市场营销专业英语 topic 6.ppt
Chapter 6,Brand Management,6.1 What Is Brand,6.1.1 The Importance of Brand and Branding 95 Branding has been around for centuries as a means to distinguish the goods of one producer from those of another.According to the American Marketing Association(AMA),a brand is a“name,term,sign,symbol or design,or a combination of them,intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition.”,如果把品牌当作一颗果树,产品就是树上的果子。消费者在一棵品牌树上摘下一颗果子吃了是甜的,那么他也会相信这棵树上的另一些果子也是甜的。因此,企业要倾力打造自己的品牌,品牌成功之后,再推出新的产品,只要贴上品牌的标签就可以了。,果树理论,2023/3/5,4,4,品牌(Brand)管理,组成,品牌是附加在产品上的所有标识物的总称,它与商标在概念和应用上是有严格区别的。,Technically speaking,then,whenever a marketer creates a new name,logo,or symbol for a new product,he or she has created a brand.,6.1.2 Brands versus Products 96 Kotler define five levers to a product 1.The core benefit level is the fundamental need or want that consumer satisfy by consuming the product or service.2.The generic product level is a basic version of the product containing only those attributes or characteristics absolutely necessary for its functioning but with no distinguishing features.This is basically a stripped-down,no-frills version of the product that adequately performs the product function.,3.The expected product level is a set of attributes or characteristics that buyers normally expect and agree to when they purchase a product.4.The augmented product level includes additional product attributes,benefits,or related services that distinguish the product from competitors.5.The potential product level include all of the augmentations and transformations that a product might ultimately undergo in the future.96,整体产品概念,核心产品:产品的实质,为解决某些问题而提供的服务有形产品:产品的质量水平、特点、式样、品牌名称、包装期望产品:期望得到的与产品密切相关的一整套属性和条件 延伸产品:产品的附加服务和利益潜在产品(未来的产品):与现有产品有替代功能或功能更强的新产品,1.核心产品,产品给顾客提供的基本效用和利益从根本上来说,每一种产品实质上都是为解决问题而提供的服务。空调洗衣机因此营销人员向顾客销售任何产品,都必须具有反映顾客核心需求的基本效用或利益,2.形式产品,是指核心产品所展示的全部外部特征。即呈现在市场上的产品的具体形态或外在表现形式,主要包括产品的款式、质量、特色、品牌、包装等。产品的基本效用必须通过特定形式才能实现,市场营销人员应努力寻求更加完善的外在形式以满足顾客的需求国产凌凌漆(粤语)W.avi,看看人家怎麼設計的,鑰匙鏈都這麼精致,就是拴的不對地方,吃麵用的,誰能想到是個檯燈啊,一個是錶,一個是收音機,個性十足,時鐘和鉛筆,都是存錢筒,放鹽和放胡椒的罐子,竟然還可以擁抱,漂亮的壁燈,是手電筒也是時鐘,你猜這兩個玩意是做什麼的?,一個是掛衣架,另一個還是掛衣架,這兩個可愛的小東西是什麼呢?,反過來可能是時鐘,也可能是喇叭,好玩的掛毛巾架,人性化的湯匙,東西做成這樣還怕不好賣嗎?,有個性的掛鉤,注意那個小的,讓人想吃的鑰匙鏈,叫人捨不得點的蠟燭,為什麼韓國的東西這麼流行,看看人家精緻的設計就知道了,真的值得我們學習啊!,3.延伸产品,是指顾客因购买产品所得到的全部附加服务与利益,包括保证、咨询、送货、安装、维修等,莱维特:,现代竞争并不在于各家公司在其工厂中生产什么,而在于它们能为其产品增加些什么内容 诸如包装、服务、广告、客户咨询、融资、送货、仓储,以及人们所重视的其它价值。每一个公司应寻求有效的途径,为其产品提供附加价值。,6.1.3 Customer-based Brand Equity 98 Two questions often arise regarding brand:What makes a brand strong?and How do you build a strong brand?To help answer both of these questions,this section introduces the customer-based brand equity(CBBE)model.The CBBE model approaches brand equity from the perspective of the consumerwhether it be an individual or an organization.,The basic premise of the CBBE model is that the power of a brand lies in what customers have learned,felt,seen,and heard about the brand as a result of their experiences over time.In other words,the power of a brand lies in what resides in the minds of customers.99,2023/3/5,36,36,属性 一个品牌对于顾客来讲,首先给他或她带来的是一个使用这个品牌的产品属性。