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    英文版JB T 16111993 锅炉管子制造 技术条件.doc

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    英文版JB T 16111993 锅炉管子制造 技术条件.doc

    JBProfessional Standard of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国机械行业标准JB/T1611-1993Specifications for Manufacturing of Boiler Tube锅炉管子制造 技术条件Issued on June 01, 1993 Implemented on Jan. 01, 1994Issued by the Ministry of Machine Building of the People's Republic of ChinaContents1 Subject Content and Application Scope12 Normative References13 Technical Requirements13.1 Materials and Welding13.2 Splicing13.3 Surface Quality23.4 Heat Treatment24 Manufacturing and Mounting Tolerances24.1 Deviation for Edges of Butt Joints24.2 Gradient of the End Surface of Butt Joint34.3 Welding Deformations34.4 Elbow44.5 Serpentine Tube54.6 Other Bent Pipe Fittings64.7 Support Pieces84.8 Bottling or Flaring95 Inspection and Acceptance95.1 Welding Quality Inspection105.2 Ball-passing Test105.3 Spectra Inspection105.4 Hydraulic Test105.5 Inside Clean105.6 Quality Certificate106 Marking, Painting and Packing106.1 Marking106.2 Painting and Packing11Additional explanations:11Machinery Professional Standard of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国机械行业标准Specification for Manufacturing of Boiler Tube锅炉管子制造技术条件JB/T1611-93Replace JB 1611-831 Subject Content and Application ScopeThis standard specifies the requirements on the manufacturing, inspection and acceptance as well as marking, painting and packing of boiler tube.This standard is applicable to the stationary hot water boiler and the stationary steam boiler with the rated steam pressure no larger than 13.7MPa and the rated steam temperature no larger than 540, in addition, it is also usable to the subcritical pressure steam boiler.2 Normative ReferencesJB 1612 "Specification for Boiler Hydraulic Pressure Test"JB/T 1613 "Specification for Welding of Boiler Pressure Parts"JB/T 1615 "Specification for Painting and Packing of Boilers"JB 3375 "Receiving Acceptance of Raw Materials for Boiler"3 Technical Requirements3.1 Materials and Welding3.1.1 The materials for boiler tube shall be adopted according to those specified in the related technical documents. The materials for manufacturing the boiler tube shall be in accordance with the requirements of design pattern, and the substitute materials shall be examined and approved according to established procedures. 3.1.2 The steel products and welding materials for manufacturing the boiler tube must pass the receiving acceptance conducted by the inspection department according to those specified in JB 3375, and those that have not conducted with the receiving acceptance or are rejected in the inspection are disallowed to be used in the production. 3.1.3 The welding work of boiler tube shall be in accordance with those specified in JB/T 1613. 3.1.4 When welding parts on the tube, repair welding is disallowed if burnthrough phenomenon happens, and this burnthrough part shall be cut off and installed with the insert tube for re-welding. The length of the insert tube shall be in accordance with those specified in 3.2.3. 3.2 Splicing3.2.1 As for the water wall, convection bank, connecting tube and the pipelines within the scope of boiler, the total quantity N of the splice welds on the total length L of every tube shall not exceed those specified in Table 1, and the shortest length of the spliced tube shall not be less than 500mm. Table 1L mL22<L55<L10L>15NSplicing disallowed1243.2.2 One splice weld is allowed per 4m averagely on the total length of every stick (row) of serpentine tube, and the length of the spliced tube should not be less than 2500mm, the shortest length shall not be less than 500mm. 3.2.3 The length of the insert tube (referring to the tube cut for inspection and the tube added after cutting off the defective weld) shall not be less than 300mm. 3.2.4 The quantity of the corner beads passing though the door opening, the site welds, the welds of insert tube as well as the welds required by special construction all shall not be counted into the total quantity of splice welds. 3.2.5 The positions (for example, the positions welded with stiffening bar or supporter and hanger) where splicing is disallowed because of the requirements of structure and working conditions all shall be indicated in the drawing. 