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    中华道教第一山崆峒山简介,制作人:陈广周2011年3月11日,Kongtong Mountain is located 12 kilometers west of Pingliang City,East Kan 崆峒山位于甘肃省平凉市城西12公里处,东瞰西安,Xian,Lanzhou,west,south of Baoji,the North arrived in Yinchuan,the ancient Road西接兰州,南邻宝鸡,北抵银川,是古丝绸之路 Silk and west off of the fortress.Huangdi asks for child and widely known as the chan西出关中之要塞。因轩辕黄帝问道广成子而被誉为source into the Holy Land.Its natural landscape,cultural landscape rolled into one道源圣地。其自然景观、人文景观集于and quite beautiful,the value of cultural and scientific expedition,it is with martial一身而颇有观赏、文化和科考价值,arts kongtong Shaolin,Wudang and other well-known Chinese schools.Scenic area of崆峒武术更是与少林、武当等流派驰名华夏。景区面积84 square kilometers,the main peak elevation of 2,123 meters,set the odd dangerous84平方公里,主峰海拔2123米,集奇险灵秀natural landscape and scenery of the ancient cultural landscape in a superb,highly的自然景观和古朴精湛的人文景观于一身,ornamental,cultural and scientific expedition values.Since ancient times,West to具有极高的观赏、文化和科考价值。自古就有“西来the first mountain,West Town wonders,Kongtong mountains show the world 第一山”、“西镇奇观”、“崆峒山色天下秀”之reputation.美誉。,Kongtong attractions(崆峒山著名景点),Cangsong ridge(苍松岭),Chaoyang Dong(朝阳洞),Rouge River(胭脂川),Sun Palm(太 阳 掌),Phoenix Ridge(凤 凰 岭),Shek Kip May(月石峡),Shang tianti(上 天 梯),Peak Candle(蜡 烛 峰),Thunder Peak(雷 声 峰),Cangsong ridge(苍松岭),Pine ridge,Qing Zhang Kai who termed it as Ling extremely dry moat in the 苍松岭,清朝人张春溪称之它为松岭,位于south west,south mountain hairpin head south before the Jing River Gorge.Because绝顶隍城西南侧,笄头山南侧,南临前峡泾河水。the peak growth of many pine trees,so called pine ridgeYuan Wang pine ridge,like 因为峰上生长着众多的松树,故称苍松岭远望苍 a winding queue,jumped into the river Jing can not afford a long drink.Kongtong松岭,就象一条弯弯曲曲的长龙,一头扎进泾河水Chi to describe the Road:potential pass to interactive,such as the dragon from the中长饮不起。崆峒山志形容道:势隘以亘,如Dragon first,the ridge rise alone,and as bent as the cops,a few ups and downs.Stone虬龙首位距地,脊独奋起,而为屈为纡,数有起伏。layer structure,such as in rows,since the scale among the pine and the like for Tianjiao.奇石层构如鳞次,松自鳞间出,并作天骄之状。,Chaoyang Dong(朝阳洞),Chaoyang Dong Ling in the east cliffs on the Lions,facing a朝阳洞位于狮子岭东侧绝壁上,面临一条ravine,valley covered with dense forest,every valley and across the沟谷,谷内长满茂密的森林,隔谷与西台West Taiwan.Cidong not very big,the hole width of 8 meters,a height 相望。此洞不甚大,洞口宽为8米,高为of 5 meters and a depth of 5 meters,there is no access to paths,very5米,深为5米,这里没有出入的路径,游few visitors to this,so it is very elegant silence.Kongtong records,“人很少到此,因此,显得十分幽雅寂静。said:Chaoyang Dong,in the mountains of the yang,the Taoist崆峒山志说:朝阳洞,在山之阳,道practice place,off the beaten track.This place used to be Taoist 家修炼处,人迹罕至。这里曾经是道人修practice,and later became believers bowing place inside the炼的地方,后来又成为信士们礼佛的场所,existing clay Buddha was shocked.洞内现有泥塑佛像一尊。,Rouge River(胭脂川),Rouge River(river),in Kongtong Sanin.The two mountains into the valley before 胭脂川(河),在崆峒山阴。始入谷则两山夹峙,Jia Zhi,towering stone walls,road backwater transfer,such as into despair.2 km line of 石壁参天,路回水转,如入绝境。行2公里抵四沟口 credit to the mountain climbing four Mizoguchi Road.Old rides,car straight to the 为后山攀山道。旧时乘骑、轿直抵中台。1981年后两 station.Widening twice after 1981,this passage for trucks below 5 tonnes.After the Gap 次拓宽改建,今可供5吨以下载重汽车通行。后峡亦 is also a former beheaded Road,Taniguchi to enter,followed by Gan Jia Fen,sheep 为昔日“鸡头道”,谷口以进,依次有甘家坟、放羊滩、Bea Beach,stone sheep stations,drill holes sheep,Jiro stone,big Elephant,cottages,站羊石、钻羊洞、二郎石、大象山、麦垛山、冰凌沟、mountains,ice gully,flat peach,small gantry Zhu Jing,are legends.桃花坪、小龙门诸景,均有传说故事。,Sun Palm(太 阳掌),Sun Palm is an extension of the south end of Lion Ridge,the太阳掌是狮子岭向南延伸的尾端,在山脊背部有 ridge has a relatively flat back,hollow,slightly curved shape like the 一块较为平坦的凹地,其形状就象微微弯曲的手掌,palm of your hand,surrounded by dense forest,where sunlight is shorter,周围是密密麻麻的山林,这里阳光照射的时间较短,and the sun shines first Palm center,and then gradually expanded,so 而且阳光首先照到手掌中心,然后渐次扩大,所以取 calledsun palm.There is a Ying-Xue Sun Hermit palm letter and the Muta名“太阳掌”。