00:00:19,760 -> 00:00:25,150自古以来 就有鹳鸟送子的记载For as long as can be remembered, storks delivered babies400:00:27,040 -> 00:00:30,150我们从鹳山之顶的栖息地出发from their perch on Stork Mountain.500:00:30,320 -> 00:00:34,190从事这一无比光荣的使命It was an honor and a privilege to serve.600:00:35,360 -> 00:00:38,980这也是我们的责任 我们的核心价值观It was our duty, our core belief,700:00:39,160 -> 00:00:42,910我们骨子里的基因the driving force of our very lifeblood.800:00:48,120 -> 00:00:49,630但这份工作并不简单It wasn't always easy.900:00:49,800 -> 00:00:51,020哦Oh.1000:00:51,200 -> 00:00:53,270这是属于我们的挑战This was our challenge.1100:00:54,320 -> 00:00:55,750这是我们的神圣职责This was our sacred duty.1200:00:56,160 -> 00:00:58,150无论多苦多难No matter how tough or impossible1300:00:58,480 -> 00:01:02,550多残酷 多艰险 多灭绝人性 多惨绝人寰or brutal or harsh or inhumane or savage,1400:01:02,720 -> 00:01:04,990我们都会义无反顾 一往直前we would triumph over adversity.1500:01:20,960 -> 00:01:22,550逮到你了Gotcha!1600:01:27,010 -> 00:01:27,350嘿Hey.1700:01:27,560 -> 00:01:28,810- 小心右边 - 还有左边- On your right. - Left.1800:01:28,840 -> 00:01:29,840自行车道Bike lane.1900:01:30,000 -> 00:01:33,510谢天谢地 我们早就不干这行了Thank goodness we don't do that anymore.2000:01:35,240 -> 00:01:36,380在那 快看那里There! Right there!2100:01:36,680 -> 00:01:38,350当初的问题在于The problem was,2200:01:39,360 -> 00:01:40,910我们的业务急需转型we had the wrong cargo.2300:01:47,320 -> 00:01:49,350我们的新手机Our new phones!2400:01:49,520 -> 00:01:53,590现在好了 街店网络快递准备接单啦Luckily, now, storks deliver packages for Cornerstore. com!2500:01:56,440 -> 00:01:59,320- 嘿 老弟 - 噢耶- My dude! - Oh, yeah!2600:02:02,520 -> 00:02:04,870哟 科隆老兄 气色不错Yo, Kevron! Lookin' good, my man!2700:02:05,040 -> 00:02:06,880哦 我爱死这个小伙了Oh, I love this guy!2800:02:11,960 -> 00:02:14,190完美着陆 搞定Perfect landing. Chiggy-check.2900:02:15,880 -> 00:02:17,400厉害了我的哥You're the man!3000:02:17,840 -> 00:02:20,400什么 第一百万个包裹 谁信啊What? Millionth package? Not possible.3100:02:20,560 -> 00:02:22,190我以为才刚二十个I thought I was only at 20.3200:02:22,360 -> 00:02:23,840嘿 朱尼尔 庆祝一下吧Hey, Junior, are you gonna celebrate?3300:02:23,920 -> 00:02:26,220你说得对 是该庆祝下了You know what? You're right. I should celebrate.3400:02:26,400 -> 00:02:27,690你们周末去哪嗨What are you guys doing this weekend?3500:02:27,720 -> 00:02:28,720有空带我一个吗Are you guys free?3600:02:28,880 -> 00:02:30,910老婆和我要庆祝另一个纪念日The wife and I are celebrating another anniversary.3700:02:31,080 -> 00:02:32,710我孩子周末有比赛Got my kid's game this weekend.3800:02:32,920 -> 00:02:35,510家庭团聚 我家被亲戚攻陷了Family reunion. The whole family's coming.3900:02:35,720 -> 00:02:37,950好吧 我就是问问Oh. Just wanted to confirm.4000:02:38,160 -> 00:02:39,160反正你们也忙That you were