阿朗——IPv6 transition solution.ppt
,IPv6 Transition Solutions,Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,Content,1.IPv6 Transition Background,2.IPv6 Network Transition Solutions3.Summary,IPv6 Transition BackgroundAll Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,1,IPv6 transition environment,Public IPv4,Public IPv4,Private IPv4,IPv6,Today:2 address families talk to each other Requires address translation:44,Requires address translation:44,64All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,Tomorrow:3 IP Address Families must talk to oneanother,Private IPv4,tic,BSA/EAN,broadband,rt,Multi Tenant Unit spo,Tran,a,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,5,Transition scope and requirements,5750 SSC,Centralized PolicyManagement,IP/MPLSOptical core,7750 SR,PersonalizedIPTV,BroadbandInternetservices,Enterprise,IPcommunications,5620 SAM,Element and NetworkManagement,RG,l,ISAM family,7450 ESSserviceaggregator,BSANbroadbandservice accessnodeMTU/POPOp,7750 SRBNG/MSEbroadbandservice edge,residentialgatewayCLECustomerLocationEquipment,Digital HomeSMBLAN,VLLVPLSVPRN,VoiceIPTV,Internet,Network infrastructure,IP hosts,IP hosts,Existing IPv4 hosts/routers may be independently upgraded to IPv6 at any time,New IPv6 hosts/routers can be installed at any time without any prerequisites,IPv4 hosts/routers that upgrade to dual stack can keep their existing IPv4 address,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,IPv6 transition problems Problem IPv4 and IPv6 are not interoperable,Networks/hosts/servers are notupgraded to IPv6 simultaneously v4 and v6 may co-exist for longtime.Requirement for mechanisms tosupport communication betweenIPv4 and IPv6 endpoints Solution Hosts are IPv4+IPv6 dual-stacktoday Network to support IPv4+IPv6 Dual-stack support on hosts andnetworks to allow transition period But Remaining time too short to havea smooth transition Complex mechanisms required withoperational challenges:Dual-stack,Tunnels,NAT,IPv4 NetworkIPv4+IPv6Network,IPv4 HostsIPv4+IPv6Hosts,IPv6 Hosts/NetworkIPv6 Hosts/Network,IPv6 Network Transition SolutionsAll Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,2,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,8,IPv6 backbone transport IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack on PE and P routers tosupport transition,IPv6 traffic is natively routed over thebackbone IPv6 routing protocols:OSPFv3,ISIS IPv6,MP-BGP for IPv6 support,IPv6IPv4,IPv6IPv4,IPv4,IPv6,IPv6IPv4PE,PIPv6IPv4,PIPv6IPv4IPv6PIPv4,PE,PE,PE,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,9,Phase 1 Early Adopters:IPv6 in IPv4 tunneling for experimental use,Using e.g.,6to4,IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnel Without the help from the operator,customers independently connect to IPv6 networksfor e.g.,research or experimental purposes,Phase 2:Distributed IPv6 over Ethernet/PPPoE for unicast services,Residential gateway supports dual stack Give access to IPv6 services without jeopardizing IPv4 service Full QoS and policy control over both IPv4 and IPv6,Phase 3:IPv6 over Ethernet for unicast and multicast services,Set-Top Box supports dual stack Maintain IPv4 for some IPv4 multicast services,local LAN traffic and/or Internet applications After completion of STB upgrades migrate channel by channel to IPv6 MLD-enabled access network,IPv6 metro transition phases,Introduce IPv4 Overloading(NAT),Introduce Dual Stack,IP,v6,Ad,op,tio,n,Today,ee,dr,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,10,Residential service migration to IPv6 Motivation:Exhaustion of IPv4 public addresses Growth of IP endpoints;mobile/nomadic users,sensory networks Applications requiring IP public address;peer-to-peer,multi-party multimedia Combined approaches:IPv4 continuity IPv6 migrationTransition(x months),IP,v4,Fr,Ad,es,se,s,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,11,No change to current IPv4 CPE There is a limited amount of private IPv4 addresses,and collisions betweenhome and service provider can cause significant issues Some application servers(such as IPTV VoD servers for IPv4)can residewithin the carriers private IPv4 network without NAT Existing BRAS/BNG continues to classify,account and enforce IPv4,IPv4Internet,PrivateIPv4accessnetwork,Large scaleNAT,Server,NAT44,Large scale NAT(4-4-4)Private IPv4network,Private IPv4networkPrivate IPv4,network,StatefulNAT44,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,12,IPv4Internet,IPv6accessnetwork,Dual stack