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    汽车配件网络营销第一,汽车配件网络管理概念美国汽车零部件的汽车配件经销商锺泰是这家商店购物和其特点,但位于郊区的亚特兰大、美国及其他配件,是在线交易,和汽车配件销售相关服务可在互联网上。此 distributior 存储的销售人员有广泛的知识网络,他们耐心地帮助没有在线的交易经验,其客户在互联网上完成。如果客户需要,它们也可以免费传授知识的在线交易。为了反映快速、便捷的在线销售,他们提供24小时的服务,如果客户提出的问题,他们总是努力在15分钟内答复。客户需要,坐在家里之前进入商店销售的计算机,然后在网站可以完成所有想做、钟表店配件、下载图片、汽车价格、订单等。然后,您可以坐在家里或他自己维修车间的门到门的收到的汽车配件的推销员。在线交易确实有很多优势。为节省时间,这是明显的。这种方式,说的经销商贸易成为吸引客户的一种方式,人们逐渐接受它和批准。同时,网上的交易减少了很多的开支,包括工作人员、管理、市场营销等,和节省的开支成本上汽车配件价格对客户的利益。这是外国汽车配件销售的网络化管理。通过互联网和电子商务实现我们国家,然后在线业务营销MVP的汽车配件这具有重要的意义。从汽车零部件的现状,汽车销售网络遍布流通不是建设的完美的或在内部网络中的一个条件。网络设置是主要为企业内部协调和日常管理,而不是电子商务。从国外,中国的在线配件销售前景也可以是启示的汽车零件在线销售的发展。在外国汽车配件的销售,怎么办?零公里销售如何为客户提供最满意的服务吗?互联网,这两个问题可以大大减轻。现在,尤其是发达国家通过互联网购买汽车用品世界各地正在迅速扩大。第二,汽车配件网络管理优势在线购买的汽车部件的汽车经销商和客户,是否为汽车零部件制造企业,这是一件好事。第一,对汽车零部件制造企业,互联网可以更轻松地收集顾客购买汽车零件的过程中的各种问题和及时的信息反馈给汽车零部件生产企业。根据以上分析,企业可以出示客户购买意向,因而产生符合市场需求作为汽车零部件。这节省了时间和成本,且抢夺市场机会。第二,使用互联网的信息和便捷的服务,制造企业可以迅速告知的配件供应商库存和销售,从而调整他们的生产和汽车部件分配计划。汽车配件供应商降低库存,加速现金流,取得令人满意的回报。对于用户来说,他们可以通过互联网,像可选的"菜单"选择自己需要汽车零部件。汽车零件制造企业和卖方市场信息很重要,而且可以通过互联网方便地获得。互联网汽配销售商可以提供实时的字段信息的生产企业的客户。信息需求可以帮助减少汽车配件销售生产企业收费通常成本将占大约 15%的最终销售汽车配件价格。如果推广成本,成本是更高的比例。事实上,互联网也可以发挥广告的作用。在此之前,汽车零部件分布的卖家一向只卖的一部分和穷人的另一部分。钱是被占领的一部分费用导致销售汽车配件。透过互联网,可在生产和销售市场销售的坏汽车零部件避免生产企业和供应商。随着互联网和便捷的服务,不仅节省时间和成本,且更重要的是,互联网会导致一个概念的变化,汽车零部件制造企业、分销商和顾客被卡住的nearlier更多。第三,中国的汽车配件网络管理的发展趋势中国的汽车配件网络管理和电子商务已开始发展趋势。许多当前国内大型和中型汽车维修企业建立了计算机管理系统,实现了内部网络。这涵盖整个网络维修服务。接收来自调度材料检查的业务。可以让计算机的控制了解经营的实时监控,可以形成,并极大地提高员工的工作效率,更重要的是,取代手工会计核算和管理,加强配件。与此同时,一些大的规模,当前的操作性能良好的汽车配件经销商还介绍了计算机化的管理。由于汽车产品,此类管理软件,那么使用各种人员必须装载警卫队训练一段时间后会更高的要求。这种汽车零件管理网络覆盖全过程的操作。从进货、零售和批发价格根据确定模型,和这种数字分类管理,最后做帐户结算及交付,以及消胀。连锁经营更好地经销商已放它在整个 FenXiaoDian 的网络管理,形成一定规模的网络连接。很多汽车配件从网络管理的所有经销商都获得好的回报。最突出的特点反映在商品,通过网络管理分配,可以达到事半功倍的效果。此外,近年来旧汽车配件流通制度逐渐被打破,汽车零部件市场不断成熟的蓬勃发展。一些有远见的洞察力,营办商感到有网络时代,开始和附近的市场网络。长春市西部的北京汽车配件、 汽车配件等上海汽车零配件市场如虚拟网络建设的城市和2000年市场的发展。但现实是网络是很幼稚,但肯定不实现网上交易和服务。与节奏的加快"两",逐渐赞扬"三位一体"的销售模式,在地球研究的业内人士。例如,在选择上海通用经销商时,是否有"三位一体"的销售能力,以确定对象,如"三位一体"整车配件销售模式是网络流场的缩影。因为它包含从卡车销售、零配件供应、维修。提到汽车部件网络管理和电子商务,有人认为,汽车配件电话购物是实际上c商务因为只有沟通平台之间不同,操作基本上是相同。其实这种认识是不准确,电话业务和电子商务是更像表兄弟,在许多方面,电话业务先天性缺陷。第一,消费者从电话中了解的信息是有限的完全可以满足客户的需求。第二,如果广告商或因配件的销售,目录,客户的印刷配件成本的打印速度更高,但缓慢的重建。此外,电话交流,由于对环境、 对声音,说到,影响的因素,使电话服务人员的困难和错误率增加。正如电话业务、 管理内容的深度和广度方面进一步发展中将受到限制。四、汽车零件分发系统和网络管理的建设汽车零件分发系统和网络管理的建设,现在成功在线交易有形产品如书籍、音像制品、服装等,和汽车零部件作为某些科学和技术内容,一些产品是 statemandatory 标准的工业产品,要实现在线交易,与其他工业的产品相比有其优势、卖家和买家,只要贴上信息输入与互联网有关汽车零部件如车辆、汽车、零件名称、部件号、制造、价格、数量等,您可以在线销售或购买。要真正实现概念的电子商务网上销售、买家和卖家,除了要解决"诚信"的问题,而且还必须建立一套完整的高效率的物流配送系统。发展电子商务,无非支付手段的限制因素安全身份验证,真正的组成,会发现汽车零部件物流与之前分配制度是最难、最简便、 最贵的一。很多汽车配件电子商务公司正试图查找现有的物理网络、 邮政服务、快递和连报纸递送公司作为传递系统等。不过,适用于汽车零部件配送和电子商务系统应该看起来像?物理网络的条件可以转换成汽车零件配电系统的电子商务将会以最低的成本吗?五、汽车部件网络管理是道路网络的改革和发展的必由之路中国汽车零部件销售发展互联网业务的方式应该是适合在中国,具有中国特色的情况。事实上,美国,网络营办商取得了巨大的成功,但我们不能忽视这辉煌背后的美国强大的物质基础的社会基础。早在100年前,美国已建立完善的道路、铁路、邮政服务、快递配送系统相结合;今天的社会中,美国人已习惯了"免费货币交易"。可以说在美国今天的互联网经济的发展应该是很自然的结果超过200年作为自由市场经济的美国基于天然产品。像个孩子从赤手,开始爬,然后学走路,随时间运行自然地学会了。作为中国的发展,只有两个方面的付款和交付已成为致命的问题"瓶颈"。如何结合中国国情的发展和互联网的特性,能够切实做些实用的汽车零件的网络营办商今天是优先发展。中国的汽车零部件电子商务和企业网络营办商必须遵循联合,它应该是一个很自然的结果是 200 年以上天然产品基于美国作为一个自由的市场经济。像个孩子从赤手,开始爬,然后学走路,随时间运行自然地学会了。中国的发展,作为付款和分布的只有两个方面已成为致命的问题"瓶颈"。如何结合中国国情的发展和互联网,能够切实做些实用的汽车零部件今天网络营办商的特点是优先发展。