Jetta Marketing Communications.ppt
Jetta Marketing Communications,Q4/03-Q3/0412/03/2003,2,Agenda,DirectionsQuestions&InsightsExamining the Core ValuesConclusionsOverall StrategyTargetPropositionMessage HierarchyCommunications PlanLong Term DevelopmentKey ThemesFurther InitiativesDetailed CalendarMedia StrategySummary,3,Directions,4,To maintain dominance in the strong markets and to aggressively break into the weak markets.,Directions,In March,we presented a two-fold strategy:,5,People who think rationally make the right choices.,Directions,The proposition was developed:,6,The slogan was created:,The intelligent choice,Directions,Literal translation:“Rational(wise)choice drives your life.,7,A style was established:,Directions,Contains a single compelling proposition.Clearly identifies with the target consumer.Uses a human,down-to-earth approach.Emphasizes harmony and family values.Has an appealing,positive attitude to life.,8,The campaign was launched in 3 Phases:,Phase III:Life-style:the rationalists life is both efficient and harmonious.,Phase I:The rationalist considering the purchase of a car.,Phase II:The rational choice:discovering the true value of the Jetta.,Directions,9,Directions,Where are we now?,The campaign proposition is in the process of being established in the market.Thematic TVC recently on air.Now we must look forward.Continuity is essential for Jetta but the market is changing fast.,10,Directions,Questions we need to ask:,Do we need to fine-tune our direction?If so,how much?,For the answers we should look at the market.,11,Directions,The National economy is growing fast:GDP up 8.5%year-over-yearGrowth rate for Q3 up 9.1%Market prices stable while urban and rural income growingPer capita disposable income up 9%year-over-year;Car sector sales volume up 72.61 year-over-year.(2003 Jan.-Sep.),Source:China Statistics Bureau(2003 Jan.-Sep.),Everybodys favorite chart!,12,Directions,Source:China Statistics Bureau(2003 Jan.-Aug.),But!但是!Aber!,Market is growing fast but car production is growing faster,13,Directions,Competition is multiplying.,(000RMB),Ford Fiesta,SVW Gol,Lioncel,Honda Fit,Citroen Elysee X,Chery Qiyun,SVW Polo N,Fiat Palio Weekend,SVW Gol 4,14,Source:CVSC-TNC Research2002January2003October,Directions,Competitive spending is increasing rapidly.,RMB 000,142%,297%,81%,131%,45%,56%,19%,2234%,132%,15,Directions,Source:,And in the future?,16,Directions,Competition is intense and it will get much worse.,There will be too many messages hitting the market.,Consumers are human,their attention is limited.,Conclusion:,Despite Jettas great history and almost total awareness,we cannot take its valued reputation for granted.,We must defend the primary markets,even as we move into the secondary.,17,Directions,Insights,Based on market pressures,we recommend fine-tuning the direction.While maintaining continuity,we must be stronger in reinforcing Jetta core values as we go forward.Whatever we do,whatever our activities,we must focus more on the car and its attributes as they relate to the core values.Even when introducing upgrades and advances,we must ensure we continually refer to the core values.,18,Directions,What do we mean by core values?,We believe we know Jettas core values but in this extreme competitive environment with intense communication activity,it is essential to keep them simple,in order to help marketing focus and consumer understanding.,19,Directions,To examine and simplify the core values of Jetta we held an intensive seminar at O&R involving the entire agency.,20,Directions,1/Focus on the market:Discussion of all relevant data,including research,reports,competitive analysis.,21,Directions,2/Focus on the consumer:Discussion of profile,street interviews.,22,GROUP 1,GROUP 3,GROUP 2,Directions,23,Directions,3/Focus on product:Complete review of product attributes,including FLII.,24,Drivability,Comfort,Directions,Third brake light,Stability,Safety,Quality,Durability,Performance,Low cost of maintenance&repair,Easy Access to services,Widespread Service networks,Trust,Maturity,Over ten years of history in china,Good reputation,A classic car,600,000 Km Non-overhaul,First Multi-Injection,The first with international environment standard,First middle-class sedan in China with high-class car safety equipment,The first auto gear-box,The first diesel,The Jetta family,Big Trunk,Multiple Injection,3-way catalyst converter,Professional service station,Professional service team,ABS,Racing car,14brake system,Airbag,Green glass,185/60 R14 tire,Electronic immobilizer,New air-condition,Economy,Advanced Technology coming from 5V,Diesel,Innovation,FLII,FLI,Reliability,The many values of Jetta,25,Directions,Simplifying the core values,26,Directions,27,Overall Strategy,28,Overall Strategy,Target:Who are we talking to?,29,Male,Middle age,An owner of small business,A person who regards a car as means of transportation,A person who uses one car for many purposes,-,A price conscious person,Married,A person who enjoys leisure with ones family,A person who carries a guest in ones business,A person who is a maniac driver,Single,A person who carries