新目标初中英语课件七级上册《Review of units 712》R125.ppt
Review of units 7-12Period 5,4,Then practice the song.,Can you dance?No,I cant.Can you swim?No,I cantWhat can you do?I can sing.Can you paint?No,I cant.Can you swim?No,I cant.,What can you do?I can sing.Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is music.Can you sing?Yes,I can.Why do you like music?I like it because its fun.Can you sing?Yes,I can.,5c,Read the letter and answer the questions.,1.What time does school start in America?,In America,school starts at eight-thirty.,2.What does Jim do before hehas breakfast?,He takes a shower before he eats breakfast.,3.Why does Jim like history?,Because he thinks its interest-ing and he likes the teacher.,4.What are Jims hobbies?,Playing basketball and the guitar are his hobbies.,5.What are Jims favorite movies?,His favorite movies are action movies and thrillers.,5b,Write a letter to Jim and tell him about your life in China.,Dear Jim,Thanks for your letter.Im very,glad to be your friend.,In China,school starts at eight,oclock.,I eat breakfast at seven,oclock.,I usually take a shower in,the evening.,My favorite subject,is P.E.because I think it is fun.,My last class is at five oclock.,After school I like to play soccer.I,like soccer very much.I can also,play chess,but I cant play it very,well.,I like movies.,My favorite,movies are comedies and docu-,mentaries.,I dont like thrillers,because I think they are scary.,I like watching TV but I dont,watch it every day.I watch TV,only on Saturday and Sunday.,Best wishes,Wang Yao,Homework1Review all of the words and phrases of units7-12.2 Finish off the exercises on pages 7982 of the workbook,Thats all.Thank you!,