Automotive MarketingFirst, the auto parts network management conceptAmerican auto parts of automobile fittings dealer Raymond is located in a suburban Atlanta, American and other accessories, this shop to shop and its characteristics, but is online transactions, and car accessories sales related services are available on the Internet. This distributior store of salespeople have extensive network of knowledge, they patiently helped no online trading experience of customer finish on the Internet. If the customer need, they also can be free of imparting knowledge of online transactions. In order to reflect the rapid and convenient online sales, they provide 24-hour services, if the customer questions, they always strive to reply in 15 minutes. The customer need, sitting at home before entering the store sells computer, then the website can complete all want to do, watch shop fittings, download the pictures, auto prices, orders, etc. Then, you can sit at home or in his own maintenance shop of door-to-door salesman received by car accessories.Online transaction does have many advantages. To save time, this is obvious. In this way, said dealers trade become a way to attract customers, people gradually accept it and approved. At the same time, the online trading reduced many expenses, including the staff, management, marketing, etc, and save the cost of expenses on auto parts price on the customer benefit.This is the foreign auto accessories sales of a networked management. This through the Internet and e-commerce fulfillment of our country, and online business, the auto parts marketing MVP has important significance. From the current situation of auto parts, auto sales network throughout the circulation of construction is not perfect, or in an internal network condition. The network Settings are mostly for enterprise internal coordination and daily management, instead of e-commerce.China's online accessories sales prospects from abroad, also can be the development of auto parts online sales of enlightenment. In the foreign auto accessories sales, how to do? zero kilometers sales How to provide the most satisfactory service to customers? With the Internet, these two problems can greatly alleviate. Now, especially developed countries around the world through the Internet to buy auto accessories are expanding quickly.Second, the auto parts network management advantagesOnline purchase of auto parts for car dealers and customers, whether for auto parts manufacturing enterprise, it is a good thing. First, for auto parts manufacturing enterprise, the Internet can more easily collect customers to buy auto parts in the process of the various issues, and timely information feedback to the auto parts manufacturing enterprises. According to the above analysis, the enterprise can produce customer purchase intention, thus producing according with market demand as the auto parts. This saves time and cost, and snatch market opportunities. Secondly, the use of Internet information and convenient services, manufacturing enterprises can promptly informed accessories vendors inventory and sales, thereby adjusting their production and auto parts allocation plan. Auto accessories vendors reduce inventory, accelerate the cash flow, obtained satisfactory returns. For users, they can through the Internet, like "menu" optional choose oneself need auto parts.The market information for auto parts manufacturing enterprise and the seller is important, and can be easily obtained through the Internet. Internet auto parts vendors can provide customers to production enterprise of real-time field information. The demand of information can help to reduce automobile accessories sales production enterprise charges, which usually cost will account for auto parts price of around 15% final sales. If the promotion costs, the cost is higher proportion. In fact, the Internet can also play a role of advertising.Before that, the sellers of auto parts distribution has always sold in part, and another part of the poor. Money is part of the occupied fee is caused to sell the car accessories. Through the Internet, the production enterprises and vendors can be avoided in production and sales