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    Human Nature, Morality, and Fate on the Picture of Dorian GrayChina Institute of Language and Literature, Class 1, 李野, 11110007The Picture of Dorian Gray is written by English writer Oscar Wilde who was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1856. Wilde has various and rich talents of literature and he is a critic, poet, novelist and most successfully a dramatist. As the representative of Aestheticism in the 19th century, his most famous and important opinion is “Art for Arts Sake”. As his only full-length novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray is also a work of Aestheticism, a fine tragedy about soul. Just like the author expressed through the Lord Henrys mouth: “In the existed each piece of fine things behind a sad thing, the most humble flowers in the hardship before finally open.” The hero Dorian Gray was a handsome, good-looking, even beautiful anomaly young boy. His friend, painting painters Howard marveled at his appearance and purity that he drew him a real big portrait. Discovering his amazing beauty and having listened to the warden Henry Lords boast, Dorian started to feel his beauty was so easy to fleet as well as youth faded away with pain and pity. So he wished that the image instead of him could bear the harm of time and burden of heart, letting him remain youthful beauty forever. Somehow his crazy idea realized later. One night after he rudely treated his beloved fiancee Sibyl Vane and came home, he found that the picture wore a expression of cruelty-the picture started to change with the corruption of Dorians mind. The picture filled him with fear and he had it locked up in an old schoolroom in his house, beginning enjoying his life of “comfort” and “guidance”. From then Dorian went ahead to his self-corruption and self-destruction. Here are some thoughts and comprehension which I have summarized from the whole book.Above all, as far as I think, it is of great significance to learn how to resist the lust and the greed which come from our human nature. A line from the movie Seven directed by Dave Fincher has left me deep impression: “Apathy is a solution. It's easier to lose yourselves in drugs than it is to cope with life; It's easy to steal what you want than earn it; It's easier to beat a child than raise it . Hell, love costs, takes effort, work.” During my first time reading the book, I always convinced of that it was cunning Henry as a "spiritual mentor" who misled and cheated Dorian, causing Dorian went bad so as to ruin. But by the time I finished the book, I had already realized that Henry was just a symbol of Dorians lust and greed from his soul. The lack of willpower and morality, Dorians destruction was inevitable. In reality, we are also struggling with the weakness of human nature all the time. Its easier to lose ourselves in Internet than it is to cope with study; Its easy to copy homework than do it by own; Its easier to treat people rudely than respect others. Only when we have a good sense of self-control can we become successful people without disturb outside.Whats more, I also hold the view that we have to pay much attention to each quantitative change of our morality. As old saying goes, “Do not do not refrain from doing good, not to be small and evil.” The ruin of Dorian started from a cigarette passing from Henry and the damage of Dorian Grays picture started from a maggot; But finally when Dorian was tired of lavish lifestyles meanwhile he was guilty of evil things he had do and innocent people he had hurt, whatever he did and however hard he tried he could not repair the picture. So what he could only do is seeing the picture being decayed and grubby, which made him went mad and anxious until he could not stand it any more. He could do nothing but use the arrow stick through the picture killing himself. If we take a chance and think that do a little bit bad deed is unimportant, we might indulge ourselves even commit crimes. Quantity accumulation causes qualitative change. We must be strick to ourselves from time to time, only in this way can we obtain success and good reputation.Last but not the least, believing it or not, fate plays a role throughout the lifelong time more or less. Just like what Wilde has said in the beginning of the book, “A man of great talent and appearance are always doomed.” These words refer both Dorian and himself. In his letter to his fans he wrote, “Basil Hallward is what I think I am; Lord Henry what the world thinks me; Dorian what I would like to be- in other ages, perhaps”. In fact, I think Dorian deserved his end- it was just the choice of fate, the choice of himself. He was loyal to his own ideas and perception, so he got this kind of fate. Or some people will say that people like Dorian reap as them has sown, but to tell the truth, if you experienced the same encounter with he, could you guarantee absolutely that you will not have such a fate? This is human sheepishness, only a few people can live bravely adhering to their principles. Some people may be successful, mostly live smoothly and trivially in the world although they dont lose themselves. But then again, man proposes and god disposes. If we want to win more from God, we are supposed to strengthen the quality of individual self-cultivation like Beethoven “ hold the throat of Destiny and never bow down to it.”These are what I have learned from The Picture of Dorian Gray. I believed that with the increase of life experiences and lessons, I will gain more from this wonderful novel.


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