1,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,2,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,3,The Next generation is-technology transformingmedia,-Content accessible anywhere-people in control,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,NextGeneration,People,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Generation,People,Next,5,80%of Americans use the internet,and eachspends an average of 13 hours a week online,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,6,72%of mums in the UK are on Facebook,NextGenerationPeopleProduced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Generation,People,Next,7,70%of European kids aged 8-14 said that,gaming is their most common use of the internet,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Generation,People,Next,8,One in Five teenagers in the US share,passwords as a way to build trust andfoster romance,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Generation,Mobile,Next,10,Morgan Stanleys brilliant presentation on thestate of the internet,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Generation,Mobile,Next,11,Googles acquisition of AdMob shows that,mobile media has arrived,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,12,Next,Only 20%of iPhone apps are actively used,GenerationMobileProduced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Generation,Mobile,Next,13,Google launches Goggles-picture-based search,from a mobile phone,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,14,Local venues start to market throughFoursquare,NextGenerationMobileProduced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Generation,Mobile,Next,15,Brightkite launches Augmented Reality,advertising,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,NextGeneration,Mobile,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,17,Amazons Kindle finally goes on sale outsidethe US,NextGenerationTechnology,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,18,Next,Google Wave launches to general bafflement,GenerationTechnology,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Generation,Next,19,Each school child in Uruguay is to be given a,laptop,TechnologyProduced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,20,Access to broadband is to become a legalin Finland,right,NextGenerationTechnology,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,NextGeneration,Content,Next GenerationContent,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,22,40%of music sales in the US in 2009 weredigital downloads,NextGenerationContent,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Content,Generation,Next,23,Modern Warfare 2 sold 4.7 million copies in,the first day in the US and UK alone,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,24,Apple bought music streaming site Lala,NextGenerationContentProduced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Content,Generation,Next,25,YouTube served 10 million live streams,of U2s gig in Pasadena,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Content,Generation,Next,26,Nokia Signpost in London controlled by Ovi,users,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,27,Spanish football fans giveteam,blood for their,NextGenerationContent,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,Content,Generation,Next,28,Design and build your ownDay card,Lego ValentinesProduced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,NextGeneration,Content,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,30,Social network usage grows in China,NextGenerationSocial MediaProduced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,31,Next,Nike turned twitter red for World Aids Day,GenerationSocial Media,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,32,Next,Around 25,million tweets are posted each day,GenerationSocial Media,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,33,Nearly 2m logged into Facebook through XboxLive in the first week,NextGenerationSocial Media,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,34,Its much quicker to share on twitter than onFacebook,NextGenerationSocial Media,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,NextGeneration,Content,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,36,Facebook claim that ads on their site can bemore effective than on Google,NextGenerationEffectiveness,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,37,Pizza Hut generated$1m in orders in 3months from their mobile apps,NextGenerationEffectiveness,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,38,Ebay sold 1.5m items through their mobile appover Christmas 2009,NextGenerationEffectiveness,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,39,Paranormal Activity found its audiencethough the gig booking site Eventful,NextGenerationEffectiveness,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,40,New Moons Success was predicted by analysingtwitter buzz,NextGenerationEffectiveness,Produced byProperty of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,NextGeneration,Effectiveness,Produced by,Property of Aegis Media.All rights reserved.,