火星救援12阿西达利亚平原13好了 队友们 互相看着点儿All right, team, stay in sight of each other.14NASA 战神三号 降落地点15今天让NASA以我们为傲吧Let's make NASA proud today.16任务日:第18个火星日17那边情况如何 沃特尼How's it looking over there, Watney?18你会很高兴知道坐标方格14-28区里Well, you'll be happy to hear that in grid section 14-28,19颗粒大部分都比较粗糙the particles were predominantly coarse.20但29区的就精细多了but in 29, they're much finer.21用它们做化学分析应该很理想And they should be ideal for chem analysis.22大家听到了吗Did everybody hear that?23马克刚刚发现了泥土Mark just discovered dirt.24我们要通知媒体吗Should we alert the media?25抱歉 你今天要干什么来着 马丁内兹Sorry, what are you doing today, Martinez?26确保飞行器还立着吗Making sure the MAV is still upright?27要知道目视检查仪器I'd like you to know that visual inspection of the equipment.28也是任务成功必不可少的一步is imperative to mission success.29同时我还想报告飞行器的确好好立着呢I also would like to report that the MAV is still upright.30沃特尼 你一直开着通话频道Watney, you keep leaving your channel open,31马丁内兹就会回应你which leads to Martinez responding.32我们所有人就会听到which leads to all of us listening.33然后我就会很烦which leads to me being annoyed.34收到了 马丁内兹 队长想请你Roger that. Martinez, the captain would like you to please.35闭上你那张利嘴shut your smart mouth.36能用别的词来形容马丁内兹的嘴巴吗We'd prefer to use a different adjective to describe Martinez's mouth.37贝克刚刚是不是侮辱了我Did Beck just insult me?38是"贝克博士" 没错"Dr. Beck." And yes.39我很乐意从这里把无线电关掉 指挥官Happy to turn the radios off from here, Commander.40您下令就行Just say the word.41等等 约翰逊Wait, Johanssen.42一直保持通话是.Constant communication is the hallmark.43关了Shut 'em off.44不要No.45不啊 拜托No. Excuse me.46我为我的同胞向你道个歉 沃格尔I apologize for my countrymen, Vogel.47道歉接受Accepted.48还需要多少样本 指挥官How many samples do we need, Commander?49七个Seven.50每个100克100 grams each.51an8紧急情况任务状态更新52有个任务状态更新We have a mission update.53风暴警告A storm warning.54指挥官 你该进来Commander, you should come inside.55你会想看看这个You're gonna want to see this.56看什么What is it?57风暴警告A storm warning.58我在今早的简报上看到了I saw that in this morning's briefing.59我们会在风暴到达前回来We'll be inside before it hits.60是啊 但他们升级了预测Yeah, they upgraded their estimate.61风暴会猛烈得多The storm's gonna be a lot worse.62马丁内兹 情况看上去如何Martinez, how does it look?63不太妙Not good.64直径1200千米 角度24.41度"1,200 kilometers in diameter, bearing 24.41 degrees."65那是径直冲我们来了That's tracking right towards us.66根据目前的增强趋势"Based on current escalation,67预计将有8600牛顿的力"estimated force of 8,600 Newtons."68任务中止力是多少What's the abort force?697500牛顿7,500.70超过那个飞行器就可能倾倒Anything more than that and the MAV could tip.71我们要中止吗Do we scrub?72启动中止程序Begin abort procedure.73我们的预测是会有误差We are estimating with a margin of error.74也许等一会就没事了We could wait it out.75我们等等吧Let's wait it out.76我们等等吧Let's wait it out.77指挥官Commander?78准备紧急起飞Prep emergency departure.79指挥官Commander?80我们得中止 那是命令We're scrubbed. That's an order.81马丁内兹 还要多久能起飞Martinez, how long before take-off?8212分钟12 minutes.83an1pos(23,215)任务日84an1pos(23,215)任务日85能见度基本为零Visibility is almost zero.86要是谁走丢了 跟着我的宇航服遥感信号Anyone gets lost, hone in on my suit's telemetry.87an8气闸室 