丽 珠B:第三季度报告全文(英文版) .ppt
I.,0%,-,-,The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.Important noticeThe Board of Directors(BOD),Board of Supervisors(BOS),directors,supervisors,and senior executives herebyguarantee that the data in the present report contain no false representation,misleading statements and seriousomissions,and shall be severally and jointly liable for the authenticity,accuracy and completeness of the content.All directors attended the shareholders meeting that examined this report.Mr.Zhu Baoguo,principal of the Company,Mr.An Ning,the principal in charge of accounting,and Ms.Si Yanxia,theprincipal of the Accounting Department hereby declare:We guarantee the authenticity and completeness of the FinancialReport in this quarterly report.II.Brief introduction of the Company(II)Financial highlights,2012.9.30,2011.12.31,Increase or decrease(%),Total assets(RMB Yuan),5,463,602,547.19,4,602,908,981.74,18.70%,Owners equity attributable,to the shareholders of listed,2,917,553,597.53,2,843,169,706.20,2.62%,company(RMB Yuan),Share capital(Share)Net asset per share,295,721,852.00,295,721,852.00,attributable to theshareholders of listed,9.87,9.61,2.71%,company(RMB Yuan/share),Increase or decrease,Increase or decrease,July to September2012,compared with thesame period ofprevious year(%),January toSeptember 2012,compared with thesame period ofprevious year(%),Total operatingincome(RMB Yuan),1,024,017,114.12,29.23%,2,909,014,289.56,28.50%,Net profit attributable to,shareholders of listed,114,925,845.48,91.57%,343,630,861.87,22.35%,company(RMB Yuan)Net cash flows from,operating activities(RMBYuan)Net cash flows per share,529,219,276.51,29.70%,from operating activities,-,-,1.79,29.71%,(RMB Yuan/share),Basic profit per share(RMBYuan/share)Diluted profit per share(RMB Yuan/share)Weighed yield rate of netasset(%),0.390.393.93%,95%95%Up 1.66 percentage points,1.161.1611.93%,22.11%22.11%Up 1.29 percentage points,Weighed yield rate of net,assets after deduction ofnon-recurring profit and loss,3.80%,Up 1.05 percentage points,11.41%,Up 1.01 percentagepoints,(%)1,0.,The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.The items of non-recurring profit and loss(January to September 2012)Amount from the,Items of non-recurring profit and lossProfit and loss in disposal of non-circulation assetsGovernmental allowance accrued to the current profitand loss(except those that are closely related to thenormal operation businesses of company,complywith the national policies,and are continuouslygranted based on the certain standard quota orcertain quantity)Except the effective hedge business related to thenormal operation business of the company,the profitand loss in the changes of fair values caused by theholding of tradable financial assets and tradablefinancial liabilities as well as the investment returns indisposal of tradable financial assets,tradablefinancial liabilities and saleable financial assetsOther net non-operating income and payment exceptthe above itemsOther profit and loss items that comply with the non-recurring profit and loss definitionSubtotalMinus:effect of equities attributable to the minority ofshareholdersMinus:effect of income taxTotal,year beginning toend of report period-2,619,231.6415,039,354.116,392,098.36529,231.2019,341,452.033,554,087.31761125.2615,026,239.46,Note-,(II)Table about total quantity of all shareholders and shareholding particulars of top tenshareholders at the end of report periodTotal quantity of,shareholders at the end of,The shareholder quantity amounted to 23,004(including 8,296 B-share holders),report periodShares held by top ten shareholders without trading restriction,Quantity of shareswithout trading,Share type and quantity,Shareholder name,restriction at theend of report,Type,Quantity,period,Joincare PharmaceuticalIndustry Co.,Ltd,Group,77,510,167,RMB Common share,77,510,167,Tiancheng Industry Co.,LtdGAOLING FUND,L.P.First Shanghai Securities Co.,LtdAgricultural Bank of China LOFShenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd,50,660,05210,258,11210,219,7706,968,8035,892,943,Domestically-listed sharesfor overseas investorsDomestically-listed sharesfor overseas investorsDomestically-listed sharesfor overseas investorsRMB Common shareRMB Common share,50,660,05210,258,11210,219,7706,968,8035,892,943,Agricultural Bank of China Greatwall,Anxin,Huibao,Mixed,Securities,5,700,000,RMB Common share,5,700,000,Investment Fund,Industrial and Commercial Bank ofChina Jiashi Strategic Growth Mixed-t,4,783,021,RMB Common share,4,783,021,2,2.,-,8,The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.ype Securities Investment FundBank of Communications Greatwall,Jiufu,Core,Growth,Stock-type,4,725,389,RMB Common share,4,725,389,Securities Investment Fund(LOF)Agricultural Bank of China-Invesco,Great Wall Internal Demand Growth II,4,422,792,RMB Common share,4,422,792,Stock-type Securities Investment FundIII.Major events(I)Great changes and reasons of main financial