color,Love Is BlueBlue,blue my world is blueBlue is my world now I m without youGrey,grey my life is greyCold is my heart since you went awayRed,red my eyes are redCrying for you alone in my bedGreen,green my jealous heartI doubted you and now we re apart,When we met how the bright sun shoneThen love diedNow the rainbow is goneBlack,black the night Ive knownlonging for you so lost and aloneGone,gone the love we knewBlue is my world now Im without you,Task 3:Color the picture,文化点滴:奥运会会旗是五环旗,它是由现代奥林匹运动会创始人皮埃尔.德。顾拜旦男爵设计的。旗上有五种不同颜色的圆环,蓝色、黑色和红色的圆环在上,分别代表欧洲、非洲、美洲。黄色和绿色的圆环在下,代表亚洲、澳洲。它们连结在一起,象征全世界运动员以公正的比赛和友好的精神在奥运会上相见,共同促进奥林匹克的发展。,“颜”外之意 西方国家极为重视颜色环境的情感反应与交际作用。这是因为颜色可以使人产生很多联想,也会对人的情绪产生很大影响,所以人们经常用颜色喻指人的情绪和看法,一起来看看吧。,a.in the red,b.in the black,c.a black day,d.a white day,e.a blue day,f.green-eyed,g.blue in the face,h.black-hearted,i.out of the blue eg.My mom came to school yesterday out of the blue.,j.yellow eg.He is too yellow to stand up and fight.,k.He gave me a black look.,D.负债经营的,B.盈利的,C.倒霉的一天,E.吉日,F.胆怯的,G.突如其来的,H.恶狠狠地看,A.黒心肠的,I.忧郁的一天,J.脸色发青,K.嫉妒的,a.in the red,b.in the black,c.a black day,d.a white day,e.a blue day,f.green-eyed,g.blue in the face,h.black-hearted,i.out of the blue eg.My mom came to school yesterday out of the blue.,j.yellow eg.He is too yellow to stand up and fight.,k.He gave me a black look.,D.负债经营的,B.盈利的,C.倒霉的一天,E.吉日,F.胆怯的,G.突如其来的,H.恶狠狠地看,A.黒心肠的,I.忧郁的一天,J.脸色发青,K.嫉妒的,BlackA black-letter day 倒霉的日子 Black dog沮丧Black and blue 青肿的 Black sheep害群之马 BlueBlue Monday(烦闷的星期一)Blue jacket(水手)Blue blood(贵族血统)Blue music(伤感的音乐)once in a blue moon(千载难逢),Whitewhite lie(善意的谎言)A white night(不眠之夜)white room(绝尘室,最清洁的房屋)a white elephant(白象,累赘物,无用之物)white coffee(加牛奶的咖啡)YellowA yellow dog(不参加或不协助工会的工人,卑鄙的人)a yellow card 黄牌,Greengreen hand(生手;新手)green house(温室)green room(演员休息室)green tea 绿茶green card 绿卡 green light 绿灯,准许,允许a green old age(老当益壮),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,orange,green,red,white,blue,dark blue,black,Making color,Game:,