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    外研版 英语七级 上册 m3 u1 my school.ppt

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    外研版 英语七级 上册 m3 u1 my school.ppt

    Module3 My school,English numbers,1.one2.two3.three4.four5.five,6.six7.seven8.eight9.nine10.ten,Warming up,11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen,20 twenty30 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety,Numbers,one hundred,Brainstorm 头脑风暴,47,35,33,54,45,23,56,78,51,Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my class.,There be+某物/某人+某地 表示:某地有某物或某人,Read the title.,Read the new words.P91,There is a book on the teachers desk.,There is a book on the desk.,Whats on the desk?,Whats+介词短语(地点)+?的问句,用there be 来回答,There is a picture on the wall,on the classroom wall,There are two pictures on the wall,on the classroom wall,There is a cat under the tree.,Whats under the tree?,There are two dogs under the tree.,Whats under the tree?,There is a cat and two dogs under the tree.,There are two dogs and a cat under the tree.,就近原则,离be动词近的名词是单数,则用is离be动词近的名词是复数,则用are,用be动词is/are 填空:,1、There a pencil in the pencil box.2、There some flowers on the desk.3、There four people in my family.4、There a picture and two maps on the wall.5、A:there a cat under the tree?B:Yes,there,is,are,are,is,Is,is,Exercise,Is there a blackboard in the classroom?Yes,there is.,看图回答问题:,Look and answer,Is there a map of the world on the wall?Yes,there is.,Are there any computers in the classroom?Yes,there are.,How many students are there in your class?There are 55 students in my class.,How many pictures are there on the wall?There is one picture on the wall.,How many apples are there on the tree?,There are nineteen apples on the tree.,How many apples are there on the tree now?,There are thirteen apples on the tree now.,How many cats are there?,There are two cats.,How many techers are there in our classroom?students boys girls desks chairs blackboards,There is There are.,Theyre talking about their classrooms.,What are they talking about?,Listen and think,Classrooms in England,blackboard,book,classroom,computer,desk,furniture,map,picture,television,wall,Look at the pictures and talk about them.,20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty,Listen and choose the correct picture in Activity 1.,60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety,Listen and answer.,1.How many students are there in Lindas class?2.How many girls are there in Damings class?3.What type(类型)of map is there in Lindas class?,Listen and answer.,1.How many students are there in Lindas class?2.How many girls are there in Damings class?3.What type(类型)of map is there in Lindas class?,There are thirty students in Lindas class.,There are twenty girls in Damings class.,There is a map of England in Lindas class.,30,40,Yes,No,A map of England,A map of the world,Read the conversation.Do the role play.(角色扮演),Lets imagine and describe our dream classroom.(大胆地设想与描绘你梦想中的教室).,In my dream(梦想中的)classroom,there is a/an there are,You may talk like this:In our dream classroom,1.There is a/an(一台电视,一个钟,一个黑板,一副世界地图.)in the classroom.2.There are(一些桌子,一些电脑,一些书.)in the classroom.用There be 句型写5个句子。,


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