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    東海大學社會學系100-2碩、博士班課程藝術社會學專題討論 SS304洪儀真yichen.hong一、課程介紹本課程設計的對象以碩、博士班的研究生為主。對於社會學而言,藝術不啻透過創作活動而進行的社會過程,藝術界的林林種種涵蓋在社會現象的範圍裡,藝術不但是社會的產物,也同時影響著社會。透過藝術社會學的研究,將發掘傳統美學或藝術史遺漏的面向,如藝術裡的社會關係,藝術品創作的社會脈絡,以及與不同社會結構的互動關連等等。本課程第一部份首先要瞭解藝術社會學的基本精神與研究議題,以及藝術社會學如何觀察藝術界裡的研究對象。課程中將系統性介紹藝術社會學的問題意識與研究取向,並釐清藝術這個特殊場域作為社會科學觀察對象的特性。課程的第二部分著重探討藝術社會學的重要理論與研究架構,包含古典社會學關於藝術議題的處理,以及法蘭克福學派和Bourdieu, Baudrillard等藝術社會學的論述研究。第三部分課程將以專題研討的方式來進行:當代的藝術社會學累積了豐富的實證研究調查成果,本單元將落實於藝術實作層面的社會學剖析,並深入探究台灣藝術與社會的相關主題,同時列舉國外實證研究的案例,以培養學生獨立研究與跨國比較研究的視野。二、修課與作業報告要求(一)課前閱讀及出席討論:學生務必於課前精讀每週的基本文獻,延伸閱讀文獻的部分,提供有興趣繼續深耕的研究生參考。出席狀況與隨堂參與度,都將納入平時成績評分標準。(二) 基本文獻導言:每位學生需輪流口頭報告基本閱讀文獻,引導同學進行討論,並撰寫導言memo,也可預備PPT檔。導言內容不能只有摘要,而是必須整理文獻的精要、問題意識、研究方法、論證方式及研究成果。也必須提出該文獻對個人的啟迪、對文獻的批判與提問,或相關藝術社會學課題的討論。導言memo及PPT檔,最晚於上課前一日需寄給教師及修課同學參考。檔名格式為: memo-日期-姓名-導言,例如:memo-20120224-XXX-導言。(三)每週一篇個人文獻回顧 Memo:每位同學每週需選擇一篇基本閱讀文獻撰寫memo,至少兩頁A4,單行間距。memo內容同上述原則,每週的memo檔案需於上課前寄給教師,檔案格式為memo-日期-姓名,例如memo-20120224-XXX。當週負責口頭報告的同學,繳交導言的memo即可。 (四)期末報告:學生自行選擇與藝術社會學相關的議題,進行個案研究、理論探討或文獻深入評述。報告不得少於一萬字,論文請參考台灣社會學刊的撰稿體例。期末報告於十七週前繳交。學期最後兩週將安排學生進行口頭的簡報,分享研究成果,並請另一位同學擔任評論。研究議題最晚在學期第十二週前需提出綱要說明,並在課堂上與老師及同學們進行研究計畫的討論。三、評分標準:平時表現 30% , 文獻回顧作業與口頭報告 30% , 期末報告40%四、進度大綱 (4/6星期五停整放假,5/19星期六補課)週次日期課程主題第一單元: 藝術社會學的基本概念第一週2/24藝術的社會學思考:導論與課程介紹第二週3/2藝術社會學理論初探與研究取向比較第二單元:藝術社會學的理論與研究法第三週3/9從美學與藝術史轉向社會意義的探究第四週3/16古典社會學理論的視野( I ):Marx, Weber第五週3/23古典社會學理論的視野( II ) : Durkheim, Simmel 第六週3/30法蘭克福學派( I ) : Adorno, Benjamin第七週4/13法蘭克福學派( II ) : Marcuse, Lukacs第八週4/20Bourdieu:文化場域和慣習理論第九週4/27Baudrillard:真實、擬仿與再現的論證第三單元: 藝術社會學的專題研究第十週 5/4天才或是地才?藝術家的社會學研究 第十一週5/11做為社會行動的藝術第十二週 5/18藝術家的養成與藝術工作的特性第十三週 5/19(六)藝術政策與政治 (補課)第十四週 5/25藝術生產與文化工業第十五週 6/1文化消費與藝術的社會用途第十六週 6/8藝術的社會界線第十七週 6/15期末報告( I )第十八週 6/22期末報告( II )五、詳細進度大綱及閱讀文獻第一週藝術的社會學思考:導論與課程介紹第一單元:藝術社會學的基本概念第二週藝術社會學理論初探與研究取向基本閱讀文獻· Inglis, David, 2005, “Thinking Art Sociologically.” Pp. 11-29 in The Sociology of Art:Ways of Seeing, edited by David Inglis John Hughson. New York:Palgrave MacM.· Zolberg, Vera L.,1990,”What is Art? What is Sociology of Art?” Pp. 1-28 in Constructing a Sociology of the Art. Cambridge University Press.延伸閱讀文獻:· Alexander, Victoria D., 2003, “What Is Art.?” Pp. 1-18, in Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms. MA: Blackwell Publishing.(有中譯本)· Best, Ron, 1977, “Sketch for a Sociology of Art.” British Journal of Aesthetics 17(1): 68-81.· Wölfflin, Heinrich, Principles of Art History :The Problem of the Development of Style in Later Art, Translated from 7th German Edition (1929) into English by M D Hottinger. New York: Dover Publications, 1932 and reprints.(中譯本:曾雅雲譯,1987,藝術史的原則。台北:雄獅美術。)· Read, Herbert, 1967, "Rational Society and Irrational Art." Pp.205-215, in The Critical Spirit: Essays in Honor of Herbert Marcuse, edited by K. H. Wolff and B. Moore, Jr. Boston: Beacon Press.· Berger, John, 1972, Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin Books.(中譯本:吳莉君譯,1995,觀看的方式。台北:麥田。)· Harrington, Austin, 2004, Art and Social Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press.第三週從美學與藝術史轉向社會意義的探究基本閱讀文獻· Hauser, Arnold , 1982, “Art and Historicity.” Pp. 71-93 in The Sociology of Art. K. J. Northcott trans., London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Press.