减压中88-准备好了吗 -好了- You ready? - Ready.89指挥官 您没事吧Commander, are you okay?90没事I'm okay.91an1pos(23,215)任务日92an1pos(23,215)任务日93指挥官 我们倾斜了10度Commander, we're at 10 degrees,94超过12.3度飞行器就会倾倒and the MAV is gonna tip at 12.3.95我们也许能阻止飞行器倾倒We might be able to keep the MAV from tipping.96怎么办How?97把通讯杆的电缆作为牵引绳Use the cables from the comms mast as guy-lines.98用探测车拉着它anchor it with the rover's.99小心Watch out!100an1pos(23,215)任务日101沃特尼Watney!102an1pos(23,215)任务日103警告 检测到宇航服破损Warning. Suit breach detected.104an8失去信号105怎么回事What happened?106他被击中了He was hit.107沃特尼 回复Watney, report.108在我们失联前Before we lost telemetry,109他的减压警报响了his decompression alarm went off.110约翰逊 你最后一次看到他是在哪里Johanssen, where did you last see him?111我不知道他在哪里I don't know where he is.112an8沃特尼 失去信号113他宇航服上显示的生命体征如何What are the vitals on his suit?114-他掉线了 -什么都没有- He's offline. He's offline. - Negative.115完全失去了沃特尼的信号A complete loss of signal on Watney.116-贝克 -怎么了- Beck! - Yeah.117在减压的情况下他能活多久How long can he survive decompression?118不足一分钟Less than a minute.119排成一线 向西走Line up, walk west.120他也许倒在地上了 可别踩着他He may be prone. We don't wanna step over him.121指挥官.Commander.122-10.5度了 -警告 过度倾斜- we're at 10.5 degrees. - Warning. Excessive tilt.123再刮一阵就要到11度了Tilting to 11 with all the gusts of wind.124收到Copy that.125大家跟紧马丁内兹宇航服的遥感信号Everyone, hone in on Martinez's suit.126它会带领你们到气闸室It'll get you to airlock.127进去 去准备发射Get in, prep for launch.128你呢 指挥官What about you, Commander?129我再找下他 你们快走I'm gonna search a little longer. Get moving!130快Go!131沃特尼Watney!132沃特尼 回复Watney, report!133飞行器已经倾斜到11.6度了The MAV's at 11.6 degrees.134再刮一阵风我们就要翻了One good gust and we're tipping.135假如要翻了 你就发射If it tips, you launch.136你真的觉得我会把你抛下吗You really think I'm gonna leave you behind?137那是命令 马丁内兹That's an order, Martinez.138马克Mark!139马克 能听见我说话吗Mark! Can you hear me?140马丁内兹 近程雷达呢Martinez, what about the proximity radar?141那东西能检测到沃特尼的宇航服吗Could that detect Watney's suit?142那是用来从轨道上观测赫耳墨斯的It's made to see the Hermes from orbit.143而不是观测一件宇航服上的一小块金属not a little piece of metal from a single suit.144-试试吧 -收到- Give it a try. - Roger.145她想什么呢What is she thinking?146她清楚红外线穿不过沙暴的She knows the infrared can't get through a sandstorm.147她是死马当活马医了She's grasping for anything.148近程雷达什么也没有检测到We've got negative contact on the proximity radar.149什么都没有吗Nothing?150是的 我连居住舱都看不太清了No. I can barely see the HAB.151指挥官 我知道你不想听 但是Commander, I know you don't wanna hear this, but.152马克死了Mark is dead.153指挥官Commander!154你他妈怎么回事啊Hey, what the hell is wrong with you, man?155我朋友刚刚死了My friend just died.156我不希望我的指挥官也死了I don't want my commander to die, too.157稳度警告Stability warning.158我们要倾倒了We're tipping!159指挥官 你得回到飞船上 马上Commander, you need to get back to the ship, now!16013度了13 degrees.161要是失去了平衡 就再也立不起来了If we pass balance, we'll never rock back.162我还剩最后一招I've got one more trick left,163然后我就要执行命令了 指挥官and then I'm following orders, Commander.164你启动了轨道机动系统吗You're firing the OMS?165没错That's right.166指挥官Commander!167来了On