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    摘 要螺旋输送机由多个首尾相连的组件和同一的整体塑造构件组成。每一个组件由一种合适的塑性材料塑造,它有与之相对的固有成形加工圆柱体,其中有同轴的管子,在同轴管子和圆柱体之间有螺旋体。首尾相配合的组件使螺旋输送机成为具有合适长度和旋转的整体。每个模块上面会有一槽轮以便用于V型带驱动。或者,由焊接在更适宜于首尾相配合的非圆形中心管上的敞面式螺旋卷筒使螺旋输送机具有适宜的长度。这种开放式螺旋输送机很容易使具有传统金属制螺旋体系统改装翻新。 标准螺旋输送机 发明园地和螺旋输送机相关的发明还有10多种专门的由塑性材料制成的螺旋输送组件。 发明背景众所周知,螺旋输送机用于输送散块物体。像这种在外罩内含有螺旋体的螺旋输送机通常通过纵向轴的螺旋使散块物体沿螺旋体向前传输。通常输送机的结构由金属构造它们有合适的长度使输送机具有适当的长度。螺旋输送机也可以由模块块或者部件构成组件从而制成具有满意长度的输送机。在U.S.Pat.Nos349,233; 525,194; 1,867,573; 2,394,163; 2,492,915 and 3,178,210.中可以看到这样结构的螺旋输送机。发明概要该发明使螺旋输送机有了同一的首尾相配合的单元,每一单元都是塑性构造件。每一单元包括一个圆柱型轮廓其中有同轴的管子开放型向外延伸,在它们之间是螺旋体。在圆柱体和同轴管的末端被配合成一体,螺旋体各自的尾部包括配合的表面。模组轴向连接形成具有合适长度的螺旋输送机,相配合的组件通过成直线的同轴管子约束以及提供合适压力成为一整体。或者,组件通过其他方式例如机械凸缘约束在一起。组件,同轴管和螺旋部分都由合适塑性材料塑造而成,尤其通过喷射摸塑法制造。每个组件含有一个带V型槽的槽轮以便配合外部V型带驱动。或者,组件带有链齿以便使用链条驱动,也可以通过其他方式驱动。对于上述结构体,螺旋部分通过螺旋管形成螺旋。本发明的输送部分同样可以通过中心管采用非圆开放形式,这些螺旋部分铸造而成。中心管和螺旋套首尾配合使输送机具有合适长度。组件通过例如非圆形横截面的延伸轴约束成型,这个杆同样可以为组件从当驱动轴。由中心轴驱动的开放型螺旋输送机适应于现有传统螺旋输送机系统。 这种螺旋输送机明显优于具有传统结构的螺旋输送机。被装配的模组在运送机的长度各处沿着输送表面以没有硬件或其他的障碍提供光滑的有效连续的表面。新型的运送机很容易被清理,而且能相容多种材料和进行特殊的操作目的。和很多输送机一样该输送机不能生锈和受腐蚀,它的重量比相同规格的要轻。组件结构允许一个单一的统一模式制造和安装成组件以实现输送不同的长度。该模块可以方便地被输送到安装现场组装使用。传送带也可以很容易分解成它的组成模块以便清洁,搬运,或者修理。 图形说明 从以下结合所附图纸的详细说明中我们将会更加充分地理解该发明,其中:图1是体现发明的螺旋模块示意图;图2是图1所示模块的端面图;图3是图2沿3-3的横截面图;图4是类似图1的具体示意图,还包括一个整体成型轮;图5是图4模型的端面图;图6是图5沿6-6线的截面图;图7是一个体现由图1-3所示模型组成的螺旋输送机的侧面断面图;图8是拥有不同安装方式的模块的剖侧图;图9是进一步体现螺旋输送机模块发明的局部正视图;图10是图9所示模型的端面图;图11是图9和图10组成体现螺旋输送机发明的一个侧面图;图12是这种发明的螺旋模块的进一步体现。 发明的详细说明图1-3可以显示整体成型模块是由配合的模块组成实现螺旋输送机的合适长度。该模块是由合适的成型塑料材料,如聚乙烯,聚丙烯或聚氨酯等制作,并已整体形成需要的所有基本成分的螺旋输送机。该模块包括一个具有管状结构的两端有圆形凹槽12和16的机构,这种O形圈密封单元分别用于模块之间配合的。在柱体10内有同轴的管子16,还有开放型延伸的管18,在柱体10内表面和管子16外表面之间有20螺旋部分。管16包括在各自的有圆形槽5和17的O形圈密封。该螺旋20的长度略小于一个螺距,它终止于包括平行表面26的22和24。因此,螺旋末端10和22的表面26用于配合相邻模块末端24的边缘。如图所示,该螺旋末端延伸至构件10的1 / 2壁厚。螺旋15的长度略小于螺距使模块可以按常规方法组装如图2所示,两半的注塑模具可以打开轴向的模块,因为它的螺旋长度略少于1螺旋间距。一般来说,螺旋长度比轨迹长度少1%以便给模具提供充足的空间。类似图1-3所示图4-6包括一体成型轮的传送带模块示意。该轮是各地的机构提供集中处置各自的两端之间的机构,滑轮组成的交替部分。第一部分是一系列的处置机构在间距圆周上排列。如图所示,第二部分同轴空间布置,并且沿环形间隔错开。在图6中很容易可以看出,对立面、各自部分和V 型凹槽配合以便外部V带驱动。该模块和图1-3所示描述一样。允许使用常规注塑成型注塑技术,因此模块采用交错安排,如图4-5所示允许多半组合成开放型同轴部件。模块图1-3是轴向交配与像模块,而如图7所示,形成一个传送带的长度。每个单元是符合两端相邻的机构参与了插嘴O形圈,并与两端相邻管参与了插嘴O形圈。螺旋部分有其边缘面对提供有效持续长度。螺旋处置的连续管机构形成的交配模块。由于螺旋部分是略少于一螺旋间距长度,小空间之间的两端交配模块。通常情况下,之间的差距是每8英寸直径差0.1英寸。螺旋相对末端之间的小空间不具备输送大部分物品的能力。这小小的空间可以填充和模块相同或者兼容的材料。例如,塑性材料制作的模块螺旋末端之间可以通过气体保护焊焊接以形成螺旋连续表面。在一些要求下例如卫士要求,这些小的排泄间隔是很有用的。对于大部分的输送目的来说,这些小的空间不是没有任何作用的。配合的模块通过开口管子内部的拉伸部件保持。这通常是一个金属杆41两端有螺纹紧固件42和44来提供一个预加强压缩力来组装模块。另外,在管16内的开口18管内的拉伸部件可以是钢丝线,塑料,后者其他管。这种情况输送可以适应变化的温度,它有一个允许膨胀和收缩输送的拉伸部件,同时输送的结构可以为配合提供轴向压力。拉伸部件的热膨胀和收缩特性应和模块材料相关以保持配合模块即使在温度循环下也呢过承受压载荷。通过拉伸部件这些模块可以保持在一起。这样的一个办法如图8所示,其中包括机构10的两端有一个不可分割的法兰45和紧固件47是通过插入能够紧密配合在一起。 配合的模块可以支持旋转的辊46。通常情况下,一系列的三辊环间隔是每端附近的输送机构。附加辊可提供必要的,这取决于输送距离的长短。通过输送体末端的滚筒48输送体的轴向位置得到保持,这些滚筒被环形间隔在输送体的外部。法兰50被连接到传送带末端模块,其中包括一个与滚筒48配合的圆形表面52以保证轴向位置。滑阀可以被机加工或者成型于外部模块的外部。在描述结构体中,滑阀的形式是一个环形槽54结束于管子56,这样使得螺旋体旋转。进料管56通常是连接到一个漏斗58以便进料(如箭头所示)从而用于运输。驱动器60包括可携带滑轮62和可旋转的轴64,其支持轴承为66,而且被电机驱动(未显示)。轴64和输送机构体平行,而且每滑轮62和各自传送带模块相连。V型带68与驱动器62相配至传送带模块而且通过动力传递至输送体用于旋转。在描述的装置中,每一个模块是由相关的输送带驱动。并不是所有传送带模块都需要驱动,而驱动的数量将取决于应用特殊要求的驱动动力。如果图4-6所示模块被使用,则滑轮28用于确保V型带68驱动输送。这种输送可以被除V型带以外的其他输送带驱动。例如,链链轮可配合模块以便利用链驱动。另一个体现了结构发明所示如图9和10 ,并包括螺旋输送机模块有一个中心管70圆柱形外观形式, 非圆形开放形式5和72形成螺旋型中心管。螺旋部分在长度上略小于一个螺旋间距,如描述所示,并终止在74和76的边缘,这些边缘适应于相应边缘相邻模块。通过中央管的非圆截面部分78位于80末端并在中央部分逐渐趋于非圆截面82 。这是轻微锥形提供“拔模角”以方便拆除模块的轴向可分离铸模。这种开口配合非圆轴以充当拉伸件以锁定模块轴向接触,同时为螺旋输送担任主驱动轴。在图9和10所示中,开六角形口还有其他非圆形状的开口可提供管使用以防止轮换从事模块相对轴。由模块9和10图组成的螺旋输送机可以在图11中显示。每个模块是符合两端相邻的带有插嘴O形圈84的中心管70,并与螺旋72末端面对35以提供了一个有效的连续螺旋。86轴通过开口80和管70安装并被紧固件保证,如螺母88与轴86两端螺纹配合,这样提供一个合适压缩力给相互关联的模块,如上所述。图11所示装备可以用来改造现有金属螺杆输送单驱动系统不会发生重大变化。