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    00060香港食品投資 报.ppt

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    00060香港食品投資 报.ppt

    2012 年 報,Annual Report,39,42,45,香港食品投資控股有限公司,Corporate Information公司資料Chairmans Statement主席報告Report of the Directors董事會報告Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告Independent Auditors Report獨立核數師報告Audited Financial Statements經審核財務報告Consolidated:綜合:Income Statement收益表Statement of Comprehensive Income全面收益表Statement of Financial Position財務狀況表Statement of Changes in Equity權益變動表Statement of Cash Flows現金流量表Company:公司:Statement of Financial Position財務狀況表Notes to Financial Statements財務報告附註,Contents,目錄2-34-78-2223-3536-373840-4143-4446-116,二零一二年年報,1,*,2,HONG KONG FOOD INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITEDCorporate Information 公 司 資 料,BOARD OF DIRECTORSTAI Tak Fung,Stephen(Chairman)MAN Wing Cheung,Ellis(Managing Director)TAI Chun LeungYIP Wai KeungTSE Siu WanLAI Yuk ChuenCHAN Kay Cheung*LAN Yee Fong,Steve John*LUI Shing Ming,Brian*Independent non-executive directorsCOMPANY SECRETARYLEUNG Tin ChiREGISTERED OFFICEFour Seas eFood CentreNo.2 Hong Ting RoadSai KungHong KongSHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFEROFFICETricor Abacus Limited26th Floor,Tesbury Centre28 Queens Road EastWanchaiHong KongPRINCIPAL BANKERSThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedStandard Chartered Bank(Hong Kong)LimitedThe Bank of East Asia,LimitedMizuho Corporate Bank,LimitedDBS Bank(Hong Kong)LimitedHang Seng Bank LimitedCITIC Bank International LimitedCredit Agricole Corporate and Investment BankChong Hing Bank LimitedKBC Bank N.V.Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(Asia)LimitedChina Construction Bank CorporationANNUAL REPORT 2012,董事會戴德豐(主席)文永祥(董事總經理)戴進良葉偉強謝少雲黎玉泉陳棋昌*藍義方*雷勝明*獨立非執行董事公司秘書梁天賜註冊辦事處香港西貢康定路2號四洲食品網匯中心股份過戶登記處卓佳雅柏勤有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東28號金鐘滙中心26樓主要往來銀行香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司渣打銀行(香港)有限公司東亞銀行有限公司瑞穗實業銀行有限公司星展銀行(香港)有限公司恒生銀行有限公司中信銀行國際有限公司東方匯理銀行創興銀行有限公司比利時聯合銀行中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司中國建設銀行股份有限公司,香港食品投資控股有限公司Corporate Information 公 司 資 料,SOLICITORSMayer Brown JSMAUDITORSErnst&YoungWEBSITEhttp:/.hk,律師孖士打律師行核數師安永會計師事務所網址http:/.hk,二零一二年年報,3,4,HONG KONG FOOD INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITEDChairmans Statement 主 席 報 告Dr.TAI Tak Fung,Stephen,SBS,GBS,JP,Chairman,戴德豐博士,SBS GBS 太平紳士 主席,RESULTSI,on behalf of the board of directors,announce that the Groupsturnover was HK$711,865,000(2011:HK$439,544,000)for the yearended 31 March 2012.The loss attributable to equity holders of theCompany was HK$37,183,000(2011:HK$5,915,000)while loss pershare was HK14.32 cents(2011:HK2.28 cents).DIVIDENDThe board of directors has recommended the payment of a finaldividend of HK1.0 cent per ordinary share(2011:HK3.0 cents)with respect to the financial year ended 31 March 2012.Subject tothe shareholders approval at the annual general meeting held on 28August 2012,the final dividend will be payable on 25 September2012.Together with the interim dividend of HK1.0 cent per share,thetotal