· Tanner, Jeremy, 2003, “Sociology and Art History.” Pp. 1-26 in The Sociology of Art: A Reader. London: Routledge.延伸閱讀文獻:· 陳秉章,陳信木,1993, <傳統哲學的意念主義思想及其藝術論>。頁21-50,收錄於藝術社會學。台北:巨流。· Wolff,J., 1984, The Social Production of Art. New York: New York University Press.· Hauser, Arnold, 1959, The Philosophy of Art History. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.· Nisbet, Robert, 1976, Sociology as An Art From. New York: Oxford University Press.· Taylor, Roger, 1978, Art, An Enemy of the People (Philosophy Now). N. J.: The Humanities Press, · Hauser, Arnold著,邱彰譯,1980,西洋社會藝術進化史, 近代篇/現代篇。台北:雄獅美術。· Alexander, Victoria D., 2006,藝術社會學:精緻與通俗形式之探索。張正霖、陳巨擘譯,台北:巨流。第一章。第二單元:藝術社會學的理論與研究法第四週古典社會學理論的視野( I ):Marx, Weber基本閱讀文獻· Tanner, Jeremy (ed.), 2003, “Marxism and Art History.” Pp. 39-45 in The Sociology of Art: A Reader. London: Routledge.· Tanner, Jeremy (ed.), 2003, “Art and Cultural Rationalization.” Pp. 46-54 in The Sociology of Art: A Reader. London: Routledge.延伸閱讀文獻:· Harrington, Austin, 2004, Art and Social Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp.58-63; 146-150.· Weber, Max著,錢永祥等譯,1995,學術與政治:韋伯選集(I)。台北:遠流。· Williams, Raymond, 2003, “Marxism and the Social Production of Art.” Pp. 77-84 in The Sociology of Art: A Reader, edited by Jeremy Tanner. London: Routledge.· Turley, Alan C., 2001, “Max Weber and the Sociology of Music.” Sociological Forum 16 (4): 633-653. · Sánchez Vázquez, Adolfo, 1973, “Aesthetics and Marxism.” Pp. 96-111 in Art and Society: Essays in Marxist Aesthetics. New York: Monthly Review Press.第五週古典社會學理論的視野( II ) : Durkheim, Simmel基本閱讀文獻· Tanner, Jeremy (ed.), 2003, “Symmetry and Social Organization.” Pp. 55-58 in The Sociology of Art: A Reader. London: Routledge.· Etzkorn K. Peter, 1964, “Georg Simmel and the Sociology of Music.” Social Forces 43 (1): 101-107.延伸閱讀文獻:· Tanner, Jeremy (ed.), 2003, “Social Structure, Material Culture and Symbolic Communication.” Pp. 60-68 in The Sociology of Art: A Reader. London: Routledge.· Smith, John A., & Jenks, Chris, 2000, Images of Community: Durkheim , Social Systems and the Sociology of Art. Aldershot ; Burlington : Ashgate.· Frisby, D. and Featherstone, M. (eds.), 1997, Simmel on Culture : Selected Writing. London : Sage.· Menger, Pierre-Michel, 2011, “Durkheim and art. A reappraisal.” in W. Miller, A. Pickering, A. Riley (eds), Durkheimian approaches to the art. Berghahn Books.(forthcoming)· Harrington, Austin, 2004, Art and Social Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp.150-154.第六週法蘭克福學派 ( I ) : Adorno, Benjamin基本閱讀文獻· Adorno, Theodor, 1935, “Letters to Benjamin.” Pp.110-133 in Aesthetics and Politics. London: NLB. · W. Benjamin, 1938, “Reply.” Pp.134-141 in Aesthetics and Politics. London: NLB. 延伸閱讀文獻:· B. Highmore著, 周群英譯,2005,日常生活與文化理論,第五章:班雅明的垃圾美學,頁89-111。台北:韋伯文化國際。· Benjamin, W., 1969, “The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction.” Pp. 217-252 in Illuminations. New York : Schocken.· Benjamin, W., 1936, English transcribed by Blunden, A. 1998, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Source: UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television.(中文譯本:機械複製時代的藝術作品,許綺玲譯,1998,收錄於迎向靈光消逝的年代,頁57-119。台北市:台灣攝影工作室)· Adorno, Theodor, 1970, Aesthetic Theory, translated by C. Lenhardt, edited by Gretel Adorno and Rolf Tiedemann. London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1984.