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    英国文学 萧伯纳 简介.ppt.ppt

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    英国文学 萧伯纳 简介.ppt.ppt

    George Bernard Shaw,1856-1950,Brief Introduction of Life,Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin,Ireland,of English parentage in 1856.His family belonged to the Irish protestant(新教)gentry(贵族).With an unhappy childhood,he left school at the age of 14 and started to work in a land agents office.This experience enriched his understanding of the society and the suffering of the people.,Shaws Birthplace in Dublin,Shaw developed a wide knowledge of music art,and literature as a result of his mothers influence.In 1876,Shaw gave up his job and went to London,where he devoted much of his time to self-education by reading in the libraries.Between 1879 and 1883,he wrote 5 novels,but none of them brought him profit or fame.,In 1884,Shaw joined the Fabian Society费边社(英国社会改良主义团体)and he became one of its most influential members.In a period of ten years from 1885,Shaw served as a critic of music and drama for a number of magazines and newspapers.His career as a dramatist began in 1892,when his first play Widowers Houses was put on by the Independent Theater Society.,When the First World War broke out,he denounced those imperialist war-launchers in his book,Common Sense About the War.In 1925,he won the Nobel Prize.He visited the former Soviet Union in 1931.In 1933,he visited China and met Madam Song Qingling and Mr.Lu Xun.In 1950,Shaw was died of illness.,Major Works,Widowers Houses(1892)鳏夫的房产 Mrs.Warrens Profession(1894)华伦夫人的职业Caesar and Cleopatra(1898)凯萨与克丽奥佩拉 Man and Superman(1903)人与超人Major Barbara(1905)巴巴拉少校Pygmalion(1912)卖花女Heartbreak House(1917)伤心之家Saint Joan(1923)圣女贞德The Apple Cart(1929)苹果车,Widowers Houses(1892)is the 1st play written by Bernard Shaw.It is a grotesquely(荒诞的)realistic exposure of slum(贫民窟)landlordism,and it is based on the British society.At that time,the Britishworkers living condition was a terriblepolitical issue.The purpose of WidowersHouses is to enhance the voters consciousness.,The play Mrs.Warrens Profession was called by the writer himself“Plays Unpleasant”.Unpleasant they were to the bourgeois(中产阶级)public,because G.B.Shaw attacked in them the vices(恶行)of capitalist society.,St.Joan(1923)is the only tragedy by Bernard Shaw.It is not only a tragedy but a historical play.What this book focus on religious faith,women,society,political factors that influence the history and people,etc.,Pygmalion(1912)was Bernard Shaws most famous comedy,which was not accepted and welcomed by the publicity until it was filmed.The play is a sharp lampoon(讽刺)of the rigid British class system,and a comment on womens hard-working,independence,and self-respect,a romantic comedy.,Literature Giant,Occupation:critic,novelist,pamphleteer(小册子作者),essayist,private correspondent,photographer,playwrightGenre(流派):RealismFocus:nearly all his writings deal with prevailing social problems(education,marriage,religion,government,healthcare and class privilege),Characteristics of Bernard Shaws plays,(1)Structurally and thematically,Shaw followed the great traditions of realism.(2)To portray his characters,he employed contrast and antithesis(对立).His characters are the representative of ideas that alter during the play.(3)Much of his drama is constructed by employing inversion(倒置).(4)The plot of his plays advanced not by action but by dialogues(witty and brilliant)like comedies of manners(风格手法).,(5)Paradox(悖论)effectively used,through which the truth is revealed.(6)Ibsens influence in making his plays a vehicle for ideas(problem play),in which various social problems are discussed.(7)Satire(讽刺)and black comedy were also employed.,Bernard Shaws viewpoint on literature,Shaw was strongly against the credo(信条)of“art for arts sake”(为艺术而艺术)held by those decadent(颓废的)aesthetic artists.He held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life,exposing social contradictions and educating the people.,Well-known Sayings,Behind every successful man,there is a woman and behind every unsuccessful man,there are two.-Bernard Shaw 每个成功的男人后面都有一个女人;每个不成功的男人后面都有两个女人。萧伯纳 I was born intelligent-education ruined me.-Bernard Shaw 我生下来时很聪明的教育把我给毁了。萧伯纳,There are two tragedies in life.One is not to get your hearts desire.The other is to get it.George Bernard Shaw 人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱灰;另一是踌躇满志。萧伯纳,George Bernard Shaws epitaph(墓志铭):“I knew if I stayed around long enough,something like this would happen.”我早就知道无论我活多久,这种事情迟早是要发生的,Thank you,Shaws Corner,


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