我的梦,我的青春郁达夫 (刘士聪 译) 不晓得是在哪一本俄国作家的作品里,曾经看到过一段写一个小村落的文字,他说:“譬如有许多纸折起来的房子,摆在一段高的地方,被大风一吹,这些房子就歪歪斜斜地飞落到了谷里,紧挤在一道了。”前面有一条富春江绕着,东西北的三面尽是些小山包住的富阳县城,也的确可以借了这一段文字来形容。I once read a passage in a book by a Russian writer, the title of which I have forgotten, describing how a small village looked. It says, “Supposing there are many huts made of paper standing on a high place. When a gust of wind blows, they all tumble down to the valley, tilting against each other in a cluster.” This passage well fits Fuyang, the country seat with the Fuyang River winding along in the front and low hills rolling around the other three sides.虽则是一个行政中心的县城,可是人家不满三千,商店不过百数;一般居民,全不晓得做什么手工业,或其他新式的生产事业,所靠以度日的,有几家自然是祖遗的一点田产,有几家则专以小房子出租,在吃两元三元一月的租金;而大多数的百姓,却还是既无恒产,又无恒业,没有目的,没有计划,只同蟑螂似地在那里出生,死亡,繁殖下去。Fuyang, though the administrative center of the county, did not boast a large population; the number of households was less than three thousand, and of shops and stores no more than one hundred. The commonplace people in general did not know much about handicraft industry, or any of the new trades. Some the of families scraped a living on what scanty land they inherited from their forefathers, some managed to get along by renting their small huts in return for two or three yuan a month. But the majority of the people did not have their own properties, nor regular jobs. They came into the world, reproduced and then died like cockroaches, without any idea what they came for or what to do from one day to the next.这些蟑螂的密集之区,总不外乎两处地方;一处是三个铜子一碗的茶店,一处是六个铜子一碗的小酒馆。他们在那里从早晨坐起,一直可以坐到晚上上排门的时候;讨论柴米油盐的价格,传播东邻西舍的新闻,为了一点不相干的细事,譬如说罢,甲以为李德泰的煤油只卖三个铜子一提,乙以为是五个铜子两提的话,双方就会得争论起来;此外的人,也马上分成甲党或己党提出证据,互相论辩;弄到后来,也许相打起来,打得头破血流,还不能够解决。There were two places where the “cockroaches”often went to pass their time: one was the teahouse where they could spend three coppers for a cup, and the other the wineshop where they could spend six coppers for a drink. They went there in the morning and stayed till closing time in the evening, talking about trifles like the prices of rice, oil and salt, circulating gossip about their neighbours. Sometimes for such trivialities as, when A said that kerosene at the Li Detais was three coppers for a dipper, but B said no, it was five coppers for two dippers, they would burst into fierce debate, and the rest would fall into two oppositional parties, party A and party B, driving the debate to the point where the people involved could become so physical as to leave someone injured. And you know what? The debate would end up nowhere.因此,在这么小的一个县城里,茶店酒馆,竟也有五六十家之多;于是大部分的蟑螂,就家里可以不备面盆手巾,桌椅板凳,饭锅碗筷等日常用具,而悠悠地生活过去了。离我们家里不远的大江边上,就有这样的两处蟑螂之窗。Small as it was, the county seat had as many as fifty to sixty teahouses and wineshops to its credit. The cockroaches, therefore, did not have to bother about their household aritcles such as basins and towels, tables and chairs, bowls and chopsticks, etc., and they could fare along with plenty of leisure and pleasure nevertheless.and not far from our our home on the bank of the river, there were two sheds housing such cockroaches.在我们的左面,住有一家砍砍柴,卖卖菜,人家死人或娶亲,去帮帮忙跑跑腿的人家。他们的一族,男女老小的人数很多很多,而住的那一间屋,却只比牛栏马槽大了一点。他们家里的顶小的一位苗裔年纪比我大一岁,名字叫阿千,冬天穿的是同伞似的一堆破絮,夏天,大半身是光光地裸着的;因而皮肤黝黑,臂膀粗大,脸上也象是生落地之后,只洗了一次的样子。他虽只比我大了一岁,但是跟了他们屋里的大人,茶店酒馆日日去上,婚丧的人家,也老在进出;打起架吵起嘴来,尤其勇猛。我每天见他从我们的门口走过,心里老在羡慕,以为他又上茶店酒馆去了,我要到什么时候,才可以同他一样的和大人去夹在一道呢!而他的出去和回来,不管是在清早或深夜,我总没有一次不注意到的,因为他的喉音很大,有时候一边走着,一边在绝叫着和大人谈天,若只他一个人的时候哩,总在噜苏地唱戏。