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    你是否也曾看着某人想过Do you ever look at someone and wonder,12"他们脑子里到底在想什么""What is going on inside their head?"13我知道 我知道莱莉在想什么Well, I know. Well, I know Riley's head.14就是这个可爱的小家伙And there she was.15你好吗Hello.16莱莉Riley.17看啊 真是个快乐的小天使Look at you. Aren't you a little bundle of Joy?18真是个快乐的小天使Aren't you a little bundle of Joy?19真好 就这样 只有我跟莱莉It was amazing. Just Riley and me. Forever.20只持续了33秒Er, for 33 seconds?21我是忧忧I'm sadness.22你好 我是乐乐Hello. I. I'm Joy. So.23能不能让让 我不想让她伤心 谢谢Can I just. if you could. I just want to fix that. Thanks.24而这一切仅仅是开始And that was just the beginning.25总部一天比一天拥挤Headquarters only got more crowded from there.26很好 看起来你能应付得了 棒极了Very nice. Okay, looks like you got this. Very good.27快转弯 不 小心 天啊Sharp turn! No! Look out! No!28这位是怕怕 他总能确保莱莉的安全That's fear. He's really good at keeping Riley safe.29慢点 慢点 没事 没事Easy, easy. We're good. We're good.30-干得好 -谢谢 非常感谢- Good job. - Thank you. Thank you very much.31继续玩And we're back!32好了 吃饭了 张嘴Here we go. All right, open.33-这个没见过 -你觉得安全吗- This looks new. - You think it's safe?34这是什么What is it?35小心 我闻到了危险的气息Okay, caution. There is a dangerous smell, people.36等等 这是什么Hold on. What is that?37这位是厌厌This is disgust.38她主要是防止莱莉惨遭毒害She basically keeps Riley from being poisoned.39不管是身体方面还是社交方面Physically and socially.40颜色不艳丽 样子也不像恐龙That is not brightly colored or shaped like a dinosaur.41等等 各位Hold on, guys.42是西兰花It's broccoli!43不要Yucky!44我刚刚救了大家的命 不客气Well, I just saved our lives. Yeah. You're welcome.45莱莉 如果你不吃晚餐Riley, if you don't eat your dinner,46就没甜点吃you're not gonna get any dessert.47等等 他是说我们不能吃甜点吗Wait. Did he just say we couldn't have dessert?48他是怒怒That's Anger.49他很在乎公平这件事He cares very deeply about things being fair.50老家伙 你真要这样做吗 不给甜点So that's how you want to play it, old man? No dessert?51我们会吃晚饭的Sure, we'll eat our dinner!52不过让你先尝尝愤怒的滋味吧Right after you eat this!53莱莉 莱莉 飞机来了Riley, Riley, here comes an airplane!54飞机 有飞机啊 各位Airplane. We got an airplane, everybody.55飞机Airplane.56你们已经见过忧忧了 她嘛And you've met sadness. She. well, she.57我也不太明白她的职责I'm not actually sure what she does.58我确认了下 她也没有地方去And I've checked, there's no place for her to go, so.59她还不错 我们也是 大家都不错She's good, we're good. It's all great!60不管怎样 这里存放着莱莉的记忆Anyway, these are Riley's memories,61我可不是吹 大多数是快乐的回忆and they're mostly happy, you'll notice. Not to brag.62但真正重要的都摆在这边But the really important ones are over here.63我不打算说得太复杂I don't want to get too technical,64这些被称之为核心记忆but these are called core memories.65每一个都记录着莱莉生命中的重要时刻Each one came from a super important time in Riley's life.66比如她的第一次进球得分 真是太棒了Like when she first scored a goal. That was so amazing!67看见没 真棒Hey! Would you look at that? Very nice!68-我们家要出中锋了 -干得好- We got a future center here! - Nice job.69每一个核心记忆And each core memory70都塑造了莱莉性格中的一部分powers a different aspect of Riley's personality.71比如说冰球岛Like hockey island.72搞怪岛是我的最爱Goofball island is my personal favorite.73快回来 你这个小猴子Come back here, you little monkey!74傻孩子You're silly.75没错 搞怪岛是最棒的Yep, goofball is the best.76不过友情岛也不错Friendship island is pretty