Bluetooth Handsfree System,蓝牙免提系统,Johnson Controls,June 22,2009.Confidential and Proprietary 年6月22日。机密及专有资料,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,2,Financial Highlights财务大事记,Net sales(in billion USD)净销售额(十亿美元计,Employees(in thousands)员工(千人计),Founded 1885in Milwaukee,WI.1885 年在威斯康星州密尔沃基市创办Listed on theNew York Stock Exchange since19651965年在纽约证券交易所上市Dividends increasedcontinuously for 33 years股息连续33年增长62 years continuous increasein turnover营业额连续62年增长Johnson Controls,3,Johnson ControlsJohnson Controls,Power Solutions动力解决方案Automotive batteriesfor the replacement andoriginal equipment markets应用于备件及原装市场的车用蓄电池,Building Efficiency建筑效率Controls systems,services and integratedfacility managementfor non-residential buildings应用于非住宅建筑的控制系统、服务与集成设施管理,Automotive Experience汽车技术Interior systemsfor cars,light trucks and vans汽车、轻型货车和客货车内部系统Johnson Controls,4,座椅,systems as well as metal,Johnson Controls Product zonesJohnson Controls产品区Automotive Experience汽车技术,Complete seating systems,Interiors内饰Cockpits,Instrument Panels,Door Systems,and Floor Consoles.驾驶座舱、仪表板、出门系统和地板控制台。,Electronics电子设备Driver Information,Connectivity,Body Electronics,Telematics,and HomeLink驾驶员信息、连接性、车身电子设备、信息技术和 HomeLink,SeatingSeatingSeating components and全套座椅系统structures,mechanisms,foams and trim covers.Johnson Controls,5,Global Electronics Facilities全球电子产品研发及生产设施,Research,研究、Design&Development设计与开发Cergy(法国)Burscheid(德国)Karlsruhe(德国)Sofia(保加利亚)Holland,MI(美国)Shanghai(中国)Ayase(Utsunomiya/Hiroshima)(日本)Sao Paulo(巴西),Manufacturing生产(PCB equipment/Assembly)(印刷电路板设备/装配)La Ferte Bernand(法国)Remchingen(德国)Namestovo(斯洛伐克)Skopje(马其顿)Gravatai(巴西)Bir El Bay(突尼斯)Reynosa(墨西哥)Shanghai(中国),Johnson Controls,6,What is Bluetooth?什么是蓝牙?Bluetooth Basics蓝牙基础知识A wireless technology that is a global short-range communications technology intended to replace thecables connecting portable and/or fixed devices while maintaining high levels of security.一种已在全球得到应用的无线短程通信技术,旨在保证高度安全的同时替代连接便携式及/或固定设备的电缆The key features of Bluetooth technology are robustness,low power,and low cost.蓝牙技术的关键特性在于高鲁棒性、低功耗和低成本。The Bluetooth specification defines a uniform structure for a wide range of devices to connect andcommunicate with each other.蓝牙规范为各类设备的互联与通信定了一个统一的结构。Handsfree Profile 免提规范Headset Profile 耳机规范PC Profile PC机规范To learn more 如需了解详情,请访问,Confidential&Proprietary,September 2008 Johnson Controls,7,Phone Interoperability手机互可操作性1.Website for phone compatibility list-手机互可操作性列表网站-2.Phones tested and approved/failed every twoweeks and added to website每两周对一批手机进行检测并将合格/不合格结果添加到网站上3.Pairing instructions匹配说明,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,8,Non-Navi BluetoothHandsfree System非导航蓝牙免提系统,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,9,Bluetooth Handsfree System Features蓝牙免提系统-特性,多6,Pair a compatible Bluetooth phone(up to 6 phones)匹配兼容蓝牙手机(最多 部手机)Make and receive calls拨打和接听手机Store numbers in the phonebook将号码保存在电话簿中In Cantonese or Mandarin Chinese使用粤语或普通话Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,,Button presses-quick guide按键-快速指南,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,11,Pair a Phone匹配手机,,Press pick up button按接听键You will hear instructions for pairing and a pin of“0000”您将听到匹配说明和一个代码“0000“Initiate pairing process on your phone and select“Honda HFT”and enter“0000”在您的手机上启动匹配过程并选择“Honda HFT“,然后输入“0000“The HFT system will recognize the phone and ask you to name the phone.HFT系统将识别手机并要求您为该手机命名。Press the pick up button and after the beep say the name you want to store that paired phone with.You will hear the system confirm the name.按接听键,听到蜂鸣音之后说出所匹配手机的名称。您将听到系统确认该名称。Pairing is complete.,匹配完成。