茶艺英语English for Tea Art第一篇 茶具介绍Chapter 1 Introduction of Tea Utensil第一节 烧水器皿.Water Heating Devices 一、 基本句型 Sentence patterns 1、 这是炭炉。 This is a charcoal stove.2、 用炭炉烧水古雅有趣。 Using the charcoal stove to heat up water is amusing , and full of classic elegance.3、 这是电磁炉。This is an induction cooker.4、 用电磁炉烧水卫生、方便、快捷。Using the induction cooker to heat up water is clean ,convenient,and quick.5、 这是电随手泡。This is an instant electrical kettle.6、 电随手泡是茶艺馆中使用最普遍的烧水器具。This instant electrical kettle is the most commonly used heating utensil in tea houses.7、 这是酒精炉具组合。这是酒精灯,用于加热。这是陶壶,用于装水。This alcohol heating set has a alcohol burner ,using for heating up water ,and a pottery kettle ,used as the water container .8、酒精炉具组合美观、方便,使用于茶艺表演。The alcohol heating set is pleasing to the eye and easy to use ,and thus is suitable for tea ceremony performance.9、 这是玻璃煮水器组合。This is a glass heaterset 10、 玻璃器皿晶莹剔透,便于观察其中汤色的变化,最适合用于煮黑茶、普洱茶、奶茶。Glass heaters are transparent ,allowing easy observation of tea color change and best suited for brewing dark tea ,puer tea ,and milk tea.二、 场景对话Situational Dialogues1、 A: 这是什么? B: 这是炭炉。A:为什么要用炭炉烧开水? B:因为用炭炉烧开水古雅有趣。A: Whats this ? B:Its a charcoat stove.A:Why do you use the charcoal stove to heat water? B:I use the charcoal stove ,because it is an interesting and elegant way to heat water for tea drinking.2、 A:这是什么?B:这是电随手泡。A:为什么要用电随手泡烧开水?B:因为它卫生、方便、快捷。A:Whats this ?B:Its an instant electrical kettle .A:Why do you use the instant electrical kettle to heat up water?B:Because it is easy ,convent ,and fast to use .3、 A:这是什么?B:这是酒精炉具组合。A:用它烧水有什么好处?B:它美观、方便,最适合用于茶艺表演。A:Whats this ?B:Its a combination of alcohol heating units.A:What advantages can we from using them to heat up water?B:They are artistic and convenient ,and best suitable for tea ceremony performance.第二节 冲泡器皿.Teacups and teapots一基本句型Sentence Patterns1、 这是紫砂壶。This is a boccaro teapot.2、 紫砂壶产于江苏宜兴。The boccaro teapots are producted in Yixing,J iangsu Province.3、 紫砂壶古朴典雅,保温性能好,最适宜用来冲泡乌龙茶、黑茶或者普洱茶。The boccaro teapots have primitive elegance and good performasnce of temperature keeping .It is the best choice for making oolong tea .dark tea .,or puer tea .4、 紫砂壶是珍贵工艺品,有收藏价值。The bbccaro ceramic tea-wares are precious handicrafts ,which are collecting as objects of art .5、 这是瓷壶。This is a porcelain teapot .6、 瓷壶产于江西景德镇、福建德化等地。The porcelain teapots produce in Jingdezhen , Jiangxi Province ,and Dehua ,Fujian Province.7、 瓷壶最适用于冲泡红茶或者普通绿茶。The pocelain teapots are best suited for brewing black tea and ordinary green tea .8、 这是玻璃杯。This is a glass.9、 玻璃杯最适合用于冲泡高级绿茶。The glass bottles are most suitbale for making high-grade green tea .10、 这是盖碗。This is a coverde teacup/bowl.11、 盖碗最适用于审评茶叶或用于冲泡花茶。The tea-bowl with a lid allows easy observation of tea making in progress or it can be used to make scented tea.12、 这是使用非常方便的“飘逸杯”。