good too.77我喜欢诚实岛 这是实话I love honesty island. And that's the truth!78当然 家庭岛也很好And of course, family island is amazing.79重点是 正是这些小岛The point is, the islands80造就了现在的莱莉of personality are what make Riley.Riley!81小心 美人鱼Look out, mermaid!82火山岩浆Lava!83谁是你爱玩的小伙伴 冰棒 冰棒Who's your friend who likes to play? Bing bong, bing bong!84-真棒 -谁教你的- Hey! Very nice! - Where'd you learn that?85大脑被冻住了Brain freeze!86耶Yeah!87-晚安 孩子 -晚安 爸爸- Good night, kiddo. - Good night, dad.88这样我们也下班了And. we're out!89这就是我所描绘的 完美又一天That's what I'm talking about! Another perfect day!90大家表现都很棒Nice job, everybody!91把它们放进长期记忆区里吧Let's get those memories down to long term.92太好了 我们今天没死All right, we did not die today!93简直是完美的胜利I call that an unqualified success.94就是这样And that's it.95我们爱莱莉We love our girl.96她有很多好朋友 很棒的家She's got great friends and a great house.97这一切都很完美Things couldn't be better.98毕竟莱莉现在才11岁 能发生什么事呢After all, Riley's 11 now. What could happen?99an5pos(185.252,215.182)已售出100什么What.101好吧 这我也没料到Okay, not what I had in mind.102an5pos(39.237,100.582)丨103an5pos(35.94,139.746)头104an5pos(64.527,136.801)脑105an5pos(67.606,187.527)特106an5pos(94.843,188.345)工107an5pos(121.959,187.365)队108an5pos(112.4,220)丨109快看 金门大桥 是不是很棒Hey, look! The golden gate bridge! Isn't that great?110虽然发现它并不是金子造的It's not made out of solid gold like we thought,111有点失望 不过还是很棒which is kind of a disappointment, but still.112乐乐 听到你说地震只是传说我太开心了I sure am glad you told me earthquakes are a myth, Joy.113不然我现在要吓死了Otherwise I'd be terrified right now!114是啊Yeah.115你在开玩笑吗 快走Are you kidding? Get out of the street!116天啊 快点For Pete's sake! Move it!117他们和我是一类人These are my kind of people.118好的 再过几个街区 就到新家了All right, just a few more blocks. We're almost to our new house!119加把劲 爸爸Step on it, daddy!120干脆在这臭烘烘的车里住得了Why don't we just live in this smelly car?121反正也坐了一个多世纪了We've already been in it forever.122其实刚刚好呢Which, actually, was really lucky,123我们可以有足够的时间想想because that gave us plenty of time to think about124新家到底长什么样子what our new house is going to look like!125我们来看看想象中的前五名What! Let's review the top five daydreams.126-看起来很安全 -这个不错- That looks safe! - That one's nice.127莱莉会很喜欢的 不 这一个This will be great for Riley! No, no, no, no, this one!128乐乐 我再说一次 曲奇屋没法住人Joy, for the last time, she cannot live in a cookie.129就是这个 有龙的房子That's the one! It comes with a dragon.130越来越近了 我感觉得到Now we're getting close, I can feel it.131到了 我们的新家Here it is, here's our new house. And.132说不定里面还不错Maybe it's nice on the inside.133-我们就住这里吗 -一定得住着吗- We're supposed to live here? - Do we have to?134我告诉你这里好像有尸体的味道I'm telling you, it smells like something died in here.135搬家会死人吗Can you die from moving?136各位 你们反应过度了 没有人会死Guys, you're overreacting. Nobody is dying.137一只死老鼠A dead mouse!138-太棒了 真是棒 -我要吐了- Great. This is just great. - I'm gonna be sick.139这是死亡之屋 怎么办It's the house of the dead! What we gonna do?140我们会得狂犬病的We're going to get rabies!141快走开Get off of me!142刚刚开车的时候Hey. All through the drive,143爸爸一直在说房间很棒dad talked about how cool our new room is.144我们去看看吧Let's go check it out!145-走吧 -会很不错的- Let's go! - It's gonna be