西 南 交 通 大 学本科毕业设计(论文)从对雾都孤儿中奥利弗、南希和露西的性格分析审视良知的光辉年 级:2008级学 号:20084493姓 名:张赛男专 业:英语指导老师:何凤文 2012 年 6 月 Glory of Conscience a Character Analysis of Oliver, Nancy and Rose in Oliver Twist Student: Zhang SainanSupervisor: He FengwenA Thesis Submitted to the School of Foreign Languagesin Partial Fulfillment of Requirementsfor Degree of Bachelor of ArtsSchool of Foreign LanguagesSouthwest Jiaotong University June 2008院 系 外国语学院英语系 专 业 英语 年 级 08级 姓 名 张赛男 题 目 从对雾都孤儿中奥利弗,南希和露西的性格分析审视良知的光辉 Glory of Conscience a character Analysis of Oliver, Nancy and Rose in Oliver Twist指导教师 何凤文评 语 指导教师 (签章)评 阅 人评 语 评 阅 人 (签章)成 绩 答辩委员会主任 (签章) 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)任务书班 级 08级 学生姓名 张赛男 学 号 20084493 发题日期:2012年 3月 5日 完成日期: 6 月 13 日题 目 从对雾都孤儿中奥利弗、南希和露西的性格分析审视良知的光辉 Glory of Conscience a character Analysis of Oliver, Nancy and Rose in Oliver Twist1、本论文的目的、意义本文从雾都孤儿中对奥利弗,南希和露西的性格分析入手,对良知做了进一步的分析和阐释,从而探索良知的深意,找到人性的闪光点,引发人们对良知的思索,发扬良知的荣光,呼唤良知的归来。 2、学生应完成的任务 1)确定论文方向; 2)收集,整理资料; 3)确定文章题目,再查阅资料; 4)拟定提纲; 5)完成初稿,二稿,三稿; 6)定稿; 7)打印装订; 8)准备答辩; 3、论文各部分内容及时间分配:(共 12 周)第一部分Introduction (2 周) 第二部分Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist (4周)第三部分Conscience as Revealed in Oliver; Nancy and Rose (4周)第四部分Conclusion (1周) 评阅及答辩 (1 周)备 注 指导教师: 年 月 日审 批 人: 年 月 日摘要良知是个人行为的道德准绳,良知的觉醒意味着灵魂的伟大。一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭,一个社会最伤心的现象无过于正义的沦亡。良知是一个人行走于世间的道德基础,没有良知,人和物就没有什么区别了;良知是社会发展的要义,没有良知的社会就只有一条出路,那就是消失;良知是民族兴旺发达的必要条件,没有良知的民族必会走向灭亡。目前对于雾都孤儿的研究大多集中在主人公奥利弗以及书中另一典型人物南希的个人研究上。本文作者尝试从雾都孤儿中对奥利弗、南希和露西三者的性格分析入手,条分缕析,对其身上体现出的人性亮点作进一步探讨,阐释良知延展对人、社会、民族三个方面的重要影响。研究发现:不管是身世悲惨的奥利弗,徘徊于善恶之间的南希,还是天使一般的露西,他们身上有一个共同的特点,那就是良知,而且良知的荣光在他们身上充分体现了出来。人性本善,社会再黑暗,制度再残酷,环境再恶劣,人们还是可以找到人性的闪光点良知,为失色的生活寻找一丝光明,鼓励人们继续前行。本研究意义在于探索良知的深意,引发人们对良知的思索,发扬良知的荣光,呼唤良知的归来。 关键词:良知;雾都孤儿;奥利弗;南希;露西AbstractConscience is the moral dimension of personal behavior, and the awakening of conscience means the greatness of the soul. To a person, nothing is worse than the disappearance of conscience; to a society, nothing is worse than the degeneration of justice. People living in the world, the conscience is the moral basis. Without a conscience, there is no difference between people and animals. The conscience is the essence of the social development. Without a conscience, the society has only one way that is to be vanishing. Conscience is a necessary condition of national prosperity. Without the conscience, the nation will be doomed. So far most of the researches on the conscience in the Oliver Twist have been confined to the personal study of the hero Oliver or another typical character Nancy in this book. The author of the thesis tries to do the further study of the glory of conscience from the character analysis of Oliver, Nancy and Rose in Oliver Twist, trying to interpret the important influence of the conscience on human, society and nation. The research makes the following findings: whether Oliver having a tragic life experience, Nancy hovering good and evil or Rose known as angel, they all have a common characteristic conscience. Furthermore, touches of conscience can be sensed with ease in their deed and manner. People are good in nature. No mater how dark that the society is, how cruel the system is, and how harsh the environment seems, people can still find the bright spot of human nature conscience, and find the silver lining to a lackluster life, which can encourage them to move on. As for the significance, the thesis can be helpful to explore the meaning of conscience, to cause the thinking of conscience, to carry forward the glory of conscience, and to call the return of conscience. key words:Conscience; Oliver Twist; Oliver; Nancy; RoseContentsPart one Introduction11.1 Literature Review11.2 A New Insight into Conscience2Part two Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist52.1 Charles Dickens52.2 Synopsis of the Plot6Part Three Conscience as Revealed in Oliver, Nancy and Rose93.1 Manifestations of Olivers Conscience93.1.1 Olivers CharacterHonest, Kind-hearted, Brave and Innocent93.1.2 Olivers Fate113.2 Manifestations of Nancys Conscience113.2.1 Nancys CharacterKind-hearted, Brave, Loyal, Paradoxical113.2.2 Nancys Fate133.3 Manifestations of Roses Conscience143.3.1 Roses CharacterAngelic, Kind-hearted, Elegant and Gentle143.3.2 Roses Fate15Part Four Conclusion17Notes19Bibliography20Acknowledgements23Part one Introduction1.1 Literature ReviewOliver Twist is the first great social novel of Charles Dickens, and occupies an important position in the history of worlds literature. In my opinion, it is a masterpiece in the worlds literature treasure. The novel mainly reflects the life of the lowest level of society in England, and describes the fight between good and evil, beauty and ugliness, and justice and evil. It praises peoples nature integrity and goodnessconscience. It also criticizes the hypocrisy of British charity and the tyranny of the Security Police. At the same time, the work has a strong romantic mood and is full of humanitarian feelings. The author has a clear idea of what should be love or hate in his creation, and vivid features have also been fully reflected. His characters are full of distinctive personality. Whats more, the whole work has a strong appeal. Undoubtedly, in China, many researches have studied the work of Oliver Twist. He Shunli(2011) digs out the shining spot of humanity through the analysis of the true, the good and the beautiful in Oliver Twist, while Li Shuo(2011) attemps to tell people the great power of the naiveté and the conscience in the dirty society and the consciencethe piece of pure land in everyones heart through the analysis of the change process of Oliver and Nancy. In addition, Wen Shengfang(2008) and Yuan Xiaodong(2008) mainly analyze Nancys fate choices in her life. In their opinion, Nancy is a poor girl sympathized by all the readers. She