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    液压站及液压元件发展概况液压站又称液压泵站,是独立的液压装置。它按逐级要求供油。并控制液压油流的方向、压力和流量,适用于主机与液压装置可分离的各种液压机械上。用户购后只要将液压站与主机上的执行机构(油缸或油马达)用油管相连,液压机械即可实现各种规定的动作和工作循环。液压站是由泵装置、集成块或阀组合、油箱、电气盒组合而成。各部件功能为:泵装置上装有电机和油泵,是液压站的动力源,将机械能转化为液压油的压力能。集成块由液压阀及通道体组装而成。对液压油实行方向、压力和流量调节。阀组合板式阀装在立板上,板后管连接,与集成块功能相同。油箱板焊的半封闭容器,上还装有滤油网、空气滤清器等,用来储油、油的冷却及过滤。电气盒分两种型式。一种设置外接引线的端子板;一种配置了全套控制电器。液压站的工作原理:电机带动油泵转动,泵从油箱中吸油供油,将机械能转化为液压站的压力能,液压油通过集成块(或阀组合)实现了方向、压力、流量调节后经外接管路并至液压机械的油缸或油马达中,从而控制液动机方向的变换、力量的大小及速度的快慢,推动各种液压机械做功。一、发展历程 我国液压(含液力,下同)、气动和密封件工业发展历程,大致可分为三个阶段,即:20世纪50年代初到60年代初为起步阶段;6070年代为专业化生产体系成长阶段;8090年代为快速发展阶段。其中,液压工业于50年代初从机床行业生产仿苏的磨床、拉床、仿形车床等液压传动起步,液压元件由机床厂的液压车间生产,自产自用。进入60年代后,液压技术的应用从机床逐渐推广到农业机械和工程机械等领域,原来附属于主机厂的液压车间有的独立出来,成为液压件专业生产厂。到了60年代末、70年代初,随着生产机械化的发展,特别是在为第二汽车制造厂等提供高效、自动化设备的带动下,液压元件制造业出现了迅速发展的局面,一批中小企业也成为液压件专业制造厂。1968年中国液压元件年产量已接近20万件;1973年在机床、农机、工程机械等行业,生产液压件的专业厂已发展到100余家,年产量超过100万件,一个独立的液压件制造业已初步形成。这时,液压件产品已从仿苏产品发展为引进技术与自行设计相结合的产品,压力向中、高压发展,并开发了电液伺服阀及系统,液压应用领域进一步扩大。气动工业的起步比液压稍晚几年,到1967年开始建立气动元件专业厂,气动元件才作为商品生产和销售。含橡塑密封、机械密封和柔性石墨密封的密封件工业,50年代初从生产普通O型圈、油封等挤压橡塑密封和石棉密封制品起步,到60年代初,开始研制生产机械密封和柔性石墨密封等制品。70年代,在原燃化部、一机部、农机部所属系统内,一批专业生产厂相继成立,并正式形成行业,为密封件工业的发展成长奠定了基础。 进入80年代,在国家改革开放的方针指引下,随着机械工业的发展,基础件滞后于主机的矛盾日益突出,并引起各有关部门的重视。为此,原一机部于1982年组建了通用基础件工业局,将原有分散在机床、农业机械、工程机械等行业归口的液压、气动和密封件专业厂,统一划归通用基础件局管理,从而使该行业在规划、投资、引进技术和科研开发等方面得到基础件局的指导和支持。从此进入了快速发展期,先后引进了60余项国外先进技术,其中液压40余项、气动7项,经消化吸收和技术改造,现均已批量生产,并成为行业的主导产品。近年来,行业加大了技术改造力度,19911998年国家、地方和企业自筹资金总投入共约20多亿元,其中液压16亿多元。经过技术改造和技术攻关,一批主要企业技术水平进一步提高,工艺装备得到很大改善,为形成高起点、专业化、批量生产打下了良好基础。近几年,在国家多种所有制共同发展的方针指引下,不同所有制的中小企业迅猛崛起,呈现出勃勃生机。随着国家进一步开放,三资企业迅速发展,对提高行业水平和扩大出口起着重要作用。目前我国已和美国、日本、德国等国著名厂商合资或由外国厂商独资建立了柱塞泵/马达、行星减速机、转向器、液压控制阀、液压系统、静液压传动装置、液压件铸造、气动控制阀、气缸、气源处理三联件、机械密封、橡塑密封等类产品生产企业50多家,引进外资2亿多美元。 二、目前状况 (1)基本概况 经过40多年的努力,我国液压、气动和密封件行业已形成了一个门类比较齐全,有一定生产能力和技术水平的工业体系。据1995年全国第三次工业普查统计,我国液压、气动和密封件工业乡及乡以上年销售收入在100万元以上的国营、村办、私营、合作经营、个体、“三资”等企业共有1300余家,其中液压约700家,气动和密封件各约300余家。按1996年国际同行业统计,我国液压行业总产值23.48亿元,占世界第6位;气动行业总产值4.19亿元,占世界第10位。 (2)当前供需概况 通过技术引进,自主开发和技术改造,高压柱塞泵、齿轮泵、叶片泵、通用液压阀门、油缸、无油润滑气动件和各类密封件第一大批产品的技术水平有了明显的提高,并可稳定的批量生产,为各类主机提高产品水平提供了保证。另外,在液压气动元件和系统的CAD、污染控制、比例伺服技术等方面也取得一定成果,并已用于生产。目前,液压、气动和密封件产品总计约有3000个品种、23000多个规格。其中,液压有1200个品种、10000多个规格(含液力产品60个品种、500个规格);气动有1350个品种、8000多个规格;橡塑密封有350个品种、5000多个规格,已基本能适应各类主机产品的一般需要,为重大成套装备的品种配套率也可达60%以上,并开始有少量出口。 1998年国产液压件产量480万件,销售额约28亿元(其中机械系统约占70%);气动件产量360万件,销售额约5.5亿元(其中机械系统约占60%);密封件产量约8亿件,销售额约10亿元(其中机械系统约占50%)。据中国液压气动密封件工业协会1998年年报统计,液压产品产销率为97 .5%(液力为101%),气动为95.9%,密封为98.7%。这充分反映了产销基本衔接。 我国液压、气动和密封工业虽取得了很大的进步,但与主机发展需求,以及和世界先进水平相比,还存在不少差距,主要反映在产品品种、性能和可靠性等方面。以液压产品为例,产品品种只有国外的1/3,寿命为国外的1/2。为了满足重点主机、进口主机以及重大技术装备的需要,每年都有大量的液压、气动和密封产品进口。据海关统计及有关资料分析,1998年液压、气动和密封件产品的进口额约2亿美元,其中液压约1.4亿美元,气动近0.3亿美元,密封约0.3亿美元,比1997年稍有下降。按金额计,目前进口产品的国内市场占有率约为30%。1998年国内市场液压件需求总量约600万件,销售总额近40亿元;气动件需求总量约500万件,销售总额7亿多元;密封件需求总量约11亿件,销售总额约13亿元。 三、今后发展走势 1、影响发展的主要因素 (1)企业产品开发能力不强,技术开发的水平和速度不能完全满足先进主机产品、重大技术装备和进口设备的配套和维修需要; (2)不少企业的制造工艺、装备水平和管理水平都较落后,加上质量意识不强,导致产品性能水平低、质量不稳定、可靠性差,服务不及时,缺乏使用户满意和信赖的名牌产品; (3)行业内生产专业化程度低,力量分散,低水平重复严重,地区和企业之间产品趋同,盲目竞争,相互压价,使企业效益下降,资金缺乏、周转困难,产品开发和技术改造投入不足,严重地制约了行业整体水平的提高以及竞争实力的增强; (4)国内市场国际化程度日益提高,国外公司纷纷进入中国市场参与竞争,加上国内私营、合作经营、个体、三资等企业的崛起,给国有企业造成愈来愈大的冲击。 2、发展走势 随着社会主义市场经济的不断深化,液压、气动和密封产品的市场供求关系发生较大变化,长期来以“短缺”为特征的卖方市场已基本成为以“结构性过剩”为特征的买方市场所取代。从总体能力看,已处于供大于求的态势,特别是一般低档次液压、气动和密封件,普遍供过于求;而主机急需的技术含量高的高参数、高附加值的高档产品,又不能满足市场需要,只能依赖于进口。在我国加入WTO后,其冲击有可能更大。因此,“十五”期间行业产值的增长,决不能依赖于量的增长,而应针对行业自身的结构性矛盾,加大力度,调整产业结构和产品结构,也就是应依靠质的提高,促进产品技术升级,以适应和拉动市场需求,求得更大的发展。