Abstract A screw conveyor composed of a plurality of modules mated end to end and of identical integrally molded construction. Each module is molded of a suitable plastic material and has integrally formed therewith a cylindrical body, a coaxially disposed tube within the body, and a web helically disposed between the coaxial tube and the cylindrical body. The module includes ends mateable with corresponding ends of like modules to provide a screw conveyor of intended length and which is rotatable as a single unitary structure. Each module may have a sheave integrally molded thereon for mating with a V-belt drive. Alternatively, the modules can be of open form each having a helical web molded on a central tube preferably having a non-circular and adapted for end to end mating with like modules to provide a screw conveyor of desired length. This open type of screw conveyor can be readily retrofitted to systems having conventional metal conveyor screws. MODULAR SCREW CONVEYOR.FIELD OF THE INVENTIONThis invention relates to screw conveyors, and more 10 particularly to an integrally constructed modular screw conveyor molded of a plastic material.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONScrew conveyors are well known for the transport of bulk material. Such conveyors generally include a helical screw disposed within housing, often of trough like form, and rotatable about its longitudinal axis to cause propulsion of bulk material along the length of the screw. Conveyors of known construction are usually fabricated of metal and are constructed to an intended finished size to provide a conveyor of intended length. Screw conveyors have also been constructed of modular or segmented form to provide sections which can be assembled into a complete conveyor of a desired length. Examples of segmented or modular conveyors are shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 349,233; 525,194; 1,867,573; 2,394,163; 2,492,915 and 3,178,210.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention provides a screw conveyor composed of identical end to end mated modules, each module being of integral plastic molded construction. Each module includes a body of cylindrical configuration, a tube coaxially disposed within the cylindrical body and having an opening extending there through, with a web helically disposed between the coaxial tube and cylindrical body. The ends of the body and coaxial tube are configured to seemingly engage like ends of mated modules, and the respective ends of the helical web include surfaces mateable with corresponding surfaces of the modules. The modules are axially mated to form a conveyor of desired length, the mated modules being retained in engagement by a tensile member such as a rod disposed through the aligned openings of the coaxial tubes and operative to provide an intended compressive force on the engaged modules. Alternatively, the modules can be secured in engagement by other means such as flanges on the ends of the body. The module body, coaxial tube, and helical web are integrally molded of a suitable plastic material, typically by an injection molding process. Each module may include a sheave integrally formed with the body which is composed of a plurality of spaced segments to define a V-groove configured to mate with a V-belt of an exterior drive. Alternatively, sprocket teeth may be integrally formed with the module body to mate with a chain drive, or other driving means can be employed.In the embodiment described above, the helical web is integrally formed within a surrounding tube which provides a self-enclosure for the helical screw. The conveyor of the present invention can also be embodied in open form in which the module comprises a central tube preferably having a non-circular opening, about which the helical web is integrally molded. The