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    牛津高中英语 模块四 Unit1 Advertising.ppt

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    牛津高中英语 模块四 Unit1 Advertising.ppt

    Unit 1 AdvertisingReadingAdvertisements,教 材 分 析教 法 分 析学 法 分 析教 学 程 序板 书 设 计,一、教 材 分 析,1,教学内容:牛津高中英语 模块四 Unit1 Advertising Reading,是本单元的第二课时,其话题是广告。2,教学目标:知 识 目 标:使学生能够了解更多关于广告的知识,区分商业广告和公益广告的不同,帮助学生学习和掌握本课新词汇,理解课文内容并完成课后练习;由于本文是说明文,因此要让学生学会如何阅读说明文,提高阅读能力。能 力 目 标:提高学生的阅读能力和英语交际能力,熟悉本课词汇,短语与句型的使用。情 感 目 标:提高学生学习英语的兴趣,培养积极向上的学习态度。3,教学重点:如何通过教学活动来提高学生的阅读能力;让学生们更多的了解广告并将知识应用于他们的日常生活;对于重难点词汇、短语、句型的运用。4,教学难点:学生运用英语交流信息、获取信息能力的提高。,二,教法分析根据本课教学内容、教学目标和高中生的特点,我以情景法和任务型教学法为主线贯穿整个课堂教学,并充分利用多媒体辅助教学,创设一个生气勃勃的语言学习环境,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习的积极性。,三,学法分析:快速阅读能力:主要是让学生快速阅读文章并回答问题;合作互动能力:在该课教学中,让学生朗读文中的对话,以此增加学生互动性。听力能力:主要是让学生听录音并且跟读文章。,四,教学程序A,导入部分:在上课前,复习上节课内容,给学生放两段广告,分别是商业广告和公益广告,这样不仅引出今天的课文内容,还能引起学生的兴趣。B,快速阅读:快速阅读对于教学很重要,向学生说明在文中找寻信息不需要逐字阅读,然后复习“skimming”这一阅读策略,这样学生会将这一策略引入到后面的实践中。然后让学生快速阅读文章并回答Part A的三个小问题并给出正确答案。C,阅读中:首先给学生3分钟时间阅读“Reading Strategy”部分,让学生了解什么是说明文以及说明文基本结构;然后放录音让学生们跟着录音再读一遍,我这样设计的目的是锻炼学生们的阅读能力以及听力能力;再让学生分组回答问题,一个同学读问题另一个同学回答,如果回答错误,让其他同学改正。D,阅读后:让学生们分组讨论,文章是分成几部分来说明并且每一部分的主要内容是什么,并让学生回答;然后鼓励学生列出商业广告和公益广告的不同点;开展课堂活动,讨论广告的利弊,目的是让学生充分参与到课堂学习中,培养其合作参与能力以及口语能力。E,家庭作业:完成第四、五页练习以及90页的Part A1、A2,Unit1 Reading,Advertisements,1,2,Skimming,所谓Skimming(略读)是指快速阅读以获取大意,其目的是understand the gist,the general idea of the text,手段是通过对于文章标题、小标题及各段主题句的关注来快速获取文章大意或者段落大意。,Fast reading,Please answer the three questions in Part A.,1)What do advertisements encourage people to do?2)What does PSAs stand for?3)What are PSAs meant to do?,To buy a product or service or believe in an idea.,Public service advertisements.,To educate people about health,safety orany other issue which affects public welfare.,Expository writing,Basic informationIntroduction of the subject,examples and facts that develop or support the idea,conclusion,Careful reading,Listen to the radio and read the article carefully and try to complete the exercises in Part C1 and C2.,1 Where are the advertisements most commonly found?2 What is the difference between CAs and PSAs?,They are most commonly found in newspapers and magazines,on billboards,the Internet,radio and TV.,A commercial advertisement is one which someone had paid for to promote a product or service,while a PSA is often placed for free,and is intended to educate people about issues which affect public welfare.,3 Why are some of the ads clever according to the article?4 When did China begin a nationwide public service advertising campaign?5 Why should we follow the advice in PSAs?,Because although the ads do not lie,they do not tell you the complete truth.,In 1996.,Because they are meant to benefit the public,and by following the advice in PSAs,we can often learn a lot.,1 Advertisements are found in many places.2 PSAs are only found in newspapers.3 All advertisements tell the complete truth.4 PSAs and commercial ads use some of the same methods.5 Commercial ads can give us valuable information about how to live our lives.6 An ad warning people against smoking is an example of a PSA.,Decide whether they are true or false,not only,Not all,PSAs,T,F,F,T,F,T,Careful Reading,Title 1._,Ads are an 2._ part of our lives.,information,persuasive,commercial,fall for,lead,important,be smart about,Advertisements,service,Does an ad tell the complete truth,Introduction of subject(para1),Supporting details(para2-4),Conclusion(para5),Reading strategy:reading expository writing,BillboardsNewspapersmagazines,the internet,radio and television,Persuasive language,exiting images,To promote a product or service,To educate people about health,safety or other issues,Need to be paid for,are often placed for free,“Bright teeth fights bad health”,“yes to life,no to drugs”,Activity:(debate),Advantages or disadvantages of Ads,Advertisements,which often use p_ language and e_ images,play an important p _ of our lives.There are two main t_ of advertisements.One is called c _ advertisements,which are meant to p _ a product or s _.But they dont tell c _ the c _ truth.Another one is called PSAs,which use a_ and o_ images and c_ language,are often placed for f_.They d_ with many social i_,which often affect public w_.,ersuasive,xciting,art,ypes,ommercial,romote,ervice,ustomers,omplete,ttractive,riginal,reative,ree,eal,ssues,elfare,Summary,Homework:,1 Complete the remaining exercise on page4 and page5,and do parts A1 and A2 on page 90 in workbook2 Write a composition about the advantages and disadvantages of ads.3 Preview for next class.,


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