大吨位电动葫芦单梁门式起重机摘要新开发的大吨位电动葫芦单粱门式起重机可2台单机同步作业,用来吊装跨度30-50m、重量40-64t的太型高槊桥预翩粱。该机结构简单、拆装运输方便,适于流动作业。文中介绍其结构特点及性能参数。关键词:门式起重机 电动葫芦 结构 特点 性能 参数随着高速公路建设的迅速发展,大跨度的特大型高架桥应用越来越多,因此对在高架桥钢混水泥预制梁制作场地使用的吊运装备的起重能力要求也越来越高。近1年来,我厂先后为参加沈丹高速公路建设的中国水利局一分局、铁道部第二十工程局及锦朝(锦州到朝阳)高速公路建设的丹东水利建筑工程公司设计制造了20 t、285 t、325 t电动葫芦单主粱门式起重机,交付用户使用后效果良好。目前在预制梁场地上仍较多采用卷扬牵引运行起重小车的双梁门式起重机,起重量多为20 t,其结构冗繁,吊运能力也渐渐难于满足生产要求。我们新开发的系列门式起重机,使用2台单机同步作业,可以吊装跨度3050 m、重量达40-64 t的大型高架桥预制梁;与其他同类吊装设备相比,具有生产效率高,结构轻便,操作简单,拆装、运输方便,适于野外流动作业,造价低廉等优点。下面以32/5t电动葫芦门式起重机为例,介绍单机的特点和各项性能参数。1 性能参数起重量:本机起升机构采用2台自行式电动葫芦,起重量分别为32 t主起升机构,5 t副起升机构。跨度:17 m,根据预制场地的需要确定,一般选择此跨度已足够。起升高度:5 m,预制梁一般不超过2 m,考虑吊运越层时已足够。起升速度:主起升 3 mmin 副起升 8mmin运行速度:主起升10mmin 副起升20 mmin 大车运行30 mmin工作级别:主起升A3,副起升A4以上。操纵方式:司机室操作。图1为该机总图。图l 325 t电动葫芦门式起重机1.CD,S一90电动葫芦 2.HC164型32t-6m电动葫芦 3.金属结构 4.检修平台 5.大车运行机构2 使用及技术要求主起升机构采用32 t电动葫芦,用于预制梁成型后的吊装及一些较大吨位的辅助机具的安装、拆除等。在实际吊运预制梁时,需要2台单机成对同步吊装,在吊运的预制梁重心没有偏心时,能达到的最大起重量是单机额定起重量的2倍。由于水泥钢混预制粱需灌浆、养生至成型,周期较长,故主起升作业率不高,但要求起升速度平稳,操作同步 起升速度为3 mmin时易于实现以上要求。副起升机构为5 t电动葫芦,作为施工中常用的起升设备,完成钢模板的支放、吊装、拆运,预制粱的灌浆,以及其他辅助工作,要求作业率较高,起升、运行速度相对较快,一般单台机单独使用。在控制操作上要求每台起重机上的2台电动葫芦只能单独使用,并且要求当一台电动葫芦工作时,另一台电动葫芦必须停放在非工作的极限位置处,即长3 m的悬臂部分。为保证主、副起升在跨度内正常作业,门架结构设计成双悬臂形式,属非工作停放的极限位置。在供电方式上选用电动卷筒地面拖缆中间供电形式,电缆卷筒具备反转换向装置,行程可达300-500 m,而电缆长度可节省近一半的行程。此举既减少了由于线路过长引起的压阵损失,又节约了电缆,非常经济、实用。3 起升机构主起升机构采用蒲圻起重机械总厂专门为本机研制的HCI6型32 t-6 m悬挂式电动葫芦,这是目前国产最大的悬挂式电动葫芦。它采用4套电动小车驱动,功率为08 kWx4=32 kW;运行速度为10 mmin;起升电机185 kW,起升速度为3 mmin:工作级别:M3。每台电动葫芦总重达44 t。副起升机构采用南京起重设备总厂生产的GD 59D型电动葫芦,工作级别:A4.4 金属结构如图l所示,龙门架为双悬臂单粱A型双刚性支腿结构,主梁截面为箱形实腹封闭结构。悬臂部分不作为承载起重,只是考虑停放1台未工作的空载电动葫芦而设计的。跨度s30 m以内,支腿与主梁连接采用双刚性支腿,简化了制造工艺,便于安装 组装省时,维修方便.主梁:采用工字钢(I56b)与钢板(板厚d:6mm、8mm、10mm,材质Q235B以上)模压成型组合封闭截面的焊接实腹梁,为增强承受大轮压的能力,在工字钢下翼缘底面焊接补强板(d:14mm)。主梁悬出跨度部位无需加强,只用工字钢本身即可。工字钢既承载又作为电动葫芦的运行轨道。支腿:根据门架受力特点,支腿采用上大下小的变截面形式;考虑到电动葫芦仅在跨度范围内作业,在设计时于门刚架平面内支腿的上、下盖板为直角梯形;在支腿平面内,支腿箱形的腹板为平行四边形,这样既能满足承载的强度要求,又简化了箱形支腿这一空间实体制作的难度,同时耗材少。下横梁:采用箱形梁结构,用支座法兰与支腿底面连接组装,制作较为简便。司机室:户外作业要求封闭防雨性能好,采用视野开阔3面采光(均设活窗)的结构,能满足电气控制设备的置放,结构紧凑,重量轻(5OO kg)。司机室外装有上、下扶梯。防雨棚:在主梁与支腿连接处,借助主梁支腿向跨度外方向增设防雨棚,以供雨天停放电动葫芦。检修平台:为便于电动葫芦的检修与维护,在司机室后侧2支腿间安设具有活动拉门的检修平台,是本机的一个特点。联接特征:金属结构的主梁、支腿、下横梁几个主要构件的连接均采用法兰对接螺栓连接,设计时在法兰4角用铰制螺栓(GB27-1988)定位,其余四周用GB5780-1986中88级螺栓连接。为防止露天易于腐蚀,每对联接法兰之间封口涂密封胶密封。法兰连接更适合野外流动作业的拆装运输需要。5 大车运行机构大车运行机构驱动电机为YZR冶金起重电机,采用电阻箱作起动切换电阻凸轮控制器操作,驱动平稳,易于控制速度。减速器为zsc (A)型的立式套装减速器,结构紧凑。选用直径500mm主、被动车轮组各2套,成对安装在2根下横梁上,整个运行机构控制简单,使用性能好,重量轻仅为26t 在被动车轮组一侧安装手动夹轨器,是野外作业防风的需要。手动夹轨器操作简单,安全可靠。在下横粱的2端均安装聚氨酯缓冲器及行程限位开关安全防护装置,很好地解决了2台起重机作业时相撞的问题。考虑到本机成对作业时的同步要求,应用工业用遥控器实现2台单机的联动和单独使用,是较适用的操作控制。随着遥控技术在起重行业的普及和推广,这一新技术将会被越来越多的用户所接受。我厂开发生产的系列大吨位电动葫芦门式起重机,严格执行国家和行业标准,如GBT 3811-1983起重机设计规范;GBT 14406-1993通用门式起重机;GBT 5905-1986起重机试验规范和程序;GBT 6067-1985起重机械安全规程等。目前我厂已生产6台太吨位电动葫芦门式起重机,并经过劳动部门的检验和验收,正运行在沈丹高速公路、锦朝高速公路的建设工地上,用户反映良好,运行正常,满足生产要求。综上所述,本机整体设计合理,结构新颖,作业效率高,起重能力大,重量轻,造价低,特别适合露天流动作业。本机单重为27 t,2台价格仅为55万元;同等类型起重能力的双梁门式起重机单台机重为4050t,2台机价格可达80100万元。实践证明,大吨位电动葫芦单梁门式起重机在高速公路的建设中有着广阔的市场前景。参考文献 1 A. 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Zuo, Intelligent interactive multiobjective optimization method and its application to reliability optimization, IIE Transactions,37 (11) (2005) 983-993.Large-tonnage electric hoist single girder gantry craneAbstractNewly developed large-tonnage electric hoist single girder gantry crane can be synchronized stand-alone operating Units 2 to lifting-span 30-50m, the weight of 40-64t of too high beam lance Bridge Pre-Pina. The aircraft structure is simple and easy disassembly of transport, suitable for mobile operation. This paper