statement items and financial indexes of theCompany Applicable Inapplicable1.Items in the Balance Sheet,Items in theBalanceSheetAccountsreceivableOtheraccountsreceivable,2012.9.30742,315,684.7959,213,582.77,2011.12.31562,146,013.1844,488,052.86,Changerate32.05%33.10%,ReasonThe main reason is the increase of salesincomes.The main reason is the increase of advancemoney in the sales business.,Engineering,The main reason is the increase of expenses in,under,841,353,722.78,148,841,628.16,465.27%,the new factory construction and technical,construction,improvement.The main reason is that the technical,Engineeringgoods,3,543,796.60,2,536,926.00,39.69%,improvement equipment purchased by LiminPharmaceutical Factory has not been installed,for the time being.The main reasons include:1)the increase of raw,Accountspayable,310,282,503.70,207,941,294.31,49.22%,materials purchased by all productionenterprises;2)the increase of unsettled,engineering projects in the headquarters.The main reason is that the difference between,Capitalreserve,227,795,132.23,348,093,136.41,-34.56%,the equities of the minority of shareholders inLimin Pharmaceutical Factory and net asset,shares offset the capital reserve.,Interestspayable,5,538,181.90,16,841,492.68,-67.12%,The main reason is the interests of short-termfinancing bonds of RMB 400 million Yuan thathas been due.,The items in the Profit Statement from the year beginning to the end of report period,Items in the ProfitStatementOperating tax andsurtaxSales expenseAsset depreciationlossProfits fromthe,January toSeptember201240,442,078.861,062,612,062.7218,031,136.93,January toSeptember201128,300,021.22658,489,170.6310,790,557.01,Changerate42.90%61.37%67.10%,ReasonThe main reason is the increase of city constructiontax and education surtax that are withdrawn due tothe increase of sales incomes.The main reason is the increase of relevant businessinvestments due to the increase of sales incomes.The main reason is the increase of bad debt lossand depreciation loss of inventory.The main reason is the increase of changes of fair,changes of,fair,4,800,246.93,15,329,948.1,131.31%,values of tradable financial assets held by the,values,company.,Investment returns,1,668,506.76,1,142,974.78,45.98%,The main reason is the increase of investmentreturns from associated enterprises.,3,3.,-,The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.,Non-operatingincomes,15,945,423.03,27,503,971.07,-42.03%,The main reason is the decrease of governmentalallowance that is accrued to the profit and loss in thisperiod.,Items in the Cash Flow Statement,Items in the CashFlow StatementCash received fromsales of goods orrendering of services,January toSeptember 20122,979,324,386.94,January toSeptember 20112,229,443,047.45,Changerate33.64%,ReasonThe reason is the expansion of salesbusiness and increase of sales incomes.,The main reason is that the company has,Tax refunding,15,341,233.91,6,213,246.47,146.91%,increased the export rebate amount due tothe increase of product export in,Xinbeijiang Company.The reason is the increase of governmental,Other cash receivedrelated to operatingactivities,193,038,701.95,83,981,322.58,129.86%,financial allowance received by the groupas well as the research expense aboutShenqi and technical improvementengineering deposit received by Limin,Pharmaceutical Factory.,Other cashes paid tooperating activities,1,251,391,775.83,644,907,743.38,94.04%,The reason is the increase of paymentsdue to the expansion of sales business.,Cash paid to acquire,and construct fixedassets,intangibleassets and other long-,669,948,180.40,209,089,094.21,220.41%,The main reason is the increase of cashespaid for Ningxia Industrial Park project.,term assetsThe main reason is that,in lastyear,Dankang Company and Wenshan,Cash received frominvestors,11,270,000.00,-100.00%,Livzon Company received the investmentsfrom other shareholders,but from January,to September of this year,they have notreceived any investments.,Cash from loansRepayments of loansCash paid fordistribution ofdividends,profits andrepayment of interests,502,257,886.64620,250,531.16199,049,650.22,172,745,504.00299,293,208.3456,998,779.07,190.75%107.24%249.22%,The main reason is the increase of short-term loans of banks.The main reason is the repayment of short-term financing bonds of RMB 400 millionYuan that has been due.The main reason is the increase of cashespaid by the company while implementingthe 2011 profit distribution plan.,(II)Analysis and particulars of major events,their effects and resolutions1.Non-standard opinions Applicable Inapplicable2.Particulars about the company providing the funds to its controlling shareholders or itsassociated parties,or proving the guaranty to foreign parties by violating the specifiedprocedures Applicable Inapplicable3.Particulars about execution and performance of key contracts about routine operation Applicable Inapplicable4,in the,The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.4.Others Applicable