、This is a “piaoi”teacup which is quite convenient to use .13、 “飘逸杯”最适合在办公室使用。The “piaoi” teacup is very popular in office.14、 这是玻璃同心杯。This is a glass concentric cup.15、 同心杯适用于冲泡各种茶类。The glass concentric cup is used in brewing all kinds of tea .二、场景对话1、A:这是什么? B:这是紫砂壶. A:紫砂壶产于什么地方? B:产于江苏省宜兴市。 A:紫砂壶有什么优点? B:它保温性能好,最适合用于冲泡乌龙茶、黑茶或者普洱茶。A:Whats this ?B:It is a baccaro teapot .A:Where is it produced ?B:It is produced in Yixing Jiangsu Province .A:What advantages dose baccaro teapots have ?B:It is good for heat-preservation, and it is best choice for infusing oolong tea ,dark tea ,or pur tea.2、 A:这是什么?B:这是瓷壶。A:这把瓷壶产于哪里/B:产于江西景德镇。A:瓷壶有什么优点?B:它美观大方,最适合于冲泡红茶或者普通绿茶。A:Whats this ?B:It is a porcelain teapot .A:Where is it produced ?B:It is produced in Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province.A:What advantages dose the porcelain teapot have ?B:It is beautiful and elegant ,and is most frequently in brewing black tea or ordinary green tea .3、 A:这是什么?B:这是盖碗。A:盖碗有什么优点?B:它使用方便,最适合用于茶叶审评或者冲泡花茶。A:Whats this ?B:Ita covered teacup.A:What advantages does the coverded teacup have ?B:It is easy to use ,and a good choice for examining and evaluating the tea , or brewing scented tea .4、 A:这是什么?B:这是飘逸杯。A:“飘逸杯”有什么优点?B:它使用非常方便,最适合在办公室使用。A:Whats this ?B:It s a “piaoi” teacup。A:What advantanges does the Piaoi teacup have ?B: It is very covenient to use ,especially in the office .第三节 品饮器具 Various Tea-wares for Drinking and Tasting 1、 基本句型 Sentence Patterns1、 这是闻香杯。This is the sniff-cup/fragrance smelling cup .2、 闻香杯细长,便于聚集香气,有利于闻出茶香的香型,并欣赏茶香的变化。The sniff-cup is tall and slender for collecing the fragrance of the tea ,allowing the tea drinkers to smell its fragrance , and enjoy the change of the tea aromas .3、 这是品茗杯。品茗杯一般用白瓷或玻璃制作。This is the tea-sipping cup .The cup for sipping tea is offen made in porcelain or glass .4、 玻璃品茗杯便于观赏茶得汤色。The sipping glass teacup is convenient for viewing the liquor color.5、 白瓷品茗杯的内壁容易挂香,便于在品茶后细闻杯底留香。The inside wall of the white porcelain tea-sipping cup preserves the fragrance . It allows the drinker to smell the frangrance remained in the cup after sipping the tea .6、 这是细瓷茶杯。This is fine porcelain teacup.7、 这种茶杯一般用于品饮红茶、奶茶或者果茶。This kind of teacup is usually used to drink black tea ,milk tea or fruit tea.8、 这是鸡尾酒杯。This is a cocktail glass.9、 在茶艺馆中鸡尾酒杯一般用于品饮调配茶或花草茶。In most teahouses,the cocktail glass is normally used to drink spiced tea or herb tea .10、 玻璃杯是冲泡、品饮两用的茶具。The glass can be used for both preparing and drinking tea .二、场景对话Situational Dialogues 1、 A:这是什么?B:这是闻香杯。A:闻香杯有什么用处?B:它一般在乌龙茶茶艺表演时使用,用来细闻茶的香气。A:Whats this ?B:This is a frangrance-smelling cup.A:What is it used for ?B:It is generally used in the performance of oolong tea ceremony ,for carefully smelling the aroma of the tea .2、 A:这是什么?B:这是品茗杯。A:品茗杯有什么用处?B:它主要用于品饮乌龙茶或者普洱茶。