Hydraulic Station and the development of hydraulic components ProfilesHydraulic Pump Station also known as the stations are independent h- ydraulic device. It requested by the oil gradually. And controlling the hydraulic oil flow direction, pressure and flow rate, applied to the mainframe and hy- draulic devices separability of hydraulic machinery. Users will be provided after the purchase hydraulic station and host of implementing agencies (motor oil or fuel tanks) connected with tubing, Hydraulic machinery can be realized from these movements and the work cycle. Hydraulic pump station is installed, Manifold or valve combination, t- anks, a combination of electrical boxes. Functional components : Pump device - is equipped with motors and pumps, hydraulic station is the source of power. to mechanical energy into hydraulic oil pressure can be. Manifold - from hydraulic valve body and channel assembled. Right direction for implementation of hydraulic oil, pressure and flow control. Valve portfolio - plate valve is installed in up board after board conn-ects with the same functional IC. Tank - plate welding semi-closed containers, also loaded with oil filtering network, air filters, used oil, oil filters and cooling. Electrical boxes - at the two patterns. A set of external fuse terminal plate; distribution of a full range of electrical control. Hydraulic Station principle : motor driven pump rotation, which pump oil absorption from the oil tank. to mechanical energy into hydraulic pressure to the station, hydraulic oil through Manifold (or valve combinations) realized the direction, pressure, After adjusting flow pipe and external to the cylinder hydraulic machinery or motor oil, so as to control the direction of the motive fluid transformation force the size and speed the pace of promoting the various acting hydraulic machinery. A development course China Hydraulic (including hydraulic, the same below), pneumatic and seals industrial development process can be broadly divided into three phases, namely : 20 early 1950s to the early 1960s, the initial stage; 60's and 70 for specialized production system ;8090's growth stage for the rapid development stage. Which, hydraulic industry in the early 1950s from the machine tool industry production of fake Su-grinder, broaching machine, copying lathe, and other hydraulic drive started, Hydraulic Components from the plant hydraulic machine shop, self-occupied. After entering the 1960s, the application of hydraulic technology from the machine gradually extended to the agricultural machinery and mechanical engineering fields, attached to the original velocity of hydraulic shop some stand out as pieces of hydraulic professional production. To the late 1960s, early 1970s, with the development of mechanized production, especially in the second automobile factory in providing efficient, automated equipment, along with the Hydraulic Components manufacturing has experienced rapid development of the situation, a group of SMEs have become professional hydraulic parts factory. 1968 China's annual output of hydraulic components have nearly 200,000 in 1973, machine tools, agricultural machinery, mechanical engineering industries, the production of hydraulic parts factory has been the professional development of more than 100 and an annual output more than one million. an independent hydraulic manufacturing industry has begun to take shape. Then, hydraulic pieces of fake products from the Soviet Union for the introduction of the product development and technical design combining the products to the pressure, Hypertension, and the development of the electro-hydraulic servo valves and systems, hydraulic application areas further expanded. Aerodynamic than the start of the industrial hydraulic years later, in 1967 began to establish professional pneumatic components factory, Pneumatic Components only as commodity production and sales. Sealed with rubber and plastics, mechanical seals and sealing flexible graphite sealing industry, the early 1950s from the production ordinary O-rings. rubber and plastics extrusion, such as oil seal sealing and seal asbestos products start to the early 1960s, begun production of mechanical seals and flexible graphite sealing products. 