all busy.4100:02:39,320 -> 00:02:40,920我不用猜也知道I assumed you were all busy and you are.4200:02:41,040 -> 00:02:42,330那万一有空了 记得叫我一下So, if anything changes, let me know.4300:02:42,360 -> 00:02:43,490我或许能请个假I maybe could get out of work.4400:02:43,520 -> 00:02:45,090估计没戏 但还是叫我一下Probably can't, but let me know if you can.4500:02:45,120 -> 00:02:47,270干得好 哥们Great job out there, brah!4600:02:47,440 -> 00:02:48,990谢谢 马屁鸽Thanks, Pigeon Toady.4700:02:49,160 -> 00:02:51,000快看我的女友Check out my girlfriend.4800:02:51,120 -> 00:02:52,600- 她在加拿大 - 呵呵- She's in Canada. - Yeah-huh.4900:02:52,720 -> 00:02:53,720她移民了She migrated.5000:02:53,880 -> 00:02:55,430- 她不是我瞎编的 - 好的- She's not made up. - Okay.5100:02:55,600 -> 00:02:57,390快看 快看Look at her! Look at her!5200:02:57,560 -> 00:02:59,630- 她是真的 哥们 - 祝你幸福- She exists, brah! - That's great.5300:02:59,800 -> 00:03:02,070嘿 你们听说罗杰的事了吗Hey, did you guys hear about Roger?5400:03:04,000 -> 00:03:05,910哦 我的天啊 你还好吗Oh, my goodness. Are you okay?5500:03:06,600 -> 00:03:09,310什么 嘿哥们 我说 什么 好的What? Hey, brah. I say. What? Okay.5600:03:09,480 -> 00:03:11,110我跟你说过我的女友了吗I tell you about my girlfriend?5700:03:12,640 -> 00:03:14,590嘿 老板要见你Hey, boss wants to see you.5800:03:14,760 -> 00:03:15,820呃Uh.5900:03:16,000 -> 00:03:17,710亨特要见我Hunter wants to see me?6000:03:20,520 -> 00:03:22,670好吧 集中精力 朱尼尔All right. Head in the game, Junior.6100:03:22,840 -> 00:03:24,670看来你就是亨特 近来可好啊So, you're Hunter. What do you do around here?6200:03:26,040 -> 00:03:27,040不行 我讨厌这样No, I hate that.6300:03:27,200 -> 00:03:28,790亨特 很高兴见到你Hunter. Nice. To. Meet. You.6400:03:28,960 -> 00:03:29,990不 太呆板了No, that's too robot.6500:03:30,160 -> 00:03:32,160自然一点 正常地说话Just say it normal. Just say it normal. Here we go.6600:03:32,320 -> 00:03:33,380你好Nice to meet you!6700:03:33,560 -> 00:03:34,820我有病吧What is wrong with me?6800:03:37,640 -> 00:03:38,640朱尼尔Junior.6900:03:39,200 -> 00:03:40,230亨特Hunter.7000:03:47,880 -> 00:03:49,920你知道我为什么用玻璃盖这间办公室吗You know why I built my office entirely out of glass7100:03:50,120 -> 00:03:51,630尽管鸟类看不见玻璃even though birds can't see glass?7200:03:52,320 -> 00:03:53,430完全不懂I do not.7300:03:55,680 -> 00:03:57,160彰显权势Power move.7400:03:58,080 -> 00:04:02,830十八年前 我废除送子业务 拯救了全族Eighteen years ago, I saved all storks by getting out of babies7500:04:03,000 -> 00:04:05,230并领他们进入快递行业and into package delivery.7600:04:05,400 -> 00:04:07,470现在 董事会将在下周一鹳鸟大会上Now, this Monday at Storkcon,7700:04:07,680 -> 00:04:09,870宣布我升职的消息the board will announce they're kicking me upstairs.7800:04:10,040 -> 00:04:11,280我将成为董事长I'm going to be named Chairman.7900:04:11,360 -> 00:04:13,990这意味着你将被任命名为Which means you are going to be named8000:04:14,360 -> 00:04:16,390老板boss.8100:04:17,760 -> 00:04:18,790老板Boss!8200:04:25,880 -> 00:04:27,410酷 酷 酷 太棒了 棒极了Cool, cool, cool. Very cool, very cool.8300:04:27,440 -> 00:04:31,190现在 睁大眼睛 鸟瞰一下你的地盘吧Now, look upon your domain with your eyes wide open.8400:04:31,780 -> 00:04:33,240- 好棒 - 再睁大一点- Yeah. - Wider.8500:04:33,320 -> 00:04:34,350不错 真的不错I love it. Feels good.8600:04:34,520 -> 00:04:36,870如果连看都不敢看怎么当老板How can you be boss if you can't look at it?8700:04:37,040 -> 00:04:39,230我看 就算瞎了狗眼我也要看If I go blind, it was worth it.8800:04:39,400 -> 00:04:41,090你知道当老板最难的地方在哪吗You know the hardest thing about bein' boss?8900:04:41,120 -> 00:04:42,180盯着太阳Staring at the sun?9000:04:42,360 -> 00:04:43,360不 那不叫事No, this is easy.9100:04:43,520 -> 00:04:45,800难道是纠结于做一个慈祥的老板 还是高冷的老板Whether to be like a friend boss or a distant, weird boss?9200:04:45,920 -> 00:04:47,970当然是高冷了 你有病吧Always be distant and weird. What's the matter with you?9300:04:48,000 -> 00:04:49,000对不起Sorry.9400:04:49,160 -> 00:04:52,230都不是 最难的地方在于你要对付那玩意No, it's dealing with that.9500:04:53,600 -> 00:04:54,710孤儿阿丽The orphan Tulip?9600:04:54,880 -> 00:04:56,020我不懂I don't understand.9700:04:56,200 -> 00:04:59,150你知道我们为什么不送婴儿了吗Do you know why we stopped delivering babies?9800:04:59,360 -> 00:05:01,520因为怀孕的方法有千万种Because there are so many other ways of getting babies?9900:05:01,560 -> 00:05:04,830是 也不全是Yes. But that's not the whole story.10000:05:05,000 -> 00:05:07,990十八年前 当我们还坚持送人类的宝宝时Eighteen years ago, when we still delivered human infants,10100:05:08,200 -> 00:05:13,220一个叫贾斯珀的疯鸟企图收养婴儿a stork named Jasper went crazy and tried to keep a baby.10200:05:14,200 -> 00:05:15,710阿丽的信号灯摔坏了Tulip's beacon broke.10300:05:15,880 -> 00:05:19,550收件人地址被销毁了 因此我们无法送她回家Her address was destroyed, so we could no longer deliver her.10400:05:19,720 -> 00:05:21,510我的宝贝My baby!10500:05:21,680 -> 00:05:26,070那时我才意识到 送子已经没有前途了It was then I realized that there was no future in baby delivery.10600:05:26,240 -> 00:05:30,310现在 阿丽成年了 我们终于可以解放她了Now, the orphan Tulip has just turned 18, which means we can finally liberate her10700:05:30,480 -> 00:05:32,270让她回到人类世界and return her to the human world.10800:05:32,440 -> 00:05:33,550但她不是祸害啊But she's no trouble.10900:05:33,720 -> 00:05:35,310哦 她不是 是吗Oh, she isn't, is she?11000:05:35,520 -> 00:05:37,350这是我们的盈利折线图Here's our profit chart.11100:05:37,560 -> 00:05:39,120- 我最爱盈利的盈利图了 - 我也是- I love a good profit chart. - Me, too.11200:05:39,280 -> 00:05:40,280是啊Yeah!11300:05:40,480 -> 00:05:43,630只有在阿丽放假 睡觉 或者感冒的时候 盈利达到峰值The