lite(4-6-4),Softwire,Server,Tunnel,Route,Sof,twir,e,NAT,Private IPv4network,Private IPv4network,concentratorPrivate IPv4,network,Softwire/IPv4/PortSoftwire_1/ 10000,IPv4/Port129.0.0.1/TCP 5000,4 6 4New CPE to route and tunnel IPv4 traffic inside IPv6All IPv4 traffic is tunnelled and then subject to NAT44.No NAT in the homeAll IPv4 traffic is subject to NAT may impact IPTVCurrent BRAS cannot inspect the contents of the Dual Stack Lite tunnel.Itis all encapsulated in IPv6 so IPv4 may become best effort,Perhaps best as a IPv4-retirement approach.,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,13,NAT64&DNS64,IPv6access,network,Large ScaleNAT,Server,Route,IPv6,network,DNS A,DNS AAAA Pref64:,DNS64,StatefulNAT64,IPv6 only networks:consider the majority of hosts are not IPv6-enabled To the host,everything is IPv6 a NAT64 in the carrier translates asneeded Requires a helper function to synthesise DNS responses DNS64 Current BRAS cannot inspect the contents of the Dual Stack Lite tunnel.Itis all encapsulated in IPv6 so IPv4 may become best effort,IPv4 Host,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,14,NAT64 for LTE,NAT64,IPv6networkIPv6,networkIPv4network,NAT44,Dual-stack APNStateful,LTE-handsets&MIDs,LTE-dongle inexisting laptops,New LTE devices can be IPv6-only,no change to current IPv6 host LTE handsets do not require IPv4 addresses,use NAT64 to access IPv4 As not all existing laptops can operate in an IPv6-only environment,a dual-stack APN with large scale NAT(and private IPv4/NAT44)is provided Only assign(private)IPv4 addresses to devices that need them,StatefulIPv6-only APN,Dual Stack Lite tunnel concept using L2 delimiters(802.1Q,802.1AD,PPPoE,MAC,L2TP),No change required on CPE(performs NAT44),IPv4 address allocated to CPE can be identical since L2 delimiter is used to create NAT binding table,By integrating the NAT/NAPT component into the BNG we can use subscriber ID as a key for all NAT,sessions,instead of relying on a unique inside source IP,IPv6 connections are natively routed byAll2-stackReserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,Rights CPE and BNG,IPv4Internet,Large Scale,NAT,Server,Layer2-aware NAT ALU implementation for IPv4 ContinuityPrivate IPv4,Network,Private IPv4Network,Private IPv4Network,IPoE,PPPoEL2TP,IPv4,46,NAT44Route,Layer 2 Delim6,46,NAT44Route,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,16,L2-aware NAT-Detail,Internet,Access,BNG,EthernetRFC 2684ATM,DSL,TCP,UDP,IP,Ethernet,UDP,TCP,NAT Function,802.1adEthernet,802.3 PHY,IP,NATGatewayPrivate,a.b.c.d,a.b.c.d,TCP,UDP,UDP,TCP,NAT Function,All subs have theSAME addressDemux on Layer 2(VLAN,PPPoE,L2TP,MAC)Public Public,IPoEPPPL2TP,RFC1918,RFC1918,a.b.c.d+1,NATGateway,SummaryAll Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,3,IPv6 dual stack capability,Introduce IPv4 overloading(NAT),Today Early adopters tunnel,v4,es,do,tio,18,IP,fre,e,ad,dr,se,s,IP,v,6,a,p,n,IPv6 transition roadmapTransition(?months)Runout(12+months),2009,2010,2011All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,2012,IPv4 Continuation/IPv6 Transition Solutions,L2-aware NATNo CPE Change(double-NAT)or single NAT44and IPv4 routing at CPEReuse of privateaddresses at CPE WANto overcome addressoverlapConcurrent support forIPv4-only and dual-stackhosts if CPE is dual-stack capableProvides mechanism toextend life of IPv4with least impact onnetwork,DS-LiteCPE change requiredto support ds-liteOnly IPv6 addressassigned to CPE facilitates IPv6migrationConcurrent support forIPv4-only and dual-stack hostsFacilitates migrationto IPv6 providesintra-AF connectivityAll Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,NAT64Only supports v6-initiatedconnections does notsupport IPv4-only hostsOnly mechanism thatsupports communicationbetween IPv6-only hostand IPv4-only server.,Network transition:Dual-stack with L2 aware NAT,IPv4HomeNetwork,IPv6HomeNetwork,IPv4/IPv6,IPv6 internet,IPv4 internet,LSN,BNG(Dual Stack),IPv4HomeNetworkIPv6HomeNetwork,IPv4 internetIPv6 internet,LSNIPv4/IPv6,Access/AggregationnetworkIPoE SessionDual-stackAccess network,L2-aware NATBNG,(Dual Stack)Simple technology and easy to deployAssign IPv6 addresses and IPv4 public/private addresses to customerIPv6 host access IPv6 network directly or via 6PE/6VPEIPv4 public/private hosts access IPv4 Internet via LSN/L2-aware NATNeed RG and BNG to support dual-stackAll Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,Access/AggregationnetworkL2-aware NATPPP/L2TP Session,All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2010,THANK YOU,