ends of the central tube and ends of the web are mateable with the ends of the modules to provide a conveyor of desired length. The modules are retained in compressive engagement by a tensile member such as a shaft of non- circular cross-section extending through the aligned non-circular openings of the central tubes, the rod also serving as a tensional drive shaft for the mated modules. This open type of screw conveyor driven by a central shaft is adapted to be readily retrofitted to existing conveyor systems which presently employ conventional metal conveyor screws.The molded plastic conveyor of this invention offers major benefits over screw conveyors of conventional construction. The assembled modules offer smooth effectively continuous surfaces throughout the length of the conveyor with no hardware or other obstructions along the conveying surfaces. The novel conveyor is easily cleaned and can be molded of a variety of materials compatible with and suitable for particular operational purposes. The conveyor is not subject to rust or corrosion, as with many conveyors, and is of much less weight than a metal conveyor of the same size. The modular construction allows a single unitary module to be manufactured and stocked for assembly as necessary to achieve conveyors of different lengths. The modules can be easily shipped to an installation site and assembled on site for use. The conveyor can also be readily disassembled into its component modules such as for cleaning, shipping, or repair. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSThe invention will be more fully understood from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a pictorial view of a screw conveyor module embodying the invention; FIG. 2 is an end view of the module of FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a sectional view taken along lines 33 of FIG. 2; FIG. 4 is a pictorial view of an embodiment similar to that of FIG. 1 and including an integrally molded sheave thereon; FIG. 5 is an end view of the module of FIG. 4; FIG. 6 is a sectional view taken along lines 66 of FIG. 5; FIG. 7 is a sectional side view of a screw conveyor embodying the invention and composed of the modules of FIGS. 1-3; FIG. 8 is a cutaway side view of a module having alternative mounting means; FIG. 9 is a sectional elevation view of a further embodiment of a screw conveyor module of the invention; FIG. 10 is an end view of the module of FIG. 9; FIG. 11 is a side view of a screw conveyor embodying the invention and composed of the modules of FIGS. 9 and 10; and FIG. 12 is a pictorial view of a further embodiment of a screw conveyor module of the invention.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring to FIGS. 1-3 of the drawing, there is shown an integrally molded module which is mated with like modules to form a screw conveyor of intended length. The module is molded of a suitable plastic material such as polyethylene, polypropylene or polyurethane and has integrally formed therewith all essential constituents of the screw conveyor. The module includes a body of tubular configuration having on the ends thereof circular grooves 12 and 16, respectively, for accommodation of an O-ring seal between mated modules. A tube 16 is coaxially disposed within body 10 and having an opening 18 extending there through, with a web 20 helically disposed between the inner surface of body 10 and outer surface of tube 16. The tube 16 includes on the respective ends thereof circular grooves 5 17 for accommodation of an O-ring seal. The web 20 is slightly less than one helical pitch length terminating in respective ends 22 and 24 which include radically parallel surfaces 26 adapted to confront corresponding surfaces