哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感英语哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感英语 篇一:哈克贝利·费恩历险记读后感 这本小说讲述的是美国的一个流浪儿哈克贝利·费恩在历险中从一个不分青红皂白乐于当强盗的孩子变成一个善良、机智、勇敢、能辨善恶的孩子的故事。哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感英语。 我喜欢这个故事的结局,因为哈克贝利·费恩仍旧是一个流浪儿,即使人们多次向教养,但最终以其失败告终。不同的是,他待人真诚,尽自己最大的努力去帮助他的朋友。帮助奴隶吉姆争取他应得的权利与自由便是其中一例,即使是违背所谓的“社会常识”,冒着被杀的危险。这是他选择的生活方式自由的活着,而不是向父亲那类人一样被社会教条束缚,即使受到教育也永远活在自私与贪婪之中。 我喜欢哈利贝克说的一句话:“我从来没有一个家,或像所有其他的男孩子那样去上学。我睡在街上或林子里,只要我想做,我就能做我想做的事情。这真是一种美好的生活。”大概每个人都会喜欢这句话,或者是这种生活方式,更是这种精神。那么,当你被各种阴霾所笼罩时,请勇敢地跳出,去寻找属于自己的那片朗朗晴空。毕竟,这是你自己的生活,你自己选择的生活方式,你得自己找出路!篇二:读哈克贝利·费恩历险记有感 经过一段时间的努力,终于把哈克贝利·费恩历险记这本英文小说看完,感触颇多。 这本小说讲述的是美国的一个流浪儿哈克贝利·费恩在历险中从一个不分青红皂白乐于当强盗的孩子变成一个善良、机智、勇敢、能辨善恶的孩子的故事。 我喜欢这个故事的结局,因为哈克贝利·费恩仍旧是一个流浪儿,即使人们多次向教养,但最终以其失败告终。不同的是,他待人真诚,尽自己最大的努力去帮助他的朋友。帮助奴隶吉姆争取他应得的权利与自由便是其中一例,即使是违背所谓的“社会常识”,冒着被杀的危险。这是他选择的生活方式自由的活着,而不是向父亲那类人一样被社会教条束缚,即使受到教育也永远活在自私与贪婪之中。 我喜欢哈利贝克说的一句话:“我从来没有一个家,或像所有其他的男孩子那样去上学。我睡在街上或林子里,只要我想做,我就能做我想做的事情。这真是一种美好的生活。”大概每个人都会喜欢这句话,或者是这种生活方式,更是这种精神。那么,当你被各种阴霾所笼罩时,请勇敢地跳出,去寻找属于自己的那片朗朗晴空。毕竟,这是你自己的生活,你自己选择的生活方式,你得自己找出路。哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感英语。 Read Huckleberry Finn Feeling After a long time of hard ork, I finally finish the English novel Huckleberry Finn ,and the feeling is quite a lot. The novel tells us a story about a aif Huck in adventure from a indiscriminate ready to hen the robber child into a child ho is kind and it, brave, can tell the good and evil. I like the end of the story, because Huck is still a aif, even if people ant to breed many times, but managed to its failure. The difference is, he treats people sincerely, try his best to help his friends. Helping for his slave friend Jim s getting rights and freedom is one, even if it is against the so-called social mon sense , and take the risk of slain. This is his choice of ays-live free, not that kind of person to father be social dogma, even by education also ill live forever in selfish and greedy in.哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感英语。 I like Harry said one: I have never been a home or, like all the other boys that go to school. I slept in the streets or in the oods, and I could do hat I anted,hen I anted. It s a fine life. Everyone probably ould like this sentence, or is this ay of life, but also the spirit. So, hen you are all kinds of haze hangs, please bravely jump out, to find your on that piece of clear sky. After all, this is your on life. You choose your ay of life, and you must take a ay out.哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感英语。 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a great ork published in 1885 and it as ritten by Mark Tain. As it knon to all Mark Tain is a orld-renoned literary giant and a gifted humorist. As a prolific riter, he makes great achievements in novels and short stories. Hoever, hat makes him popular are mainly his novels, in particular this book. The story happens along the Mississippi River. Huckleberry Finn, a little uneducated hite boy of about 13 years old. He es from the loest level of society. His father is a poor ton drunkard. The other boy Jim is an ignorant, uneducated black slave named Jim. The book tells the story of Jims escape from slavery, and, ho Huckleberry Finn tries his best to help Jim. This is the first time that I read this book, hen I finished it, as lost in contemplation. It takes me back to a childrens orld. Finns unique personality, only the children can really understand. One the one hand, its a description of childrens orld, they are naughty, innocent, and they have their on dreams. Huckleberry Finn and the group of children alays ant to do something big. Even though he is only a small boy, he can do something that adults dare not to do .Huck is a kid ho naturally loves freedom. He gre up homeless and had no chance to receive family, school and church education. He liked independent life, hated life around the stagnant and hypocritical courtesy. He did not go to church to pray, not ear decent clothes, and not learn from these “civilized” and the “gentle manner”. In the beginning, kindhearted ido Douglas, adopted the poor little Huck, and attempted to teach him and transformed him into a “civilized boy”. Hoever, Huck soon tired of this decent, and felt that the days of “too sulk” is simply all day long, “a pain”. So “I put on my body orn clothes and drill don to my empty sugar barrel by myself. Then I feel free and satisfied”. Huck distained the “civilized” societys enlightenment, and even questioned the sacred religious tenets: If a person can pray to get hat he ants, then hy still the loss of Waynes by selling pork do not e back? Why the idos galactic disk hich as stolen do not e back.”So he constantly played hooky, and ran into the forest to have some “fresh air”. Even together ith the “noble” person, he felt “itch”. Huck finally could not stand the stagnant life and the enlightenment of civilization, and he escaped to seek for his ideal free life. On the other hand, Mark Tains three years life on the Mississippi left such a fond memory ith him that he returned to the theme more than once in his riting career. Mark Tain-The half savage, tender, god-orshipping, believing boy, playing ith rivers and man, ending on the Mississippi on the broad river that is the great artery floing out of the heart of the land. Its the miniature of real Mark Tain.