my way.168约翰逊 走吧Johanssen, let's go.169马克Mark!170现在勉强维持在11.5度We're at 11.5 and holding.171下令就可以出发了Ready to go on your command.172准备发射Ready to launch.173指挥官Commander.174你得告诉我能不能起飞I need you to verbally tell me whether or not to.175发射Launch.176在中央标准时间凌晨4:30左右At around 4:30 A.M. central standard time.177我们的卫星检测到了一场风暴our satellites detected a storm178正在接近战神三号火星任务站approaching the Ares 3 mission site on Mars.1796:45 风暴升级为强烈风暴6:45, the storm had escalated to severe.180我们别无选择 只能中止任务and we had no choice but to abort the mission.181多亏露易丝指挥官的快速反应.Thanks to the quick action of Commander Lewis.182an8战神三号宇航员正在返程183宇航员贝克 约翰逊astronauts Beck, Johanssen,184马丁内兹以及沃格尔Martinez and Vogel.185都成功登上了火星上升飞行器were all able to reach the Mars ascent vehicle.186并于中央时间7:28启动了紧急发射and perform an emergency launch at 7:28 central time.187不幸的是 在撤离过程中.Unfortunately, during the evacuation.188宇航员马克·沃特尼被飞石击中身亡astronaut Mark Watney was struck by debris and killed.189指挥官露易丝以及剩余队员Commander Lewis and the rest of her team.190则成功与赫耳墨斯对接were able to intercept safely with the Hermes191如今正在返程回家and are now heading home.192但马克·沃特尼牺牲了But Mark Watney is dead.193桑德斯局长Director Sanders!194氧气含量临界Oxygen level critical.195氧气含量临界Oxygen level critical.196氧气含量.Oxygen level.197压力稳定Pressure stable.198an3pos(374,247)局部麻醉199an3pos(374,247)缝合200操Fuck.201好吧Okay.202an1任务日203an1第19个火星日204an1居住舱 铺位205好吧Okay.206你好 这里是马克·沃特尼 宇航员Hello, this is Mark Watney, astronaut.207我拍摄这段日志是为了记录.I'm entering this log for the record.208an1第19个火星日209an1居住舱 铺位210以防我死了In case I don't make it.211现在是第19个火星日的6点53分It is 06:53 on sol 19.212而我还活着and I'm alive.213显而易见的Obviously.214但我猜对于我的队友和NASA而言But I'm guessing that's gonna come as a surprise215这将会是个惊喜to my crewmates and to NASA.216an1第19个火星日217an1居住舱 铺位218对全世界而言也是 真的 所以And to the entire world, really, so.219惊喜吧Surprise.220我没有死在第18个火星日I did not die on sol 18.221我的猜想是.Best I can figure.222这一截通讯天线断了this length of our primary communications antenna broke off.223刺穿了我的生命监控器and tore through my bio-monitor.224在我身上也开了个口子and ripped a hole in me as well.225但其实那截天线和血But the antenna and the blood, really,226封住了我宇航服上的裂缝managed to seal the breach in my suit.227救了我一命which kept me alive,228即便队友们一定都以为我死了even though the crew must have thought I was dead.229我没有办法联系上NASAI have no way to contact NASA.230而且就算是联系上了 也得等上四年And even if I could, it's gonna be four years.231才有载人任务能到我身边until a manned mission can reach me.232我在这个设计上只能撑31天的居住舱里And I'm in a HAB designed to last 31 days.233如果氧合器坏了 我会窒息而死If the oxygenator breaks, I'm gonna suffocate.234如果净水回收机坏了 我会渴死If the water reclaimer breaks, I'll die of thirst.235假如居住舱破损了 我就会If the HAB breaches, I'm just gonna, kind of.236内爆而死implode.237假如奇迹出现 上述情况都没有发生And if by some miracle, none of that happens.238我最终还是会耗尽食物eventually I'm gonna run out of food.239所以So.240没错Yeah.241好吧Yeah.242an8约翰逊243我不会死在这里I'm not gonna die here.244pos(191,184.446)第21个火星日245an1pos(23,215)任务日24632.32.24733.24834, 