Navigation structure sample,1,God has a hard-on for Marines.,God has a hard-on for Marines.because we kill everything we see!He plays his games,we play ours!To show our appreciation for so much power,we keep heaven packed with fresh souls!God was here before the Marine Corps!So you can give your heart to Jesus,but your ass belongs to the Corps!Do you ladies understand?Hartman,Tenacious D.,Crossroads,Dexter,Full Metal Jacket,Gangs of New York,2,Satan is in your heart.,You guys,having some satanic guitar pick isnt gonna make your rock any better,because Satans not in a guitar pick,hes inside all of us.Hes in here,in your hearts.Hes what makes us not want to go to work,exercise,or tell the truth.Hes what makes us want to party and have sex with each other all night long.Hes that little voice in your mind that says,Fuck you to the people you hate.Satan,Tenacious D.,Crossroads,Dexter,Full Metal Jacket,Gangs of New York,3,Blues aint nothing.,A man with a whole lot of sense said:Blues aint nothing but a good man feeling bad.thinking about the woman he once was with.Willie Brown,Tenacious D.,Crossroads,Dexter,Full Metal Jacket,Gangs of New York,4,Satans trick.,If you believe that God makes miracles,you have to wonder if Satan has a few up his sleeve.Dexter,Tenacious D.,Crossroads,Dexter,Full Metal Jacket,Gangs of New York,5,First rule of politics,Remember the first rule of politics-The ballots dont make the result,the counters make the result,the counters!Keep counting!,Tenacious D.,Crossroads,Dexter,Full Metal Jacket,Gangs of New York,