introduces the characteristics of its structure and performance parameters.Keywords: gantry crane electric hoist structural characteristics of performance parametersWith the rapid development of highway construction, large-span viaduct of the super-sized applications, more and more on the viaduct at mixing cement prefabricated steel beams used in the production of venue lifting capacity lifting equipment requirements more and more high. Near one years, I plant has to take part in Dan Shen Highway Construction Branch of the First Chinese Water Conservancy Bureau, Ministry of Railway 20th Engineering Bureau and Kam North Korea (Jinzhou to zhaoyang) Dandong Expressway construction of water conservancy construction company designed and manufactured 20 t, 28 / 5 t, 32 / 5 t electric hoist single main beam gantry crane, after the delivery of users well. Precast beam current at the venue on the use of still more traction winch lifting trolley running double girder gantry crane, since the weight of many for the 20 t, the complexity of its structure, lifting capacity has gradually difficult to meet production requirements. Our newly developed series of gantry crane, the use of Units 2 single synchronous operation can be hoisting span 30-50 m, weight of 40-64 t large viaduct precast beam; and other similar hoisting equipment as compared with the production of high efficiency, Light structure, easy operation, disassembly, transportation convenient, suitable for mobile field operations, the advantages of low cost. Below 32/5t electric hoist gantry crane as an example, the introduction of stand-alone characteristics and performance parameters.Figurel. 32 / 5 t electric hoist gantry crane1. CD, S 1 90 electric hoist 2. HC164 Type 32t-6 in electric hoist 3. Metal structure 4. Maintenance platform 5 carts run institutions1 Performance ParametersStarting weight: hoisting mechanism of the machine using 2 self-propelled electric hoist Units, respectively, from the weight of 32 t the main hoisting mechanism, 5 t lifting mechanism deputy.Span: 17 m, according to pre-determine the required sites, the general selection of this span have been enough.Lifting height: 5 m, precast beam generally does not exceed 2 m, to consider lifting the more layers have been enough.Lifting speed: main hoisting 3 m / min or vice since 8m/min.Operating speed: 10m/min main hoisting Hoisting vice 20 m / min carts running 30 m / minJob level: the main effect or A3, or A4, deputy from above. Manipulation of the way: the driver room operation. Figure 1 is a general map it.2 Use and technical requirementsMain hoisting mechanism 32 t electric hoist used for the precast beam forming and after lifting some of the larger tonnage of auxiliary equipment installation, demolition and so on. In the actual lifting of precast beams, the required stand-alone Units 2 pairs simultaneously hoisting, lifting the precast beams at the focus is not eccentric, we can achieve the greatest weight since starting the weight of single-Rated 2 times. Because of mixed cement prefabricated steel beam to be filling, and health to shape a long cycle, so the main effect or operation was not high, but demand from the speed or smooth, synchronized operation of lifting speed of 3 m / min when the easy to achieve the above requirements. Vice hoisting mechanism for 5 t electric hoist, as commonly used in construction lifting equipment, the completion of steel formwork sub-let, hoisting, dismantling operation, the grouting of precast beams, as well