market sales bad auto parts. With the advent of the Internet and convenient service, not only saves time and cost, and more importantly, the Internet can cause a concept of change, auto parts manufacturing enterprise, distributors and customers to be stuck nearlier more.Third, China's automobile fittings network management development trendChina's auto accessories network management and e-commerce, has started to present development trend. Many of the current domestic large and medium-sized car repair enterprises established computer management system, realized the internal network. This covers the entire network maintenance services. To receive from business, dispatching material inspection. Computerized control can be made to understand the undertakings in real-time monitoring, which can form, and greatly improve the efficiency of the staff, more important is to replace manual accounting and management, strengthen accessories.Meanwhile, some large scale, the current operating performance good car accessories dealers also introduced a computerized management. Because of automotive products, so use variety of such management software, the personnel must be higher requirements after a period of training to mount guard. Such auto parts management network covers the whole process of operation. From the incoming, retail and wholesale price is determined according to the models, and such Numbers classified management, finally to do account settlement and delivery, and XiaoZhang. Chain-like management make better dealer has put the network management of the whole FenXiaoDian to it, formed a certain scale of network connection. Many automobile fittings all dealers from network management gained good returns. The most prominent feature is reflected in the commodity, through the network management allocations, can reach twice the result with half the effort.In addition, in recent years the old car accessories circulation system gradually broken, auto parts market, constantly mature vigorous development. Some far-sighted insight, the operator has felt the network era, and start a near the market network. Like changchun automobile fittings, west of Beijing automobile fittings, Shanghai auto parts market such as the city of virtual network construction and the development of the market for 2000. But the reality is that the network is quite childish, but certainly not realize online trading and service.With the quickening pace of "two", the personage inside course of study to commend "trinity" sales mode in the earth gradually. For example, in the choice of Shanghai general dealers, whether to have "trinity" sales ability to determine the object, such as a "trinity" whole car accessories sales mode is a microcosm of network flow field. Because it includes from truckload sale, spare parts supply and maintenance.Mention auto parts network management and e-commerce, somebody thinks, car accessories telephone shopping is actually c-commerce, because only communication platform between different, the operation is basically the same. Actually this kind of understanding is not accurate, phone business and e-commerce is more like Cousins, in many ways, phone business congenital deficiency. First, consumers from the phone in understanding the information is limited, can fully satisfy customer's requirements. Secondly, if advertisers, or printing accessories for customers, due to the directory of accessories sales, cost of printing more and more high, but slow renewal speed. In addition, on the telephone exchanges, due to the environment, voice, speaking, the influence of factors, make telephone service personnel difficulty and error rates increased. Just as phone