CAE 2003 HR Survey Findings,Contents,Research BackgroundResearch ObjectivesResearch MethodologySample ClassificationBackground Information Executive SummaryResearch FindingsConclusionDetailed Findings,Research Background,Human Resources is the essence of a healthy company.Recruiting the right person for the job is crucial to a companys performance,invigorating it and maximizing efficiency.ShanghaiChinas most prosperous cityattracts more and more foreign companies to its soil,giant corporations and small start-ups alike.They demand professional HR agencies to help recruit ideal personnel and build an HR system.With aim to understand the current needs and attitudes of foreign companies/joint ventures(JVs)towards HR services in Shanghai,in May 2003 CBC Marketing Research undertook a comprehensive study of hundreds of foreign companies from a variety of sectors.The research results intend to guide HR service companies to better understanding their clients needs.,Research Objectives,This study covers the following topics:Awareness of HR agencies&HR agencies/headhunters among foreign companies/JVs in ShanghaiRate of turnover in various major departmentsAttitudes towards current HR agencies/headhuntersSatisfaction levels regarding current HR agencies/headhuntersCurrent client retention and new client potential for HR agencies/headhunters for C-level recruiting,Research Methodology,Computer Aided Telephone Interviews(CATI)City coverageShanghaiSample sizea total of n=261 CATI surveys were conductedTarget respondentsHuman Resources Managers in the Shanghai branches of foreign companies/JVs,Sample Classification,Company ownership JV Joint VentureFOP-Foreign wholly owned private FOL-Foreign wholly owned limited Industries:allCompany Scale:Small/Medium/Large based on the number of employees in ChinaSmall-Below 50 employeesMedium-51-300 employeesLarge-Over 300 employeesRespondent typeC-level-CEO,COO,CFO,CTO,CIO,etc.M-Level Middle managerial levelOther termsDK=dont knowAided response=a prompted response;tests passive recognition onlyUnaided response=an unprompted response;tests active recognition,Respondent Companies-I,n=261,Base:All respondents,More than half of interviewed companies were FOLs,and nearly 1/3 were JVs.They encompassed nine industries.The Light Industry and Consulting/Services sectors composed more than half of all completes.,Ownership,Industry,Respondent Companies-II,n=261,Base:All respondents,63%of respondent companies employed over 2000 staff worldwide.1/3 of these companies employed over 500 in China alone.,Employee Counts Worldwide,Employee Counts in China,Executive Summary,Awareness of Current HR Agencies&HR Agencies/Headhunters,No single HR agency or headhunter dominates the Shanghai market.Local HR agencies have greater awareness than local headhunters.Nearly 80 HR agencies/headhunters were mentioned unprompted.51job had the greatest awareness,followed by Zhaopin and FESCO.Three local Shanghai agencies had unaided awarenesses of around 4%.51job and Zhaopin also led in aided awareness(awareness90%).Manpower and Staff Service received relatively higher awareness among foreign HR agencies/headhunters.Large companies had significantly higher awareness of 上海经营者人才服务(Shanghai Executive Search Consulting),科锐咨询(Chinacareer),and Manpower.,Rate of Turnover by Position and Department,Technical staff have a higher rate of turnover than department managers.On average,3.6 new department managers are hired per company per year.The average for technical staff:13.7 positions.Department turnovers mixedFinance/Administration departments had the lowest turnover,while Sales/Marketing departments had the highest.JVs had significantly lower rates than FOP and FOL companies.However,FOP non-Finance/Administration departments rates were significantly higher than those of JVs,FOLs.More than 1/3 of HR managers were unclear on the turnover rate in Production,Engineering,and Customer Service departments.,Recruitment Methods Evaluation-I,Respondents evaluated 4 channels:recruitment websites,recruitment newspapers,staff/friend recommendations,and the HR service market.They were basically satisfied with the performance of all.Staff/friend recommendations and recruiting newspapers were perceived as slightly better than the other two channels.HR managers use different recruitment methods/channels to recruit at the C-,M-,and Technical staff levels.Headhunters are used more than any other HR service channel to recruit C-levels.However,over one third of respondents were not involved in C-level recruitment.Only 8%of small