ASTMA668A668M1996碳钢及合金钢锻件通用标准(可编辑) .doc
ASTM-A668-A668M-1996碳钢及合金钢锻件通用标准 ASTM A:668/A 668M-96 1 An American National Standard 美国国家标准 American association standard 美国协会标准 Highway and transportation officials standard 公路及交通体系的官方标准 AASHTO No.: M102 Standard specification for steel forgings, Carbon and alloy, 1 for general industrial use 碳钢及合金钢锻件通用标准1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 668/A 668 M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption, or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 本标准的指定编号为 A 668/A 668 M ;编号后的数字为首版发行的年数,如有再版,则为最新版发行的年数。 括号里的数字表示最后一次重新审核的年数。上标 表示自最新版或重新审核起编辑上的变动。 This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. 本标准已审核通过,供国防部办事处之用。 Note-table 3 printed incorrectly in the 1997 Volume 01.05. It appears now in its entirety. 注:1997 版卷 01.05 的表 3 印刷有误。本版全面再现此表。 1. Scope 应用范围 1.1 This specification covers untreated and heat-treated carbon and alloy steel forgings for general industrial use. Other ASTM specifications for forgings are available for specific applications such as pressure vessels, railroad use, turbine generators, gearing, and others involving special temperature requirements. 本规范为未经处理的及热处理的碳钢/合金钢锻件的通用标准。其它 ASTM 锻 件规范也适用于压力容器、铁路、涡轮发电机、传动装置及其它带有特殊温 度要求的锻件。 1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys, and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.06 on Steel Forgings and Billets. 1 本规范的管辖方为 ASTM A-1 委员会,即钢、不锈钢及相关合金管理委员会,直接受控于 A01.06 ,锻钢 件及中小钢坯小组委员会。 Current edition approved May 10, 1996. Published July 1996. Originally published as A668-72. Last previous edition A668-95a. 现版规范于 1996 年 5 月 10 日审核通过,于1996 年 7 月出版。首版发行于 1972 年,即 A668-72 ,前一修 订版为 A668-95a 。 1 ASTM A:668/A 668M-96 1 1.2 Hot-rolled or cold finished bars are not within the scope of this specification. 热轧或冷加工钢棒不在本规范范围之内。 1.3 Six classes of carbon steel and seven classes of alloy steel forgings are listed see Section 7 , which indicates their required heat treatments, as well as mechanical properties. 本标准给出了六类碳钢锻件以及七类合金钢锻件(见第七部分),包括它们的 热处理及力学性能要求。 1.4 Supplementary requirements of an optional nature are provided. These shall apply only when specified by the purchaser. 本规范也提供了补充性能要求,当且仅当购货方有特殊规定时适用。 1.5 Appendix X1 lists the grades corresponding to the various grades of Specifications A235, A237, and A243, which have been superseded by this specification. 附录X1 给出了与规范 A235 ,A237 及 A243 中的钢种相对应的钢种,上述各 规范已被本规范取代。 1.6 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as the standard; within the text and tables, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exactly equivalent; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification. 本规范中有两种单位,即美制单位和公制单位,两种单位不可混用,在正文 及表格当中,公制单位都是以括号括起来的。两个单位制给出的数值并非完 全相等,因此,需要独立运用一个单位,将两个单位制中的数值结合运算将 会导致与本规范的偏离。 2 Referenced documents 参考文献 2.1 ASTM Standards: ASTM 标准 2 A 275/A 275M Test method for magnetic particle examination of steel forgings 锻钢件的磁粉探伤方法2 3 A370 Test Methods and Definitions for mechanical testing of steel products 钢制件力学性能试验的方法及定义3 2 A 388/A 388M Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy steel forgings 大型锻钢件的超声波探伤规范2 A 654 Specification for special requirements for steel forgings and bars for nuclear 2 and other special applications 2 Annual book of ASTM standard, Vol 01.05 ASTM 标准年鉴,卷 01.05 3 Annual book of ASTM standards, Vol 01.03 ASTM 标准年鉴,卷 01.03 2 ASTM A:668/A 668M-96 1 核电及其它特殊领域的锻钢件及钢棒的特殊要求规范2 2 A 788 Specification for steel forgings, General requirements 锻钢件通用规范2 4 E 381 Method of Macrotech Testing Steel bars, billets, blooms, and forgings 钢棒、中小型坯、大钢坯及锻件的试验方法4 3. Terminology 术语 3.1 Definitions of terms specific to this standard: 下述定义特适用于本标准: Hollow cylindrical forging-a forging whose length as measured on its longitudinal axis is more than its diameter shall be considered as a hollow cylinder within the scope of this specification if it has been lengthened by extrusion of forged in a manner similar to that of a ring, namely, expanded in diameter on a mandrel. 中空圆柱锻件:纵轴向的长度实测值比直径大的锻件,在本规范中称为中空 圆柱锻件,通过将锻件拉长而形成,成型办法与锻环类似,锻环的形成是通 过在心轴上挤压、将直径扩大。 Ring-shipped or disk-shaped forging-a forging whose length, as measured on its longitudinal axis, is less than its diameter or main transverse dimension is considered a ring or disk with the meaning of this specification. 环形或盘状锻件:纵轴向的长度实测值小于直径或横向主要尺寸的锻件,在 本规范中成为环形或盘状锻件。 4. Ordering information 订货信息 4.1 When this specification is to be applied to an inquiry contract, or order, the purchaser should furnish the following information: 如把本规范用于询价合同或订单,购货方须提供如下信息: The ordering information required by Specification A 788. 