· Adorno, Theodor, 1975, “Cultural industry reconsidered.” New German Critique (Fall) : 12-19.· Adorno, Theodor,1993, “Theory of pseudo-culture (1959).” Telos 95:15-38. · Horkheimer, M. & Adorno,T. W. ,1972, “The cultural industry : Enlightenment as mass deception.” Pp. 120-167 in Dialectic of Enlightenment. Seaburg.第七週法蘭克福學派( II ): Marcuse, Lukacs基本閱讀文獻· Lilienfeld, Robert, 1989, “Music and Society in the Twentieth Century: Georg Lukacs, Ernst Bloch, and Theodor W. Adorno.”Pp.97-118 in Georg Lukacs: Theory, Culture and Politics, edited by Judith Marcus and Zoltan Tarr. New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers.· Marcuse, Herbert, The Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics, Pp.1-39. Boston Beacon Press.(中文譯本:Marcuse, Herbert著,陳昭瑛譯,1987,美學的面向。台北:南方。)延伸閱讀文獻:· 楊小濱,1995,<藝術的愛慾向度: 馬庫色與審美革命>。頁203-249,收錄 於否定的美學:法蘭克福學派的文藝理論和文化批評。台北:麥田。· Marcuse, Herbert著,王麗芬譯,1988,反革命與反叛。台北:南方。· Marcuse,Herbert著,林明澤譯,1997,<從共識形態到工具性控制>。 頁329-339,收錄於Jeffrey C. Alexander與Steven Seidman主編之文化與社會。台北: 立緒。· Lichtheim, George著,王少軍,曉莎譯,1992,盧卡奇。台北:桂冠。· Harrington, Austin, 2004, Art and Social Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp.58-63; 142-175.第八週Bourdieu:文化場域和慣習理論基本閱讀文獻· Bourdieu, Pierre, “The Historical Genesis of a Pure Aesthetic.” Pp.254-266 in The Field of Cultural Production, edited by R. Johnson. Columbia University Press.· Bourdieu, Pierre, “Outline of a Sociological Theory of Art Perception”, Pp. 216-237 in The Field of Cultural Production, edited by R. Johnson. Columbia University Press.延伸閱讀文獻:· 許嘉猷,2004,<布爾迪厄論西方純美學與藝術場域之自主化:藝術社會學之凝視>。歐美研究34 (3): 357-429。· Bourdieu, Pierre, 1984, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. Translated by Richard Nice. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.· 1996, The Rules of Art:Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. Stanford Univ. Press.· 1990, “Social space and symbolic power,” & “From rules to strategies.” in In Other Words : Essays towards a Reflexive Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp. 59-75 and 123-139.· 1991, “On symbolic power,” & “Social space and the genesis of classes.” in Language · and Symbolic Power. Cambridge: Polity Press, Pp. 163-170 and 229-251.· 1993, The Field of Cultural Production: essays on Art and Literature. Cambridge: Polity Press. 第九週Baudrillard:真實、擬仿與再現的論證基本閱讀文獻· Zurbrugg ,Nicholas (ed.), 1997, Jean Baudrillard: Art and Artefact, Pp. 7-28. London : Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications.· Baudrillard, Jean, translated by Sheila Faria Glaser, 1994, “The Beaubourg Effect.” Pp. 61-73 in Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.· 短片觀賞: (請學生於課堂前自行上網觀看,並參考Susan Loehr著,洪菁勵譯,2008,<真實世界的消失:布希亞的現身>。文化研究7:274-279)延伸閱讀文獻:· 陳光興,1992,<後現代(媒體)社會的解剖師:布希亞>,頁188-209,收錄於葉啟政編,當代社會思想巨擘。台北:正中書局。· Best Steven and Douglas Kellner著,朱元鴻等譯,1991,<邁向後現代的布希亞>,第四章,收錄於後現代理論批判的質疑。台北:巨流。· Baudrillard, Jean著,洪凌譯,1998,擬仿物的形構過程,頁13-92,收錄於擬仿物與擬像。台北:時報出版社。· Baudrillard, Jean著,林志明譯,1997,物體系。台北:時報出版社。n Baudrillard, Jean其他著作 · 1975, The Mirror of Production. St Louis : Telos Press.· 1981, For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign. St Louis : Telos Press.· 1983, In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities, translated by Paul Foss. New York : Semiotext(e).