12,Pair a Phone Notes匹配手机-注意事项,1.,If you want to pair a 2nd phone to the system,you must first disconnect the first pair phone and turnoff Bluetooth on that phone then start the pairing process of the 2nd phone.如果您希望为系统匹配第2 部手机,您必须首先断开第一部匹配手机的连接并关闭该手机的蓝牙,然后启动第2 部手机的匹配过程。,a.,If you want to use a paired phone that is not currently connected to the HFT system,you,must first turn the Bluetooth off or the phone off the currently connected phone in order forthe system to recognized and connect to a different paired phone.如果您希望使用一部当前没有连接HFT系统的已匹配手机,您必须首先关闭当前已连接手机的蓝牙功能或者手机本身,以便系统识别并连接另一部已匹配手机。,2.3.4.,You can only have 1 phone connected to the HFT system at a time同一时刻只能有一部手机连接到HFT系统If two or more phones enter the vehicle and are paired to the system,the system will connect to thephone that has been used the most.如果两部或者多部与系统匹配的手机同时进入车辆,系统将连接到使用最频繁的手机。If you have 6 phones paired and try to pair a 7th phone,the system will ask you to delete the least,used phone如果已经匹配了6部手机,这时您还想匹配第7 部手机,系统将要求您删除使用最少的手机。.13,Phonebook Create a New Entry电话簿-新建项目,,After pairing a phone to the HFT system,there is an internal phonebook independent from your cellphonebook在完成某部手机与HFT系统的匹配之后,将产生一个独立于您的手机电话簿的内置电话簿After you recieve or make a call from the system will ask you if you want to save that number in thephonebook.在您接听或者拨打某个电话之后,系统将询问您是否希望将号码保存到电话簿中。Press the pick up button to confirm(press the hang up button to reject)按接听键确认(按挂机键拒绝)The system will ask you to name the conact系统将要求您为联系人命名Press the pick up button and after the beep say the name.,按接听键,听到蜂鸣音之后说出名称。14,Phonebook Notes手机-注意事项,1.2.3.,the phone number data is not available,the HFT will play a prompt informing the user of the inabilityto store the number in the phonebook如果(来电)电话号码不能被手机获得,HFT将提示用户无法将号码保存到电话簿中Up to 10 names can be stored in the system系统中最多可保存10个名称If you want to create a new phonebook entry and the phonebook is already full,the HFT will askyou do you want to delete the least used phone number from the phonebook.如果您希望创建新的电话簿项目而电话簿已满,HFT将询问您是否希望删除电话簿中最不常用的电话号码。,a.,Press the pick up button confirm,按接听键确认,b.,Press the hang up button to reject 按挂机键拒绝,4.,The phonebook is organized by the entry that is called the most.,电话簿中的条目按照呼叫次数排序。15,System Set up系统设置,1.2.,To initiate the system set up,press the hang up button for more than 1.2 seconds按住挂机键1.2秒以上即可开始执行系统设置The system will give you two choices,系统将提供两个选项a.System Clear this will delete everything in the system and put the system back into defaultmode.You will lose all phonebook entries and paired phones系统清理-该项将删除系统中的所有内容并使系统恢复默认模式。您将失去所有电话簿中的条目和匹配手机-Press the pick up button to clear the system or press the hang up button to reject-按接听键清理系统或按挂机键拒绝b.Change Language this allows you to change the language from Cantonese Chinese toMandarine Chinese.Phonebooks created in one language are only available in that language更改语言-该项可帮助您将粤语改为普通话。使用某种语言建立的电话簿只有在该语言模式中才可使用-Press the pick up button to change the language or press the hang up button to reject-按接听键更改语言或按挂机键拒绝.16,Making a Call拨打电话There are 2 ways to make a call after you have paired your phone完成手机的匹配之后,有两种拨打电话的方法,1.2.,Dial the number on the handset and the system will automatically route the call through the HFTsystem在手机上拨打号码,系统将自动通过HFT系统发送呼叫Press the pick up button and dial a number that has been stored in the phonebook.按接听键并拨打已经保存在电话簿中的号码,a.bb.c.,They system will go through the entries in the phonebook one name at a time.系统将滚动播报电话簿中的条目,每次一个名称。Press and hold the pick up button to call the person listed按住接听键呼叫列出的联系人Press and release the pick up button to skip to the next name,按下并松开接听键以调至下一个名称17,Receive a call接听电话,1.22.3.,The phone must be paired to the system.When a call comes in,the HFT system will play a ringtone.