,品牌(Brand)管理,品牌层次,利益 品牌的每种属性,体现顾客的利益。因为顾客购买的是利益。,价值 包括营销价值和顾客价值。,文化 品牌可附加象征一种文化或文化中某种令人喜欢或热衷的东西。,个性 品牌的个性表现为它就是“这样的”,使使用者也能具有对“这样”的认同或归属感。,使用者 品牌通过上述各层次的综合,形成特定的品牌形象,必然表现为它应该有特定的使用者。,2023/3/5,37,一、品牌的含义2,Benz,品牌,6.2 New Products and Brand Extension 99,As background,it is worthwhile to first consider the sources of growth for a firm.One useful perspective is offered by Ansoffs product/market expansion grid.As shown in Figure 6-1,growth strategies can be categorize according to whether they involve existing or new products and whether they target existing or new customers or markets.,When a firm introduces a new product,it has three main choices as to how to brand it:1.It can develop a new brand,individually chosen for the new product.2.It can apply,in some way,one of its existing brands.3.It can use a combination of a new brand with an existing brand.99,2023/3/5,40,品牌战略决策(Brand-strategy decision),产品线扩展(Line extensions)品牌延伸(Brand extensions)多品牌(Multi-brands)新品牌(New brands)合作品牌(Co-brands),IV、新品牌 理由:企业在推出新产品时,发现原有的品牌名称不 太适合新产品,可能损害原有的品牌形象,对 新产品的推广带来一定的困难。,V、复合品牌,注释品牌 合作品牌,注释品牌为主导品牌提供支持和信用 主导品牌说明产品功能、价值及购买对象,三星科健复合品牌新手机上市,这是科健首款GSM复合品牌手机三星科健A718。这款双屏双彩折叠机外观时尚,工艺精良,拥有30万像素摄像头和40和弦雅马哈铃声,而新品上市的定价仅为2900余元,因此将具有很强的市场冲击力。由于三星科健A718除了沿用科健的销售网络外,还计划动用三星的销售渠道,加上联合品牌本身具有的种种优势,因此科健非常看好A718未来的市场前景。郝建学指出,A718的销售目标是,半年内销量达到20万到30万台。,A brand extension is when a firm uses an established brand name to introduce a new product(approaches 2 or 3).Brand extensions can be broadly classified into two general categories:Line extension:The parent brand is used to brand a new product that targets a new market segment within a product category currently served by the parent brand.Category extension:The parent brand is used to enter a different product category from that currently served by the parent brand(e.g.,Swiss Army watches).100,产品线扩展企业在同样的品牌名称下面,在相同的产品名称中引进增加的项目内容,如新的口味,形式,颜色,成分或包装规格等等,M&M出新口味了!哇櫻桃耶 马上帶一包回家试试!,M&M 櫻桃口味,Brand extensions can come in all forms.One well-known branding expert,Edward Tauber,identifies the following seven general strategies for establishing a category-or what he calls a franchise-extension:1.Introduce the same product in a different form.Examples:Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail and Jell-O Pudding Pops 2.Introduce products that contain the brands distinctive taste,ingredient,or component.Examples:Philadelphia cream cheese salad dressing and Hagen-Dazs cream liqueur 3.Introduce companion products for the brand.Examples:Coleman camping equipment and Duracell Durabeam flashlights 100,4.Introduce products relevant to the customer franchise of the brand.Examples:Gerber insurance and Visa travelers checks 5.Introduce products that capitalize on the firms perceived expertise.Examples:Honda lawn mowers and Canon photocopy machines 6.Introduce products that reflect the brands distinctive benefit,attribute,or feature.Example:Lysols deodorizing household cleaning products and Ivorys mild cleaning products 7.Introduce products that capitalize on the distinctive image or prestige of the brand.Examples:Calvin Klein clothes and accessories and Porsche sunglasses,(1)同行业与跨行业延伸策略,品牌延伸策略模式:,HelloKitty 跨行业的品牌延伸策略,HelloKitty如此简单的造型设计却已经渗透到了不同行业不同种类的产品领域。