respondent companies often seek HR agencies/headhunters help recruiting C-level personnel.,Recruitment Methods Evaluation-II,Postings on recruitment websites and newspapers are 2 major ways to attract M-level candidates(29%and 21%,respectively).About 1/5 of companies also recruit M-level candidates with the help of HR agencies/headhunters.14%of M-level recruits come from internal promotions.Technical staff are largely recruited through recruitment websites and newspapers(39%and 27%of all channels,respectively).Implications:HR agencies and HR agencies/headhunters should take advantage of the potential market in hunting C-level and M-level personnel in medium and large foreign companies.,Usage Habits&Attitudes:Current HR Agencies/Headhunters-I,CIIC and FESCO are both major market players in the C-and M-level recruiting markets.Nevertheless,plenty of small HR agencies/headhunters also compete.39%of companies use services provided by CIIC to recruit C-levels,and 19%use FESCO.No one HR agency/headhunter has a strong share of this market.With 67%of the total Shanghai market share,CIIC and FESCO dominate the citys M-level recruiting service market.Satisfaction levels regarding C-level and M-level recruiting services were about the same.Most HR managers were“somewhat satisfied”with the performance of current HR agency/headhunter partners.,Usage Habits&Attitudes:Current HR Agencies/Headhunters-II,Word of mouth among HR managers is crucial for the success of HR agencies/headhunters.Friends referrals(46%)serve as the major channel for HR managers to choose their HR agencies/headhunters.Business visits(37%)to HR managers also influenced selection of the HR agency/headhunter.Valued HR agency/headhunter services:Service Efficiency is perceived as the most important quality,and Other Value-added Service the least.Communication Skills are also important.Consulting Experience and Brand Name are not as important.Headhunters need to provide more than just recruitment services.HR managers showed interest in Reference Checking and Follow-Up services.,Current Client Retention and New Client Potential for C-level Headhunters,The headhunter market is dynamic,characterized by a combination of low current user loyalty and high potential for new future client cooperation.About 1/3 of current clients plan to change headhunters in the near future.41%of companies interviewed plan to begin using a headhunter.HR managers prefer JV or local headhunters for C-level recruiting.Nearly 2/5 of HR managers would consider JV headhunters in the future.In combination with local headhunters,these“local”entities hold 56%of the market share.Only 8%of HR managers would choose foreign-wholly owned headhunters.,Detailed Findings,Part I-Awareness,Unaided Awareness of HR Agencies&HR Agencies/Headhunters,Totaln=261%,Base:All respondents,Without prompt,42%of HR managers cannot recall any HR agencies/headhunters.Among those mentioned,51Job received the most mentions.,Unaided Awareness,51Job 前程无忧Zhaopin 招聘网FESCO 外企服务CAE 中消研(HR market)人才交流中心S.E.S.C.上海经营者人才服务Shanghai Shen-Cai 上海申才择业Manpower 万宝华Others(3%)Dont know,Aided Awareness of HR Agencies&HR Agencies/Headhunters,Totaln=261%,Base:All respondents,With prompt,51Job and Zhaopin had very high awareness among respondents.About were aware of Manpower and Staff Service,which had higher awareness levels than other HR agencies/headhunters.,Total Awareness(Unaided+Aided Awareness),51Job 前程无忧Zhaopin 招聘网S.E.S.C.上海经营者人才服务Shanghai Shen-Cai 上海申才择业Jing Ying精英企业管理咨询China cae 中消研Manpower 万宝华Staff Service 仕达富MRIConferry 光辉国际浩竹猎头,Part II Retention Rate,Numbers of New Recruits(last 12 months),Totaln=261%,Base:All respondents,On average,three times more technical staff than department managers were recruited in the past year.,Department Managers,1-3(2)3-6(5)6+(6)None,Technical Staff,1-10(5)10-50(25)50+(50)None,Average number:3.613.7,Turnover Rates of Various Departments-I,Many HR managers did not know the turnover rates of their Production,Engineering,and Customer Service Departments.Turnover rates in Finance/Administration departments are low.,Totaln=261,Sales/Marketing,Engineer-ing,Customer Service,Finance/Administration,Production,%,%,%,%,%,Average turnover level rating:2.492.,Turnover Rates of Various Departments-II,Totaln=261,Base:All respondents,Average Score(5 point scale:1=lowest rate of turnover,5=highest),Generally,the retention rate in different departments is neither high nor low,from the perspective of their HR managers.The turnover rate in Joint Ventures is lowest,while it is higher in Foreign Owned