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    Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 钱....ppt.ppt

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    Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 钱....ppt.ppt

    湖北第二师范学院外语学院 钱俊,Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night-by Dylan Thomas,Dylan Marlais Thomas(October 27,1914 November 9,1953)a Welsh poet and writer,Dylan Thomas,19141953,Born in Swansea,South Wales,son of a severe headmasterBeautiful voice,great talent in poetryWild life,drinking,not get along well with father,different mode of life,but love his fatherDied in America in 1953Thomass themes are traditionallove,death,mutabilityand over the years he seemed to pass from religious doubt to joyous faith in God.His complex imagery is based on many sources,including Welsh legend,Christian symbolism,witchcraft,astronomy,and Freudian psychology,Do not go gentle into that good night,Alst refrainOld age should burn and rave at close of day;BRage,rage against the dying of the light.A2nd refrainThough wise men at their end know dark is right,ABecause their words had forked no lightning they BDo not go gentle into that good night.A 1st refrainGood men,the last wave by crying how bright,ATheir frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,BRage,rage against the dying of the light.A2nd refrainWild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,AAnd learn,too late,they grieved it on its way,BDo not go gentle into that good night.A 1st refrainGrave men,near death,who see with blinding sight ABlind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,BRage,rage against the dying of the light.A 2nd refrainAnd you,my father,there on the sad height,ACurse,bless,me now with your fierce tears,I pray,BDo not go gentle into that good night.A 1st refrainRage,rage against the dying of the light.A 2nd refrain,Villanelle.vilnel维拉内拉诗(16 世纪法国的19 行二韵体诗),Traditional poetic form that entered English-language poetry in the late 1800s from the imitation of French models.19 lines long,but only uses two rhymesFirst five stanzas are tripletstriplit三个一组,last stanza is a quatrain.kwtrein四行诗The rhyme scheme is as follows:“aba aba aba aba aba abaa”Repeats two lines throughout the poem(refrains).Line 1 is repeated as Line 6,12 and 18;Line 3 repeated as Lines 9,15,19Lines 18-19 make a rhymed couplet.kplit对句,偶句,About the form,Strong love,in religious service,repetition makes force and power,show his strong emotion for his fatherContain an exhortation.egz:tein(=persuasion劝告)to his father and a plea for him to die with anger,not humilityForm fits his purpose as an elegy,praise,strong emotion,About the language,1)imperative sentences,request to urge his father2)metaphor:The dying of light,close of day,last wave:end of life,deathGo into that good night:dieForked lightning:enlighten the worldGreen bay:life3)simile:Blind eyes could blaze like meteors4)allusion用典:Jesus