dividend distribution for the financial year ended 31 March 2012will be HK2.0 cents per share(2011:HK4.0 cents).BUSINESS REVIEWDuring the year under review,the Group has adopted an aggressivebusiness expansionary strategy through enlarging our purchasingnetworks and carrying more new brands.In the first half of thefinancial year,we were able to enjoy a significant increase in businesswith a reasonable margin.Nevertheless,in the later part of thesecond half of the financial year,the supply of frozen meats fromANNUAL REPORT 2012,業績本 人 謹 代 表 董 事 會 宣 佈,截 至 二 零 一 二 年 三 月三 十 一 日 止 年 度,本 集 團 之 營 業 額 為711,865,000港元(二零一一年:439,544,000港元);本公司權益所 有 者 應 佔 虧 損 為37,183,000港 元(二 零 一 一 年:5,915,000港 元),每 股 虧 損 為14.32港 仙(二 零 一 一年:2.28港仙)。股息董事會現建議派發截至二零一二年三月三十一日止財政年度末期股息每普通股1.0港仙(二零一一年:3.0港仙)。待股東於二零一二年八月二十八日舉行之股東週年大會通過後,末期股息將於二零一二年九月二十五日派發。連同已派發之中期股息每股1.0港仙,截至二零一二年三月三十一日止財政年度之股息總額為每股2.0港仙(二零一一年:4.0港仙)。業務回顧回顧年度內,集團致力提升銷量,擴大營業額,於年內加強採購力度,積極搜購來自不同國家品牌的優質凍肉產品,以迎合市場需要,故此於上半年度營 業 額 大 幅 上 升 並 錄 得 利 潤。但 由 於 下 半 年 後 期本地市場需求急速轉弱,加上海外凍肉供應過剩,影 響 銷 售 價 格,同 時 額 外 增 加 之 存 貨 令 存 倉 成 本,香港食品投資控股有限公司Chairmans Statement 主 席 報 告Frozen Meats Products肉類食品系列,overseas increased while the domestic consumption sentiment rapidlyweakened.Moreover,the increase in inventories led to an increasein warehouse charges.All of these have adversely affected the profitmargin.In addition,we have made a provision on the net realisablevalue of the inventories which has affected the performance.In addition,the Group has strategically held equity interest in anassociate,Four Seas Mercantile Holdings Limited(“FSMHL”),which enables the Group to have a diversified business portfolio andenjoy the share of profit from FSMHL.For the year ended 31 March2012,the Group shared a profit after tax of HK$15,506,000(2011:HK$21,330,000).Frozen Meats TradingFrozen meats trading is the Groups core business.The Groupdedicates to introduce worldwide superior quality frozen meatsproducts to the market which are well received by customers.Through the well established distribution network,the performanceof the frozen meats trading was significantly improved and turnoverincreased in the first half of the financial year.However,in the laterpart of the second half of the financial year,the domestic consumptionsentiment turned weak while there was oversupply in the frozen meatsmarket,as such the performance of frozen meats trading was affected.,上升,導致毛利下降。集團亦已為存貨作出減值撥備,因而影響凍肉貿易的表現。此外,透過策略性長期持有四洲集團有限公司(四洲 集 團)的 聯 營 權 益,本 集 團 得 以 擴 展 食 品 業 務投資領域,令食品業務更加多元化,帶來穩定的收益。截至二零一二年三月三十一日止年度,本集團獲 得 應 佔 聯 營 公 司 盈 利15,506,000港 元(二 零 一 一年:21,330,000港元)。凍肉貿易凍肉貿易為本集團的核心業務,致力提供世界各地優質凍肉產品,深受消費者歡迎。憑藉已建立的完善銷售網絡,本年初凍肉貿易業務表現顯著改善,營 業 額 上 升。惟 於 下 半 年 後 期,本 港 凍 肉 需 求 轉弱,加上凍肉供應過剩,影響凍肉貿易的表現。