例如,有HelloKitty形象或标志的玩具、文具、手机、手镯、音响、手表、手提包、电视机,等等。,(2)水平延伸与垂直延伸策略 272 水平延伸原品牌产品与延伸产品处 于同一档次 垂直延伸原品牌产品与延伸产品处不 同的档次,第一种是向上延伸策略,企业以中低档产品的品牌向高档产品延伸,进入高档产品市场。一般来讲,向上延伸可以有效地提升品牌资产价值,改善品牌形象,一些国际著名品牌,特别是一些原来定位于中档的大众名牌,为了达到上述目的,不惜花费巨资,以向上延伸策略拓展市场。,然而国内很多企业,这条路似乎走得不是那么顺利。比较典型的例子是熊猫手机。熊猫手机一直定位在中低档国产手机,在获得一定的品牌认可度之后,熊猫集团不惜花费巨资,推出高档手机,企图打入高档市场,最终碰得灰头土脸,一败涂地。当年的马志平私下聊天时曾不无苦恼地说,熊猫手机的技术及质量并不逊于同类竞争品牌,却始终卖不出好价钱,似乎怎么都改变不了消费者对熊猫手机“低档手机”的印象。,第二种是向下延伸策略,即企业以高档品牌推出中低档产品,通过品牌向下延伸策略扩大市场占有率。一般来讲,采用向下延伸策略的企业可能是因为中低档产品市场存在空隙,销售和利润空间较为可观,也可能是在高档产品市场受到打击,企图通过拓展低档产品市场来反击竞争对手,或者是为了填补自身产品线的空档,防止竞争对手的攻击性行为。,这一策略运用得炉火纯青的当属宝洁集团。在经过多年的中国市场培育和品牌形象打造之后,宝洁已经在中国市场深入人心,飘柔、潘婷、海飞丝等品牌分别以区隔精准的功能定位和“高档”的品牌形象赢得良好的知名度和美誉度,随着中国洗涤日化行业竞争的不断加剧,当越来越多的国产品牌以更占优势的价位和强力的广告宣传纷纷抢占市场时,宝洁不得不改变策略,推出一系列“平民价位”的产品,给竞争对手以有力的打击。更重要的是,宝洁这一举措丝毫无损于它一贯的“高档”形象,反而给人“更具亲和力”的感觉,不可谓不厉害。,第三种同时向上、下延伸,也称为品牌双向延伸,即品牌原来定位于中档品牌,随着市场的发展,企业对品牌作向上和向下两个方向的延伸。例:韩国的LG。LG在中国的品牌策略是非常成功的,从进入中国市场之初,LG在品牌形象的塑造上一直是以“高端”形象示人,但产品价位却定位在中档,给消费者既实惠又有面子的感觉。在这样一种品牌基础上,一旦实行产品双向战略,既无损于LG原有的品牌形象,同时有利于掌握市场优势,扩大市场阵容。,6.3 Advantages of Extensions 101,For most firms,the question is not whether the brand should be extended,but when,where,and how the brand should be extended.Well-planned and well-implemented extensions offer a number of advantages to marketers.,Facilitate New Product Acceptance Improve brand image Reduce risk perceived by customers Increase the probability of gaining distribution and trial Increase efficiency of promotional expenditures Reduce costs of introductory an follow-up marketing programs Avoid cost of developing a new brand Allow for packaging and labeling efficiencies Permit consumer variety-seekingProvide Feedback Benefits to the Parent Brand and Company Clarify brand meaning Enhance the parent brand image Bring new customers into brand franchise and increase market coverage Revitalize the brand Permit subsequent extensions,Figure 6.2 Advantages of Brand Extension,6.4 Disadvantages of Brand Extensions,Can confuse or frustrate consumersCan encounter retailer resistanceCan fail and hurt parent brand imageCan succeed but cannibalize sales of parent brandCan succeed but diminish identification with any one category.Can succeed but hurt the image of parent brandCan dilute brand meaning Can cause the company to forgo the chance to develop a new brand.,Figure 6.3 Disadvantages of Brand Extension,II、品牌延伸把一个现有的品牌名称使用到 一个新类别的产品上。270 优点:易于被认知和接受 易于引进新的产品项目 节约大量的营销费用 缺点:可能损害消费者对原有品牌的信任度 品牌名称对新产品未必适合 影响品牌的定位品牌稀释,品牌与代言人,李宁,NIKE,Words and Expressions,1.Parent Brand:母品牌 2.Original Product:原产品 3.Extension Product:延伸产品。4.Brand Strength:品牌强度 5.Brand Awareness:品牌知名度 6.Perceived Quality:品牌的感知质量 7.Brand Price Premium Ability:品牌溢价能力 8.Perceived Fit:关联性感知 9.Need for Cognition:认知需求度,10.Expert Consumers:专家型消费者Novice Consumers:新手型消费者11.Master Brand:主导品牌12.Line Extensions:线延伸13.Category Extensions:大类延伸14.Horizontal Extensions:水平延伸15.Vertical Extensions,Vertical Product Line Extent:垂直延伸16.Downward Stretches:向下延伸17.Upward Stretches:向上延伸,