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    新目标初中英语课件八级上册《Review of units 712》Period 3.ppt

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    新目标初中英语课件八级上册《Review of units 712》Period 3.ppt

    Review of units7-12Period 3(4,5,6),Step 1 Revision,To ask some students to talk about the famous person they admire.,Information Box,Name:Deng Yaping,Date of birth:June 2nd,1973,Job:ping pang ball player,Whos that?,When was she born?,What does she do?,Information Box,Name:David Beckham,Date of birth:1975,Job:football player,Whos that?,When was he born?,What does he do?,A song,Step 2 Leading-in,1.Lets read,Whos that?Thats my favorite Ping-Pong playerWhen did he become a Ping-Pong Player?When he was five years oldWhen was he born?He was born in nineteen eighty-oneWhy do you like him?Hes the most famous Ping-Pong player.,Whos that?Thats my favorite movie starWhen did she become a movie star?When he was three years oldWhen was she born?He was born in nineteen sixty-nine.Why do you like her?Shes the most talented movie star in the world.,Whos that?Thats my favorite football playerWhen did he become a football Player?When he was twelve years oldWhen was he born?He was born in nineteen eighty-fourWhy do you like him?Hes the greatest football player.,2.Lets sing,Some famous snacks,Whats your favorite snack?,Step 3 pair-work,2.How do you make your favorite snack?What ingredients do you need?How many?How much?,3 Tell your partner how to make it.,A:First,cut two pieces of bread.B:What kind of bread?A:Well,I like healthy brown bread.B:OK.Whats next?A:Next,you,First,Next,Then,How to make Zhijiang sour radish?,A:First wash the radish and cut the radishes into slices.,B:Whats next?,A:Next pour some cold water into the crock.Then put the radishes in the crock too.Make sure the lid is on.,A:Finally one week later,put the radish in a bowl and put two teaspoons of chili sauce and one teaspoon of salt.Mix them up.Then you can try it.,B:Sounds interesting.When can we eat the sour radish?,Use your head,youll make it.,学校食堂的师傅不小心将今天中午的菜谱弄破了,请同学们帮忙拼好,将菜谱复原。,Next,put cheese on the tomato sauce.,Put it in the oven.,First,put tomato sauce on the crust.,Then cut up peppers and mushrooms and put them on the cheese.,shark鲨鱼 photo 照片 movie电影beach 沙滩friend朋友 Australia澳大利亚 souvenir 纪念物usually 通常 help帮助,Step 4 Write A Story!,A Competition!,Requirements:,1 Ten students a group.2.Each student writes one sentence using a word from the box and folds the paper.3.Take turns to add sentences.4 Choose the best group.,e.g.My friend and I went to Australia on vacation last holiday.,The first day,the weather was beautiful.,.,Lets see which group is the best one.,.,Step 5 Summary,1.Whos that?2.What does he/she do?3.When was he/she born?4.How to make it?,.,Step 6 HomeworkWrite a short passage with the words below.(warm,friendly,delicious,buy,photo)2.Preview Part 7 on Page 80.,Thank you for your listening,


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