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    深纺织B:第三季度报告全文(英文版) .ppt

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    深纺织B:第三季度报告全文(英文版) .ppt

    ,-,-,-,-,Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.Quarterly Report for the Third Quarter of 2011(Full text)Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.Quarterly Report for the Third Quarter of 2011(Full text)1 Important notes1.1 The Board of Directors of the Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement,misleading representation or important omissions in this report and shall assume joint andseveral liability for the authenticity,accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.1.2 The Third Quarterly Report is not audited by CPA.1.3 Chairman of the Board of Directors Wang Bin,General Manager Zhu Jun and Manager ofFinancial Dept Liu Yi represent and warrant the financial and accounting report in the quarterly istrue and complete.2 Basic Information2.1 Highlights of Accounting Data and Financial IndicatorsUnit:RMB,2011.9.30,2010.12.31,Increase/decrease(),Total assets(RMB),1,695,700,128.73,1,655,422,298.41,2.43%,Owners equity attributable to,shareholders of the listed company,1,396,256,920.47,1,345,969,224.97,3.74%,(RMB),Stock capital(shares),336,521,849.00,336,521,849.00,0.00%,Net assets per share attributable to,shareholders of the listed company,4.15,4.00,3.75%,(yuan/shares),Increase/decrease in,Increase/decrease in,the report periodJuly-September 2011 compared with thesame period of thelast year(%),January-September2011,the report periodcompared with thesame period of thelast year(%),Total turnover(RMB),178,733,950.00,23.64%,497,916,667.75,6.64%,Net profit attributable to,shareholders of the listed company,10,312,743.78,-14.19%,42,676,720.47,15.73%,(RMB),Net cash flow arising from operatingactivities(RMB)Net cash flow per share arising fromoperating activities(yuan/shares),31,988,590.870.10,271.41%242.86%,Basic earnings per share(yuan/shares)Diluted earnings per share(yuan/shares),0.030.03,-25.00%-25.00%,0.130.13,-7.14%-7.14%,1,items,-,Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.Quarterly Report for the Third Quarter of 2011(Full text),Weighted average return on equity(%),0.75%,Decreased by 0.39%,3.12%Decreased by 2.18%,Weighted average Return on net,assets after deducting non-recurring,0.60%,Increased by 0.30%,1.99%Decreased by 1.29%,gains and losses(%)Items of non-current gains and losses applicable not applicableUnit:RMB,Non-recurring gain and loss itemsThe gains from disposal ofnon-current assetsGovernmental Subsidy accounted ascurrent gain/loss,except for those,Amount,99,139.59,Notes(If applicable)Including:Governmental subsidy accounted for as profits orlosses for current period includes governmental R&D subsidyof RMB 5,932,485 appropriated by Shenzhen Development andReform Commission,national aid of RMB 750,000 for special,subsidies at with amount or quantityfixed by the national government andclosely related to the Companysbusiness operation.,6,992,385.03,project of new-type panel display industrialization,supportingfunds of RMB 150,000 for technology industrializationdemonstration project,Economic development supporting fundof RMB 85,500 received from Futian Chamber of Commerce,and loan discount of RMB 74,400.03 appropriated by ShenzhenFinancial Bureau,;In addition to normal business withthe company effective hedging,related business,holders of tradablefinancial assets,transactions and,The investment income from financial assets available,financial liabilities arising fromchanges in fair value gains andlosses,as well as the disposal oftrading of financial assets,tradingfinancial liabilities and,1,482,128.46,for sale is the income from the Companys sale ofshares of Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile IndustrialCo.,Ltd.,available-for-sale financial assetsgains return on investment;Mainly due to receipt of 1,085,733 A shares of GuangdongSunrise Group Co.,Ltd.(the market value of these shares wasRMB 9,847,598.31 according to the closing price of A shares of*ST Sunrise on May 17,2010(the last trading day beforesuspension of listing),i.e.,RMB 9.07 per share)and cash of,Net amount of non-operating incomeand expense except the aforesaidAmount of influence of income taxTotal,RMB 702,694.14(RMB 10,550,292.45 in total as recognized10,873,223.75 non-operating income and RMB 315,936.60 in total as subwayconstruction compensation income)according to(2010)ShenZhong Fa Min Qi Zhong Zhen Zi No.5-5 Civil Award and thePlan for Reorganization of Guangdong Sun Rise Group Co.,Ltd(Refer to No.2011-39 Announcement of the Company fordetails-4,044,910.7815,401,966.05,2.2 Total number of shareholders in the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten shareholders withunrestricted conditionsUnit:Shares,Total number of shareholders at the end of report period,17,862,Share held by the top ten shareholders with unrestricted conditions2,Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.Quarterly Report for the Third Quarter of 2011(Full text),Name of the shareholderShenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd.Zhejiang Silicon Valley Tiantang Kuncheng ChuangyeInvestment Co.,Ltd.Huabao Intrust Co.,Ltd.Changzhou Investment Group Co.,Ltd.CHINA OPPORTUNITIES H-B FUNDZheng BangshengChina Peoples Life insurance Co.,Ltd.