· 1988, The Ecstasy of Communication. translated by Bernard & Caroline Schutze ; edited by Slyvere Lotringer sic .Brooklyn, N.Y. : Autonomedia. · 1990, Seduction. New York : St. Martins.· Fatal Strategies. London : Semiotexte/Pluto.· 1993, Symbolic Exchange and Death. London ; Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications.· 1994, Simulacra and Simulation. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.· 1994, The Illusion of the End. Cambridge: Polity Press.· 1995, “ The virtual illusion : or the automatic writing of the world,” Theory, Culture and Society 12 : 97-107. · 1996, The System of Objects. London : Verso.Poster, M (ed.), 1988, Jean Baudrillard : Selected Writings. Stanford University Press.第三單元: 藝術社會學的專題研究第十週天才或是地才?藝術家的社會學研究基本閱讀文獻· Heinich, Natalie, 1996, “The Van Gogh Effect.” Pp.122-131, in The Sociology of Art: A Reader. London: Routledge.· Menger, Pierre-Michel, 2008, “Artistic Genius And Its Analysis By The Social Sciences: An Application To The Case Of Beethoven (1).” Arts & Societies, Editoral of May 15th 2008. http:/www.artsetsocietes.org/a/a-menger.html延伸閱讀文獻:· 林端, 2008, <藝術家的創造力:社會學家的看法.>。社會理論學報11(2): 135-155。· Zolberg, Vera L., 1990, “Are Artists Born or Made?” Pp. 107-135 in Constructing a Sociology of the Art. Cambridge University Press.· Alexander, Victoria D., 2003, “Artists.” Pp. 131-156, in Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms. MA: Blackwell Publishing.· Hauser, Arnold , 1982, “Success and Failure.” Pp. 534-538 in The Sociology of Art. K. J. Northcott trans., London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Press.· 宋文里,1998,藝術史所加予一個天才的負擔John Berger眼中畢卡索的成與敗。新朝藝術試刊號: 52-57。· Berger, John, 1989, The Success and Failure of Picasso. New York : Pantheon Books. (中譯本,2005, 連德誠譯,畢卡索的成敗。台北:遠流。)· Salmen ,Walter, 1983, The Social Status of the Professional Musician from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century, edited by Herbert Kaufman, translated by Barbara Reisner. New York: Pendragon Press. · Brain, David, 1994, “Material Agency and the Art of Artifact.”Pp.137-146 in The Sociology of Art: A Reader. London: Routledge.· Elias, Norbert, 1993, Mozart: Portrait of a Genius, edited by Michael Shröter and translated by Edmund Fephcott. UK: Cambridge , Polity Press. (中譯本:莫札特:探求天才的奧秘, 2005, 呂愛華譯,台北:聯經。)· Hauser, Arnold, 1951, “The Social Status of the Renaissance Artist.” Pp.113-121, in The Sociology of Art: A Reader. London: Routledge.第十一週作為社會行動的藝術基本閱讀文獻· Parsons, Talcott, 1951, “Art as Expressive Symbolism: action theory and the Sociology of Art.” Pp. 233-244 in The Sociology of Art: A Reader, edited by Jeremy Tanner. London: Routledge.· Becker, Howard S., 1974, “Art as Collective Action.” American Sociological Review 39:767-776.延伸閱讀文獻:· 王士明, 2009, <鬆動對話連結,以藝術之名,行社會行動之實的創作者-吳瑪琍>。現代美術146:52-59。· Becker, Howard S., 1982, “Art Worlds and Collective Activity” .Pp. 1-39 in Art Worlds. Berkeley : University of California Press.· Touraine, Alain, 1974, "Towards a Sociology of Action." Pp.75-100 ; Reynaud, Jean-Daniel and Bourdieu, Pierre, “Is a Sociology of action possible?” Pp. 101-113 ; Touraine, Alain, "The Raison dêtre of a Sociology of Action." Pp.115-127 in Positivism and Sociology, edited with an introduction by A. Giddens. 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