1970s, the burning of the former Ministry, a Ministry, the Ministry of Agricultural Mechanization System, a group of professional production plants have been established, and the official establishment of industries to seal industrial development has laid the foundation for growth.Since the 1980s, in the country's reform and opening up policy guidelines, with the development of the machinery industry, based mainframe pieces behind the conflicts have become increasingly prominent and attracted the attention of the relevant departments. To this end, the Ministry of the original one in 1982, formed the basis of common pieces of Industry, will be scattered in the original machine tools, agricultural machinery, mechanical engineering industries centralized hydraulic, pneumatic and seals specialized factories, placing them under common management infrastructure pieces Bureau, so that the industry in the planning, investment, technology and scientific research and development in areas such as infrastructure pieces Bureau of guidance and support. Since then entered a phase of rapid development, has introduced more than 60 items of advanced technology from abroad, including more than 40 items of hydraulic, pneumatic 7. After digestion and absorption and transformation, now have mass production, and industry-leading products. In recent years, the industry increased the technological transformation efforts, in 1991, Local enterprises and the self-financing total input of about 20 billion yuan, of which more than 1.6 billion yuan Hydraulic. Through technological transformation and technology research, and a number of major enterprises to further improve the level of technology, technique and equipment to be greatly improved. In order to form a higher starting point, specialization, and run production has laid a good foundation. In recent years, many countries in the development of common ownership guidelines, under different ownership SMEs rapid rise showing great vitality. With the further opening up, three-funded enterprises rapid development of industry standards for improving and expanding exports play an important role. Today, China has and the United States, Japan, Germany and other countries famous manufacturers joint ventures or wholly-owned by foreign manufacturers to establish a piston pump / motor, planetary reduction gears, steering gear, hydraulic control valve, hydraulic system, hydrostatic transmission, hydraulic Casting. pneumatic control valve, cylinder, gas processing triple pieces, mechanical seals, rubber and seal products more than 50 production enterprises, attracting foreign investment over 200 million U.S. dollars. Second, the current situation (1) Basic Profiles After 40 years of efforts, China hydraulic, pneumatic and sealing industry has formed a relatively complete categories. a certain level of technical capacity and the industrial system. According to the 1995 Third National Industrial Census statistics, hydraulic, Pneumatic seals and industrial 370,000 annual sales income of 100 million yuan in state-owned, village-run, private and cooperative enterprises, individual, "three capital" enterprises with a total of more than 1,300, of which about 700 hydraulic, Pneumatic seals and the approximately 300 thousand. By 1996 with the international trade statistics, the total output value of China's industry hydraulic 2.348 billion yuan, accounting for the world's 6; Pneumatic industry output 