1997年 中东这是零一阿尔法 我们已控制住了猎鹰This is Zero One Alpha. We have secured the Falcon.重复 我们已经控制住了猎鹰I say again,We have secured the Falcon.在我数到十之前I will count from one to ten.把你知道的所有情报说出来Within that you'll tell me what I wanna know.否则 十就是你最后听到的数字Otherwise the number ten is the last thing you'll hear.一 二 三One, two, three .四 五 六 七 八four, five, six, seven, eight .手榴弹 快闪开Grenade. Get Back.见鬼Shit.居然没发现Fucking missed it我他妈的我怎么会没发现.How did I fucking miss it.梅林 很抱歉让你身处这般境地Merlin, I apologise for putting you in this position.你把他训练得很好You trained him well.詹姆斯 你的训练结束了James, your training is over.- 欢迎加入皇家特工 兰斯洛特 - 谢谢长官- Welcome to Kingsman, Lancelot. -Sir我会亲自收拾烂摊子的I'll deal with this mess. Personally.pos(190,275)伦敦我表示非常遗憾I very much regret that your你丈夫的英勇事迹无法公之于众husband's bravery can't be publicly celebrated.- 希望你能谅解 - 你让我如何去谅解- I hope you understand that. - How can I understand,你什么都不告诉我if you won't tell me anything?我甚至知道他已经不在原来的部队了I didn't even know he was away with his squad.恕我不能多言I'm afraid I can't say more.但我希望你能收下这枚英勇勋章I would like to present you with this medal of valor.仔细看背面 那里有一串号码If you look closely on the back, there's a number.为了表示感激And as a more concrete gesture of our gratitude,我们想要给你.we'd like to offer you a.可以称之为“帮助” 帮什么忙由你决定Let's call it a favor. The nature of it is your choice.你只要跟接线员说 "牛津鞋,不要布洛克鞋"Just tell the operator:"Oxford's, not Brogue's".我们就知道是你了And then I'll know it's you.我不想要你的帮助I do not want your help.我只想我的丈夫回来I want my husband back.- 你叫什么名字 小家伙 - 艾格西- What's your name, young man? - Eggsy.你好 艾格西 能给我看看吗Hello, Eggsy. Can I see that?艾格西 你保管好这个 好吗You take care of this, Eggsy. Alright?还有照顾好你妈妈And take care of your mother too.pos(190,275)王牌特工pos(190,275)特工学院pos(190,275)阿根廷 十七年后非常抱歉 阿尔诺德教授 这确实过分了点So sorry, Professor Arnold. Just a tiny bit more.天呐 快拿掉Oh for god's sakes, just take it off.上头严令禁止伤害你I am under very strict instructions not to hurt you.听着 你们弄错了Look, you've made a mistake.我只是一名大学讲师 没什么钱I am university lecturer. I've got no money.和钱无关 我们的老板只是想和你聊聊This isn't about money. Our boss just wants to just talk to you.那我是不是可以放心了Am I meant to find that reassuring?他马上就到 他会解释的He'll be here soon. He'll explain.你喜欢威士忌吗 里德 来一杯六二年的达尔摩Do you like whiskey? Red, get a '62 Dalmore.真的 这酒非常好喝Honestly, this whiskey is amazing.你会喜欢的You will shit.我想找你们借一杯糖的话 不算是太过分吧I suppose asking to borrow a cup of sugar is a step too far.阿尔诺德教授 我是来接你回家的Professor Arnold, I'm here to take you home.1962年的达尔摩 洒出一点都是罪过1962 Dalmore . It would be a sin to spill any.你觉得呢Don't you think?能帮我拿着这些吗Can you hold these, please?谢谢Thank you.全都收拾好了Everything is clean.我喜欢的欢迎方式My kind welcome.血腥暴力让我倒胃口 绝非夸张No stomach for violence. I mean, literally.要是我看到一滴血 那我就完了I see one drop of blood, it's me done.我会条件反射般的.狂吐I am like .projectile.听着 十分抱歉让你目睹这令人不快的场面Listen, I'm so sorry you had to witness all this unpleasantness.