规范 A 788 要求提供的订货信息。 The class of forging desired as listed in Section 7. 第七部分所要求的锻件等级。 The options which may be selected as found in , , 7.3, and 14.1, and ,7.3,14.1 中的可选项;以及 Applicable supplementary requirements. 适用补充要求。 4 Annual book of ASTM standards, Vol 03.01 ASTM 标准年鉴,卷 03.01 3 ASTM A:668/A 668M-96 1 5. Materials and manufacture 材料及制造 5.1 Melting process-The steel shall be made by the open-hearth, basic oxygen, or electric-furnace process. 熔炼过程:平炉、基本氧,或电炉炼钢。 5.2 Discard-sufficient discard shall be made from each ingot to secure freedom from piping and undue segregation. 切头:必须保证每一钢锭的切头量,使之无气泡缝或过度偏析。 5.3 Forging process-The forging shall be brought as close as practical to finished shape and size by hot mechanical work. 锻造:应通过热加工使锻件尽可能接近最终形状及尺寸。 After forging and before reheating for heat treatment, the forgings shall be allowed to cool in a manner to prevent injury and to accomplish transformation. 锻后且重新加热热处理之前,应以一定的方式将锻件冷却下来,一则防止损 伤锻件,二则实现运输。 5.4 Heat treatment: 热处理 All forgings, other than Class A, shall be heat treated, See section 7. 除A 类锻件之外,所有锻件均需热处理,见第七部分。 Where options exist within a class, the choice of heat treatment shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer, unless the purchaser specifies one of the available options. 如果某一类锻件存在可选事项,热处理的选择应交由制造商处理,除非购货 方提出某一确定选项。 6 Chemical composition 化学组成 6.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements for chemical composition prescribed in Table 1. 化学组成应符合表 1 的要求。 6.2 The choice of chemical composition is left to the discretion of the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. See Appendix X2. 化学组成应由制造商确定,除非购货方有特别规定。见附录 X2 。 4 ASTM A:668/A 668M-96 1 6.3 Heat analysis: 熔炼分析 An analysis of each heat shall be made by the manufacturer. When possible, the test sample shall be taken during the pouring of the heat. If the test sample is lost or declared inadequate for chemical determinations, the manufacturer may take alternative samples from locations near the surface of an ingot or bloom, as necessary to establish the analysis. 制造商对每一炉均需作以分析。如果可能的话,应在每一炉浇注的过程中取 样。如果试样丢失或不足以进行化学成分确定,制造商应从钢锭或钢坯中接 近表面的地方再取样,以满足分析的需要。 In the case of large ingots poured from two or more heats, the weighted average of the chemical determinations of the several heats shall conform to the requirements specified in Table 1 or by agreement see 6.2 . 如果大型钢锭是由 2 炉或多炉钢水浇制而成的,若干炉化学成分的加权平均 值应符合表 1 的要求,或符合协定值(见 6.2 )。 6.4 Product analysis-An analysis may be made by the purchaser from a forging representing each heat, or multiple heat if made in accordance with . Samples for analysis may be taken from the forging, or from a full-size prolongation at any point from the midradius to the outside diameter in the case of disk or solid forgings, or midway between the inner and outer surfaces of hollow forgings or rings, or from a test specimen. The chemical composition thus determined shall not vary from the requirements specified in Table 1 or agreed upon see 6.2 by more than the amounts prescribed in Table 2. 产品分析:每一炉或多炉(如果是按照 所述情形浇注的话)取一锻件进 行产品分析,该分析由购货方执行。分析取样办法如下:从锻件直接取样; 如果是盘状或实心锻件,从半径中点到外圆之间的任意一点的全尺寸延伸段 取样;如果是中空锻件或锻环,从内外表面之间取样;或从试样中取样分析。 分析确定的化学成分与表 1 或协定值(见 6.2 )中的要求的差异不应超过表 2 的数量。 7. Mechanical properties 力学性能 7.1 Tensile requirements: 抗拉性能要求: The material shall conform to the tensile properties prescribed in Table 3. 材料的抗拉特性应符合表 3 的要求。 5 ASTM A:668/A 668M-96 1 Tensile specimens shall be machined to the form and dimensions illustrated in Test Methods and Definitions A 370 and shall be tested in accordance with the latest issue of Test Methods and Definitions A 370. 应按照 A370 试验方法及定义,将抗拉试样加工到一定的形状和大小,并根据 最新版的 A370 (试验方法及定义)标准进行试验。 Size classification-The dimensions of the forging at time of heat treatment determine the size of classification see Table 3 : 尺寸分类:锻件在热处理时的尺寸将直接构成尺寸分类的基础(见表 3 ): Table 1 chemical requirements 表 1 化学组成要求 Composition, , % 含量最大值% Elements Classes A to F 元素 Classes G to N and GH to NH and AH to FH G 到 N 及 GH 到 NH A 到 F 及 AH 到 FH Manganese 1.35 锰 Phosphorus 0.050 0.040 磷 Sulfur 0.050 0.040 硫 .1 Solid forgings-Either the as forged or rough machined diameter or thickness of solid forgings, disregarding large ends, collars, flanges, and journals, at time of heat treatment shall determine the size classification. 实锻:不考虑大端、颈圈、法兰及轴颈的尺寸,尺寸分类仅由锻造直径或厚 度,或者粗加工直径或厚度来决定。 .2 Ring or hollow cylinder forging-The size cla