419 million yuan, accounting for world No. 10. (2) the current supply and demand profiles Through the introduction of technology, independent development and technological innovation, and high-pressure piston pump, gear pumps, vane pump, General Motors hydraulic valves, tanks, Non-lubricated aerodynamic pieces and various seals of the first large technology products has increased noticeably. stability of the mass production may, for various mainframe products provide a level of assurance. In addition, hydraulic and pneumatic components of the CAD system, pollution control, proportional servo technology has scored some achievements, and is already in production. Currently, hydraulic, pneumatic and seals products total about 3,000 species, more than 23,000 specifications. Among them, there are 1,200 hydraulic varieties, more than 10,000 specifications (including hydraulic products 60 varieties 500 specifications); Pneumatic are 1,350 varieties, more than 8,000 specifications; Rubber seal 350 species more than 5,000 specifications have been basically cater to the different types of mainframe products to the general needs, complete sets of equipment for major varieties of matching rate was over 60%, and started a small amount of exports. 1998 pieces of homemade hydraulic output 4.8 million. sales of about 28 billion (of which about 70% mechanical systems); aerodynamic pieces yield 3.6 million. sales of about 5.5 billion (of which about 60% of mechanical systems); Seals output of about 800 million. sales of about 10 billion (of which about 50% mechanical systems). According to the China Hydraulic Pneumatic Seals Industry Association 1998 annual report, hydraulic product sales rate of 97. 5% (101% for hydraulic), pneumatic 95.9%, 98.7% sealed. This fully reflects the basic marketing convergence.My hydraulic, pneumatic and sealing industry has attained a great deal of progress, but with mainframe development needs, and the world's advanced level, there are still many gaps, mainly reflected in the product variety, performance and reliability, and so on. Hydraulic products as an example, products abroad only one-third, life for half abroad. In order to meet key mainframe, and mainframe imports of major technology and equipment needs, every year a large number of hydraulic, pneumatic and sealing products imports. According to customs statistics and the analysis of data, in 1998 hydraulic, pneumatic and seals in the import about 200 million U.S. dollars, Hydraulic which about 1.4 billion dollars, aerodynamic nearly 030 million U.S. dollars, sealed about 030 million U.S. dollars. compared with a slight decline in 1997. By sums, currently imported products on the domestic market share of about 30%. 1998 pieces of the domestic market demand for hydraulic total of about six million, the total sales of nearly 40 billion; aerodynamic pieces of the total demand of about 5 million, with sales more than 700 million yuan; Seals total demand of about 1.1 billion. total sales of about 1.3 billion. Third, the development trend of the future 1, affect the development of the main factors (1) product development ability, and the level of technological development and speed can not completely meet the advanced mainframe products, major equipment and technology imported equipment and maintenance support; (2) the number of enterprises manufacturing technology, the level of equipment and management standards are comparatively backward, coupled with a strong sense of quality, resulting in low levels of product performance, quality, Reliability poor services in a timely manner, lack of user satisfaction and trust of the brand-name products;(3)


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