Name:Major:ID:,The Monster Hunter(怪物猎人)is a series of fantasy Action Adventure video games that started with the game Monster Hunter for PlayStation 2(索尼电脑娱乐公司于2000年发售的一款家用游戏机).The series is developed and published byCapcom,A famous Japanese Game company which has famous works:RESIDENT EVIL(生化危机)and Devil May Cry(鬼泣).As the title suggests the player takes the role of a hunter in a fantasy environment and completes quests by seeking out monsters to hunt or capture.,Although it is wild and violent,But future generations continue to yearn forthe dizzying centuries.。Earth,sky,and all the residents living in the times make up of the time full ofthe greatest vitality.Compared to the world now,it has become very simple.That is-hunting,or hunted.The Original world of the game:Monster Hunter,For many new players,monster hunter is a difficult game to learn to how to play it.Different most action video game will first kill some small monster,collect experience,raise characters level and last you will fight against BOSS.In monster hunter,there is no level in hunter,the attack(攻击力)and defense(防御力)of hunter is all depend on weapon(武器)and Armor(防具).every monster of mession player need to complete is BOSS.And the most difficuilty of the game is:every itemthe player can carry in a mession is limited.such as the hunter can only carry 20 bottles of Reply medecine(回复药),so every player must to increase selfs hunt technology and learn to how to avoid monters attack and use different weapons to hunt different monster efficiently.,Weapon Types(武器种类,As for now,according to four generations accumulation,there are 12 kinds of weapon for players to choose.They are:,Great Sword(大剑):It is large,slow weapons that were first introduced in Monster Hunter.Whilst charging an attack,Hunters are hard to knock over with low-damage monster attacks.,Tachi(太刀):long,slender blades designed for elegant movements.They were first introduced in Monster Hunter 2,Switch Axe(斩斧):are weapons first introduced in Monster Hunter 3.There are two modes:Axe(斧)and Sword(剑).It is possible to transform between the two near-instantly.,Sword and Shield(单手剑):it is very quick,small and accompanied by a shield(盾)that allows the Hunter to block most attacks they are very quick it is the only weapon that can use items(道具)while the hunters charging weapons.,Dual Swords(双刀):it is similar to Sword and Shields but with a stronger focus on.Like Sword and Shields,individual Dual Sword attacks cause a small amount of damage,but they are fast and flow easily into combos(连击).,Hammers(锤)are large,heavy weapons which are capable of dealing the vast amounts of damage in a single combo.,Hunting Horns(狩猎笛):are similar to the Hammer in that they do Impact damage and able to K.O a monster when they connect with the head.What makes the Hunting Horn different from the Hammer,however,is its Recital Ability.Each Horn has a different set of three colored notes(音符).These notes can be combined in various ways to create various buff.,Lance(长枪)are long weapons that can strike from a distance.The Lance is always accompanied by a large shield(盾)which grants a powerful defense against most attacks.Although slow and difficult to travel with,the weapons damage output can be considerable.,Gunlance(铳枪)are long,piercing weapons with a mechanism inside which can fire an explosive round.Unlike Bowguns,the Gunlance cannot fire over distances,The Bow(弓)is a fast,unique ranged weapon.An infinite quiver of arrows is automatically provided,although each individual doesnt do a great deal of damage.,Light Bowgun(轻弩)and Heavy Bowgun(重弩):they both are ranged weapons.Light Bowgun is light enough to allow Hunters to run with the weapon drawn,and they can be sheathed and unsheathed very quickly.Althouth use Heavy Bowgum the hunter cant run but they can crouches,immobile,with the Bowgun drawn,and can fire vast amounts of Shells without needing to reload(上弹).,WHY WE SO LOVE MONSTER HUNTER?,Monster Hunter(怪物猎人)or Monster Hunt Human(怪物“猎”人)?,THANK YOU,