much luggage,White collar,Young,A person who has good taste,A successful business person,Source:FLII Survey,Overall Strategy,Target:The potential buyer(FLII),30,Overall Strategy,Proposition:We recommend that for the sake of continuity the principal theme remains unchanged.We believe“the intelligent choice“is still a strong base for anything we wish to say about Jetta.,The intelligent choice,Proposition,Appreciate the true value of Jetta,Rational thinking when looking for a car,Value driven consumers,Literal translation:“Rational(wise)choice drives your life.,31,Innovation,Overall Strategy,Core values:How we support the principal theme.,Economy,Reliability,Performance,Core Values,32,Overall Strategy,Personality:How we define the character.,Real,straightforward,like a trusted friend,Personality,33,Overall Strategy,Tone&Manner:Our attitude when we talk to the consumer.,Tone&Manner,Relevant to consumer,Very human,Focused on attributes,34,Overall Strategy,The intelligent choice,Proposition,Tone&Manner,Relevant to consumer,Very human,Focused on attributes,Economy,Reliability,Performance,Core Values,Innovation,Real,straightforward,like a trusted friend,Personality,The message hierarchy of Jetta,35,Communications Plan,36,Communications Plan,Long Term DevelopmentCurrent situation2004-20062007-2009Long term summary,37,Communications Plan,Current situationThe market is crowded and getting worse.Continuing new car introductions will add to existing overcapacity and increase the intensity of communications.Jetta media spending has declined relative to the competition.,38,Communications Plan,As a result of this market pressure,the Jetta buyer profile is diverse and changing.The Jetta price category can be divided into many different psychographic segments,including families,small business owners,and government personnel.While the primary markets for Jetta will remain strong thanks to its reputation and almost total awareness,the target will move increasingly away from these cities.,39,Communications Plan,2004-2006,40,Communications Plan,In primary cities,communications must continue to reinforce Jettas appeal as the intelligent choice for rational people who prefer value over“status.”In secondary cities,there will be increasing opportunity and each year,communications should be more and more aggressive.The FLII launch will revitalize Jetta during this period.,41,Communications Plan,TV should be used nationally and regionally as a powerful mass medium to deliver Jettas main message and build core values.Local print and dealer material should stress the popularity and success of Jetta through the use of customer testimonials,also localized as much as possible.PR should be used at every opportunity,especially media articles and endorsement.Other activities should be geared to information dissemination and test drive opportunities.,42,Communications Plan,2007-2009,43,Communications Plan,Depending on circumstances and market development,much of Jettas activity in this period should be targeted towards secondary markets.As the economy develops and government regional investment expands,new opportunities will open for Jetta in smaller cities,towns and rural villages.These areas have enormous potential and may be far larger than existing markets.We should learn from communications programs now being developed for secondary markets.These programs should be evaluated and the most successful adapted for use in these newer markets.,44,Communications Plan,Long term summaryJetta has been a pioneer in the Chinese car market and can continue to be so over the medium/long term if we make bold use of communications to help defend existing markets and pursue new opportunities.,45,Communications Plan,Key Themes 03/04Winter Spring/Summer Autumn,46,Communications Plan,Winter 03/04Jetta thematicSDI launchSDI eventWinter tested,47,Communications Plan,Winter 03/04Jetta thematicObjective:ReinforcementCore value:ReliabilityActivity:TVC,printStatus:“Bicycle”TVC on air through January.,48,Communications Plan,Winter 03/04SDI launchObjective:AwarenessCore value:Innovation,EconomyActivity:PR,print adsStatus:Series of 1 launch and 3 testimonial print ads running:Technological leadership,environmental standards,low maintenance cost,economical advantages(Taxi).,49,Communications Plan,Winter 03/04SDI eventObjective:To build corporate image in public affairs To build product awareness for SDI To change the consumer perception of diesel Core value:Innovation,Economy,Performance,ReliabilityActivity:1000KM drive on 1 tank of gas as PR event with media coverage and print ad.Proposition:,1,000KM ON ONE TANK OF GAS,50,Concept:The SDI car will travel 1000km through a natural area in southern Xinjiang.It will set out with a full tank of gas and reach the destination without refueling.A celebrity will become Jetta SDI“green”ambassador.The event will also contribute to Chinas environmental protection fund-Faw-VW will donate 2 SDI cars.,Communications Plan,51,ProgramStarting ceremonyLive broadcast at S.To make the point,at 250KM,500KM,750KM,and finally 1000KM,the car will break through a barrier