great!146对对对Yes, yes, yes.147不不不不No, no, no, no, no.148我都开始嫉妒那只死老鼠了I'm starting to envy the dead mouse.149把橡皮球拿开 开始关禁闭了Get out the rubber ball, we're in solitary confinement.150莱莉不能住在这Riley can't live here.151-她说得没错 -这简直太糟了- She's right. - It's the worst.152-太糟了 -绝对是最糟的- Really bad. - It's absolutely the worst.153这是我这辈子去过的最烂的地方It's the worst place I've ever been in my entire life.154没什么是蝴蝶窗帘遮不住的Hey, it's nothing our butterfly curtains couldn't fix.155有本书说过 空房间正是大好机会I read somewhere that an empty room is an opportunity.156哪本书啊Where did you read that?157这不重要 反正我看过也觉得它说得对It doesn't matter. I read it and it's great.158这里放床 那里放桌子We'll put the bed there. And the desk over there.159-冰球灯放这里 -椅子放那里- The hockey lamp goes there. - Put the chair there.160-奖杯都放那 -星星 我喜欢- The trophy collection goes there. - Stars! I like that!161这就对了 快把东西从搬运车里搬出来吧Now we're talking! Let's go get our stuff from the moving Van!162好了 拜拜All right. Goodbye.163你猜怎么着 搬运车周四才能到Well, guess what? The moving Van won't be here until Thursday.164开什么玩笑You're kidding.165搬运车还没到 简直是最糟糕的一天The Van is lost? It is the worst day ever!166搬运车还没到The Van is lost.167你不是说昨天就能到吗You said it would be here yesterday!168我知道 说好是昨天到的I know that's what I said. That's what they told me!169妈妈和爸爸压力好大Mom and dad are stressed out!170-他们压力很大 -我们该怎么办- They're stressed out? - What are we going to do?171他们到底什么情况Whats their problem?172我有个好主意I've got a great idea!173你到底看合同没有Did you even read the contract?174安德森进攻了 她在逼近Andersen makes her move. She's closing in!175想都别想No, you're not!176她就要前去射门了She's lining up for the shot!177我在你后面Coming behind you.178-小心 小心 -她射门得分- Watch out! Watch out! - She shoots and she scores! Yeah!179来啊 老太婆Come on, grandma!180老太婆"Grandma"?181她把头发扎起来了 比赛开始了She put her hair up, we're in for it!182把我放下来Hey, put me down!183抱歉 等等Sorry. Hold on. Hold on.184喂Hello?185等等Wait. Wh.186开什么玩笑You're kidding.187好吧 帮我拖一下时间 马上到All right. Stall for me. I'll be right there.188约好周四见面 但投资人今天提前到了The investor's supposed to show up on Thursday, not today!189-我得走了 -没事 我们理解- I got to go. - It's okay. We get it.190你是最棒的 谢谢 亲爱的You're the best. Thanks, hon.191拜拜 亲爱的See you, sweetie.192爸爸就这样走了Dad just left us.193他不爱我们了 好难过He doesn't love us anymore. That's sad.194该由我操作了吧I should drive, right?195乐乐 你在干什么Joy? What are you doing?196先等一下Just give me one second.197原来莱莉还没吃午餐 记得吗You know what I've realized? Riley hasn't had lunch! Remember?198我在街边看到了披萨店Hey, I saw a pizza place down the street.199我们要不要去吃吃看Maybe we could try that?200听上去很美味Pizza sounds delicious.201-披萨 好啊 -吃披萨去- Pizza? That's good. - Yes! Pizza!202-怎么回事 -谁会往披萨上放西兰花- What the heck is that? - Who puts broccoli on pizza?203够了 我受够了That's it. I'm done.204恭喜你 旧金山 你把披萨也毁了Congratulations, San Francisco, you've ruined pizza!205先是夏威夷然后是你First the Hawaiians and now you!206哪有披萨店只卖一种口味的What kind of a pizza place only serves one kind of pizza?207肯定是旧金山特色 对吧Must be a San Francisco thing, huh?208不过总比在内布拉斯加吃的那顿晚餐强一点Still, it's not as bad as that soup. At that diner in Nebraska.209是啊 勺子都能在汤里立着Yeah. The spoon stood up in the soup by itself!210真恶心That was disgusting.211太好了 