都怪这个不速之客 但我承诺due to our uninvited guest. But I promise you:等我查出他为谁效力时By the time I find out who he works for .你和我会成为好朋友的you and I will be the best of friends.请载我到店里To the shop, please.pos(190,275)“金士曼裁缝店”亚瑟在餐厅里 先生Arthur is in the dining room, sir.- 亚瑟 - 加拉哈德- Arthur. - Galahad.其它人都开始在想The others were beginning to你不来的话 我们是否要再次举杯致敬了wonder if we were going to have a double toast.先生们 我很欣慰 过去的十七年里我们Gentlemen, I am thankful to say that it's been 17 years .没有机会用这个酒瓶since we last had occasion to use this decanter.兰斯洛特是一位杰出的特工 一个名副其实的王牌特工Lancelot was an outstanding agent and a true Kingsman.我们会深切怀念他 敬兰斯洛特He will be sorely missed. To Lancelot.敬兰斯洛特To Lancelot.我打算明天开始选拨I intend to start the selection process替代兰斯洛特位置的人for Lancelot's replacement tomorrow.我希望你们每个人I want each of you to propose都提名一位候选人 并上报给英国总部a candidate and have them report to UK HQ最晚不超过格林威治时间晚上九点前 谢谢No later than 9 p.M. GMT. Thank you.梅林 请进Merlin. Come in.兰斯洛特当时在调查一伙雇佣军Lancelot was investigating a group of他们一直在进行生化武器的实验mercenaries who were experimenting with biological weaponry.先生们 请戴上眼镜Glasses, gentlemen. Please.2012年 乌干达 合成卡西酮 毒品Uganda, 2012. Synthetic Cathinone.被用于污染了陆军基地的供给水源You put it in the water supply of a guerrilla army base.狂怒 同类相食 导致多人死亡Rage, cannibalism. Multiple fatalities.2013年 车臣 叛乱分子相互攻击Chechnya 2013. Insurgents turned on one another.毫无疑问 也是这些雇佣兵的杰作Indisputable, the work of our mercenaries但没有查出任何化学制品but no trace of any chemicals of any kind.那兰斯洛特是怎么死的So what happened to Lancelot?在追踪过程中 他发现了他们在阿根廷的房产He tracked them to this property in Argentina.在监视他们的同时And while he had them under surveillance,还察觉到他们实施了一起绑架案he became aware that they had effected a kidnapping.于是他单独执行了营救任务 结果失败了So he executed a solo rescue mission.which failed.这是他最后传送回来的画面This is his last transmission:- 他是谁 - 某个气候变化预言家- Who is he? - Some climate change doomsayer.提出了某种叫盖亚理论的假说Expounded something called Gaia认为世界能够自愈之类的theory about the world healing itself or some such.但让人好奇的是 他并未真正失踪But what's curious, is he's not actually missing.这就是阿尔诺德教授This is Professor Arnold.今天早上出现在帝国理工学院At Imperial College, this morning.这交给你了 还有不要忘了上交候选人提名It's all yours. And don't forget your membership proposal.这次尽量挑个更合适的人选Try picking a more suitable candidate this time.十七年都过去了17 years and still evolving with你仍然不打算与时代同步the times remains an entirely foreign concept to you.我提醒你You don't remind that I如果不是那个年轻人 我今天也不会坐在这里wouldn't be here if it weren't for that young man.他是一块当王牌特工的料 甚至要比其他人更优秀He was as much Kingsman material as any of them. More so.但他最终没能成为我们的一员 不是吗But he wasn't exactly one of us, was he?面对现实吧 加拉哈德 你的小实验失败了Let's face it, Galahad. Your little experiment failed.恕我直言 亚瑟 可你真是个势利小人With respect, Arthur, you're a snob.- 恕你直言 - 世界正在改变- With respect? - The world is changing.贵族们都长着短小下巴是有原因的There's a reason why aristocrats developed weak chins.艾格西Eggsy?艾格西 出来一下Eggsy, come here.- 还有卷纸吗 - 没有- Got any whistler paper? - No.