Christs crucification crucifykru:sifai(kill by nailing onto a cross)Elevate his father,more significant,Deductive reasoning 演绎法,A persuasive essay:Introduction:(Stanza 1)put forward statementBody:(Stanza 2-5)apply it into specific situations major premise:Youre one of the old men,you may either be wise,good or Conclusion:(Stanza 6)Father,do not go gentle into that good night.,About the theme,Plead his father that he should not die gently,but with anger and struggleUrge his father to meet death with a strong spirit,courage and resistanceRepetition:urgency,near-fury of his pleaBeg his father to curse him or bless him,both of which are energetic,warm,intimate acts,but not to be indifferent or accept death in a silent way,ie to fight against deathMan facing death,not passive,quiet or tame,间隔反复,间隔反复不仅让人有逐渐加强的紧迫感,还可以引导读者去注意事物的意义,深入了解事物的性质或人物的性格。反复的句子散见于这首诗歌中,又比较有规律,每隔两行都有一句重复,紧扣主题,突出中心。“Do not go gentle into that good night.”“Rage,rage against the dying of the light.”这两行是全诗的题眼,结尾又重复了一遍,深化了主题:诗人希望父亲汲取力量,勇敢地直面死亡的来临。这样的重复首尾相互呼应,使整首诗温柔的哀伤与说服与狂风暴雨般激昂的反抗情感相糅合,感情真挚,动人心弦。,irrational language features非理性因素,Firstly,by using many grammatical variations,he destroys the syntactical andsemantic predictability of the language,at the same time reminding the reader of its existence.Secondly,by using juxtaposition of incompatibles he built a unique poetic context,which is vivid and effective if under an accurate analysis.Thirdly,the pursuing of musicality of poetic language is another distinctive characteristic of Dylan Thomass poetry.By employing this strategy Thomas aroused vigor of poetry from rational rigescent language shackle.,Biblical tradition,Thomass repertoire of images,as he himself recognized:“the great rhythms had rolled over me from the Welsh pulpits;and I read,for myself,from Ecclesiastesikli:zisti:z传道书;and the story of the New Testament is part of my life.”,音韵美,与头韵不同,元韵依靠的是元音的重复来实现音韵效果。元音发音特点是发音时声带振动,气流不受阻碍,而且发音时间更长,从音响(sonority scale)上看,响度最大的就是元音,因此元韵经常可以表达深沉而强烈的感情或加重语气。诗中就可以发现许多元韵,构成元韵的都是双元音:/ei/,/ai/,/u/。双元音的重复抒发了强烈的感情,从节奏上看鲜明且铿锵有力。全诗的基调激昂、热烈,很大程度上归因于元韵的使用。,重读音节的元音频度统计表,响亮元音/ai/和/ei/出现的频度确实远远高于其它元音。这样的响亮元音在短时间内频繁出现,通常在说话和诗歌中并不多见。它不仅使读者产生一种兴奋,刺激大脑产生听觉上的激昂感,而且高频元音/ai/和/ei/暗示着活力,速度和兴奋,更能传达出特殊的音乐效果由此,我们不禁要联系诗歌的主题:迪伦托马斯鼓励自己将死的父亲勇敢地坚持到最后,克服对死亡的恐惧。诗的第一节就开宗明义:不要驯顺地走进那个良夜,老年应该在日暮时燃烧和咆哮;愤怒,愤怒地抗拒阳光的泯灭。第二至第四诗节列举了四种人对待死亡的态度,最后一节表达诗人对于父亲的激励和期待,希望父亲汲取力量,勇敢地直面死亡。,秦秀白在英语语体和文体要略中谈到音质和音位能导致不同的音响效果:音有长、短、洪亮、单薄、刚硬、柔软、和谐、粗杂等不同特质,音位的不同组合也会导致不同的音响效果,产生移情作用(empathy),给人以身临其境的感受。爆破音/b/,/p/,/t/,/d/,/g/,/k/常令人产生/突发、刚硬、跳跃和力量爆发的感受;流音(liquids)和鼻音(nasals)/l/,/r/,/m/,/n/常能暗示和谐、宁静、流畅、低沉的气氛。,Gentle 变异:偏离语法形态规则,Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 此处的形容词按常规应该使用其副词形式,而作者却故意偏离语法规则并且在全诗中重复了六遍,其实是为了表达一个主题:人不应该毫无反抗地接受死亡“在这儿的变异用法是为了更多地吸引人们的注意,使读者停留在此处,慎重地思考整个诗行的深层含义。提出变异理论的俄国形式主义者什克洛夫斯基(Sklovski)认为,诗歌的目的就是要突破习惯化(automatization)的过程,使我们日常熟悉的东西陌生化(defamiliarization),创造性地损坏习以为常的标准的东西。常规语言对我们的感觉产生了麻醉效力,而诗的语言通过对语言常规的变异,通过陌生化的技巧,使我们对现实产生一种新颖的、升华了的意识。