3.2.6 The butt joints of tubes shall be located at the straight segment of the tube, except for the pressed elbow. The butt joint of straight tube and pressed elbow is allowed to be without the straight segment, however, it shall be with adequate strength allowance that is large enough to compensate the bending stress added onto the weld. 3.2.7 Except for the pressed elbow, the distance l1 from the center of the tube butt joint to the starting point of tube bending or the margin of supporter and hanger shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 2: Table 2ItemHot water boiler and steam boiler with rated steam pressure under 3.82MPaSteam boiler with rated steam pressure larger than 3.82mpal1Heating surface tube(including the inset tube)No less than 50mmNo less than 70mmPipelineNo less than the nominal outside diameter and 100mm; in addition, this distance still shall not be less than five times of the nominal wall thickness of this pipeline when the welds are to be heat-treated. l2No less than 50mmNo less than 70mmThe requirements on this distance l1 may be broadened appropriately for some individual tubes that are difficult to meet those specified in Table 2 because of the structural arrangement. 3.2.8 The distance l2 from the starting point of tube bending to the margin of the attachment weld on the boiler barrel or header shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 2. However, for the hot water boiler or the steam boiler with the rated steam pressure less than 3.82MPa, this distance may be broadened appropriately but shall not be less than 20mm at least if it is difficult to meet those specified in Table 2 because of the structural arrangement. 3.3 Surface Quality3.3.1 No matter whether it is raw material or finished product, the mechanical damages on the tube surface are allowed to be grinded off carefully if they do not exceed the lower deviation of wall thickness and also have no sharp corner angles, on condition that they exceed the lower deviation of wall thickness, they shall be welded up according to the approved welding procedure specification, and the rewelded parts shall be regrinded and leveled up. 3.4 Heat Treatment3.4.1 The elbow shall be heat-treated according to the specified technological process. 3.4.2 After completing the welding works (including the reworking) of boiler tube, the heat treatment shall be carried out according to those specified in JB/T 1613. 4 Manufacturing and Mounting Tolerances4.1 Deviation for Edges of Butt JointsThe deviation for the edges of butt joints shall be in accordance with those specified in JB/T 1613.4.2 Gradient of the End Surface of Butt JointThe gradient f (Figure 1) of end surface at the tube welding part is specified as below: Figure 1a. That of the hot water boiler and the steam boiler with rated steam pressure under 3.82MPa shall be in accordance with Table 3. Table 3mmNominal outside diameter Df108Manual welding0.8Machine welding0.5108<D1591.5>1592b. That of the steam boiler with rated steam pressure larger than 3.82mpa shall be in accordance with Table 4. Table 4mmNominal outside diameter Df60Manual welding0.5Machine welding0.360<D1080.8108<D1591159<D2191.5>2190.24.3 Welding Deformations4.3.1 The postweld straightness W of the tube shall be measured at the part where is 50mm away from the weld center as specified in Figure 2, and the value of W shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 5. Figure 2Table 5mmNominal outside diameter DWLength of 1mTotal length L1082.55>1082.5104.3.2 The butt joint of tubes shall not form into oversized welding beading on the inner wall after welding, and the inside diameter at the connection head shall comply with the requirement of ball-passing test. 4.4 Elbow4.4.1 The profile tolerance of the external surface at inner side of elbow shall be measured as specified in Figure 3, and the value of shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 6. The space P between the peaks of the profile shall be larger than 4. Figure 3Table 6mmD<767676<D108133159D219273D325377>3772345679114.4.2 As for the bent tubes with nominal outside diameter D above 60mm, the ellipticity of the elbow shall be inspected stick by stick. For the bent tubes with D no larger than 60mm, the ellipticity of elbow may be inspected randomly. The ellipticity a shall be calculated according to Formula (1) and also shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 7. (1)Where: Dmax, Dminthe maximum and minimum outside diameters on one same cross section of the elbow, see Figure 4, mmTable 7R/D1.4<R/D<2.52.5a %1210Note: R is the bend radius, mm. Figure 44.4.3 The wall thickness reduction amount at the elbow shall be calculated according to Formula (2) and also shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 8. (2)Where: S0the actual wall thickness of tube, mm; Sminthe wall thickness at the position where is with the maximum wall thickness reduction amount on elbow, mm. Table 8R/D1.8<R/D<3.53.5b %1510Note: R is the bend radius, mm. The designer shall recheck the strength of elbow according to those specified in this standard. 