Inapplicable(III)Performance of commitments by the Company or shareholders holding over 5%of totalshares that occur in the report period or continue to the report period(I)Commitments1.In 2002,this company signed the patent license agreement with Korea Yiyang Medicine Company.This agreementapproves our companys exclusive and irrevocable right to use the patent PPI(proton pump inhibitor)compound and Yiyangpatent in China including Hong Kong and Macao in order to production,processing and distribution.The transfer fee will beUSD 2.50 million,and by December 31,2008,the company has fully paid it.The company agrees to deduct a percentage forYiyang according to 10%of sales amount during the first three years when this product begins to be sold.And deduct apercentage according to 8%of sales amount during the next five years.And deduct a percentage according to 6%of salesamount from the remaining time to July 22,2014(the expiry date of agreement).Since 2009,the company has begun to sellthe products and pay a specified percentage of sales volume to Yiyang as a commission in accordance with the agreement.2.In 2005,the company signed the approval and supply agreement with Korea LG life science Ltd.(hereinafter referred to asLG Company),and it grants Gemifloxacin Mesylate with the relevant certificates about intellectual properties and specifies thatthe permission fees of the methanesulfonic acid spasmolytic and pellet will be USD1,000,000 respectively(It has been fullypaid by December 31,2006).This agreement specifies as follows:Within the first five years from the validity date of theagreement,the companys net sales volume of Jimishaxing pellet will amount to 1.5 million bags(3 pellets in each bag)and LGCompany will refund USD 500,000 after the taxation at one time within two months after the company has submitted the netsales volume certificate.At the same time,during the validity period of the agreement(by the end of 2015),the company shouldpay a royalty of 1.5%of net sales volume after the taxation to LG Company during 30 days after each quarter.Since 2008,thecompany has begun to sell the products and pay a specified royalty to LG Company in accordance with the agreement.Within the first five years from the validity date of the agreement,the company will pay a royalty of 10%of net sales volumeafter the taxation about injection products to LG Company within 30 days after each quarter.The company will pay a royalty of6%of net sales volume after the taxation about injection products to LG Company within 30 days after each quarter from thesixth business year to the expiry date of agreement(by the end of 2019).(II)Commitments of shareholders holding over 5%of total shares of the companyThe controlling shareholder Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co.,Ltd made the following commitments while handlingthe formalities to cancel trading restriction of shares:1.If Joincare transfers its tradable shares of Livzon Group whose tradingrestriction has been released,it will strictly comply with the relevant regulations of the Guiding Opinions on the ListedCompanies Transfer of Original Shares Released from Trading Restrictions(2008 No.15 announcement)issued by ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission.2.If Joincare plans to reduce its tradable shares of Livzon Group whose trading restrictionhas been released through the competing price trading system in the stock exchange in the future and the reduced quantity ofshares amounts to over 5%within 6 months from the first reduction,Joincare will disclose the reminder announcement aboutthe selling affairs via Livzon Group in 2 trading days before the first reduction.During the report period,Joincare did not decrease its shareholding quantity of this company.(IV)Forecast about operating performance in 2012Warning and relevant reasons for the forecast that the accumulative net profit from thebeginning of 2012 to the end of next report period may suffer from any loss or have anygreat changes over the same period of previous year Applicable Inapplicable(V)Particulars about Other Major events1.Particulars about Securities investment Applicable Inapplicable,No.,SecuritiesType,SecuritiesCode,Securitiesabbreviation,Initialinvestmentamount(RMB Yuan),Holdingquantity(share),Percentag Profit andBook Values e of total loss duringat the end of investment the reportperiod periodsecurities(RMB Yuan)at the end,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-,-,ters,The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.of period(%),Stock,00135,KunlunEnergy,6,572,245.42,1,500,000,16,658,993.40,34.62%,1,517,470.52,Stock,00152,ShenzhenInternational,9,433,160.41 17,000,000 7,368,558.20,15.31%761,287.61,China,Stock,00883,NationalOffshore Oil,2,679,795.77,560,000 7,281,869.28,15.13%229,512.53,Corporation,Stock,02007,PhoenixIsland,19,497,517.59,2,570,317 6,348,211.08,13.19%,-20,067.03,StockStock,0188000438,BailiCompanyRainbowgroup,2,192,064.145,846,077.61,428,00