Private companies.,JV:,Part III Recruitment Methods,Recruitment Methods for C-level Managerial Staff,Totaln=261,Base:All respondents,About one fifth of respondent companies use headhunters most often to recruit C-level staff,while only 8%of small companies often cooperate with headhunters.More than one third of HR managers defer to headquarters in the recruitment of C-level staff.,88%are directly managed by headquarters,Headhunters in Use,Totaln=55%,Base:All those who use headhunters.,There are four major types of agencies/headhunters on the market.Foreign agencies/headhunters occupy the largest market share,with54 percent.JV agencies/headhunters and local agencies/headhunters have equal shares.,Recruitment Methods for Middle-level Managerial Staff,Totaln=261,Base:All respondents,Unlike for C-levels,almost all HR managers understand Middle-level recruitment.Many advertise on websites and in newspapers.In addition,nearly one-fifth cooperate with HR agencies/headhunters.,Recruitment Methods for Technical Staff,Totaln=261,Base:All respondents,Advertising on websites and newspaper are the major ways to recruit technical staff.Only 9%of respondents use HR agencies/headhunters.,Recruitment Methods-Summary,n=261%,The chart clearly shows the distinctions among recruitment methods for different kinds of personnel.,HR agencies/headhuntersRecruitment websitesRecruitment newspapersStaff/friend recomm.Chosen by headquartersInternal PromotionHR MarketDK,C-level M-level Technical staff,Base:All respondents.,n=261%,n=261%,Satisfaction regarding the Recruitment ChannelsExcluding HR agencies/headhunters,Totaln=261,Base:All respondents,Average Score(5 point scale:1=Very Dissatisfied,5=Very Satisfied),HR managers are basically satisfied with the recruitment channels they use.Staff/friend recommendations and Recruitment newspapers are as perceived better than the other two,Part IV Search Services Usage Habits,Current Cooperations with HR Agencies/Headhunters,n=54%,Base:All those who use headhunter to recruit specific personnel,More companies chose CIIC and FESCO.CIIC and FESCO are the key market players for both C-level and M-level recruiting.Nevertheless,plenty of small HR agencies/headhunters compete in the market.,CIICFESCOConferryOther(2%)DK,C-level M-level,n=48%,Note:Base for Technical Staff too small for inclusion.,CIICFESCOConferryZhaopin培英(Pei Ying)斯科(Si Ke)Other(2%)DK,Current HR Agency/Headhunter Partners Satisfaction,Satisfaction levels of C-level and M-level recruiting services are almost the same.Most HR Managers are somewhat satisfied with the performance of current partner HR agencies/headhunters.,Average Rating:3.93.9,n=54%,C-levelM-level,n=48%,Base:All those who use headhunters to recruit specific personnel,Channels Used to Find Current HR Partners,n=70%,Base:All those who currently use a headhunter,Friends referrals most impact HR managers selection of their HR agencies/headhunters.Business visits from HR agencies/headhunters also influence selection.,Friends Referral,Business Visit,Website/Email,Advertisement(Paper),Personal Relationship,Ranking of Important Headhunter Attributes,Service Efficiency is perceived as most important,and Other Value-added Service the least.Communication skills are also crucial.Consulting Experience and Brand Name are less important.,Average Importance:,Base:All respondents,Consulting experience,Service efficiency,Communi-cation,Price,Brand name,Other Value-added service,Totaln=261%,Interest in HR Agency/Headhunters Services,HR managers are more interested in the Reference Check and Follow-Up services.,Average Score:,Base:All respondents,Totaln=261%,Executive Search only,Long-term HR Recruitment,Test Reports,Reference Check,Follow-Up service,Part V Current Client Retention and New Client Potential for C-level Headhunters,Old Client Retention and New Client Potential,n=55,Base:All those who use headhunter to recruit C-level,About 1/3 of current headhunter-users plan to change their providers in the near future.Usage intention of companies which havent cooperated with headhunters reached 41%.,Q:Will you change your headhunter?,Q;Will you begin using a headhunter?,Base:All those who dont use headhunter to recruit C-level,n=201,HR Agencies/Headhunter Types Considered,n=90,Base:All those who will change or select a headhunter in the future.,Nearly 2/5 of HR managers would consider JV headhunters in the future.Including local headhunters,this combined“local”group holds 56%of the total market.In comparison,only 8%of HR managers would choose foreign-wholly owned headhunters.,End,