这个英语小品剧本是我们为了英语科技节上的节目,我们VICTOR小组一起编的,表演后感觉也很不错,这段时间大家都很辛苦,很团结,感谢大家的辛勤付出,相信这将是我们一段永远值得怀念的美好记忆。 第一幕(急诊室)场景:医生看报纸,护士站立,家属甲乙推车,病人呻吟,旁白举牌过 家属甲:Anybody here? Help! Help!护士过来,量血压家属乙:Hurry up ! Hurry up! Do something ,please! Is he serious?病人:oh dont touch me, I would die!护士: Be quiet ! Dont move . Shut up !(量完血压)ok, I ll call the doctor! (走到医生面前),doctor ,the patient is coming!医生:(放下报纸,走过去,开始检查病人,病人叫)家属乙:(焦急状)Is he serious?医生: Be quiet ! Let me examine him! (检查完,回到桌子)you need to take some examinations.(开单)家属甲:Can you give some medicine to him, but not to take this examination?医生:of course not!家属接单后做推车状,然后反身再做推车状,旁白举牌过,进入第二幕. 第二幕(检验室)家属甲:Anybody here? We need examinations.护士: whats the matter? I see, pay for the check up first!家属甲,Can we take the examination first?护士:No money no examination!家属乙:(接过单子飞快跑下去,数秒后飞快跑回来,气喘嘘嘘状)Here you are! I have paid for it, please hurry up!护士:(走向检验,给单)Doctor!检验:(接单,拿好注射器,慢慢起身,慢慢走过去,举针做注射准备状)Dont move!病人:Oh my god ! Its terrible ! Youll kill me !家属乙: (看着针头惊恐状)Are you sure you have to do this?检验:of course!(手横握针筒,作猛扎状!)病人惨叫家属乙:How long can we get the result?检验:(不耐烦状,回身摆手说)Go back to the emergence room and wait for the result.家属气喘嘘嘘推车状,再反身推车,旁白举牌过,进入第三幕。 第三幕(影像室)家属甲:Doctor! Doctor!Hurry up ! He feel pain a lot !(病人呻吟)影像:(走过来,对病人说)Keep silent! Dont move !Otherwise I cant finish it!(回桌子做操作状)病人扭动,呻吟影像:(生气状,调高音调)I have told you that dont move.(指着家属) You ,let him not move.家属:(作诚惶诚恐状,不停点头,上前扶住)OK, OK!家属乙:How long can we wait for the report?影像:(作不耐烦状,摆手道)Go and wait in the emergence room!家属气喘嘘嘘推车状,再反身推车,旁白举牌过,进入第四幕。 第四幕(急诊室)家属乙:Doctor! Doctor! We have done all the examinations now. Please do something release his pain. He is painful!医生:(放下报纸,起身看下病人,回到桌子坐下,开单状)He needs more examinations.家属甲:(冲上去拍桌子,大声怒斥)What are you doing? Are you a doctor? (手指病人)Look at him, he is painful!( 病人扭动,大声呻吟)Why dont you care his suffering?医生:(大声喊道)The examination is necessary .Take it or leave it!家属甲: NO, we would not go to anywhere!医生:You must do it !(把单子交给家属甲)家属甲:(接过检查单,转身撕掉,掏出手机,喊道)Call everybody come to the hospital!医生:(听到后做惊愕状,和护士对一眼,心领神会状,慌忙从桌下掏出头盔,一手慌张的戴头盔,一手掏出手机大声喊)SOS! SOS! NO . ONE ALERT!后台其余医生事先戴好口罩,头盔戴歪点,一手扶头盔一手拿棍子做狼狈状跑上来,大喊:“where? Where?” 旁白提棍子冲上台,家属抄凳子,举起做火拼状,定格。旁白:(走到前面)Why will it happen ? What do you think about this? I hope this scene will not happen forever! Thank you !