A:Whats this ?B:This is a tea-sipping cup.A:What is it used for ?B:It is mainly used to drink oolong tea or puer tea.3、 A:这是什么?B:这是细瓷茶杯。A:这种茶杯如何使用?B:一般用于品饮红茶、奶茶或调制茶。A:Whats this ?B:This is a fine porcelain teacup。A:How to use this kind of teacup?B:It is commonly used to drink black tea ,milk tea or spiced tea .第四节承载器皿.Tea containers and Vessels1、 基本句型 Sentence patterns 1、 这是茶叶罐。This is a tea canister .2、 茶叶罐可用纸、玻璃、瓷、陶、锡、铝合金、竹子、木材等制作。The tea coniser can be made of paper,glass ,china,potter ,tin,aluminum alloy ,bamboo ,wood ,and so on .3、 这是水盂。This is a tea basin .4、 水盂用于装载洗杯水或果皮等杂物。The tea basin is used for washing teacups or holding litters such as fruit skins ,peedings ,and seeds .5、 这是茶盘。This is a tea tray.6、 茶盘也可称为茶船或茶海。茶盘是茶艺表演中很重要的器皿。The tea tray also can be called tea plate or tea board (chahai).The tea tray is an important utensil in tea ceremony .7、 这是上茶荷,用于装干茶。This is a tea holder ,used for holding the dry tea .8、 这是泡茶车,这是托盘。This is a tea cart .This is a tea serving tray 9、 泡茶车移动方便,主要在餐厅使用。The tea cart is easy to move ,mainly used in restaurants .10、 托盘一般在向客人敬茶时使用。The tea serving tray is commonly used in serving tea to the guests .二、场景对话Situational dialogues 1、 A:啊,这罐子真 漂亮。B:这是茶叶罐。A:这是工艺器吗?B:是的,它是用于装茶叶,同时也是一种工艺器。A:Wowl, The conister looks so pretty .B:It is a tea caniser.A:Is it a artware?B:Yes it is .It is a tea container and also a craft .2、 A:这东西也很漂亮。B:是的,它是茶盘。A:它有什么用处?B:在泡茶时多数器皿都摆放在它的上边,所以也称为茶船。A:This one is also very pretty。B:Yes it is a tea tray。A:What is it used for ?B:In the process of making tea ,a lot of tea-wares will put on it,so it is also called tea plate。3、 A:这辆小推车很有趣。B:这是泡茶车。A:推着它到处可以去泡茶,对吗?B:是的,它主要用在餐厅中。A:The cart seems interesting.。B:It is a tea cart 。A:With the tea cart ,you can anywhere to make tea ,am I right?B:Yes you are right. It is manly used in restaurants。第五节 辅助器皿.Supplementary Utensils Tea Ceremony1、 基本句型 Sentence Patterns 1、 这是公道杯。This is a Fair mug (Gongdao Mug)2、 公道杯主要用来均匀茶汤浓度。The Fair Mug is mainly used to balance the thicknees of tea liquor .3、 这是玻璃公道杯,用它便于观察汤色。This is a glass Fair Mug ,which is easy to observe the liquorcolor .4、 这是白瓷公道杯,用它便于闻杯底留香。This is a white porcelain Fair Mug , which captures the fragrance of the tea leaves at the bottom .5、 这是过滤网。This is a filter .6、 它可滤去茶渣,使茶汤更加纯净无杂。It can filter the tea dregs to make the tea liquorclean and pure .7、这是茶道具组合,也称为“茶艺六宝”。This is a tea set for tea ceremony ,which is also named as the “six treasures of tea ceremony “.8、 这是茶漏斗,用于扩大壶口面积,防止投茶叶时茶叶外漏。This is a tea strainer ,which can enlarge the area of the mouth of the teapot ,preventing tea leaves from falling out of the teapot .9、 这是茶夹,用于夹洗茶杯或夹取叶底。This is the tea longs ,for picking up the tea cups to wash or picking up the tea dregs .10、 这是茶匙,用于去茶。This is tea spoon ,for picking up the tea .11、 这是茶导,用拨茶叶。This is the tea stick ,for stirring tea leaf .12、 这是茶针,用于疏通壶嘴。