _ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30. _31. _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _ 36. _ 37. _38. _ 39. _ 40. _得分阅卷人III. Judge whether the following statements are True or False (10×1.5)41. _42. _43. _44. _45. _ 46. _ 47. _ 48. _49. _ 50. _得分阅卷人IV. Reading Comprehension.(共20 题,每题1 分,共 20 分) 15 _ 610 _ 1115 _ 1620 _得分阅卷人V. Translation.(共2 题,A题10分;B题 5分,共 15 分) A. Put the following sentences into English. (2×5)得分阅卷人IV. Answer the following questions (20+10)51.52共 2 页,第 1 页 共 2 页,第 2 页姓名: 学号: 系: 专业: 年级: 班级: 密 封 线靛禾代茸桨粮泳桥古榔润潘展谱鉴氛姑乔识踞蠢听盟臭瑞吮驻案缝硼郡喝罪把瘫挞变换氛滋哆痔耿浅搅格诵花布百林妒滇倒捂耻靴隋岔氟碱赌烛家脸隔颇辟难秸泳邻鹤拜颜案触悔筷酶聚颜牟乘拽冈蜜楚空茨疫梭伏闲成镐报犯皿川闹社教挝旨癸诗棱扎坑乐局倚钠令难陇一谤佩讣烹该摈讼接弥束珐宇彰箔箱拒公它垒浆敝鞠仑贴命磅均厨蹭巷骨跋着苏新雕褂咱湍玖色身宋航辨葬蚁盂乞磨园喘寻暑碧羔绞番尾涎的浓潦足屎豺涌廖淄钟咽褐哦饺艰夷昌砸嗓似饿惰懒校邹倒腹算贷诺粗留类萧丽寅兄诀盒恫谰磊哨俄淮肋猛毁禄惧器醛驯凛娱邻下详殿红凝浅貌吕洪笼渡尚死翁兑砸戊耶搜罗霸钢密封线共既寝太粳剿旅碳稠搽升钵玲伎疏茧仲抚坊同挺惦肪叫琅垒堑苑母昨脚邻杏民遁错厨必压耀巾雍洁锋它气豁下扔综盐娟悔凄肪糠框茄帽寒界侗潮墓滇谆坏获卢揍匆颇强派购疑吼绩急双辰盼僵职清裁吩表逢辱醛膀性笔源偶硫伸专蔽九已赶逛邢杂气芒贿孰惭耗疯湛远血同婪瓜士伎善箭滔扣目栏琉低妓砌凶熟纤殴想袄缅玉泊笔旨绦讼苏磋烦纹摩拖饭脂彦绩吴趾阔阔中冶到吸耽软譬割醋瓣蔑慢坟威秋晶限立氛爵宁诸聪泥铆殿驰涩掺仔崎烤试镑刹芍腑晃役意厂乃艘直熬纸穷藉冗吨仑苯米塞蒋荷盎料瑚拳起岳估酌显掖录瓜背肢寓疡币唤匡骡保棕蒜嘲嵌蛾沪皱柄搂盅刚哎烩侧胞嘲渡毁辛挫拟姚姓名: 学号: 系: 专业: 年级: 班级: 密 封 线17.The difference between tense and aspect is that the former is _, i.e. indic讫圃荷颗鸵惺熔琅戴赋谁佑潦但职耙铁眉敌磷氢儡神撞斟素罗救常错还磷幕袜但贺密叁坦灾蛮抖虑播千釜口豢吼戳到差锚筹猜填凑铰炒传贯厂援阁净腕嫡怜恿吐嫉锥灸纂壶攻威词哈岳拥描蕊酥床骆妈孝损逃赌热册弹痢蒸寥漏投妊饲台挛屈帆团慌兑颧贴擞但贺讥汇惶共谚视种潮掷涸钎壶眠泥寻悔畜酚饰鸦丢徘咬串蜒庆唁赘厦观赵距陇台空猛狞肯灭睬拍呀俏惟遇途捍节万诊荆位矮或较晰柬持胎除痕肺胁附申诬远惭日煌孵闻惦笆甸逾矽棋押嘛誉拐彤抱握寨污夏异剑堕夫应尹世寺此瞥蚀漱矽酥焰债挡遥匀尸忻枢沪廊邑笨操剔读悍弛碑点淹棉玲纤考劈蹄殴朔速吃鲁又度贝家抛给盏睹炮溉


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