Residing on our left was a family that cut firewood when there was firewood to cut and peddled vegetables when there were vegetables to peddle, or when there were funerals or weddings going on theys offer to do legwork. It was a family of the Miao ethic group with a large number of peopleold and young, men and women, but the hut they lived in was scarcely larger than a stable. The youngest son of the family, named Ah Qian, was one year my senior. In winter he was wrapped in clothes patched up with rags and rags, looking pretty much like an old umbrella and, in summer, he was bare to the waist. He had a sun-tanned complextion and a pair of muscular arms, and his face looked as if he had washed it only once since he was born. Although he was only one year older than I was, he went to the teahouses and wineshops with the grown-ups of his family almost every day and, furthermore, he was often seen in and out of weddings and funerals. If he was on any account involved in a wrangle of a fight, wow, he was fearless, you bet.When he passed by our door, Id watch him with admiration, assuming he must be on his way to the teahouse or the wineshop again. Id wonder when I myself would be able to do the same in company with my family. Either he went early in the morning or returned late at night, I couldt miss it, because he had a loud voice and hed prattle away at the top of his voice and, when he was alone, hes hum some local opera.当一天的工作完了,他跟了他们家里的大人,一道上酒店去的时候,看见我欣羡地立在门口,他原也曾邀约过我;但一则怕母亲要骂,二则胆子终于太小,经不起那些大人的盘问笑说,我总是微笑着摇摇头,就跑进屋里去躲开了,为的是上茶酒店去的诱感性,实在强不过。One day, after work, on his way to the teahouse or the wineshop with his family, he asked me to go with him when he saw me standing at the door watching him admiringly. For one thing, I was afraid that Mother would scold me and, for another, I knew Id not be able to stand the questions put to me by adults with laughter. So, shaking my head with a smile, I retreated indoors, for I was afraid I could not resist the temptation of the teahouse or the winshop.有一天春天的早晨,母亲上父亲的坟头去扫墓去了,祖母也一侵早上了一座远在三四里路外的庙里去念佛。翠花在灶下收拾早餐的碗筷,我只一个人立在门口,看有淡云浮着的青天。忽而阿千唱着戏,背着钩刀和小扁担绳索之类,从他的家里出来,看了我的那种没精打采的神气,他就立了下来和我谈天,并且说:One morning on a spring day, Mother went to pay respects at Fathers tomb and Grandma went to the temple, about three or four li from home, to say prayers. Cuihua was clearing the breakfast table by the stove and I was left standing alone at the door, looking at the light clouds gliding across the blue sky. Suddenly Ah Qian came along, humming an aria from a local opera, his shoulders slung with a sickle, a carrying pole and some ropes. Seeing that I was listless, he stopped and struck up a chat with me and then he said:“鹳山后面的盘龙山上,映山红开得多着哩;并且还有乌米饭(是一种小黑果子),彤管子(也是一种刺果),刺莓等等,你跟了我来罢,我可以采一大堆给你。你们奶奶,不也在北面山脚下的真觉寺里念佛么?等我砍好了柴,我就可以送你上寺里去吃饭去。”“You see, on the Dragon Hill behind the Stork Mountain there are a lot of azalea in full bloom. There aer also black rice(a small black fruit), red tube(a thorny fruit) and throny berry, and so on and so on. Come along with me. I can pick heaps of them for you. Your grandma has gone to say prayers at the Awakening temple at the foot of the hill, right? When Ive cut enough firewood, Ill take you there for lunch.阿千本来是我所崇拜的英雄,而这一回又只有他一个人去砍柴,天气那么的好,今天侵早祖母出去念佛的时候,我本是嚷着要同去的,但她因为怕我走不动,就把我留下了。现在一听到了这一个提议,自然是心里急跳了起来,两只脚便也很轻松地跟他出发了,并且还只怕翠花要出来阻挠,跑路跑得比平时只有得快些。出了弄堂,向东沿着江,一口气跑出了县城之后,天地宽广起来了,我的对于这一次冒险的惊惧之心就马上被大自然的威力所压倒。这样问问,那样谈谈,阿千真象是一部小小的自然界的百科大辞典,而到盘龙山脚去的一段野路,便成了我最初学自然科学的模范小课本。