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    奥黛丽.赫本,The fairy drops in our temporal world,Audrey Hepburn,Mar.4,1929,Hepburn was born in a luxurious curtilage in Brussels,BelguimShe really was blue-blooded(出身名门)from the beginning with her father,a wealthy English banker,and her mother,a Dutch baroness(荷兰贵族).,After her parents divorced,Audrey went to London with her mother where she went to a private girls school.Later,when her mother moved back to the Netherlands,she attended private schools as well.While spending a holiday with her mother in Holland,Hitler(希特勒)s army suddenly took over the town.,Lack of food,with the height of 170cm,she looked like a deaths-head.The war brought permanent harm to her.She was anaemic(贫血),fleshless(消瘦),thin and weak.Her figure was slender all the time.,After the war,the baroness sent her to learn ballet in London.With the big eyes,high malar(颧骨),delicate nose,square shoulder,slim body and slender legs,she thought she would be a terpsichorean(舞蹈家).,But she found that her skill was not good as others,and she was too tall.The hunger she suffered during the war also damaged her strength and body.,She began a modeling career.As a model,she was graceful and,it seemed,she had found her suitable place in life-until the film producers came calling.After being found by a producer,she was signed to a bit part in a European film in 1948.Later,she had a speaking role in a 1951 film.The part still wasnt much,so she headed to America to try her luck there.,Audrey gained immediate prominence in the U.S.with her role in Roman Holiday(罗马假日)in 1953.We Chinese knew her from this film.,Roman Holiday,In the film,she acted the princess Annie(安妮公主).This gained her great popularity,one of the reasons for her popularity was the fact that she was so elf-like(精灵可爱)and had class(优雅的气质).,This film turned out to be a great success and she won an Oscar as Best Actress.,In the film she performed a affecting love between a princess and an American gazetteer,starred by Gregory Peck(格利高里.派克).Many audience hoped that they would have a real love,but in fact,Gregory was 13 years older than Hepburn.He treated her as a innocent girl.Once they had a walk,they must feel the emotion,but finally,they didnt say anything.,Peck chosed another woman,who was not so noble as the princess,he got a smooth and steady felicity(幸福).Roman Holiday was followed by similarly wonderful performances in several other films.Audrey reached the top of her career in Breakfast at Tiffanys(蒂凡妮早餐)in 1961.,One of Audreys most brilliant roles was in the My Fair Lady in 1964.Her co-star Rex Harrison once was asked who his favorite leading lady was.Without thinking,he answered,“Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady(窈窕淑女).,By the end of the 1960s,after her divorce from actor Mel Ferrer(影星梅尔费勒),Audrey decided to retire while she was on top.After a second short-lived marriage,she settled down with another Dutch actor,Robert Wolders(荷兰演员罗伯特沃尔德斯).From time to time,she would appear on the silver screen.,War and Peace(战争与和平),下午的爱情,萨布瑞娜,The Childrens Hour孩子们的时刻,Robin and Marian罗宾和玛丽安,总是如此,In 1988,Audrey became a goodwill ambassador to UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会的亲善大使)helping children in Latin America and Africa,a position she kept until 1993.,She put her attention on charity in her old ages.,Once she came to China.,Though she was old,she still kept her personal charm.,On Jan.20th,1993,she passed away for cancer in Switzerland.Remember,if you ever need a helping hand,it is at the end of your arm.As you get older,you must remember that you have a second hand.The first one is to help yourself,the second one is to help other.-Audrey Hepburn,A style of Barbie made from Hepburn,She was the nicest nonesuch of gentle lady(淑女的典范)in the 20th.Not only her beauty on screen,but also her noble moral,which gained peoples respect and love.,


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