across the road.Event report in TV,newspapers and internetFinishing ceremony,Communications Plan,52,Communications Plan,Print ad,53,Communications Plan,Winter 03/04Winter testedObjective:ReinforcementCore value:ReliabilityProposition:,WINTER TESTED In winter you need a reliable car and more people have tested Jetta in more severe weather conditions than any other car in china.,54,Communications Plan,55,Communications Plan,56,Communications Plan,57,Winter 03/04:Summary,Communications Plan,58,Communications Plan,Key ThemesSpring/Summer 04,59,Communications Plan,Spring/Summer 04FLII LaunchThe major Jetta event of the year.We recommend a full media presence from mid-March to mid-August.,60,Communications Plan,Spring/Summer 04FLII LaunchObjective:RevitalizationCore value:Innovation,Economy,Reliability,PerformanceActivity:Teaser campaign,TVC campaign,PR,launch events,regional events,dealer events.,61,Communications Plan,FLII LaunchWhat do we know?122 improvementsNew lookSame priceResearch study,62,Communications Plan,On first analysis,research indicates that the new look is positive,BEFORE,AFTER,No changes are needed to the inside,since its performance is widely accepted High quality engine is the reason one buys Jetta for,no change of heart is expected The exterior design should be more refined,and modern,better looking,e.g.lights,face,logo,etc?!,Looks more premium!More luxuriousStronger/safer!More handsome!,63,Communications Plan,Vios was the only car to score much better but is higher priced and may be considered too small.Apart from Vios,Jetta seems well placed,64,Communications Plan,But!但是!Aber!In the context of major car model launches,the actual changes to Jetta are not that major.We feel we must be careful in all communications not to raise expectations too high-either for the consumer or for the media.Although this is a major launch for Jetta,we must be careful not to raise expectations too high,either for the consumer or for the media.We therefore question whether we should talk about 122 improvements or whether this seems too much.An alternative might be a more modest number like 21,65,Communications Plan,FLII Launch:Proposition,ANNOUNCING THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS.All the great performance,reliability and economy that made Jetta Chinas best-selling car now with 21 improvements for an attractive new look and even better value.JETTATHE INTELLIGENT CHOICE,66,Communications Plan,FLII Launch TVCThis is such an important launch that we have developed 6 creative concepts:2 which present the launch directly2 which emphasize key core values2 which are more spectacularFrom this discussion,we will develop teaser,print and other ideas.,67,Communications Plan,TVC1:“Attraction”,THERE ARE MANY TIMES IN LIFE,BUT NOW WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS AND AN ATTRACTIVE NEW LOOK.,WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING,BUT JUST A FEW TIMES,WHEN YOU REALLY,REALLY,REALLY WANT SOMETHING.,ANNOUNCING THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA,ALL THE PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY THAT MADE JETTA THE MOST SUCCESSFUL CAR IN CHINA,THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS,THE INTELLIGENT CHOICE.,69,Communications Plan,TVC2:“Test Drive”,WHEN WE DEVELOP A NEW MODEL FOR JETTA,SO YOU CAN DRIVE IT WITH CONFIDENCE.,THIS IS WHY JETTA ALWAYS GIVES YOU GREAT PERFORMANC,ALWAYS GIVES YOU GREAT RELIABILITY,AND THATS WHY ITS CHINAS MOST SUCCESSFUL CAR.,ANNOUNCING THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS.,WE TEST IT WITH CARE.,WE TEST DRIVE IT THOROUGHLY.,THE INTELLIGENT CHOICE.,71,Communications Plan,TVC3:“Something New”,ANNOUNCING SOMETHING VERY NEW,THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS.,JETTA HAS ALL THE GREAT PERFORMANCE THATS MADE IT SO SUCCESSFUL,AND ITS SO RELIABLE,THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS,THE INTELLIGENT CHOICE.,IT WILL HAVE A GREAT RESALE VALUE,HOWEVER LONG YOU KEEP IT.,73,Communications Plan,TVC4:“Innovation”,MR.LIU IS AN INNOVATIVE MAN.THATS WHY HE DRIVES AN INNOVATIVE CAR,ANNOUNCING THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS.,OVER THE YEARS,JETTA HAS BECOME FAMOUS FOR INNOVATION,AND WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS,ITS NOW BETTER THAN EVER.,THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA,THE INTELLIGENT CHOICE.,WITH ITS PERFORMANCE,RELIABILITY,ECONOMY AND SAFETY.,75,Communications Plan,TVC5:“Applause”,SOME PEOPLE LIKE TRENDS.,SOME PEOPLE LIKE FASHION,BUT MOST PEOPLE LIKE GOOD VALUE WHEN THEY SEE IT.,ANNOUNCING THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA,EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE,FAMOUS RELIABILITY AND NOW WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS,CHINAS MOST SUCCESSFUL CAR IS NOW EVEN BETTER VALUE FOR MONEY.,THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS,THE INTELLIGENT CHOICE.,77,Communications Plan,TVC6:“High Point”,1ST MAN:NICE CAR.2ND MAN:NICE PARKING SPOT.,ANNOUNCING THE NEW MODEL FROM JETTA.,JETTA IS CHINAS MOST SUCCESSFUL CAR,BUT NOW WITH 21 IMPROVEMENTS,THE