35, 36.249糖醋鸡Sweet and sour chicken.250an8真空冲水251an8感恩节之前不要打开252看看有什么What do we got?253an1pos(23,215)任务日254好了 来算算吧Right, let's do the math.255我们的地表任务本应是31个火星日Our surface mission here was supposed to last 31 sols.256为了以防万一 他们送了68个火星日的食物For redundancy, they sent 68 sols worth of food.257还是6人的量That's for 6 people.258我一人吃的话 可以撑300个火星日So for just me, that's gonna last 300 sols.259控制饮食估计能撑400个火星日which I figure I can stretch to 400 if I ration.260所以我得想个办法种出够吃3年的食物So I got to figure out a way to grow three years' worth of food here.261在这片不毛之地上On a planet where nothing grows.262幸运的是Luckily.263an8战神 生物探索 火星上的进程264我是个植物学家I'm a botanist.265火星将会畏惧我的植物学之力Mars will come to fear my botany powers.266an8有机废料267an8生物危害 人类排泄物268an9pos(372.218,42.772)M 沃特尼269an1pos(23,215)任务日270an1pos(23,215)任务日271an1pos(23,215)任务日272压力稳定Pressure stable.273an1pos(23,215)任务日274订书针出来了Staple came out.275pos(191,184.446)第24个火星日276an8葡萄汁277去你的 火星Fuck you, Mars.278pos(191,184.446)第31个火星日279an1pos(23,215)任务日280约翰逊 天呐Johanssen, Jesus.281pos(191,184.446)第36个火星日282问题是水The problem is water.283我铺设了126平方米的土地I have created 126 square meters of soil.284但每立方米的土壤需要40升的水But every cubic meter of soil requires 40 liters of water285才能耕种to be farmable.286所以我得搞出来更多水So I gotta make a lot more water.287好消息是 我知道如何做 Good thing is, I know the recipe.288用氢气 加上氧气 再点燃You take hydrogen, you add oxygen, you burn.289现在 飞行器中有好几百升没用过的联氨Now, I have hundreds of liters of unused hydrazine at the MDV.290假如我用铱催化剂分解联氨If I run the hydrazine over an iridium catalyst,291它将分解成氮气和氢气it'll separate into N2 and H2.292然后假如我直接将氢气导入一个小空间And then if I just direct the hydrogen into a small area.293然后点燃它and burn it.294幸运的是 在人类历史上.Luckily, in the history of humanity.295从没因为点燃氢气而出过什么事nothing bad has ever happened from lighting hydrogen on fire.296NASA讨厌明火NASA hates fire.297就因为"火会让大家死在太空"这套说辞Because of the whole "fire makes everybody die in space" thing.298所以这里的所有用品都是阻燃的So, everything they sent us up here with is flame-retardant.299除了一个显著的例外.with the notable exception of.300马丁内兹的私人物品Martinez's personal items.301抱歉了 马丁内兹I am sorry, Martinez.302但假如你不希望我翻你的东西的话.But if you didn't want me to go through your stuff.303你就不应该把我留在这个荒芜的星球等死you shouldn't have left me for dead on a desolate planet.304再说了 基于我这个现状By the way, I'm figuring you're gonna be fine with this,305我想你会理解的given my present situation.306就靠你了Counting on you.307所以 没错 我把自己炸飞了So, yeah, I blew myself up.308我的猜想是Best guess.309我计算的时候I forgot to account for310忘了把我呼出的氧气算进去了the excess oxygen that I've been exhaling when I did my calculations.311因为我是个白痴Because I'm stupid.312好了 我要回去干活儿了Yeah, I'm gonna get back to work here.313等我耳鸣一停止我就开工Just as soon as my ears stop ringing.314趣味附注Interesting side note,315喷气推进实验室就是这么建立的this is actually how the Jet Propulsion Lab was founded.316加州理工的五个学生试图制造火箭燃料Five guys at Caltech were trying to make rocket fuel.317差点没把宿舍烧了and they nearly burned down their dorm.318但他们没有被开除An