-Dividend IndividualDividendChina Merchants Securities(HK)Co.,Ltd.Xu RuijiangLiu Hong,Number of Unconditional shares held at theperiod-end144,977,05213,555,0009,214,9532,421,4951,271,3671,169,0001,120,439953,617791,688710,000,Type of sharesRMB CommonsharesRMB CommonsharesRMB CommonsharesRMB CommonsharesForeign sharesplaced indomesticexchangeForeign sharesplaced indomesticexchangeRMB CommonsharesForeign sharesplaced indomesticexchangeForeign sharesplaced indomesticexchangeForeign sharesplaced indomestic,exchange3 Significant Events3.1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and its reason.applicable not applicable1.The ending balance of monetary capital decreased by RMB 398.6331 million and 48.01%over beginning of period mainly due tothe investment in the construction of phase-I project of polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD in current period;2.The ending book balance of accounts receivable increased by RMB 23.8402 million and 49.51%over beginning of period mainlydue to increase of accounts receivable for polarizer sheet business and knitted underwear business with the growth of sales income;3.The ending balance of Prepayment Increased by RMB 35.8940 million and 766.78%over year-beginning balance,The endingbalance of Advance account Increased by RMB 39.2141 million and 281.67%over year-beginning balance mainly due to the increaseof export trade orders at the end of current period over the same period of the previous year;4.The ending balance of other receivables decreased by RMB 16.6945 million and 55.62%over beginning of period mainly due torecovery of export rebates;5.The end-of-period balance of construction in progress increased by RMB 390.8174 million over beginning of period mainly due toincrease of investment in phase-I project of polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD;6.The end-of-period balance of taxes and levies payable decreased by RMB 24.5930 million and 613.03%over beginning of periodmainly due to payment of value added tax on purchase for imported equipment for phase-I project of polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD andother equipment purchased;7.The end-of-period balance of interest payable increased by RMB 3.3519 million and 2175.24%over beginning of period mainly dueto increase of special loan interest payable for the phase-I project of polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD;8.The end-of-period balance of non-current liabilities to become due within one year decreased by RMB 21 million and 100%millionmainly due to repayment of the loan;3,Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.Quarterly Report for the Third Quarter of 2011(Full text),9.The ending undistributed profit increased by RMB 42.6767 million and 31.48%over beginning of period,which was derived fromthe net profit for the current period;,10.The selling expenses increased by RMB 1.724 million and 45.84%year on year mainly due to increase of sales income;11.Financial expenses in current period year decreased by RMB 8.1468 million and 386.17%year on year mainly due to decrease ofexpenditure on interests on borrowings because raised proceeds of RMB 80 million were temporarily used to supplement workingcapital and due to increase of fixed deposit interest income from raised proceeds;,12.Assets impairment loss in current period increased by RMB 4.8006 million and 296.88%year on year mainly due to increase ofprovision for bad debts caused by business growth and increase of sales income and accounts receivable;,13.Investment income decreased by RMB 8.3684 million and 64.02%year on year mainly due to year-on-year decrease of sales offinancial assets available for sale through secondary market in current period;,14.Non-operating income increased by RMB 8.9935 million and 100.21%year on year mainly due to receipt of 1,085,733 A shares ofGuangdong Sunrise Group Co.,Ltd.(the market value of these shares was RMB 702,694.14 according to the closing price of A sharesof*ST Sunrise on May 17,2010(the last trading day before suspension of listing),i.e.,RMB 9.07 per share)in total as recognizednon-operating income)according to(2010)Shen Zhong Fa Min Qi Zhong Zhen Zi No.5-5 Civil Award and the Plan for,Reorganization of Guangdong Sun Rise Group Co.,Ltd(Refer to No.2011-39 Announcement of the Company fordetails);,15.The tax refund received in current period increased by RMB 15.0847 million and 42.95%year on year mainly due to year-on-yearincrease of export rebates received in current period;,16.Other cash received relating to operating activities increased by RMB 10.5372 million and 367.79%year on year mainly due toreceipt of the payment from court enforcement and receipt of cash for counter-performance from the debt reorganization of GuangdongSun Rise Group Co.,Ltd.and collection of suspense receipts including water and electricity charges;,17.The net cash flows from operating activities in current period increased by RMB 50.6511 million and 271.41%year on year mainlydue to year-on-year