为什么不帮你妈Why don't you do your mamma a favor,去楼下商店买点呢go down to the store and get some.- 你自己去买 - 嘿- Get 'em yourself. - Oy,和你说过不要这样和迪恩说话What'd I say to you about speaking to Dean like that?三个人多挤 怎么不叫迪恩的走狗去买Feels like a crowd in here Why don't Dean's poodle go?要不这样吧I'll say you what?拿着这些钱Why don't you take this and去买卷纸 顺便给你自己买点糖get the stuff and get yourself some sweets?你出去之后And while you're gone,我会让你妈妈见识下我们三人也能相处甚欢we'll show your mother how three can be a good company.谢谢宝贝Thanks babe.来吧Come here.给你这个Here we go.好点了吧Is it better?迪恩对你妈这么差 她为什么不离开他If Dean treats mum so bad, why doesn't she leave him?缺乏自尊 这就是问题所在Low self-esteem. That's her problem.滚蛋 她怎么可能没自尊呢Fuck off, why would she have low self-esteem?他妈可性感了Note his mum's a wolfie.- 不要见怪 伙计 - 没关系- No offense pal. - It's alright.总有一天 我要打烂他的脸One of this days I'm gonna smash his face in.兄弟 你疯了吗Are you mental, cuz?他会找那些家伙来对付你He'll just get that lot to do you然后假装自己什么都.不知情and then pretend he knew nothing.about it.别以为我们老大在泡艾格西的老妈Oy, you think you can chat shit about us and你们在这瞎掰掰 我们不敢对你怎么样we'll do nothing just because our guy's bangin' Eggsy's mum?- 差不多吧 - 别这样- Pretty much, yeah. - Leave it,我们走吧 伙计 不值得let's just go, man. It's not worth it.你们在这里坐得够久了 滚吧You boys have overstayed your welcome. Leave.怎么What?抱歉 不好意思咯Sorry about that bro.垃圾Yeah.muck.不值得跟他们一般见识 兄弟They are not fucking worth it, cuz.外面冷死了 我们为什么要走路呢It's freezing. Why are we walking?你这家伙偷了他的车钥匙You jacked his fucking car keys, bruh?没错 我们还要玩坏他的车Yeah, now we're gonna nick his car.见鬼Shit.等等 伙计们Hold on boys.妈的那车是我的That's my fucking car.艾格西Hey! Hey! Eggsy.我发誓 你们麻烦大了I swear, you're in fucking trouble.你他妈的死定了You are fucking dead!停下来Stop it!我他妈要杀了你I'm gonna fucking kill you.狂飙吧 艾格西Floor it, Eggsy.迪恩 是我Hey yeah Dean, look it's me.他妈艾格西刚偷了我的车Eggsy just stole my fucking car.我在酒吧门口 他当着我的面I've come out of the pub, he's done 15原地转了十五圈 然后直接把车开走了about donuts on my fucking face and then he's drove off.他不尊敬我 就是在蔑视你He's disrespecting me and so he's disrespecting you.慢着 什么.Oh hold up. What the.见鬼Damn it.狐狸不是什么好东西 你应该直接碾压过去的Foxes are vermin, guys. You should've driven it over.我应该做的事情可多了I should've done a lot of things.剩下的交给我 你们下车I'll sort this, get out of the car.快他妈下车Get out of the fucking car.艾格西 小偷可没有正义同盟可言Eggsy, there is no such thing as honor among thieves.你最好供出Now you can start giving当时和你一起的同伙名单.me some names of the boys you were with.要么你蹲监狱 这完全取决于你Or you go down. It's up to you.我想行使我打电话的权利I want to exercise my right to a phone call.我希望是打给你妈的Well, I hope it's to your mom.告诉她 你要十八个月后才能回家吃晚饭了to tell her that you're going to be 18 months late for dinner.客户投诉部 请问有什么能帮你Customer complaints. How may I help you?我叫艾格西·安文 对不起 是加里·安文My name's Eggsy Unwin. Sorry, Gary Unwin.我遇到大麻烦了 我现在在市区的警察局And I'm up shit creek, I'm in an urban police station我妈说如果我需要帮助可以打这个电话.and my mom said to call this number if ever I needed help.对不起 先生 你打错电话了I'm sorry, sir. Wrong number.