of like modules. Thus, the surface 26 of helix end 10 22 is adapted to confront the oppositely facing edge of end 24 of an adjacent module. The web ends extend outward of the confronting ends of body 10 typically by approximately 1/2 the wall thickness of the web, as illustrated. By having the length of the helical web 15 slightly less than the helical pitch it is possible to injection mold the module by conventional molding techniques since as seen from FIG. 2 the two halves of an injection mold can open axially of the module which, because its helical length is slightly less than one helical pitch, presents no undercuts to the mold halves. Typically, the web length is about one percent less than the pitch length to provide sufficient clearance for mold tooling.An embodiment similar to that of FIGS. 1-3 is shown in FIGS. 4-6 and includes a sheave integrally molded with the conveyor module. The sheave is provided around the body centrally disposed between the respective ends of the body, the sheave being composed of alternating segments. A first array of segments is disposed around the body in spaced circumferential arrangement. A second array of segments is axially spaced from the segments and is circumferentially disposed about body in spaced position staggered from the position of the segments, as illustrated. The confronting surfaces and of respective segments and define a V-groove, best seen in FIG. 6, configured to mate with a V-belt of an exterior drive. The module is otherwise the same as described above with respect to FIGS. 1-3. The staggered arrangement of the segments and allow injection molding by conventional injection molding techniques since the staggered arrangement as seen from FIGS. 4-5 permits the mold halves to open axially of the module and presents no undercuts to the mold halves. The module of FIGS. 1-3 is axially mated with like modules, as shown in FIG. 7, to form a conveyor of desired length. Each of the modules is aligned with the ends of adjacent bodies in engagement with an interposed O-ring, and with the ends of adjacent tubes in engagement with an interposed O-ring. The helical webs have their edges confronting to provide an effectively continuous helical screw disposed within the continuous tubular body formed by the mated modules. Since the web is slightly less than one helical pitch length, small spaces exist between the confronting web ends of mated modules. Typically, the gap between confronting web ends is about 0.1 inch for a web of eight inch diameter. The small spaces between the confronting ends of the helical web are of little consequence to the ability of the assembled screw to convey most products. The small spaces may be filled in with material which is the same as or compatible with that of the module. For example, molded strips of plastic material can be inserted into the small spaces between web ends and fused therein, such as by hot gas welding, to produce a helical web having fully continuous surfaces. The elimination of the small gaps is useful in some applications such as where sanitary conditions require. For most conveying purposes, the small spaces are not of any consequence.The mated modules are maintained in engagement by a tensile member disposed within the openings of tubes. This member typically is a metal rod 41 having threaded ends 42 and fasteners 44 which are tightened to provide an intended compressive force on the engaged modules. Alternatively, the tensile member can be a wire, plastic, or other rope disposed within the openings 18 of tubes 16 and tensioned by appropriate fasteners on the respective ends of the rope. In cases where the conveyor is subjec


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