Animal Farm is an allegorical and dystopian novel written by George Orwell,published in England on 17 August 1945.According to Orwell,the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Stalin era in the Soviet Union.,Irony,Animal Farm,Author,Plot,George Orwell(1903 1950)Born name:Eric Arthur Blair Career:English novelist and journalist Novel:Animal Farm(1945)Nineteen Eighty-Four(1949)The Times ranked him on a list of The 50 greatest British writers since 1945.,Author,Plot summary,Old Major,the old boar on the Manor Farm,calls the animals together for a meeting,during which he compares the humans to parasites and teaches the animals a revolutionary song,Beasts of England.When Major dies,two young pigs,Snowball and Napoleon,assume command and consider preparing for the Rebellion.The animals revolt and drive the Mr.Jones away from the farm,renaming it Animal Farm.They adopt Seven Commandments of Animalism,the most important of which is,All animals are equal.,Snowball attempts to teach the animals reading and writing.The pigs elevate themselves to positions of leadership and set aside special food items.Napoleon takes the pups from the farm dogs and trains them privately.Napoleon and Snowball struggle for leadership.When Snowball announces his plans to build a windmill,Napoleon has his dogs chase Snowball away and declares himself leader.,Napoleon enacts changes to the governance structure of the farm,replacing meetings with a committee of pigs.Through Squealer,Napoleon claims credit for the windmill idea.The animals work harder for the promise of easier lives with the windmill.,When the animals find the windmill collapsed(after a violent storm),Napoleon convince that Snowball destroyed it.Once Snowball becomes a scapegoat,Napoleon begins purging the farm with his dogs,killing animals he accuses of consorting with Snowball.Beasts of England is replaced by an anthem glorifying Napoleon.The animals remain convinced that they are better off than they were when under Mr Jones.,Mr Frederick,one of the neighbouring farmers,attacks the farm,using explosive to destroy the restored windmill.The animals win the battle,but Boxer is wounded.Despite his injuries,Boxer continues working until he is hurt while building the windmill.,Napoleon sends for a van to take Boxer to the veterinary surgeon,explaining that better care can be given there.Benjamin notices that the van belongs to a knacker.Squealer reports that the van was purchased by the hospital and the writing from the previous owner had not been repainted.He recounts a tale of Boxers death in the hands of the best medical care.,Years pass,and the pigs learn to walk upright,carry whips,and wear clothes.The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single phrase:All animals are equal,but some animals are more equal than others.,Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs and local farmers,with whom he celebrates a new alliance.He abolishes practice of the revolutionary traditions and renames the farm The Manor Farm.And the animals realize that the faces of the pigs look like the faces of humans,and no one can tell the difference between them.,Old Major An aged prize Middle White boar provides the inspiration that fuels the Rebellion.He is an allegorical combination of Karl Marx,one of the creators of communism,and Lenin,the communist leader of the Russian Revolution and the early Soviet nation,in that he draws up the principles of the revolution.,Irony,Snowball Napoleons rival and original head of the farm after Jones overthrow.He is mainly based on Leon Trotsky,but also combines elements from Lenin.,Napoleon A large,rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar,the only Berkshire on the farm,not much of a talker,but with a reputation for getting his own way.An allegory of Joseph Stalin,Napoleon is the main villain of Animal Farm.,Squealer A small white fat porker who serves as Napoleons right hand pig and minister of propaganda,holding a position similar to that of Molotov.,Boxer Boxer is a loyal,kind,dedicated,and respectable cart-horse,although quite naive and gullible.He is representative of the working class who are working hard without any complaint.,Benjamin Benjamin,a donkey,is one of the oldest animals.He is also one of the wisest animals on the farm.He remains skeptical attitude on the doings of Napoleon,but wise enough to self-preservation.He is the symbol of intellectuals who have independent thought and keep in doubt on totalitarianism.,The Puppies the dogs are taken away by Napoleon at birth and reared by Napoleon to be his security force.They are the symbol of violent organizations in the totalitarian state.,Mr Jones The former owner of the farm.He is an allegory of Russian Tsar Nicholas II who abdicated following the February Revolution of 1917 and was executed,along with the rest of his family,by the Bolsheviks on 17 July 1918.,The original seven commandments are:1.Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.2.Whatever goes upon four legs,or has wings,is a friend.3.No animal shall wear clothes.,4 No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.5 No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.6 No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.,4.No animal shall sleep in a bed.5.No animal shall drink alcohol.6.No animal shall kill any other animal.,All animals are equal,but some animals are more equal than others.,7.All animals are equal.,later,The Seven Commandments are modified by Squealer,which is an allusion to the Soviet governments revising of history in order to exercise control of the peoples beliefs about themselves and their society.,The seven commandments are the symbol of the principle of communism,the revision shows that Stalin gradually govern the state through control peoples spiritual mind.,Thank you,