as other ancillary job requires a high operating rate, lifting, relatively fast speed, the general single machine alone. In the control of crane operations on the requirements on each of 2 Units electric hoist can be used alone, and asked when a job when the electric hoist, electric hoist another must be parked at the limit of non-working position, that is 3 m long cantilever part. To ensure that the main, the Deputy lifting span at normal operation, door frame structural design of double cantilever form, which is the limit of non-working parking location.At selection of electric power supply on the ground the rope reel between the form of electricity, cable reel to have anti-conversion devices, travel up to 300-500 m, while the cable length can save nearly half of the trip. This not only reduces the long lines because of losses caused by hold the line, but also saves cables, very economical and practical.3 hoisting mechanismMain hoisting mechanism used Puqi Lifting specialized plant-based Machine HCI6 type of the 32 t-6 m hanging electric hoist, which is the biggest Chinese-made electric hoist hanging. It uses 4 sets of electric car drivers, power for the 0.8 kWx4 = 3.2 kW; running speed of 10 m / min; lifting motor 18.5 kW, lifting speed of 3 m / min: job level: M3. Each electric hoist weighing a total 4.4 t.Vice hoisting mechanism used lifting equipment Nanjing plant production GD 5.9D-type electric hoist, job level: A4.4 metal structureAs shown in Figure l, for the double cantilever gantry A single-beam dual-rigid outrigger structure, the main girder cross-section for the box is closed abdominal structures. Cantilever load lifting as part of only one parking Units not consider the work of no-load electric hoist designed. Span s 30 m or less, with outrigger Main beam to connect a dual-rigid outrigger, simplifying the manufacturing process, easy to install assembly to save time, facilitate the repair.Main beam: The I-beam (I56b) and plate (thickness d: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, material Q235.B above) combination of closed molding cross-section beam welded full-web, in order to enhance the bearing capacity of large round pressure, at I-beam under the bottom flange welded reinforcement plate (d: 14mm). Girder hanging out of the need to strengthen the span of the site, only I-beam itself. Both I-beam with electric hoist and as bearer of the orbit.Outrigger: door frame in accordance with the force characteristics of outrigger used on large variable cross-section under the small form; taking into account the electric hoist only span the scope of operations, at the design on the door frame of the outrigger on the plane, under the cover for right-angle trapezoidal; plane at outrigger, outrigger box of the web for the parallelogram, so that the intensity that meets the load requirements and simplified the box outrigger of the spatial entity produced by the difficulty of simultaneously supplies less. Under the beams: the use of box girder structure, with outrigger bearing flange and the bottom connection assembly, the production of relatively simple.Driver's cab: the operating requirements of closed water-resistant outdoor performance and broaden the use of vision 3 lighting Noodles (live windows are located) the structure, can meet the electrical control equipment placed, compact structure, light weight (5OO kg). Outdoor drivers installed on, under the escalator.Anti-Canopy: in the main beam and outrigger junction, with the main beam