This is the tea pin ,for dredging the teapot spout .13、 这是养壶笔,用于洗刷紫砂壶。This is the tea pot brush ,for washing the boccaro teapot .14、 这是茶滤托,用于放置过滤网。This is the filter tray ,for placing the filter .二、场景对话Situational Dialogues 1、 A:这个造型奇特的器皿是什么?B:这是公道杯。A:公道杯是用来喝茶的吗?B:不是,是用来均匀茶汤颜色的。A:What is the utensil in such oqueer shape .B:This is the Fair Mug (Gongdaobei )。A:Is it for drinking tea ?B:No ,it isnt ,It is used for balancingthe thickness of the tea liquid .2、 A:这套精美的茶具是什么?B:这是茶道具组合。A:您能为我介绍一下吗?B:好的,这是茶漏斗。这是茶针.A:What is the exquisite and delicate tea set ?B:It is the tea set for tea ceremony。A:Could you introduce them to me?B:OK .It is the tea strainer .This is the tea pin.3、 A:这是过滤网吗?B:是的。A:它有什么用处?B:用来滤去茶渣,使茶汤更加清澈纯净。.A:Is it a filter?B:Yes it is.A:What use does it have ?B:It can be used to filter the tea dregs,and to make the tea liquor clean and pure。.第六节 茶席布置。The Arrangements of Different Tea Banquets1、 基本句型 Sentence Patterns1、 茶席设计的灵魂是以茶为中心。The essence of tea-party arrangement is to regard tea as the center .2、 茶席布置必须遵循美学基本原则。The arrangement of a tea banquet should follow the basic principles of aesthetic.3、 茶席布置的基础是茶具组合。The basic element for arranging a tea banquet is the combination of the tea sets .4、 茶具的选择和组合必须有利于泡出好茶。The choice and combination of the tea wares should be good for making tea taste good .5、 茶席布置的风格必须与茶艺的主题相一致。The style of a tea banquet arrangement should be consistent with the theme of the tea ceremony .6、这是清代宫廷茶艺的茶席布置。This is the arrangement of the Qing Dynastys imperial court tea ceremony .7、 这是现代民俗茶艺的茶席布置。This tea banquet follows the style of the modern folk tea ceremony .8、 这是文土茶艺的茶席布置。This is the arrangement of the scholar tea ceremony .9、这是禅茶茶艺的茶席布置。This is the arrangement of the Buddhist tea ceremony .10这是日常待客型茶艺的茶席布置。This is the arrangement of the daily tea ceremony .二。、场景对话Situational Dialogues 1. A:漂亮极了!怎样才能设计出这么漂亮的茶席?B:茶席设计必须以茶为灵魂。A:除此之外还要注意什么?B:首先要选最适用的茶具并且组合配套。A:How beautiful it is! How to design such a beautiful banquet !B:A tea banquet should be designed for the sole purpose of tasting tea。A:Besides that,is it there anying else we should pay attention to?B:You choose the right tea sets first and then combine them together。2. A:为什么这几个茶席布置的风格完全不同?B:因为茶席布置的风格必须与茶艺的主题相一致。A:请问,这套茶席布置是什么风格?B:是现代民俗茶艺的风格。A:Why are the tea banquets different from one another?B:It is because that the style of a tea banquet should be consistent with the theme of the tea ceremony .。A:Excuse me ,whats the style of this tea banquet?B:It is the arrangement of the modern folk tea ceremony。3. A:那边漂亮的茶席布置也是现代民俗茶艺风格吗?B:不是,那是清代宫廷茶艺的茶具组合。A:噢,那是为皇帝准备的,太棒了!B:那我们就当一回皇帝,一同来品茶吧。A:Is the fancy tea banquet overthere also following the modern folk tea party?B:No it isnt .It is arranged in accordance with the tea ceremony of the Qing imperial court 。A:Oh ,that is prepared for the emperor .Perfect!B:Then ,supose we are the emperors now. Lets enjoy the tea tea together.