该手机必须与系统匹配。有来电时,HFT系统将播放铃音。Press and release the pick up button to answer按下并松开接听键即可接听Press and release the hang up button to reject.,按下并松开挂机键即可拒绝。18,Redial重拨To redial a number press and hold the pick up button.按住接听键即可重拨某个号码。,The system will automatically dial the last number that was dialed from your phone not dialedfrom the HFT system系统将自动拨打从您的手机(而不是从HFT系统)拨打的最后一个号码,NOTE:注意:19,During A Call呼叫期间,Mute and Unmute:静音开关:,When in an active call,a short press of the Pick up button will cause the HFT audio to be muted so thatthe caller cannot hear you.,在有效通话中,短按接听键将导致HFT静音,使通话方无法听到您的声音。,To unmute,press and release the puck up button and the HFT audio will be heard by the caller.,如需取消静音,按下并松开接听键,通话方即可听到您的声音。Transfer the Call:转移通话:,When in an active call,a long press of the Pick up button will cause the HFT audio to transfer to thephone(also known as private mode).,在有效通话中,长按接听键将导致HFT将话音转移到手机(私人模式)。,A second long press of the Pick up button will cause the audio to transfer back from the phone to theHFT.,第二次长按接听键将导致话音从手机返回HFT。,20,Call Waiting来电等待,1.2.,You can not use call waiting with the HFT system.You can only use call waiting through thehandset.在HFT系统中不能使用来电等待功能。您只能通过手机使用来电等待功能。When in an active call and a second call comes in(call waiting),the HFT will not have the capabilityto answer the second call with the Pick upp or Hangg upp buttons.如果在有效通话中进入第二个来电(来电等待),HFT无法使用接听键或挂机键接听第二个来电。,a.b.c.,You can hang up on the first caller by pressing and release the hang up button.Then wait forthe ringtones and press the pick up button and accept the 2nd caller您可按下并松开挂机键挂断第一个通话方。然后等待铃音并按接听键,接听第2 个来电方You can ignore the 2nd caller and simply continue with your call您也可忽略第2 个来电方,继续接听目前的手机Use your handset and use the call waiting feature/procedure,通过您的手机使用来电等待功能/程序21,Handsfree System Hints免提系统提示,1.2.,Be sure to use an approved Bluetooth phone 务必使用经过批准的蓝牙手机-Ensure you have the right Bluetooth settings on your phone(examples below)确保已经在您的手机上完成正确的蓝牙设置(参见后文示例),a.b.c.,Turn Bluetooth on permanently not temporarily(this is typically the default setting)永久(而非临时)打开蓝牙功能(这是典型的默认设置)Some devices require you to select“trusted device”某些设备要求您选择“授信设备”For some phones that share numbers/letters on QWERTY keyboards when putting in the pinof“0000”you must select“shift”or“alt”to get the number input instead of letter inputs对于某些在QWERTY键盘上共享数字/字母的手机,在输入代码“0000”时,您必须选择”shift”或者”alt”才可输入数字而非字母,If a call is dropped,remember that the HFT system only replicates the phones service.It does notenhance it.So if the service drops a call so will the HFT system如果出现掉话问题,请记住HFT系统的功能只是再现手机服务。但并不能改善服务。所以如果手机服务出现掉话问题,HFT系统也会出现这种问题Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,33.22,Handsfree System Troubleshooting免提系统故障排除,1.,Phones can have software bugs or issues,if you are having problems with your HFT systemconnecting or stay connecting to the phone:如果您的HFT系统在连接手机时出现问题或者不能与手机保持连接,手机可能存在软件问题或者错误,a.b.c.,Do a soft reset on your phone-take out the battery,leave it out for a few seconds thenreplace it在您的手机上执行一次软复位-取出电池,数秒之后装回电池Delete the HFT system out of your phone and then try re-pairing从您的手机中删除HFT系统,然后尝试重新匹配Turn the vehicle completely off,take the keys out,open and shut the door,wait a fewseconds and then retry using the system车辆完全熄火,取出钥匙,打开并关闭车门,等待数秒后重试系统,Ensure you have the latest software for your phone确保您的手机上已经安装了最新软件For audio issues,make sure the windows are rolled up,HVAC is turned down,and audio is turned upon the radio如果出现语音问题,确保车窗已经关闭,空调已经降低,收音机上已经提高音量Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,2.3.23,