漫漫阶梯Stairs.26我觉得我快不行了I don't think I can.27兄弟们 你们先行一步Hey, guys, just start without me.28我稍后就来I'll catch up.29舒坦Sweet.30波澜不惊 方能心如止水Inner peace. Inner peace.31鼻子好痒Itchy nose.32阿嚏Ah-choo!33终于静心了Finally, inner peace.34又怎么了Now, what?35天煞 老朋友Kai, old friend.36乌龟大师Master Oogway.37你我之争早在五百年前就结束了Our battle ended 500 years ago.38可我已经准备好再比一场了Well, now I'm ready for a rematch.39你准备得可真够久的 哈哈哈Took you long enough. Ha ha ha ha.40呀啊Yaaa!41你变强了You've grown stronger.42五百年灵界的修炼 不是白练的500 years in the Spirit Realm, you pick up a thing or two.43我已经夺走了灵界每个大师的气I have taken the Chi of every Master here.44- 不 - 是的- No! - Yes.45很快你的力量也是我的了And soon I will have your power too.46你何时才能领悟 索取越多 收获越少When will you realize, the more you take, the less you have.47有了你的气 我终于又可以重回凡界With your Chi, I will finally be able to return to the mortal world,48这一次 你阻止不了我了And this time, you won't be there to stop me.49噢 阻止你从来都不是我的使命Ah, it was never my destiny to stop you.50我已经有了一个好的人选I have set another on that path.51那我就找到他 然后把他的气也夺走Then I will find him, and take his Chi too.52正义就要得到伸张了Justice, is about to be served.53给我们来两份正义套餐 谢谢We'll have two justice platters , please54- 呃 三份 - 三份 - 再要几个豆腐花- umm.three - Three. - And a few tofu buns.55还要一碗香辣拌面 给娇虎的 你要另外加酱料吗Oh, the spicy noodle soup for Tigress. Did you want extra sauce with that?56她要多加酱料的She wants it on the side57- 多加酱料 - 多加酱料- On the side. - On the side.58神龙 你能做到Dragon, you can do it.59- 冲吧 神龙大侠 - 保卫村庄- Go, Dragon Warrior. - Defend the valley.60- 去呀 神龙大侠 - 保卫村庄- Go Dragon Warrior. - Yeah, defend the valley61啊哒Yee-ha!62你们没摆华丽的造型对吧You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose , are you?63我们需要每次出场都摆个造型吗Do we have to strike a pose every time we land?64大伙儿 永远不要低估华丽出场的威力You guys, never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance.65我听说某些大师只靠破门之势I've heard about some Masters who could win a fight66就能闪瞎对手赢得战斗just by throwing open a door67嘿呀Shuh-sha!68华丽出场Dramatic entrance?69师傅Master Shifu70神龙大侠说得对The Dragon Warrior is correct.71是吗 我只是随口. 啊对 我就这个意思Really? I was just making. yeah, I mean, yeah, I am.72双方交战先比气势 后比拳头Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.73因此 出场就是要华丽Hence.the dramatic entrance.74哇 好华丽的出场Whoa ,nice dramatic entrance.75- 今天是什么日子呀 - 今天将是我的最后一堂课- What's the occasion? - Today will be my final class.76你的最后.等等 我都不知道你病了Your final.? Wait. I didn't even know you were sick.77- 虽然你看上去是有点. - 我没病- Although you have been looking a little. - I'm not sick.78健康 有点健康 应该说很健康healthy. A little healthy. A lot actually.79之所以是最后一课My final class because from now on.80是因为接下来 负责你们训练的将会是神龙大侠your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior.81什么What?82我来教 为什么不是娇虎Me? teach? I mean why not Tigress?83她总是喜欢吆喝别人做这个做那个She's always telling everyone what to do.84- 闭嘴 阿宝 - 看到了吧- Be quiet Po. - See what I mean?85娇虎不是神龙大侠 你才是Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior. You are.86别闹了 他们可是盖世五侠 我能教他们什么呀Come on they're the Five. What can I teach them?87学海无涯 就连师傅也是There is always something more to learn. Even for a Master.88打个比方 我来教你另一招For instance, let me show you another move.89华丽退场The dramatic exit.90那是啥What's that?91哇Whoa!92你在开玩笑吗 这.Are you kidding me? That.what?93- 他去哪儿了 - 师傅- Where'd he go? - Master.94他已经走啦 别那么严肃- He's gone guys. It's cool.95听从您的指点 师傅- We await your instruction, Master.96你尽管放马过来便是All you have to lose is our respect.97说实话 能有多糟糕呢Seriously, how bad could it be?98非常糟糕 非常非常糟糕Very bad! Very, very bad!99好了 我们换别的招式 金猴 使出稳如泰山Okay. Okay, let's switch it up. Monkey, Immovable Mountain Stance.100是 师傅Yes, Master.101- 我是说. 