,二零一二年年報,5,6,HONG KONG FOOD INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITEDChairmans Statement 主 席 報 告,Investment in Food BusinessFSMHL is one of the distinct and largest food enterprises in HongKong and has a leading position in the food industry,with businesssegments of food distribution,food manufacturing,“Four Seas”brandproducts development,catering and food retailing.Through equityinvestment in FSMHL,the Group is able to share FSMHLs profits soas to stabilise the Groups earnings.As at 31 March 2012,the Groupheld equity interest in FSMHL of approximately 29.50%.Distribution BusinessThe core business of FSMHL is food distribution.In the past 40years since its establishment,FSMHL has committed itself to foodbusiness development and has developed excellent relationship withsuppliers all over the world.FSMHL distributes various kinds offinest food products under hundreds of internationally renownedbrands.Capitalising on its superb sales team and extensive distributionnetwork,FSMHL has commanded a leading position in the foodindustry of Hong Kong.Manufacturing BusinessFSMHL has a total of 20 manufacturing plants in both Mainland Chinaand Hong Kong producing a wide range of specialty food products,including seaweed,candies and confectioneries,puffed snacks,peanuts,potato chips,prawn crackers,corn sticks,instant noodles,ice-cream,biscuits,cakes,chestnuts,ham,sausages,frozen dim sum,Tsubu Tsubu orange drinks,coffee,milk tea,lemon tea,green tea,Oolong tea and dairy drinks.Combining the production facilitieswith its comprehensive marketing strategies,FSMHL has formed aninteroperating platform to fulfill the ever-changing needs in consumermarket and thus enhancing its competitiveness.Furthermore,FSMHLhas been striving for a culture of high standards of food quality controlin terms of food hygiene,food safety and food material supplies incompliance with international standards which received numerousaccreditations from relevant international institutions.Four Seas BrandWith its diligent effort over the years,“Four Seas”brand has beendeveloping a premium proprietary brand name which is one of themost famous brands in Mainland China and Hong Kong.All productsunder“Four Seas”are highly recognised by consumers for their highquality which has been entrusted with a vote of confidence.Moreover,with the launch of a series of brand reinforcement of televisioncommercials through celebrity endorsers,“Four Seas”brandedproducts have highly been acclaimed by consumers with its marketshare continuously increasing.ANNUAL REPORT 2012,食品業務投資四洲集團乃一家甚具特色及香港最大規模的食品企業之一,在食品市場上具有領導地位。其產品類別多元化,業務領域涵蓋食品代理及銷售、食品製造、四洲牌食品系列、餐飲業務及食品零售,加強了本集團在盈利貢獻方面的穩定性。截至二零一二年三月三十一日止,本集團持有四洲集團之股份權益約29.50%。代理業務食品代理乃四洲集團之核心業務,四十年以來專注食品業務發展,一直與世界各地食品界保持良好的關係,並代理逾百家國際名牌優質食品,產品應有盡有。同時更建立了優秀的銷售隊伍及擁有龐大的分銷網絡,在食品業界已建立了昭著商譽,為香港食品界之翹楚。製造業務至 今 四 洲 集 團 於 中、港 兩 地 已 擁 有 二 十 間 生 產 廠房,生 產 一 系 列 特 式 食 品,包 括 紫 菜、糖 果、膨化 小 食、花 生、薯 片、蝦 條、粟 米 條、即 食 麵、雪糕、餅 乾、蛋 糕、栗 子、火 腿、香 腸、冷 凍 點 心、粒 粒橙汁、咖啡、奶茶、檸檬茶、綠茶、烏龍茶及牛奶類飲料等。利用一站式的平台,配合全面的市場策略,迎合市場需要。此外,四洲集團已建立優良的食品企業文化,其食品衛生,食物安全,食材品質屢獲肯定,符合國際水平,並取得多項國際食品安全認証。四洲品牌憑 藉 多 年 的 努 力,成 功 創 建四 洲自 家 品 牌,成為中港兩地著名商標品牌之一,品質深受消費者信任。透過一系列四洲產品廣告代言人及電視廣告深入民心,充份發揮廣告明星效應,深受消費者愛戴及歡迎,令四洲品牌市場佔有率持續上升。,香港食品投資控股有限公司Chairmans Statement 主 席 報 告,Catering BusinessFSMHLs catering business continued to develop satisfactorily withstable growth.