4.5 Serpentine TubeThe deviation in the appearance and laying-out line of serpentine tube are specified as below. 4.5.1 The deviation of one single serpentine tube (Figure 5) is: a. The deviation b at tube end shall not be larger than 2mm when the length l of the straight segment of elbow is not larger than 400mm and shall not be larger than 0.005l when l is larger than 400mm. b. The length variation l at tube end is . Figure 54.5.2 A large number of jacket serpentine tubes shall comply with the requirements on the deviation of single serpentine tube as specified in 4.5.1, and the clearance C (Figure 6) among the tubes in the sleeve shall not be less than 1mm. Figure 64.6 Other Bent Pipe Fittings4.6.1 As for the pipe fittings (Figure 7) with nominal outside diameter D no larger than 159mm and with flat elbow, the dimensional deviations include: a. Length variation l; b. Gradient a of elbow; c. Deviation b at pipe end. The value of dimensional deviation shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 9. To assure the interfacing position is in convenient for installation, the range deviation s at pipe end may also be specified if necessary, and the value of s may be taken be making reference to Table 9. As for the pipe fittings with space elbow and the pipe fittings with nominal outside diameter above 159mm and with flat elbow, the manufacturer shall provide the requirements on dimensional deviation in the design pattern and technological documents so as to assure the interfacing position being in convenient for installation. a) Equidirectional elbowb) Different direction elbowFigure 7Table 9mmNominal outside diameterDimensional variationLength l500500<l10001000<l20002000<l6000>600089l±2±3±4±5a3456b248s±6>89159l±3±4±6±7a4678b3610s±104.6.2 As for the bent tube products (Figure 8) that are needed to be connected with boiler barrel or header, the deviations in appearance and laying-out line include: a. Length variation l at pipe end; b. Deviation b at pipe end; c. Deviation c at the middle of pipe section. The deviations in appearance and laying-out line shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 10. Table 10mmTube typelbcHeating surface tube335Connecting tube3310a) Heating surface tubeb) Connecting tubeFigure 84.7 Support Pieces4.7.1 The longitudinal gradient a1 and transverse gradient a2 of the transverse lifting lug (Figure 9) all shall not be larger than 2mm. Figure 94.7.2 The transverse gradient a2 of the longitudinal lifting lug (Figure 10) shall not be larger than 2mm. Figure 104.7.3 The deviation (Figure 11) in the centre-to-centre distance of lifting lug is specified as below: when the centre-to-centre distance P1 between the lifting lugs at both ends is not larger than 3m, P1 shall not exceed ±3mm, when P is larger than 3m, P1 shall not exceed ±4mm. The deviation P in the centre-to-centre distance P between two adjacent lifting lugs shall not exceed ±2mm. Figure 114.8 Bottling or Flaring4.8.1 As for the tube with bottling or flaring, the deviation D between the outside diameter D (Figure 12) of the bottled or flared tube and the specified value shall not be larger than 1% of the specified value. a) Bottlingb) FlaringFigure 124.8.2 The deviation of the center line of tube at the bottling or flaring parts is e=0.5(a-b) (Figure 12) shall not be larger than 2% of the specified value of the tube outside diameter after bottling or flaring or not larger than 3mm. 5 Inspection and AcceptanceThe finished tube shall not only be conducted with the inspection and acceptance check according to those specified in this standard, but also shall be conducted with the following inspection and acceptance check works. 5.1 Welding Quality InspectionThe welds on the tube shall be conducted with inspection and acceptance check according to those specified in JB/T 1613. 5.2 Ball-passing Test5.2.1 The ball-passing test shall be conducted onto the butt joints with the nominal outside diameter D no larger than 60mm or the bent tubes, the ball-passing diameter db of butt joint shall be in accordance with Table 11 according to the nominal bore d and that of bent tube shall be in accordance with Table 12 according to the bend radius R. Table 11mmd2525<d4040<d55>55db0.75d0.80d0.85d0.90dTable 12R/D1.4R/D<1.51.8R/D<2.52.5R/D<3.53.5db mm0.75d0.80d0.85d0.90d5.2.2 As for the tubes that are welded after being bent, the diameter of the ball in the ball-passing test shall be taken with the smaller value in Table 11 and Table 12. 5.3 Spectra InspectionThe tubes (including the insert tube) that are made up of alloy-steel tube as well as the welds on the tube by adopting manual welding method shall be carried o


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