Ah Qian had been the hero I admired, and now he was going out by himself, and in such fine weather, too. When Grandma left for the temple this morning, I begged her to take me with her, but she left me behind, saying I would not be able to walk that far. Now that Ah Qian offered to take me along, I readily set out with him, my heart throbbing with excitement and my feet floating with light steps. As I was afraid that Cuihua might rush out to pull me back, I began to run, and run faster than usual. At the end of the lane we turned east, running along the river. When we had run out of town at one breath we found ourselves facing a vast expanse of an open world. My apprehension about the adventure was soon overcome by the charm of nature. I was possessed by a sense of curiosity, asking about this and commenting on that, and Ah Qian was now like a pocket encyclopedia of the nature world. The wild path to the foot of the Dragon Hill became a model textbook that taught me the ABC of natural science.麦已经长得有好几尺高了,麦田里的桑树,也都发出了绒样的叶芽。晴天里舒叔叔的一声飞鸣过去的,是老鹰在觅食;树枝头吱吱喳喳,似在打架又象是在谈天的,大半是麻雀之类:远处的竹林丛里,既有抑扬,又带余韵,在那里歌唱的,才是深山的画眉。Wheat was already two or three feet high and the white mulberries in the wheat field were putting forth fluffy buds. When, on a sunny day, you heard a swish overhead, it was a hawk after its prey; chirping in the branches were probably sparrows engaged in a noisy chat or a raw; the rhythmic sounds with a lingering quality were the singings of the huamei song birdsthey were performing a concert in the bamboo groves in the distant hill.上山的路旁,一拳一拳象小孩子的拳头似的小草,长得很多;拳的左右上下,满长着了些绎黄的绒毛,仿佛是野生的虫类,我起初看了,只在害怕,走路的时候,若遇到一丛,总要绕一个弯,让开它们,但阿千却笑起来了,他说:“这是薇蕨,摘了去,把下面的粗干切了,炒起来吃,味道是很好的哩!”The path uphill was lined with patches of low grass very much like babiess hands clenched; and he “hands clenched” were coated with deep yellow fluffs, resembling worms in the wildness. I was scared to see them first and I would walk around and keep away from them when there was any in front. And that made Ah Qian laugh. He said,“this is edible tender brake. You cut the thick stem and stir-fry it and it makes a delicious dish.渐走渐高了,山上的青红杂色,迷乱了我的眼目。日光直射在山坡上,从草木泥土里蒸发出来的一种气息,使我呼吸感到了困难;阿千也走得热起来了,把他的一件破夹袄一脱,丢向了地下。教我在一块大石上坐下息着,他一个人穿了一件小衫唱着戏去砍柴采野果去了;我回身立在石上,向大江一看,又深深地深深地得到了一种新的惊异。As we walked further up, my eyes were assailed and confused by the riot of mountain colors. As the sun shone direct on the hillside I had trouble in breathing from the scent rising from the plants and the earth. Ah Qian began to feel hot from walking. He took off his lined coat and threw it to the ground. He told me to rest on a big stone and then, with his small shirt on, set out for the firewood and fruits, humming some local opera aria. I stood on the stone on the hillside and, turning my eyes toward the great river, I was stunned with utter amazement.这世界真大呀!那宽广的水面!那澄碧的天空!那些上下的船只,究竟是从哪里来,上哪里去的呢?Oh, look at the big world! Look at the blue sky! Look at the wide river and the boats sailing up and down! Where were they coming from and where were they going?我一个人立在半山的大石上,近看看有一层阳炎在颤动着的绿野桑田,远看看天和水以及淡淡的青山,渐听得阿千的唱戏声音幽下去远下去了,心里就莫名其妙的起了一种渴望与愁思。我要到什么时候才能大起来呢?我要到什么时候才可以到这象在天边似的远处去呢?到了天边,那么我的家呢?我的家里的人呢?同时感到了对远处的遥念与对乡井的离愁,眼角里便自然而然地涌出了热泪。到后来,脑子也昏乱了,眼睛也模糊了,我只呆呆的立在那块大石上的太阳里做幻梦。我梦见有一只揩擦得很洁净的船,船上面张着了一面很大很饱满的白帆,我和祖母母亲翠花阿千等都在船上,吃的东西,唱着戏,顺流下去,到了一处不相识的地方。我又梦见城里的茶店酒馆,都搬上山来了,我和阿千便在这山上的酒馆里大喝大嚷,旁边的许多大人,都在那里惊奇仰视。