等等Wait, wait“牛津鞋 不要布洛克”Oxford's not Brogue's?您的投诉已受理Your complaint has been duly noted,希望我们不会失去您这样的忠实客户and we hope that we've not lost you as a loyal customer.pos(190,275)警察局什么What?但是.好but.yep是的 我完全理解Yes, I totally understand.艾格西.Eggsy.- 要搭便车回家吗 - 你是谁- Would you like a lift home? - Who are you?- 保释你出来的人 - 你还没有回答我的问题- The man who got you released. - That ain't an answer.如果你能礼貌地说声谢谢就好了A little gratitude would be nice.我的名字是哈利·哈特 那勋章是我给你的My name is Harry Hart. And I gave you that medal.你的父亲救过我的命Your father saved my life.那你做裁缝之前 参过军吗 像军官那种So before you was a tailor, was you in the army? Like an officer?不完全是Not quite.你们当时被派遣去了哪 伊拉克还是别的地方So where was you posted, Iraq or something?抱歉 艾格西 这是机密Sorry, Eggsy. Classified.但是我爸救了你一命 是吧But my dad saved your life, yeah?你父亲去世那天 是我疏忽了The day your father died, I missed something.如果不是他挺身而出And if it weren't for his courage,我的错误会让在场的所有人都付出生命的代价my mistake would have cost the lives of every man present.所以是我欠他的So I owe him.你父亲是个勇敢的人 还是个好人Your father was a brave man. A good man.查阅了你的档案后 我觉得And having read your files, I'd think你父亲他肯定会对你选择的人生失望透顶he'd be bitterly disappointed in the choices you've made.你没资格这样说我You can't talk to me like that.高智商 小学时表现极为出色Huge IQ, great performance in primary school.然后一切都颠倒了And it all went tits up.吸毒 小偷小摸 游手好闲Drugs, petty crime, never had a job.你以为工作满大街都是吗Do you think there's a lot of jobs going around?这解释不了你为何放弃了你的爱好Doesn't explain why you gave up your hobbies.你连续两年蝉联地区举办的十岁以下儿童First prize, regional under tens' gymnastics体操比赛第一名Two years in a row.你教练曾视你为奥运队的人才Your coach had had you pegged as Olympic team material.是啊 成长时期有那样一个继父在身边Yeah and when you grow up around someone like my stepdad,很快就会学到新的爱好you pick up new hobbies pretty quick.总是把错误推到别人身上Always someone else's fault.你退队又该埋怨谁呢And who's to blame you for quitting the Marines?你的训练才进行了一半 而且成绩优秀 但你却放弃了You were halfway through training, doing brilliantly, but you gave up.因为我妈变得神经兮兮的Because my mum went mental.怕我会像我爸一样离她而去Banging on about losing me as well as dad.我们才不会给你们这样的势利小人当炮灰Then we wouldn't be cannon fodder for snobs like you.你们总是高高在上的 对我这样的人指手画脚Judging people like me from your ivory towers,但从没想过我们这样做的原因with no thought about why we do what we do.我们别无选择 知道吗We ain't got much choice, you get me?如果我们和你一样 含着银汤匙出身And if we was born with the same silver spoon up our arses.即使不比你优秀 至少也能和你一样we would do just as well as you, if not better.你他妈的还敢来这儿 好大的胆子What the fuck you doing here? You taking a piss?这些年轻人也是Some more examples of young men只要有银制灵药就能成功的例子吗who simply need a silver suppository?不 他们是例外 走吧No, they are exceptions. Come on.为何 我们还没喝完呢Nonsense, we haven't finished our drinks.你偷了他的车那一刻起After you nicked his car, Dean says迪恩说他不会罩你了 我才不管你妈怎样给你求情you're a free guy I don't give a shit what your mum says.听着 小伙子们Listen, boys.我今天心情不太好 所以I have had a rather emotional day, so不管你们对艾格西有什么不满 我相信都是事出有因的whatever your beef with Eggsy is and I'm sure its well founded.