奥美OgilvyInteractive Database Maketing031.ppt
,OgilvyInteractive Database Maketing,IBM PSG,Introducingi-Bridge,A proven integrated web and marketing database solution,The I-Bridge package(Bridge)is developed using the integrated Oracle development suite,namely,Designer 2000,Developer2000 and of course the Oracle 8 database.This comprehensive use of the tools has provided us will excellent productivity gains,documentation,standardisation and ease of implementation.,i-Bridge Background,i-Bridge Core Modules,i-Bridge Database,i-Bridge,i-Bridge MarketingEngine,Campaign ManagementManual ReduplicationSelections Analysis,Client,What does i-Bridge do?,Campaign Management ModuleQuestionnaire Management ModuleData Loading and Validation ModuleQuality Checking and Data Enhancements ModuleDeduplication Merge/PurgeSegmentationProfilingCount and SelectionDifferential PyramidingCell ManagementOutput&Response ManagementData ExtractionFulfilmentReportingDouble ByteData AnalysisIntegration with other systemsSecurity,What does i-Bridge do?,Captures and stores:campaign information directly from the web site including the sourcean individuals web response history including page viewsthe additional data you collect on the web e.g.customer profiles,product purchased,Enquirer made,questionnaire dataAppended to the individuals marketing database record thereby combining and agglomerating web data with the traditional analogue communication data,What does i-Bridge do?,Appended to the individuals marketing database recordMakes the data available:included as part of a future selectionIncluded within your campaign management including cell creationfor reporting,data mining/analysis both individually and as part the overall database,On-line or Off-line,i-Bridge can receive this data both off-line or on-lineOff-line electronic files can be sent either by electronic mail,on tape or CD ROM in standard pre-agreed formatsOn-line data is sent directly from the host system to i-Bridge at regular intervals,Some of the benefits,Quite simply it allows an organization to integrate their web data with traditional marketing informationOn-line it enables an organization to:to be even more personalizedprovide more relevant contentbetter targeted e-messagingimproved customer serviceOff-line:enable cross analysis of analogue Vs digital mediaundertake more complete profiling and data mining of your customers and prospectsimproves campaign planning,i-Bridge Demo,Homepage Demo,Login Demo,campaign management with all forms of comms,Individual record with web related info,Count screen,Some standard reports showing web Vs other media,Report PDF Demo,Q and A/Discussion,青苹果出品 必属精品http:/,囊括2007-2010几十G地产策划资料/企业管理人力资源全套/品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,