increase of net cash flows from operating activities of Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology Co.,Ltd.andexport rebates received;,18.Cash received from disposal of investments decreased by RMB 8.8709 million and 83.79%year on year mainly due to year-on-yeardecrease of sales of financial assets available for sale through secondary market in current period;,19.Other cash received relating to investing activities in current period increased by RMB 406.0659 million year on year mainly dueto writeback of fixed deposit of RMB 399.5494 million and receipt of fixed deposit interest of RMB 6.5165 million;,20.The Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,intangible assets and other long-term assets were RMB 323.6753million,which increased by 332.36%year on year mainly due to increase of expenditure on phase-I project of polarizer sheet,for TFT-LCD;,21.Net increase in cash and cash equivalents in current period decreased by RMB 672.2379 million and 100.01%year on year mainlydue to proceeds were obtained through private issue in the same period of previous year.,3.2 The progress of significant events and influence,as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal.,applicable not applicable,3.2.1 Non-standard Opinion,applicable not applicable,3.2.2 The Company provided funds to its controlling shareholder or related parties and provided guarantees inviolation of established procedures.,applicable not applicable,3.2.3 Signing and performance of significant contracts for daily operation,applicable not applicable,3.2.4 Other,applicable not applicable,In the report period,The Company finished the preparation of Internal Control Manual(advanced edition),held a meeting for issue andimplementation and also completed Regulations on Defect Report Management for Internal Control(draft).According to the work,4,Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.Quarterly Report for the Third Quarter of 2011(Full text)schedule of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau in respect of experimental companies for internal control standardization,theCompany has completed the work of straightening out processes,making comprehensive analysis,identifying inherent risks,appraising risk levels,identifying key control activities in processes,preparing relevant internal control documents,preparing risk listand establishing internal control defect report mechanism and entered the stage of finalizing internal control defect rectification plan.3.3 The fulfillment of the commitment made by the Company,shareholders and the actual controllerCompanies or shareholders holding more than 5%equity during the reporting period or thecommitments continued to the reporting period applicable not applicable,Items ofcommitments,Promisee,Content of commitments,Implementation,As Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd.,the controlling shareholder ofthe company,committed when the restricted-for-sale shares from theshares restructuring were listed for circulation in the market:i.if they plan,Promise inshare holdingstructurereform,ShenzhenInvestmentHoldings Co.,Ltd.,to sell the shares through the securities exchange system in the future,andthe decrease of the shares they hold reaches 5%within 6 months after thefirst decrease,they will disclose an announcement indicating the salethrough the company within two trading days before the first decrease;ii.They shall strictly observe the“Guidelines on Transfer of,Under fulfillment.,Restricted-for-sale Original Shares of Listed Companies”and theprovisions of the relevant business principles of Shenzhen StockExchange.Commitmentsmade inAcquisition,Report or,N/A,N/A,N/A,Reports onChange ininterestsCommitments,made inMaterial assets,N/A,N/A,N/A,ReorganizationShenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd.signed a“Letter of Commitmentand Statement on Horizontal Competition Avoidance”when the companyissued non-public stocks in 2010.Pursuant to the Letter of Commitmentand Statement,Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd.and its whollyowned subsidiary,subsidiaries under control or any other companies thathave actual control of it shall not be involved in the business the same asor similar to those Shenzhen Textile currently or will run in the future,or,ShenzhenCommitments Investmentmade in issuing Holdings Co.,Ltd.,any businesses or activities that may constitute direct or indirectcompetition with Shenzhen Textile;if the operations of ShenzhenInvestment Holdings Co.,Ltd.and its wholly owned subsidiaries,subsidiaries under control or other companies that have actual control of itcompete with Shenzhen Textile in the same industry or contradict the,Under fulfillment.,interest of the issuer in the future,Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd.shall urge such companies to sell the equity,assets or business to ShenzhenTextile or a third party;when the horizontal competition may occur due tothe business expansion concurrently necessary for Shenzhen InvestmentHoldings Co.,Ltd.and its wholly owned subsidiaries,subsidiaries undercontrol or other companies that have act


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