如果你们能让我们单独待会.I would appreciate it enormously让我好好喝完这杯可口的吉尼斯黑啤if you could just leave us in peace .我将不胜感激until I finish this lovely pint of Guinness.你最好少管闲事 老头子You should get out of the way,拳头可是不长眼Granddaddy. Or you'll get hurt a lot.他不是开玩笑的 你走吧He ain't joking, you should go.借过Excuse me.如果你想找个牛郎玩玩If you're looking for another rent boy,可以去史密斯街的转角处看看they're on the corner of Smith's Street.不知礼Manners.无以maketh.立也the man.知道这句话的意思吗Do you know what that means?不知道的话让我就给你上一课吧Then let me teach you a lesson.我们是要这样傻站一整天Are we going to stand around here all day,还是要来痛快打一架or are we going to fight?你妈逼去死 他妈个王八蛋You fucking dirty. You fucking dirty.击昏STUN消除记忆Amnesia不好意思 我只是需要发泄一下Sorry about that. Needed to let off a little steam.昨天我有个朋友去世了Yesterday a friend of mine died.其实他也认识你父亲He knew your father too, actually.真的很抱歉 艾格西I do apologise, Eggsy.我不该当着你面大打出手的I should not have done this in front of you.不 拜托 我什么也不会说No. Please. I won't say nothing,我发誓 从这一刻起 我会保持沉默I swear. If there is one thing I can do, it's keep my mouth shut.你不会告诉别人吗You won't tell a soul?事实上 我从没出卖过别人As a fact, I've never crossed anyone out.- 这是承诺吗 - 我以性命担保- Is that a promise? - On my life.不胜感激 艾格西Much appreciated, Eggsy.你说我是势利小人的话是正确的 但是也有例外You're right about the snobs. But there too, there are exceptions.祝你一切好运Best of luck with everything.名人新闻 里奇蒙德·瓦伦丁的电影In celebrity news, The Richmond Valentine movie昨晚在好莱坞首映premiered in Hollywood, last night.这个关于网络大亨崛起的故事The story of the Internet billionaire's rise to power是本季度获奖热门 is expected to be this award season's hot ticket.值得注意的是伊奇·阿萨里亚没有出席红毯仪式One notable absence from the red carpet is Iggy Azalea,她在三天前就行踪不明.still missing three days after he.也没有出现在她个人的奥克兰演唱会上after she failed to appear at her Oakland concert.至今仍未收到有关赎金的要求.No ransom has been demanded.艾格西 快走 快 他要.Eggsy, just go, please. Because he's gonna.- 求你了 别伤害他 - 滚开 - 别打他了- Please! Don't hurt him. - Fuck off! - Don't hurt him!滚开 给我他妈的闭嘴Get the fuck away! Shut the fuck up.他妈的酒吧里和你一起的家伙是谁Who was with you in that fucking pub?- 我要知道和你在一起的老东西是谁 - 就我一个人- I want to know the name of the geezer you were with. - I was with no one.- 是谁 - 我他妈的不知道你在说什么- Who was it? - I don't know what you're fucking on about.我不知道你在说什么I don't know what you're talking about.- 妈的快说出他的名字 - 我他妈的不知道你在说什么- Fucking tell me the name. - I don't know what you're fucking on about.听好了 我要你告诉我在酒吧里You listen to me. I want to know who you was和你在一起的是谁 听懂了没with in that pub. Do you understand?妈的告诉我他的名字I want to know his fucking name.我发誓我要宰了你I swear I'll rip you out.- 说啊 - 我他妈不知道你在说什么- Tell me! - I don't know what you're fucking on about.- 告诉我 - 快告诉他吧 艾格西- Tell me! - Just tell him, Eggsy!滚开 滚开Fuck off. Fuck off.我现在就可以杀了你 而且没人会知道I can kill you right now and no one in the world will know this.但我知道But I wouldn't.我手上掌握的证据足够让你在监狱里度过余生I have enough evidence on your activities to have you locked up for the rest