,The Curious Case OF BENJAMIN BUTTON,The story began with a clock running back forward in honor of the soldiers died in the World War One.It also gave Benjiemin the back forward life.,New born Benjieminhad an old appreance and organs.,He was 7,totally a child,but seemed to be a 87 dying man.He went through his childhood in the Home for the Aged.There he felt that he was the same as other aged people.,In 1930,12-year-old Benjamin,befriends six-year-old Daisy,whose grandmother lives in the nursing home.,He thought he was strong enough to live by himself when he was 17years old.On the way,he met a married lady named Elizabeth Abbot and fell in love with her.Then they became lovers.He was happy before the lady left him.,Then he met a captain of tugboat who admired Benjamin very much.Until the World War I,he took part in the war with captain and came back alone.,After the World War One,Benjamin came back to home,he met Daisy,she was so beautiful in his eyes.,Without Deisy,he spent quite a unconventional life for a time.,They were finally together.They were soul mates.,Daisy gives birth to a girl,Caroline in 1968.Benjamin,believing he cannot be a father figure to his daughter due to his reverse aging,sells his belongings and leaves the proceeds to Daisy and Caroline.He travels the world alone during the 1970s.,When he seemed to be about 17,hes actually 57,he came back,and his daughter was already12.,He slept with Daisy for a last time.,In 1991,Daisy is told Benjamins condition resembles dementia.Daisy moves into the nursing home takes care of him,Benjamin becomes increasingly younger until becomes an infant once more.In 2003,he dies in Daisys arms remembering who she was.Benjamins story now told,Daisy dies in her New Orleans hospital.,Some people,were born to sit by a river.Some get struck by lightning.Some have an ear for music.Some are artists.Some swim.Some know buttons.Some know Shakespeare.Some are mothers.And some people,dance.,Captain:You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.You can swear and curse the fates.But when it comes to the end.You have to let go.We were meant to lose people.How else would we know how important they are?,Thank you!,