also wants to be a kind and elegant girl like Rose, but her family background and social environment decide that she could not live a good life at all during that time. Therefore, Nancy has no choice but to steal to make a living. In addition, she is loyal to her wrong love. There is no doubt that Nancy is longing to live a good and happy life, but she cant. There are so many researches on Oliver Twist, that I can not exhaust all of them. Inspired by the prior researches and out of the authors own preference, this thesis ventures to explore the good humanity that shows on Oliver, Nancy and Rose, whose conscience shines now and then through the dark net of their society. With a character analysis of the three figures, the paper has as its purpose to stress the meaning of conscience, to carry forward the glory of conscience, and to call the return of conscience, which is of great significance in the rediscovery of peoples moral values and in the establishment of a harmonious society.1.2 A New Insight into Conscience What meaning does the term conscience carry in current society? Its a question we cannot dodge herein. Combined with the conscience in Oliver Twist and some celebrities words, I would like to interpret my comprehension of conscience. First, look at the following famous words:Conscience is an instinct to judge ourselves in the light of moral laws. It is not a mere faculty; it is a instinct. -Immanuel KantConscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience. - James Freeman ClarkeConscience is our magnetic compass; reason our chart.- Joseph CookThe person that loses their conscience has nothing left worth keeping. - Izaak WaltonConscience is the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking. - H. L. MenckenThe torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul. - John CalvinThen, without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day; of course, you achieve quite a lot in the course of time. Anyone can do this, it costs nothing and is certainly very helpful. Whoever doesn't know it must learn and find by experience that a quiet conscience makes one strong. - Anne FrankA good conscience is a continual Christmas. - Benjamin FranklinThe voice of conscience is so delicate that it is easy to stifle it; but it is also so clear that it is impossible to mistake it. - Madame de StaelThe above lines inspire us with aspects of conscience. Just as Christopher Reeve, the great actor and active celebrity political activist, once said, “I think we all have a little voice inside us that will guide us. It may be God, I don't know. But I think that if we shut out all the noise and clutter from our lives and listen to that voice, it will tell us the right thing to do”, the little voice, ie. conscience, tells us the right thing to do. In todays materialistic society, some people say that we are lack of the moving things particularly and most peoples conscience has been asleep for long time; other people say that we never lack the moving things around us, lack the eyes to discover them. Conscience, not a material thing, can not be putted in the colorful porcelain bowls on the table; conscience, not a commodity, can not be sold by auction at the auction house, for it can not be measured in price. Conscience is the abstract condensation of the values of people's social behavior, and the soul of the moral norms of individual behavior. We can use the moral balance to measure the conscience. If we put the persons individual behavior and moral weight on both ends of the balance, we can measure the weight of the behavior and also the social value of the behavior. We should put our conscience on the top in our life. Our life can be a little poor and our bodies can be a little tired, but our spirits are more relaxed and our souls are more comfortable. As far as I am concerned, this is the true and natural life. You can make any mistake, except the one reflected to conscience. Once your conscience goes astray, the pain will haunt you like ghosts all your life.Part two Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist In this part, I am going to introduce the author and the plot of Oliver Twist in detail one by one.2.1 Charles DickensCharles Dickens (1812-1870) is a very famous and great novelist of the United Kingdom in 19th century. He was born in a poor clerks family in Portsmouth. Although having little schooling, Charles Dickens is the second to Shakespeare in terms of the influence on the world literature. At the age of eleven, because of his fathers debt, his family fell into debt prison, and he had to become a child labor in a shoe polish workshop for a living. The wrenching experience left psychic trauma in his young mind, so that he deeply cared about and sympathized for the unfortunate children. At the same time, he was always fighting for getting rid of the poverty all the life. Dichenss life experience shows in his writing: by his creation of many true-to-life figures like orphans and urchins, rogues, shopkeepers, child labor, stuffed shirts, and widows, etc., all pulled from the sooty streets of London. Since the publication of Oliver Twist, Critical realism literature had occupied a dominant position in the English literature. Dickens not only made a profound characterization of typical figures at that time, but more importantly made a profound analysis of the social status, character and special social environment. Through his critical realism, we can clearly feel the eras atmosphere and vivid characters picture of life. His critical realism also has a tremendous role in promoting contemporary literature, the influence of which can still be sensed nowadays. Today's society is more diverse; people's value orientation is more different; people's behavior is more personalized, which gives rise to many undesirable phenomena. For example