outrigger to span outside the direction of additional anti-Canopy for parking Rainy electric hoist.Maintenance Platform: In order to facilitate the electric hoist the overhaul and maintenance, driver's cab at the back has 2 outrigger activity between the sliding door to install the maintenance platform, are a feature of this machine.Connectivity features: metal structure of the main beam, outrigger, under some main beams are used to connect components docking bolt flange connection, the design of angle at the flange with 4 bolt hinge system (GB27-1988) location, and the remaining four weeks with GB5780 - 1986 Medium 8.8 bolt connection. In order to prevent corrosion easy to open, each connected to the flange of the seal between the seal coated sealant. Flange connections suitable mobile field operations disassembly transport needs.5 carts run institutions Motor-driven carts run institutions for the YZR metallurgy Lifting motor, used for start-up resistance box resistance cam switch controller to operate, drive smooth, easy to control speed. Reducer for zsc (A) type of vertical suite reducer, compact structure. Selection of the diameter of 500mm and passive group 2 sets of wheels, installed in pairs at two under the beams on the whole easy to run control, the use of performance, light weight 2.6t only at the passive side of the wheel group to install manually folder track, and the wind field are required. Folder manually rail is simple, safe and reliable. 2 beams of the next client are installed polyurethane buffers and itinerary security limit switch device, a very good solution to the 2 crane operation collision problem.Taking into account the local pairwise synchronization operation requirements, the application of industrial remote control implementation Units 2 linkage and a separate stand-alone use, are more applicable to the operation of the control. With the remote control technology in the appliances industry, popularize and promote them, this new technology will be more and more acceptable to many users.My factory developed and produced a series of large-tonnage electric hoist gantry crane, strict implementation of national and industry standards such as GB / T 3811-1983 "crane design specifications" GB / T 14406-1993 "Universal gantry crane" GB / T 5905-1986 "crane test norms and procedures" GB / T 6067-1985 "Lifting the security point of order" and so on. At present, my factory has produced 6 Units too tonnage electric hoist gantry crane, and after the labor department's inspection and acceptance, are running at highway ShenDan, Kam Highway North Korea on the construction site, the user reflect the good functioning properly to meet the production requirements.To sum up, the overall design of this machine reasonable, novel structure, operation efficiency, large lifting capacity, light weight, low cost, especially suitable for open mobile operating. The local singlet for the 27t, 2 Units Price is only 550,000 yuan; the same type of lifting capacity of the double girder gantry crane with a single machine weight of 40 50t, 2 Units Machine Price up to 80 one million yuan. Practice has proved that large-tonnage electric hoist single girder gantry crane at the construction of the expressway has broad market prospects.References1 A. Sagirli, M. E. Bococlu and V. E. Omurlu, Modelingthe dynamics and kinematics of a telescopic rotary crane by the bond graph method: Part II,Nonlinear Dynamics, 33 (4) (2003) 353-367.2 D. A. Barrett and T. M. Hrudey, Investigation of h