Introduction,Saatchi&Saatchi Training,The Bigger Picture,Saatchi&Saatchi Training,Marketing&Brands,Session 1,The Business Concept,What is the purpose of business?,The Business Concept,The purpose of business is to create and keep a customerProfessor Theodore LevittHarvard Business School,The Business Concept,Business has only two functions:innovation and marketingPeter DruckerPrinciples of Management1954,The Marketing Concept,The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.The aim is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service sells itself.Peter Drucker,SalesPush?-Supply ledCompany needs firstMaking a SaleSelling what you make,MarketingPull?-Demand ledCustomer needs firstMaking a DealMaking what you sell,Marketing versus Sales,Marketing is Selling-Same goal but the opposite philosophy.,Which way?,Sales thinks Inside OutLooks at it through the companys eyesHow do we move the merchandise?Volume is the measure of success,Which way?,Sales thinks Inside OutLooks at it through the companys eyesHow do we move the merchandise?Volume($)is the measure of successMarketing thinks Outside InLooks at it through the customers eyesWhat do we need to do to meet their needs?Customer satisfaction is the true measure of success,Marketings Golden Rule,Customer perception is the only realityNo objective truth about better productsMarketing is a battle of perceptions,not productsA battle fought in the mind of the prospectNeed to understand how they see thingsYou cannot compel consumers(more than once),The Brand Concept,The Brand lies at the heart of the Marketing Concept,What is a Brand?,Great Brands are Great IdeasBundles of benefits,rational and emotional,that deliver pleasure,meaning and satisfaction to people,What is a Brand?,Products live on shelvesBrand live in the mindProducts are the delivery mechanism Brands outlive product lifecycles,What is a Brand?,The Brand is the TrustmarkIt identifies and guaranteesproduct quality and performance,What is a Brand?,Brands add value to commoditiesBrands add value to generic products by adding Meaning,What is a Brand?,Brands become SymbolsMoving beyond simple utilityto become complex value sets,What is a Brand?,Brands are a consumer language A means of self-expression-a badgeA kind of personal symbolism-a mirror,Why Are Brands Important?,Product difference is transientTechnology provides the means to duplicate successful products ever fasterBrand difference is enduringEmotional values embodied in the brandprovide sustainable differentiation,Authenticity:Replicability,Sources of brands?added value,Authenticity:Replicability,Sources of brands?added value,Reassurance:Trust,Authenticity:Replicability,Sources of brands?added value,Transformation of Experience,Reassurance:Trust,Authenticity:Replicability,Inner-directed:Mirror,Meaningfor Me,Sources of brands?added value,Transformation of Experience,Reassurance:Trust,Authenticity:Replicability,Inner-directed:Mirror,Outer-directed:Badge,Meaningfor Me,Meaningfor Others,Sources of brands?added value,Transformation of Experience,Reassurance:Trust,Authenticity:Replicability,Inner-directed:Mirror,Outer-directed:Badge,Meaningfor Me,Meaningfor Others,Sources of brands?added value,Differentiation,Transformation of Experience,Reassurance:Trust,Authenticity:Replicability,Inner-directed:Mirror,Outer-directed:Badge,Meaningfor Me,Meaningfor Others,Sources of brands?added value,PERCEIVED ADDED VALUE,Differentiation,Transformation of Experience,Reassurance:Trust,How do we choose?,Brands work on a Stimulus:Response?model,Stimulus:Response,A two-way process,based on a common field of experience,StimulusResponse,Sender,Receiver,I.e.An 慳ctive?consumer,Stimulus:Response,Work backwards from the response.what meaning do we want to create,StimulusResponse,Focus:Meaning Out?not Message In,Meaning,Message,All marketing activity is communication-Product design/formulation-Brand name/packaging design-Positioning/promotion-Pricing/DistributionAll offer meaning,offer to meet needsConsumer responds to the whole enchilada,Stimulus:Response,PRACTICAL,A Holistic Brand Relationship,RATIONAL,The Brand,PRACTICAL,A Holistic Brand Relationship,Brand/product featuresFunctional justificationPrice/value judgementsAvailability,RATIONAL,The