娇虎 旋风后空翻 - 是 师傅- I mean. Tigress, Tornado back flip. - Yes, Master.102- 噢不 火 - 开火- Oh no, fire. - Fire.103抱歉 我的错 仙鹤再飞高点 啊不 低一点Sorry, my fault. Crane go high, I mean low.104啊 我的小钳子Oh, my claw thingy.105呃 灵蛇和娇虎 来一招虎啸蛇盘Uh, Viper and tigress , to. like a totem pole.106放毒 进攻Poison , Technique.107你们俩 使出白鹤亮翅 猴子摘桃 黄马褂.You two, to. Sworming insect bite with yellow tail , Yellow jacket.108香辣.金枪鱼Spicy.tuna.109你干的好事 阿宝Good job, Po.110啊Ah.111你有学到一点点东西吗Did you at least learn a little something?112有 你不是当老师的料Yes , that you can't teach.113还有 原来娇虎是易燃物And tigress is flammable, turns out.114简直惨不忍睹That was a complete disaster.115- 我真庆幸自己不是阿宝 - 他真是一无是处- I'm glad we're not Po right now. - What a loser.116不知道师傅是怎么想的- What was Shifu thinking?117乌龟大师又是怎么想的- What was Oogway thinking?118- 我觉得被他听到了 - 我啥都没听到- I think he heard us. - I didn't hear anything.119他说你一无是处He said you're a loser.120对不起 乌龟Sorry, Oogway.121- 你能不能别这样了 - 你的第一课感觉如何- Would you stop doing that? - How was your fisrt day teaching?122- 超丢脸 - 我听说了- Humiliating. - I heard.123谁告诉你的 是娇虎吗Who told you? Did Tigress tell you?124金猴 仙鹤 螳螂 你爸和隔壁礼品店的周大妈I heard from Monkey and Crane and Mantis and your dad and Mrs. Chau from the gift shop125还有刚走过的那群鸭子以及娇虎告诉我的And those ducks who just passed and Tigress told me.126好吧 那她有没有告诉你我以后再也不会了Yeah, well did she also tell you that it'll never happen again cause I'm done?127你是指授课 还是丢脸Teaching, or being humiliated?128都是 我都不知道你为什么认为我能教他们呢Both. I don't know why you ever thought I could teach that class?129我就知道你不行Oh, I knew you couldn't.130啥 你故意的吗 为什么What? You set me up to fail? Why?131如果你只做你力所能及的事 你就没法进步If you only do what you can do you'll never be more than you are now.132我不想要进步了 我这样就很好I don't wanna be more. I like who I am.133你连自己是谁都不知道You don't even know who you are.134你说啥 我当然知道 我是神龙大侠What do you.? Of course I do. I'm the Dragon Warrior.135那神龙大侠究竟意味着什么呢And what exactly does that mean Dragon Warrior?136意味着.我要四处闯荡 拳打脚踢It means.you know. just going around and punching and kicking137保卫家园什么的Defending the valley and stuff.138拳打脚踢Punching and kicking?139你认为这就是乌龟大师看中你的原因吗You think that is what the great Master Oogway saw for you?140一个五百年的预言选中了你A five hundred year prophecy full-filled141难道就是让你耍耍花拳绣腿so you can spend your days.142满镇子乱跑跟兔子耍帅吗Kicking butt? And running through town high-fiving bunnies?143- 不是吗 - 不是- Yes. - No!144阿宝 乌龟与我的意见相悖 他在你身上看到了潜能Oogway saw greatness in you, Po, against my better judgement.145比你想象的还要多More than you can see in yourself.146有一种神功等着你去发掘Incredible power awaits you.147这种神功强大到你无法想像Power beyond anything you can imagine.148哇噢Whoa!149- 这是什么神功 - 这就是气功- What was that? - That was chi.150哇噢 气是啥Whoa! What's chi?151世间万物流转的能量就是气The energy that flows through all living