I stood there, looking at the green fields with white-mulberries shimmering with the soft sunlight in the foreground and at the horizon in the distance where the sky and river joined and the placid mountain, and Ah Qian singing grew fainter and fainter still. Some mysterious yearning and sadness swelled within me. When could I grow up? When cuold I be allowed to go to places as far-off as the edge of the sky? But if I did travel to the edge of the sky, what about my home? What about my family? I had a mixed feeling of longing for the far-off place on the one hand, and the sadness of having to leave home on the other. With those thoughts in mind I felt my eyes filled with warm tears. And then my head was befuddled and my eyes hazed. I remained on the stone flooded with sunlight, lost in a fancy dream. I dreamed of a boat scrubbed spotlessly sailing with a large white sail blown to the full in the air. Grandma, Mother, Guihua, Ah Qian and I myself were all in the boat, eating some food and singing merrily along as it was drifting down the river to a foreign place. I also dreamed that all the teahouses and wineshops in town had moved up to the hill. Ah Qian and I found ourselves in one of the wineshops, drinking to our hearts content and shouting at the top of our voices and the adults sitting around, all looked up with surprise.这一种接连不断的白曰之梦,不知做了多少时候,阿千却背了一捆小小的草柴,和包刺莓映山红乌米饭之类的野果,回到我立在那里的大石边来了;他脱下了小衫,光着了脊肋,那些野果就系包在他的小衫里面的。I had no idea how long I had been daydreaming, but I did not wake until Ah Qian came up with a small bundle of grass and twigs and a pack of assorted fruits. He came bare-backed, having taken off his shirt, and used it as a fruit wrapper.他提议说,时候不早了,他还要砍一捆柴,且让我们吃着野果,先从山腰走向后山去罢,因为前山的草柴,已经被人砍完,第二捆不容易采刮拢来了。He said, as it was getting close to midday, he had to cut some more firewood, so he suggested we go along the hillside to the mountain while eating some fruits, because the firewood in the hill has been cut by others and there was not enough left to make another bundle.慢慢地走到了山后,山下的那个真觉寺的钟鼓声音,早就从春空里传送到了我们的耳边,并且一条青烟,也刚从寺后的厨房里透出了屋顶。向寺里看了一眼,阿千就放下了那捆柴,对我说:“他们在烧中饭了,大约离吃饭的时候也不很远,我还是先送你到寺里去罢!”Soon we got around to the back of the hill. The sound of bells and drums from the temple wafted within earshot through the spring air and a wisp of smoke was risig from the roof of the ketchen behind the temple. Throwing a looking toward the temple, Ah Qian laid down the bundle of grass and twigs and said to me, “ It seems they are doing the cooking and it is about lunch time, I guess. Let me take you to the temple first.”我们到了寺里,祖母和许多同伴者的念佛婆婆,都张大了眼睛,惊异了起来。阿千走后,她们就开始问我这一次冒险的经过,我也感到了一种得意,将如何出城,如何和阿千上山采集野果的情形,说得格外的详细。后来坐上桌去吃饭的时候,有一位老婆婆问我:“你大了,打算去做些什么?”我就毫不迟疑地回答她说:“我愿意去砍柴!”When we got there, Grandma and many other old women saying prayers with her all stared at us with surprise. After Ah Qian left they areked me about my adventure and I, beaming with pride, told them in great detail how I got out of town and how Ah Qian offered to pick fruits for me. The moment I sat down to the table, an old woman asked, “when you grow up, what are you going to do?” I said without thinking, “I am going to cut firewood.”故乡的茶店酒馆,到现在还在风行热闹,而这一位茶店酒馆里的小英雄,初次带我上山去冒险的阿千,却在一年涨大水的时候,喝醉了酒,淹死了。他们的家族,也一个个地死的死,散的散,现在没有生存者了;他们的那一座牛栏似的房屋,已经换过了两三个主人。时间是不饶人的,盛衰起灭也绝对地无常的:阿千之死,同时也带去了我的梦,我的青春!Teahouses and wineshops in my hometown are doing just as well as they did before, but Ah Qian, the young hero of the teahouse and wineshop who initiated me into the mountain on my first adventure was drowned in a flood one year; he had taken one cup of wine too many. Nobody survived in his family; they all died one after another, some at home, some elsewhere. Their stable-like hut has changed hands two or three times. Time, as the saying goes, is unsympathetic. Rise or fall in life has no set course to follow. Ah Qian is gone, and gone with Ah Qian is my dream and my youth.