家庭岛开始运作了Good. Family is running.212爸爸的胃真是铁打的Dad's got a steel stomach.213开车出来还是挺有趣吧The drive out was pretty fun, huh?214你最喜欢哪个部分What was your favorite part?215朝车窗外吐口水Spitting out the car window!216绝对不是老爸唱歌的时候Definitely not when dad was singing.217系安全带Wearing a seat belt!218和恐龙照相的那次怎么样What about the time with the dinosaur?219-就是这个 -绝对的- That's the one. - Definitely!220茄子Say cheese!221-爸爸 -亲爱的- Dad! Dad! - Honey!222-别乱动 -车滑走了- Now hold still. - The car!223停 别别别Stop! No, no, no!224这个不错 乐乐Nice one, Joy.225我喜欢跟恐龙照相那次 真有趣I liked that time at the dinosaur. That was pretty funny.226等等 发生了什么事Wait. What? What happened?227她影响了记忆She did something to the memory.228你干了什么What did you do?229我只是摸了一下I just touched it.230-应该不会变才对 -把它变回来 乐乐- That shouldn't make it change. - Change it back, Joy!231-我正在试 -变不回来吗- I'm trying. - You can't change it back?232-不行 我做不到 -干得漂亮 忧忧- No! I guess I can't! - Good going, sadness.233要是现在莱莉想起刚刚那一幕Now when Riley thinks of that moment with dad,234她会感到伤心 真棒she's gonna feel sad. Bravo.235抱歉 乐乐 我不知道I'm sorry, Joy. I don't really know.236我还以为.I thought maybe if you.237乐乐 前面有楼梯Joy, we've got a stairway coming up.238在搞清楚怎么回事之前Just don't touch any other memories239别再碰其他记忆了until we figure out what's going on.240-好的 -好的 准备好- Okay. - All right. Get ready.241这个扶手很长 我们可以一直滑到底This is a monster railing and we are riding it all the way down!242等等 发生了什么事Wait, what? What happened?243-核心记忆 -不- A core memory! - No!244忧忧 你在干什么Sadness, what are you doing?245这个看着有点歪了It looked like one was crooked,246我一打开它就掉出来了so I opened it and then it fell out. I.247我只是想摸摸它It's just that. I wanted to maybe hold one.248-乐乐- Joy!249忧忧 你差点碰到核心记忆Sadness, you nearly touched a core memory.250你一碰它们就变不回来了And when you touch them, we can't change them back.251我知道 很抱歉 我不知道自己怎么了I know. I'm sorry. Something's wrong with me.252感觉自己快要崩溃了It's like I'm having a breakdown.253你没有崩溃 只是压力有点大You're not having a breakdown. It's stress.254我不停地犯这种错 真是糟糕透了I keep making mistakes like that. I'm awful.255-没有啦 -还很烦人- No, you're not. - And annoying.256你不能一直盯着你犯的错You know what? You can't focus on what's going wrong.257总有峰回路转的时候 去找寻快乐There's always a way to turn things around, to find the fun.258找寻快乐 我不知道怎么找Yeah. Find the fun. I don't know how to do that.259想想快乐的事吧Okay. Well, try to think of something funny.260还记得那个狗狗死掉的搞笑电影吗Remember the funny movie where the dog dies?261那不是Yeah, that's not.262那么和梅格一起的那次呢What about that time with Meg263莱莉笑得太猛牛奶从鼻子里喷出来when Riley laughed so hard milk came out of her nose?264是啊 超难受 火烧火燎的Yeah. That hurt. It felt like fire.265太糟糕了It was awful.266好吧 别想那个了 想想其他的Okay, okay, don't think of that. Let's try something else.267你最爱干嘛What are your favorite things to do?268我最爱干嘛My favorite?269我喜欢在户外Well, I like it when we're outside.270很好 有沙滩和阳光That's good. Like there's the beach and sunshine.271我们把爸爸埋进去只露出头Like that time we buried dad in the sand up to his neck.272我想的是雨天I was thinking more like rain.273雨天 我也很喜欢雨天Rain? Rain is my favorite, too!274我们可以踩水坑啊We can stomp around in puddles.27


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