things.152所以你的意思是 如果我当了他们的老师So you're saying if I, so you're saying if I teach,153我就可以练成这种神功了吗I'll be able to do cool stuff like that?154不 我是说如果你当了他们的老师后No, I'm saying if you teach,155我就可以练成这种神功了I'll be able to do cool stuff like that.156- 噢 - 气的运用需要自我修炼- Oh. - Mastery of chi requires Mastery of self.157乌龟曾在一个山洞里打坐整整三十年Oogway sat alone in a cave for thirty years158只为弄清一个问题asking one question.159我是谁Who am I?160我是谁Who am I?161如果你能安静五分钟让我说完就好了I'm lucky if I get 5 minutes before you interrupt.162所以我现在要找个山洞呆上三十年吗So now I have to sit alone in a cave for thirty years?163总归要的 当你完成授课的时候Eventually. After you Master teaching.164授课 我根本不可能做到像你这样Teaching? There's no way I'm ever gonna be like you.165我没让你变成我这样I'm not trying to turn you into me.166我是让你变成你自己I'm trying to turn you into you.167让我变成我自己 等会儿 这没道理啊.Turn me into me? Wait a second. That makes no.168加把劲 师傅 说得再玄乎一点 你就是下一个乌龟了Almost there Shifu , just a little more confusing and you'll be the next Oogway.169噢 啊Oh. Ah.170抱歉 乌龟大师 无意冒犯.Sorry, no offense Master Oogway I just.171我就不打扰您的安宁了I'll let you get back to your eternal peace.172- 这是哪儿 - 呃 我哥哥的菜地- What is this place? - Aaah.my brother's farm?173哦 那如果我踩你一脚 你会死吗Ah. If I stepped on you, would you die?174会Yes.175这就是凡界The mortal realm.176你听到了吗 乌龟 我回来了You hear that Oogway? I'm back.177天煞回来了Kai has returned.178- 谁 - 天煞 所向披靡的天煞- Who? - Kai. General Kai.179这片神州大地最高的统帅Supreme warlord of all China.180没听过I don't know.181追魂翡翠 苦难之源The jade slayer, Master of pain.182那你至少应该听过复仇之兽吧You may know me as the beast of vengeance.183寡妇制造者呢Maker of widows?184好吧 我以前跟乌龟是战友Ok, I used to work with Oogway.185哦 乌龟大师 他可是名副其实的战士Oh, Master Oogway, he was a great warrior.186我们知道乌龟大师 又智慧又.- We've heard of Master Oogway. Wise and.187好了好了 够了- Ok, ok, enough.188闭嘴Silence!189找到乌龟的弟子 全部抓来见我Find Oogway's students and bring them to me.190等我夺走了他们的气 乌龟.By the time I am done with them, Oogway.191这世上就没人会记得你的名字了There will be no one left to who will even remember your name.192哈哈哈 我天煞来了Ha ha ha! Kai is coming!193我准备好了.I am ready.194- 来教训你了 - 教训我- to teach you a lesson. - Teach me?195- 哦不 是神龙大师 - 妈呀他太帅了- Oh no, ite's the Dragon teacher. - Yeah he's so handsome.196多谢夸奖Thank you for the compliment.197不 绕我一命吧No, please don't teach me to death.198阿宝Po?199嗨老爸 你好吗Oh, hey dad. What's up?200我只是 回家泡个澡而已I like just . stopping by for a little soak.201- 说吧 出什么事啦 - 没事- Okay , What's wrong? - Nothing.202没事 我回家发现你在这跟你的娃娃鸳鸯戏水.Nothing? I come home to find you taking a bath with your dolls.203- 是人偶 - 而且加的不是浴盐- Action figures. - And instead of adding bath-salt to the water.204- 反而加了四川辣椒面 - 啥 四川辣椒面- You just added szechuan peppercorns. - Szechuan, what?205噢 噢 我白嫩的小屁股Oh, oh, oh. my tenders.206好啦 我是有心事Okay, yes, something's wrong.207乖儿子 告诉爸爸发生了什么事There, there, son , you tell your daddy all about it.208胳膊抬起来Lift your arm.209师傅说我还不知道神龙大侠的意义Shifu says I don't know what it means to be the Dragon Warrior.210现在我居然还要当老师了And now I have to be a teacher?211我以为我找到了自我I thought I finally knew who I was.212可如果我不是神龙大侠 那么我又是谁呢If I'm not the dragon Warrior, then who am I?213老师 教人功夫吗A teacher? Teaching kung fu?214阿宝 这可是份美差啊 还犹豫啥 儿子Po, that's a promotion. Take