“Panxi Restaurant”,located on the bank of Liwan Lakein Guangzhou,China,is one of the renowned garden restaurants inMainland China.It received the status of“National Grade Restaurant”,the title of“Old Chinese Trademark”and“Guangzhou Top 10 Gifts”.The well-known“Eight Famous Dishes and Eight Delicious Dim Sum”of Panxi Restaurant won various prizes from national and internationalcuisine competitions.Its lake-view gardens,along with the prestigiousSouth Chinas landscape architecture and a wide range of deliciousChinese cuisine,has been attracting crowds of visitors and will bringmuch more business potential.Furthermore,FSMHLs specialtyrestaurants,including a Japanese-style restaurant,“Restaurant Shiki”,Japanese dumpling shops“Osaka Ohsho”,and the award-winningvegetarian restaurant“Kung Tak Lam Shanghai Vegetarian Cuisine”inHong Kong and sushi restaurant chain“Sushi Oh”in Mainland China,have been well received by customers.Retail BusinessFor retail business,with its extensive retail network of more than 80outlets scattered over every district in Hong Kong,FSMHLs retailchain“Okashi Land”has been one of the most renowned retailingbrand name in Hong Kong which provides high quality trendy snackfood to customers.It is highly applauded by consumers in bothMainland China and Hong Kong.FSMHL will continue to developits retail business in both Hong Kong and Mainland China which willcontribute to a steady growth.PROSPECTSLooking forward,the Group will continue to strengthen its competitiveedge in the market through prudent purchasing management,flexiblesales strategy and stringent cost control.At the same time,theGroup will explore more business opportunities so as to enhance thedevelopment of its business.Besides,the long-term investment inFSMHL will continue to contribute earnings to the Group.APPRECIATIONOn behalf of the board of directors,I would like to express my sinceregratitude to our shareholders and our business partners for theirsupport and trust to the management team.My gratitude also extendsto our staff for their loyalty and diligence in the developments of thebusiness of the Group.Dr.TAI Tak Fung,Stephen,SBS,GBS,JPChairmanHong Kong,29 June 2012,餐飲業務四 洲 集 團 旗 下 中、港 兩 地 之 餐 飲 業 務 發 展 穩 步 成長。位於中國廣州市內荔灣湖畔之泮溪酒家,為國內大型湖畔園林酒家之一,享有國家特級酒家美譽、全國中華老字號及廣州十大手信稱號。聞名中外的泮溪八大名菜、八大名點在國際和國家級各類烹飪大賽上,頻頻獲得大獎。其江南特色之湖畔庭園景色,加上著名菜式美食,吸引各地遊客,生意滔滔。此外,旗下一系列特色餐廳,包括在香港之四 季 日 本 料 理、大 阪 王 將餃 子 專 門店、以及榮獲多個獎項殊榮之功德林上海素食餐廳及位於國內之壽司皇迴轉日本壽司連鎖店,深受廣大顧客歡迎。零售業務在零售業務方面,旗下逾八十多間零食專門店零食物語為香港著名零售品牌之一,深受中港兩地消費者擁護和愛戴。其銷售網點覆蓋全港各區,為零食愛好者帶來嶄新的潮流食品。零售業務前景甚佳,將致力發展中港兩地的零售業務,推動未來業績穩步增長。展望展 望 未 來,本 集 團 將 繼 續 利 用 本 身 在 市 場 上 的 優勢,透過審慎的採購部署、靈活的銷售策略及有效的成本控制,在市場上保持競爭優勢,並將會抓緊機遇,開拓業務範圍,拓展營商機會。此外透過投資四洲集團,有助本集團之收益。鳴謝本人謹代表董事會,感謝各位股東及商業夥伴對管理團隊的支持和信任,也感謝全體員工盡守職責,同心協力,為推進集團業務而努力不懈。戴德豐博士 SBS GBS 太平紳士主席香港,二零一二年六月二十九日,二零一二年年報,7,8,HONG KONG FOOD INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITEDReport of the Directors 董 事 會 報 告,The directors present their report and the audited financial statementsof the Company and of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2012.PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIESThe principal activity of the Company is investment holding.Detailsof the principal activities of the principal subsidiaries and associatesare set out in notes 15 and 16 to the financial