business, management content in depth and breadth aspect further development will be limited.Fourth,Auto parts distribution system and network management of construction Auto parts distribution system and network management of construction iis now a successful online trading tangible products such as books, audio and video products, clothing, etc., and auto parts as a certain scientific and technological content, some products are statemandatory standard industrial products, to achieve on-line transactions, compared with other industrial products, have their advantages, sellers and buyers as long as posted on the Internet and input information about auto parts, such as vehicles, cars, parts name, part number, manufacture, price, quantity, etc., you can sell online or purchase.To truly realize the concept of e-commerce online sales, buyers and sellers in addition to solving the "integrity" issues, but also must establish a complete set of efficient logistics distribution system.Speaking before the factors that limit development of electronic commerce, nothing more than a means of payment, security authentication, the real make up, will find car parts logistics and distribution system is the most difficult, the most facile, the most expensive one.Many auto parts e-commerce companies are trying to find the existing physical network, such as postal services, courier and even newspaper delivery company as a delivery system.However, a suitable auto parts distribution and e-commerce system should look like?The conditions of physical network can be transformed into an auto parts distribution system of e-commerce will be the lowest cost?Five, Auto parts network management is the only way for the development and reform of the road networkThe Chinese auto parts sales development should be appropriate for the situation in China, with Chinese characteristics, the way the Internet business. Indeed, the United States, network operators have achieved great success, but we can not ignore this brilliant behind the social basis of the United States strong material foundation. As early as 100 years ago, the U.S. has established a comprehensive road, rail, postal services, courier delivery system combining; today's society, Americans have been accustomed to "free currency trading." It can be said that today's Internet economy development in the United States should be a very natural result and is more than 200 years the United States as a free market economy based on natural product. Like a child to climb from the start with their bare hands, and then learn to walk, over time learned to run naturally. As the development of China, only two aspects of payment and delivery has become a fatal problem "bottleneck." How to combine the development of China's national conditions and characteristics of the Internet, be able to realistically do something practical auto parts network operators today is the development of priority. China's auto parts e-commerce and enterprise network operators must follow the joint and it should be a very natural result is more than 200 years the United States as a free market economy based on natural product. Like a child to climb from the start with their bare hands, and then learn to walk, over time learned to run naturally. As the development of China, only two aspects of payment and distribution has become a fatal problem "bottleneck."How to combine the development of China's national conditions and characteristics of the Internet, Being able to realistically do something practical auto parts network operators today is the development of priority. 学校代码: 11517 学 号:200812111208


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