the job, son.215等有一天 你掌管了翡翠宫And someday, when you're in charge of the whole Jade palace,216我就可以在大厅里卖面条了 哟呼I can sell noodles in the lobby. Yoohoo.217你怎么还在这泡澡 跟个娃娃似的Why are you still here taking a bath like a baby?218起来 起来 赶紧去干活Get out. Get up. Go, go, go.219我们的店面就要扩张啦- Franchise expansion awaits us!220那神龙大侠模仿大赛怎么办- What about the Dragon Warrior look alike contest?221- 反正周大妈每次都赢 - 接招吧- Mrs. Chau always wins that. - Skadoosh.222那神龙大侠吃包子大赛呢And the Dragon Warrior dumpling eating contest?223我要保持我的不败记录I have to defend my title.224没有人能打破你吃包子的记录No one's gonna beat your dumpling eating record.225有人要打破你吃包子的记录啦Someone's about to beat your dumpling eating record.226加油 加油Go. Go. Go.227- 谁在吃我的包子 - 账算在谁头上- Who's eating my dumplings? - And who's paying for them?228一百零一 一百零二101, 102.229一百零三103.230耶Yeah!231新纪录吗Is that a new record?232你是谁Who are you?233- 我是李山 - 什么- I'm Li Shan - What?234我叫李山I'm Li shan.235我在找我儿子I'm looking for my son.236- 你儿子不见了 - 是啊 多年以前丢的- You lost your son? - Yes, many years ago.237- 我也跟我爸爸失散了 - 真抱歉- I lost my father. - Very sorry.238谢谢你Thank you.239好吧 祝你好运Well , good luck to you.240你也是 希望你能找到你儿子You too. I hope you find your son.241我也希望你能找到你爸爸And I hope you find your father.242- 儿子 - 哈- Son? - Huh?243我的天啊 真是你Oh my gosh, it is you.244别傻站着呀 快给你老爸一个拥抱Well, don't just stand there! Give your old man a hug!245不敢相信你还活着I can't believe you're alive.246- 耶 - 耶- Yeah! - Yeah!247我以为我永远地失去你了 小莲花I thought I'd lost you forever, Little Lotus.248好吧 这下有点尴尬了Oh, Okay. This is very embarrassing,249我想你认错儿子了 我不叫莲花 我叫阿宝but I think you've got me confused with a panda named Lotus. My name is Po.250啊对了 你也许.Oh right, you wouldn't. Okay.251这么说吧 小莲花是你的乳名See, Little Lotus was the name you were given at birth.252- 真的吗 - 真的- Really? -Really.253难以置信 这么多年了终于找到你了I can't believe it. After all these years and you're really here?254这简直太神奇了This is amazing.255老爸 这位是.Oh, Dad. Come say hi to.256呃 我不知道应该怎么称呼你Um. I don't know-I don't know what I'm supposed to call you.257他刚才说他叫李山I'm pretty sure he said his name is Li.258你 来抱抱Ye here259太谢谢你了 把我的儿子照顾得那么好Thank you, thank you for taking such good care of my son.260你的儿子 先等等Your son? Now hold on just a minute.261我们怎么知道这个人跟你有没有联系How do we know this stranger is even related to you?262你看啊 一看肚子就知道是自家人Look at that. Our bellies could be brothers.263嘿儿子 我来教你怎么拱肚子 来 拱肚子Hey son, let me teach you how to Belly Gong. All right, belly gong.264太酷炫了 它们震动的频率还一致That's so cool. They jiggle the same.265好像在照镜子一样It's like looking in a fat mirror.266真想不到 我们还能一起合影I can't believe we're taking a picture together.267我还是不明白 我以为阿宝是最后一只熊猫了But I still don't understand. I thought Po was the only panda left.268- 不 还有一大群呢 - 在哪- No, there's a whole bunch of us. - Where?269- 就在山里的神秘熊猫村里 - 神秘熊猫.- Here, a secret panda village in the mountains. - A secret panda.270哇噢Whoa.271可是你是怎么知道我在这的But how did you know where I was?272我收到的消息指引我来的I received a message that led me here.273如果没人找得到你 你是怎么收到消息的How could you receive a message if no one could find you?274太可疑了Sounds suspicious to me.275不 等等 这是一则来自宇宙的消息No, wait, wait. It was a message from the universe.276- 哦哦哦哦 - 哇噢- Ooooooh! - Whoa!2