“太阳掌有一座映雪山人李信和的墓塔,Li,Li Xin and young people are eager to learn Qinan,Fuji wander Kongtong,李信和是秦安县人少年好学,负笈云游崆峒山,他精 he specializes in medical skills,good at calligraphy,has been the subject于医术,擅长书法,曾作老子大同等书,于1935“I Datong”and other books,in 1935 Buried here after the death in February.年2月去世后葬于此地。,Phoenix Ridge(凤 凰 岭),Phoenix Mountain Ridge is the mountain Kongtong an important landscape area,the east is 凤凰岭是崆峒山后山景区一个重要景观,其东侧是后 the mountain winding road,across a valley and distant sea north of Taiwan;west side of the山盘山车道,隔一条峡谷与北台遥遥相望;西侧隔沟 furrow with echoing Laojun peak;the north side is done and after the rouge gorge River;only the与老君峰呼应;北侧尽处便是后峡胭脂河;只有南测 south side of the ridge connected with the main peak Mazongshan.This was north-south ridge,山脊与主峰马鬃山相连接。此岭呈南北走向,两端略 slightly lower ends of the central uplift,east and west sides of the extension of the two peaks,the 低,中部隆起,东西两侧各延伸出两条山峰,犹如鸟之 double wing as a bird.From the shape of the hill look like a fly Ridge Phoenix Phoenix,Fissidens 双冀。从整个山形看,凤凰岭宛如一只展翅飞翔的凤 connection peak,crested point rouge river,so the Phoenix Ridge.“凰,凤尾连接主峰,凤头指向胭脂河,故凤凰岭。,Shek Kip May(月石峡),Channel for the former Mountain,named because of drinking on stone.Road 为前山登山通道,因饮月石而得名。山道曲 twists and turns,view per step.Gap at a new Wangmu Gong,Guanyinge.Climbing折,步移景异。峡口处有新建王母宫、观音 rock in the January admission as a drink,then left the road stone,inscription,阁。攀登里许为饮月石,再上路左一巨石,Kongtong Wonderland,overlooking the sayingeight characters,and then have to 题刻“崆峒仙境、俯瞰五岳”八个大字,再 fight child Waterloo,tea Om Temple,sarcophagus,to Nanyan Palace,Xian Qiao上有打儿窝、茶庵寺、石室,至南岩宫、仙 Department also The thin strip of sky.Steep canyons,dry sunny day.桥处又称“一线天”。峡谷峻峭,晴日无水。,Shang tianti(上 天 梯),Hundred meters high,was 42 degrees slope.Jackson cut the auspices of the高百余米,呈42度坡。唐代仁智禅师主 Tang different views.Jiajing twenty-four years of Ming Dynasty(1545),when持开凿。明代嘉靖二十四年(1545)始设铁桩 they set up four iron pickets,stakes 30,and through cable hundred meters for4根,木桩30根,贯铁索百余米供攀扶,万历 the Pan Fu,Wanli Chen Fengyi and other fund-raising make up 14 stone steps年间陈奉义等14人募资补葺石阶115级。清 115 repair.Acquire iron pickets complement repair the Qing Dynasty.21 years代补葺添置铁桩。民国21年(1932),朱元升(1932),Chu Yuan-person fund-raising promotion,Road Shidu were completely等人募资,道士杜宗霭主持全面整修378级。renovated 378 Margaret presided.Renovated in 1982 and 1990,will be extended 1982和1990年两次整修,将弯道取直下延,straight down to take corners,purchase iron pickets 20,cable 200 meters.添置铁桩20根,铁索200余米。建设部副部 Vice Minister of Construction Ye Rutang inscribed on the ladder the words.长叶如棠题写“上天梯”三字。,Peak Candle(蜡 烛 峰),Peak is a scenic candle unique place,located in Xiangshan,east,and the Xiangshan蜡烛峰就是一处风景独特的地方,位于香山东侧,与香山连 even as one,many large and small stones on the mountain as if inserted in the cliff seam为一体,山峰上大大小小许多石块犹如倒插在崖缝中,所以 down,so insert stone,also known as down.Everest is only one mountain to go down,from又名倒插石。去垂珠峰只有一条山路,从隍城一侧绕过后,one side dry moat around the city,go to the extremely large between Yao and Da Nang进入绝顶和香山之间的大崾岘,当你行走在弯弯曲曲的山道 Xiangshan,walking in the winding mountain road,you can see down the majestic Mount上,便可以看见垂珠峰的雄姿。从垂珠峰山势上看,其顶端 Everest.Look down the mountain from Everest,the top open and bottom of narrow,red-开阔而下方窄小,赤丹色的崖高约百米,那堆起的块块石头 colored cliffs Dan about hundred meters high,it is endless envy saliva.犹如一颗颗晶莹剔透的玉石珠子,令人涎羡不已。,Thunder Peak(雷 声 峰),Raytheon peak is a peak Mazongshan extended south branch,雷声峰是主峰马鬃山向南延伸的一条支脉,like the main peak of a right arm,down the stretch,point to the river 宛如主峰的一条右臂,舒展而下,指向涛涛 gorge before Taotao.This ridge is 200 meters,5 meters the highest 的前峡河水。这条山脊全长200米,最高处 point,however,are red color throughout the stone mountain,the east 不过5米,整个山体均为丹色石质,其东西 andwest sides must stream beneath,on the south cliffs of stone 两侧下临绝涧,南面的绝壁上有人工开凿的 excavatedlevel,can lead to ridge board.石级,可通向棋盘岭。,Welcome to the beautiful Kongtong(美丽崆峒欢迎您),谢谢收看,


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