布拉格学派的Mukarovski也曾指出:“只有违反标准语常规,并且只有系统地进行违反,人们才可能利用语言写出诗来”。利奇(Leech)和肖特(Short)指出,当语言的使用超出了所熟悉的用法时,我们便称之为突出或前景化(foregrouding)。,死亡主题,在感性的外壳底下是诗人对生命本质的洞若观火。诗人借助威尔士传统中诗人一种介乎于上帝和人之间的冥思者身份,在面对死亡展示尊严与勇敢地抗拒其神秘力量的时候,超越凡人视域的狭仄进而透视到生命的本质而又不至于脱离人的感性而进入既冥且虚的玄浊境界,从而穿越生死的峡谷,无限制地再生、循环,与沧海共起共落,与太阳同归于寂灭。,Translation of some lines,智者发表的言论未能如电闪雷鸣般惊天动地他们脆弱的行为在青春常在的生命中本可闪闪发光放荡不羁的人常对日高歌,事后又因发现虚度光阴而悔恨不已我觉得巫宁坤(也是出身西南联大)翻译的、先后收入外国现代派作品选和英国诗选的狄伦托马诗的五首诗,堪称现代英语诗汉译的典范。托马斯是英国二十世纪最重要的诗人之一,也是超现实主义最重要的代表诗人之一。在一般人看来,他的诗难懂,更加难译,而要译得像巫宁坤那样不逊于原文,更是难上加难,甚至几乎可以说是不可能的,而巫宁坤把这不可能的事情可能化了。巫译托马斯采取的正是直译,几乎是一字对一字,字字紧扣,准确无误,连节奏也移植过来了,从而使得汉译托马斯具有一种少见的现代锋芒。这些译诗远远超出了一般汉语的普通语感,以陌生又令人砰然心动的冲击力扎痛着读者,这锋芒对于高扬中国青年诗人的想像力起了非常重要的作用。而他在某些地方甚至是连声音也移植过来的,例如不要温和地走进那个良夜一诗原文中的Rage,rage against the dying of the light,他译成怒斥,怒斥光明的消逝,我就觉得是无人能及的。顺便一提,这首诗的标题Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night巫宁坤也译得很贴切。张小川译为不要乖乖地走进那美妙的夜便显得既轻滑(乖乖、美妙)和突兀(那美妙的夜),前半句与后半句构成的失衡就像一个小孩轻快跑着却突然摔了一跤似的。,不要温和地走进那个良夜(巫宁坤译)不要温和地走进那个良夜,老年应当在日暮时燃烧咆哮;怒斥,怒斥光明的消逝。虽然智慧的人临终时懂得黑暗有理,因为他们的话没有进发出闪电,他们也并不温和地走进那个良夜。善良的人,当最后一浪过去,高呼他们脆弱的善行可能曾会多么光辉地在绿色的海湾里舞蹈,怒斥,怒斥光明的消逝。狂暴的人抓住并歌唱过翱翔的太阳,懂得,但为时太晚,他们使太阳在途中悲伤,也并不温和地走进那个良夜。严肃的人,接近死亡,用炫目的视觉看出失明的跟睛可以像流星一样闪耀欢欣,怒斥,恕斥光明的消逝。您啊,我的父亲在那悲哀的高处。现在用您的热泪诅咒我,祝福我吧。我求您不要温和地走进那个良夜。怒斥怒斥光明的消逝。,Explanation of the poem(a critical essay),This poem,written in 1951 when Thomass father was dying,is a concentrated study of man facing death.In vigourous,lively words,Thomas urges his father to meet death with a strong spirit and courage and resistance.He tells his father about the death of wise men,good men,wild men and grave men(notice the harmonious half-rhymes of those words),since his father embodies all those same qualities.,Explanation of the poem(a critical essay),Wise men resist death because they have not yet succeeded in speaking words that were as poerful as they wished;Good men do not want to die because their deeds have not yet produced good enough results;Wild men regret that they did not keep the joyful energy of their youth,but allowed themselves to grow sad,and they want another chance;Grave men finally understand that there are unexpected possibilities in life which they never knew about before.,Explanation of the poem(a critical essay),Thomas begs his father to curse him or bless him,both of which are energetic,warm,intimate acts,but asks him not to be indifferent or accept death mildly.He uses the words“good night”in two senses:the benevolent,unknown darkness and also the farewell given at the close of day,both of which he intends as metaphors for death.,Explanation of the poem(a critical essay),The first and third lines of the first stanza run through the poem like a refrain.叠句,副歌 This repetition adds a note of urgency and near-fury to the poets plea.Only two rhymes are used.They alternate through the three-line stanzas in the same pattern:aba.The final stanza ends the poem with abaa.,


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