Brand,PRACTICAL,SYMBOLIC,A Holistic Brand Relationship,Brand/product featuresFunctional justificationPrice/value judgementsAvailability,EMOTIONAL,RATIONAL,The Brand,PRACTICAL,SYMBOLIC,A Holistic Brand Relationship,Brand/product featuresFunctional justificationPrice/value judgementsAvailability,EMOTIONAL,RATIONAL,The Brand,How I liveMy way/my identityOthers like meThe experience,PRACTICAL,SYMBOLIC,A Holistic Brand Relationship,Brand/product featuresFunctional justificationPrice/value judgementsAvailability,RATIONAL,The Brand,Sight for me,How I liveMy way/my identityOthers like meThe experience,EMOTIONAL,Basic Brand Engineering,Brands are built by bonding chosen groups of psychological values credibly to the function of the brandTo illuminate and dramatise the function,A Triangular Relationship,F,P,E,Function,What is isand does,A Triangular Relationship,F,P,E,Function,Psychology,What is isand does,Emotional Needs&Benefits/Life goals,A Triangular Relationship,F,P,E,Function,Psychology,What is isand does,Emotional Needs&Benefits/Life goals,Ideally,the same word,A Triangular Relationship,F,P,E,Function,Psychology,Evaluator,What is isand does,Allows consumer to judge delivery,Emotional Needs&Benefits/Life goals,*After D.Sexton,Associations with desired benefits,Brand A,Brand B,Branding Builds Linkages,Problem,Product/Service,*After D.Sexton,Associations with desired benefits,Brand A,Rel Imp,Rel Imp,Brand B,Rel Imp,RelImp,Branding Builds Linkages,Problem,Product/Service,Rel.Imp=Relative importance of benefitPer.Ben=Perceived level of benefit performanceExp.Ben=Expected level of benefit performance,*After D.Sexton,Associations with desired benefits,Brand A,Rel Imp,Rel Imp,Brand B,Rel Imp,RelImp,Branding&Positioningcreate the associative links,Branding Builds Linkages,Problem,Product/Service,EXPECTED,Three Types of Customer Value,Customer,Company,What the Customer:-Wants-Thinks they get-Actually Get,PERCEIVED,ACTUAL,Components of Brand Value,*After D.Sexton,Managing the Key Elements,Perception Perceived ActualExpectation Actual Expected,=,x,Pricing Issues,Communication Issues,慏esign?Issues,Components of Brand Value,*After D.Sexton,Increasing Perceived Value,1.Close the gaps:Expectation Perception Actual2.Change the PrioritiesRe-rank importance of benefits3.Add benefits*Compete on new dimensions of the customer抯 problem4.Improve actual performance*Another way of closing gaps*And tell them about it!,Components of Brand Value,*After D.Sexton,Brand Health Indicators,Brands are built from the inside out and decay that way too.,TYPICAL NEW ENTRANT,Differentiation Relevance Familiarity Esteem,*After D.Sexton,Assessment of the Brand,Brand Health Indicators,Brands are built from the inside out and decay that way too.,TYPICAL 慏ECAYING BRAND,Differentiation Relevance Familiarity Esteem,*After D.Sexton,Assessment of the Brand,慙ag?Indicators,Followed out,Reinforcing A Diffuse Brand Image,1.Determine causes for diffuse image2.Re-evaluate desired brand image3.Improve actual performance as necessary4.Close gaps between perceived and actual benefit performance5.Strengthen selected associationsNB i)Important to get the sequence right ii)Takes time-BA took 10-12 years,*After D.Sexton,Assessment of the Brand,At its simplest:,Q=QualityProduct/service quality,P=PricePhysical costs,Brands and the Value Equation.,V=,Really:,Brands and the Value Equation.,p=PerceptionWhat the customer sees,V(p)=,More complete:,S=SignificanceImportance to customer,E=EffortDegree of hassle;doubt;difficulty,Brands and the Value Equation.,V(p)=,x,V(p)=,Brands and the Value Equation.,x,Brands are ideas;operating on perception.A properly focussed brand adds value by adding specific meaning.,QualityBranding can increaseperceived quality,PriceBranding can increasejustifiable price,SignificanceBranding can increasepersonal meaning,SignificanceBranding increaseslevels of trust,In Summary,Marketing is a different mindset from salesBrands are ideas,more than mere productsBrands add value by adding meaningBrands are symbols;a consumer languageA stimulus:response?modelCustomer perception is the only realityBrands can be successfully engineered,青苹果出品 必属精品http:/,囊括2007-2010几十G地产策划资料/企业管理人力资源全套/品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,