statements,respectively.There were no significant changes in the nature of the Groupsprincipal activities during the year.RESULTS AND DIVIDENDSThe Groups loss for the year ended 31 March 2012 and the state ofaffairs of the Company and the Group at that date are set out in thefinancial statements on pages 38 to 116.An interim dividend of HK1.0 cent per ordinary share was paid by theCompany on 12 January 2012.The directors recommend the paymentof a final dividend of HK1.0 cent per ordinary share in respect of theyear to shareholders on the register of members on 6 September 2012.This recommendation has been incorporated in the financial statementsas an allocation of retained profits within the equity section of thestatement of financial position.ANNUAL REPORT 2012,董事會謹提呈董事會報告以及本公司及本集團截至二零一二年三月三十一日止年度之經審核財務報告。主要業務本公司之主要業務為投資控股。主要附屬公司及聯營公司之主要業務詳情分別載列於財務報告附註15及16。本集團之主要業務於年內概無重大變動。業績及股息本集團截至二零一二年三月三十一日止年度之虧損及本公司與本集團於該日之財政狀況載列於第38頁至第116頁之財務報告內。本公司曾於二零一二年一月十二日派發中期股息每普通股1.0港仙。董事建議就本年度派發末期股息每股普通股1.0港仙予二零一二年九月六日名列股東名冊之股東。此項建議已在財務報告的財務狀況表中列於權益項目下保留溢利的分配。,香港食品投資控股有限公司Report of the Directors 董 事 會 報 告,SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATIONA summary of the published results and the assets and liabilities of theGroup for the last five financial years,as extracted from the auditedfinancial statements,is set out below:,財務資料概要本集團過去五個財政年度已公佈之業績及資產和負債資料概要由經審核的財務報告中抽取,並在下方列出Year ended 31 March截至三月三十一日止年度,2012二零一二年HK$000港幣千元,2011二零一一年HK$000港幣千元,2010二零一零年HK$000港幣千元,2009二零零九年HK$000港幣千元,2008二零零八年HK$000港幣千元,RESULTS,業績,REVENUE,收入,711,865,439,544,559,501,628,149,530,471,PROFIT/(LOSS)FOR,年度溢利,THE YEAR,(虧損),(37,183),(5,915),44,275,15,916,35,021,As at 31 March於三月三十一日,2012二零一二年HK$000港幣千元,2011二零一一年HK$000港幣千元,2010二零一零年HK$000港幣千元,2009二零零九年HK$000港幣千元,2008二零零八年HK$000港幣千元,ASSETS AND LIABILITIES,資產及負債,TOTAL ASSETSTOTAL LIABILITIES,總資產總負債,720,956(296,237)424,719,668,682(195,897)472,785,605,827(124,596)481,231,583,344(134,664)448,680,571,308(135,717)435,591,The information set out above does not form part of the auditedfinancial statements.PROPERTY,PLANT AND EQUIPMENTDetails of movements in the property,plant and equipment of theGroup during the year are set out in note 14 to the financial statements.SHARE CAPITALThere were no movements in either the Companys authorised orissued share capital during the year.,此項概要並非構成已審核財務報告的一部份。物業、廠房及設備本集團物業、廠房及設備於年內之變動詳情載列於財務報告附註14。股本於年內本公司法定股本或已發行股本並無任何變動。,二零一二年年報,9,息。,HONG KONG FOOD INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITEDReport of the Directors 董 事 會 報 告,RESERVESDetails of movements in the reserves of the Company and of the Groupduring the year are set out in note 29(b)to the financial statements andin the consolidated statement of changes in equity,respectively.DISTRIBUTABLE RESERVESAt 31 March 2012,the Companys reserves available for distribution,calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 79B of theHong Kong Companies Ordinance,amounted to HK$53,167,000,ofwhich HK$2,596,000 has been proposed as a final dividend for theyear.BORROWINGSDetails of the Groups bank borrowings at


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