第二篇 茶叶介绍Chapter 2 Tea Classifications第一节 绿茶.Green Tea1、 基本句型Sentence Patterns 1、 我国的茶叶可分为十大茶类,绿茶是历史最悠久,品种最多,消费量最大的一个茶类。Chinese tea can be dvided into ten main categories .Among them ,green tea has the longest history and rank first in varieties and consumption.2、 绿茶是没有经过发酵的茶,它的品质特点是“一嫩三绿”。即采的“茶清嫩,外形绿、汤水绿、叶底绿。”Green tea is a non-fermentesd tea with qualities often known as “one tender and three green”. “one tender ” refers to tender tea leaves , and “three green”refers to thegreen colored tea leaves ,the green colored tea liquid ,and the green colored tea dregs .3、 龙井茶是绿茶中最著名的历史名茶,创制于明代。Longjing tea (Dragon Well) is the most famous green tea , which is first produced in the Ming Dynasty .4、 龙井茶原产于杭州,现在产于浙江省的广大茶区。Originally produced in Hangzhon ,dragon well tea is now produced in the large tea producing area in Zhejiang Province.5、龙井茶具有“色绿、香郁、味醇、形美”四大特点,是清代的贡茶。Longjing tea (Dragon Well) has four unique qualities its green color ,excellent aroma .mellow taste and beautiful shape of its leaf .It is the tribute tea in Qing Dynasty .6、 碧螺春也是著名的历史名茶,创制于清朝早期,原产于太湖洞庭山。Originally grown in the Dongting Hill of Taihe Lake ,Biluochun Tea (Green Spiral) is also a famous greeen tea in history ,which was first produced in the early Qing Dynasty.7、 碧螺春的茶名是康熙皇帝起的。其特点是“一嫩三鲜”:采摘的叶芽嫩,色泽鲜绿,香气鲜爽,滋味鲜甘。The name of Green Spiral is given by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, The characteristic of the Green Spiral is called “one tender and three verdures ”.Green Spiral tea is know for having tender leaves ,lusciou green color , refreshing arama ,and sweet and fresh taste .8、 黄山毛峰、六安瓜片、安吉白茶、都匀毛尖、太平猴魁、午子仙毫、凤岗翠芽都是绿茶中的名茶。Huan Shan Mao Feng Tea , Liuan Leaf ,Anji White Leaf ,Duyun Maojian Tea ,Taiping Monkey King (Taiping Monkey Tea /Taiping Houkui Tea ),Wuzi Xianhao Tea ,and Fenggang Cuiya Tea are all famous green tea .9、 富锌富硒有机茶是贵州省凤冈县特有的保健名茶。Selenium-rich and zinc-rich organic tea from Fenggang .Guizhou Province is best known for its health benefits .10、 我国是世界上绿茶产量和出口量最大的国家。Chiana ranks the number one in the world in green tea output and expotation .二、场景对话Situation Dialogues 1、 A:能为我介绍一下绿茶吗?B:当然可以,绿茶是没有经过发酵的茶类。A:绿茶有什么特点?B:绿茶的基本特点是“一嫩三绿”,即采摘的叶芽绿,茶色绿、茶汤绿、叶底绿。A:Could you give me an introduction to green tea ?B:Of course,Green tea is non-fermented tea 。A:What characteristics dose the green tea have?B:The basic characteristics of green tea are said to be “one tender and three greens”.The” one tender” refers to the tender tea leaves,and the “three greens ”refers to the green colored tea leaf,the green colored tea liquid ,the green colored tea dregs .2、A:这茶真好喝,这是什么茶?B:这是龙井茶。A:龙井茶产在什么地方?B:原产于杭州西湖一带,现在广泛产于浙江省的主要茶区。A:This tea tastes quite good .What tea is it ?B:This is Longjing tea .A:Where is it produced ?B:It is originally produced in Hangzhou,and nowdays it is