peaks are when Tulip is on vacation, asleep or out with the flu.11400:05:43,800 -> 00:05:46,510当她帮忙时就一落千丈The valleys are when she tries to help.11500:05:46,680 -> 00:05:49,870好 我会让她走的 交给我Cool. I will liberate her. Consider her liberated.11600:05:50,440 -> 00:05:52,190如果她不想走怎么办And if she doesn't want to be liberated?11700:05:52,360 -> 00:05:53,920炒她 我指的是解聘她Fire her. I'm talking about firing her.11800:05:53,960 -> 00:05:54,990当真Really?11900:05:55,160 -> 00:05:57,010你周一当上老板的第一件事The only thing you need to do to be named boss on Monday12000:05:57,040 -> 00:05:58,230就是送阿丽走is liberate the orphan Tulip.12100:05:58,400 -> 00:05:59,970强调 我说的送她走就是指解雇她If I'm not being clear, I mean fire her!12200:06:00,000 -> 00:06:01,110遵命 我这就去办Yes, sir. I am on it.12300:06:01,280 -> 00:06:03,430我已在字里行间中悟到了您的言外之意I have read between the lines and heard you overtly.12400:06:06,800 -> 00:06:08,950嗷 嗷 嗷Ow, ow, ow.12500:06:10,440 -> 00:06:12,670对不起 孤儿阿丽Excuse me! Orphan Tulip?12600:06:13,800 -> 00:06:14,800朱尼尔Junior?12700:06:15,800 -> 00:06:16,940你在和我说话You're talkin' to me?12800:06:17,120 -> 00:06:18,230是啊 阿丽Yes, Orphan Tulip!12900:06:18,440 -> 00:06:20,270只是 你从来没有跟我说过话No, it's just that you never talk to me.13000:06:20,480 -> 00:06:22,610好吧 改变从今天开始 孤儿阿丽Well, yeah, that's changing starting today, Orphan Tulip.13100:06:22,640 -> 00:06:24,600就叫我阿丽吧 孤儿这个前缀太悲催了Oh, "Tulip" is just fine. "Orphan" hurts my heart.13200:06:24,760 -> 00:06:26,390我有好多问题要问你呢I have so many questions to ask you!13300:06:26,560 -> 00:06:28,630为什么不下来让我们聊个通宵呢Why don't you come down and we can talk all day?13400:06:28,800 -> 00:06:30,550好 我这就下来Okay. I will be down.13500:06:30,720 -> 00:06:31,940和我的朋友一起As will my friends.13600:06:32,160 -> 00:06:34,460我们要飞着下来We are going to fly right down.13700:06:34,640 -> 00:06:35,640啥 别 别这样What? No, no.13800:06:35,800 -> 00:06:37,210一个鹌鹑 一个鸸鹋 一个鸡杂That's a quail, an emu, there's a chicken.13900:06:37,240 -> 00:06:38,240他们都不会飞They cannot fly.14000:06:38,400 -> 00:06:40,670是啊 可那是以前Yeah. Until now.14100:06:40,840 -> 00:06:42,130她实现了我们的梦想She's helping us achieve our dreams.14200:06:42,160 -> 00:06:43,750- 说得好 道格兰 - 没错- That's right, Dougland. - You know it.14300:06:43,960 -> 00:06:46,520坐缆车下来也不差嘛It is still a personal victory if you use the bucket.14400:06:51,480 -> 00:06:53,110好吧 那我们不做缆车了Okay, we'll all not use the bucket!14500:06:53,280 -> 00:06:54,340等等 什么Wait, what?14600:06:54,600 -> 00:06:56,590哈哈 阿丽挤不进去Ha-ha! Tulip doesn't fit in.14700:06:56,760 -> 00:06:58,990我们都是鸟 可她是怪鸟We're all the same and she's a weirdo.14800:06:59,160 -> 00:07:00,730喔 喔 喔 不能这样说 她Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's not nice. She's.14900:07:00,760 -> 00:07:02,270她童年很悲惨She's had a hard life.15000:07:03,560 -> 00:07:06,670好吧Okay.15100:07:07,160 -> 00:07:09,110这一定会很爽 兄弟们This is gonna be great, guys!15200:07:09,720 -> 00:07:11,030倒数三Countdown.15300:07:11,680 -> 00:07:14,140三 二 一Three, two, one!15400:07:24,300 -> 00:07:26,190成功了 我们在飞翔It's working! We're flying!15500:07:26,360 -> 00:07:27,550嗨翻天了Ho-ho! Whoa!15600:07:28,000 -> 00:07:29,190耶Yeah, yeah!15700:07:29,680 -> 00:07:30,790耶Yeah!15800:07:30,960 -> 00:07:32,790够了 我要加速Enough of this, I wanna go fast!15900:07:33,680 -> 00:07:34,710不要 道格兰 等等No! Dougland, wait!16000:07:34,880 -> 00:07:36,020不 不 不No, no, no!16100:07:36,200 -> 00:07:38,030今生最佳This is the greatest day of my life!16200:07:39,560 -> 00:07:41,070我在飞I'm flying!16300:07:43,760 -> 00:07:45,950飞扬的感觉This is my moment!16400:07:46,120 -> 00:07:48,320- 道格兰 停下 - 走开- Dougland! No! - Get out of my way!16500:07:50,800 -> 00:07:51,860你是坏鸟 快停下Bad Dougland! No!16600:07:52,040 -> 00:07:54,190我的梦想怎么变成了噩梦How could my dreams go so horribly wrong?16700:07:56,120 -> 00:07:57,390抓住你了I got ya!16800:07:57,560 -> 00:07:58,590好了Okay.16900:07:58,760 -> 00:07:59,900我在落下去I'm fallin'.17000:08:07,610 -> 00:08:09,380哦 不 不 不 不 不Oh, no! No! No, no, no, no, no!17100:08:19,240 -> 00:08:20,240- 呃 - 哦 坏了- Uh. - Oh, boy.17200:08:23,960 -> 00:08:26,190哦 不算太糟糕Oh. Oh, that's not so bad.17300:08:29,680 -> 00:08:32,830坚持住 坚持住 坚持住I got it. I got it. I got it! I got it!17400:08:33,000 -> 00:08:34,060坚持住I got it!17500:08:40,120 -> 00:08:43,740实在抱歉 天呢 我太对不起了I'm sorry! Oh, I'm so, so sorry. Oh!17600:08:44,120 -> 00:08:46,630我太不合群了 我只是想帮你们I don't fit in anywhere and all I want to do is help!17700:08:50,130 -> 00:08:51,430哦 好吧Oh, boy.17800:08:51,600 -> 00:08:54,590阿丽 我要告诉你一件事Uh, Tulip, okay. I have news for you.17900:08:54,800 -> 00:08:56,790在你开口前Before you finish,18000:08:56,960 -> 00:08:58,680我想说你能来祝我生日快乐for you to come to wish me a happy birthday,18100:08:58,800 -> 00:09:01,390真是太贴心了 就像彩虹一样温暖that's just the nicest, you know? It's like a little rainbow.18200:09:01,600 -> 00:09:02,710所以 谢谢你So, thank you.18300:09:03,190 -> 00:09:04,160你真好That's really nice.18400:09:04,360 -> 00:09:06,060但是 哦 对不起 我打断你了But, oh, I'm sorry. I interrupted you.18500:09:06,160 -> 00:09:08,270- 你要说什么来着 - 呃- What were you gonna tell me? - Uh.18600:09:08,640 -> 00:09:09,640天啊Oh, boy.18700:09:09,800 -> 00:09:12,150我有一个好消息I have wonderful news for you.18800:09:12,360 -> 00:09:15,310你自由了You have been liberated.18900:09:15,960 -> 00:09:17,630什么意思What does that mean?19000:09:17,900 -> 00:0