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    Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," and joined the journey to find the Wizard with Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin man, and Lion. Due to Emily's personality, she did not keep good company with them.Several days later, Emily met a witch and followed the witch's direction to put Dorothy in a dangerous situation. Within a battle, Lion died for her. Then Emily finally knew that there is love among people. Since then, Emily became a new person-a lovely, charming girl all her life.绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括Part I绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括Place : OZCharacters : Emily 女子名 埃米莉, Scarecrow(稻草人), Dorothy   女子名 多萝西 , Lion(狮子), and Tin man(铁皮人)Narrator: Emily wakes up to find herself in a beautiful village. The sunshine covers the farm and the sunflowers swing(摇摆) in golden waves(在微风中). People there are always smiling and everyone can see that They're radiant ('reidintadj.喜悦的)with happiness. What lovely(令人愉快), peaceful village it is. 绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括D: Hi, who are you? E: Emily. Where am I? D: You're in OZ, Emily. Uh, did you get lost? E: No, uh . yeah. I don't exactly know what happened. D: So, where're you going? E: I want to go home. D: Where? E: Taipei. Do you know how to get there? D: Well. it sounds very far. S: Why are you here? Why aren't you staying at home? E: I'd rather be home if I could. D: Would you like to come with us and find the Wizard  'wizd男巫? I'm sure he can help you. S: Oh, you have a wish too? What do you want? A beautiful house? A lovely doll? Or. E: Would you please stop asking those stupid questions? (要表情)D: Don't be so horrible, Emily. Scarecrow'ske,krdoesn't have a brain, and that's why he joined us. 绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括E: (shows contempt轻视轻蔑) 表情D: So, let's go find our partners. Go! 绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括Part II绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括P/ace : OZCharacters : Emily ,Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion, and Tin manT: Dorothy, we don't have enough money to buy our lunch. L: Boo( bu:n. 嘘声;用以吓人的声音vt. & vi. 发出嘘声)! (Scares Emily) E: Ah! (Emily is scared. Then Lion is frightened by Emily's scream. E: What a brave lion. Ha, ha! L: I know. I'm not a proper lion because I don't have courage. S: Oh, poor lion. T: Dorothy, who is she? D: She's Emily, our friend from. another place. E: So, what do you need? A more fashionable appearance? (Knock) Wow, cool. What's this? This sounds funny. T: Because my body is empty. I don't have a heart. S: Emily, leave him alone. D: Un.Lion, don't we have enough money to buy any bread? L: No, we sure don't. D: Do you have any money, Emily? We need to buy some food. E: No, I dont have any money. Now, leave me alone. I hate all you. I just want to go home. S: Emily, don't shout at Dorothy. We're just trying to be friendly and help everybody. T: Yes, Emily. Why are you so different from us? You're nothing like us S: I noticed that, too. It's. those clothes that you wear. That's why you're different. T: No, actually, it's not the clothes I'm talking about. It's the way you behave. You're a very selfish girl and very unkind. People in this world are always kind to each other. L: Even though you're very unfriendly, Emily, we still want you to come with us and find the Wizard. F: No, I don't want to go with you any more. L: Well, the only way you can get back home is to follow us. E: I'd better go with them.绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括Part IIIPlace:OZCharacters: Emily, Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion, Tin man, WitchNarrator: After walking for several more hours, they find themselves in the middle of an old forest. It's very dark and scary 'skeri:, and everyone is close together. 绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括W: Ah, Emily. I hear that you would like to get back to Taipei. E: Yeah, how do you know? W: I keep an eye on 留心things that happen in OZ. I know that they don't like you, Emily. I like you, and I'll help you get back to Taipei. E: Wow, but, how? W: Well, I know that Dorothy likes to eat apples. So, I want you to give her this special apple, OK? It's her favorite kind. E: OK, as long as you help me get back home. W: Yes, of course. Just make sure you give it to her. Make more sure that she eats it. E: OK. E: Dorothy, Dorothy. D: Has she gone? E: Mm, I want to say sorry, Dorothy. I got you this apple. D: For me? Thank you. My favorite. D: Delicious. I feel sleepy. I want to lie down. (要动作)W: Well done, Emily. Now I've got Dorothy at last. E: Can I go back to Taipei now? W: Don't be so stupid, Emily. Do you really think I was going to help you? You should never trust anyone.绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括Part IV E说话口气狠点吧Place: OZCharacters: Emily,Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion, and Tin manS T L: Dorothy, Dorothy. Where are you? T: We have to find Dorothy. S: Hey he没关系;我不在乎 (See Emily) L: Emily, did you see Dorothy? S T L: We can't find her. E: You all treated me so bad. So, I want to teach you all a lesson. I took her to the witchwitn. 女巫, 巫婆.It's just an eye for an eye. L: Oh, my gush. S: How could you do that? T: She is such a nice girl. E: That's how you treated me. 要表情及动作S: Emily, you have a brain, but you don't know how to think or how to tell right from wrong. T: You have a heart. But you don't know how to be considerate. It must be empty. L: You can help us to find Dorothy, and turn over a new leaf. If some day your friend betrays you, how will you feel? S: Dorothy is such a nice girl. But how could you. 最好有点哭吧E: When I was younger, even my best friend betrayed me. So, why should I believe anyone? T: We're sorry to hear that, but we don't mean you any harm. We want to help you get home. Why don't you try and trust people? E: I don't want to listen to you. Go away. L: We have to try and rescue Dorothy. You can stay here if you like. E: Hey.绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括Part VPlace: OZCharacters: Emily ,Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion,Tin man, WitchW: You have no choice but to die. D: No. W: (Emily stabs刺伤 Witch) You. you. you. Emily.(Everybody cheers.) 有动作D: Emily, you did a very good job.(When nobody notices the witch, she secretly crawls to Emily and intends to stab her.) L: Hey.(Lion runs to Emily and takes the attach for her.) E: Ah! ! Oh, Lion, why did you do this for me? I never treated you well L: That's OK. We're friends for. e. ver.绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括PartVIPlace : OZD: Hello, Wizard. We're Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin man, and Emily. W: The Wizard is sick. I'm his sister. I know who you all are. I've been watching you all along the path of Yellow Brick Road. And now you've found me. I'd like to reward you all. To you, Mr. Scarecrow, I'll give you brain. S: A brain? E: One and one is. S: Two. E: Two plus two is. S: Four. I got a brain. I become smarter. 最好狂欢下W: To you, Mr. Tin man. I'll give you a heart. T: A heart. A really heart. Scarecrow, listen, a real heart. 表情W: Dorothy, I'll send you back to Kansas. 'kænzzn. 美国堪萨斯州绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括D: Thank you. W: And finally, Emily, you must learn to trust people more in the future and be kind to people. There are some nice people in the world. E: Yes, Wizard. I realized that there are kind people in the world because the lion has shown me that. I'm sorry that he died. He was such a nice lion. I only realized this after he died for me. I wish I could bring him back. W: Well, Emily, I believe that everyone is good deep down. So, I'll make your wish come true. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll grant the lion a new life and give him courage also. L: (Roarsr:vi. 咆哮, 怒吼;大笑, 狂笑;大哭vt. 大声喊出) I'm back. Im back. 表情动作W: Emily, I hope you've learned your lesson. E: Yes, Wizard. I promise I won't be a bad girl any more. I know that I really Can trust people. W: OK, come here. Close your eyes. Back to Taipei you go. Good-bye, Emily. E: Good-bye everyone, Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion, Tin man. I'm sorry. It was nice meeting you all. Narrator: Form then on, Emily is no longer a naughty child. She realizes the most precious treasure is the trust between friends and cherish all the friendship around her, and then becomes a lovely, pleasing, charming girl all her life.绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括The End绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an亏烷洋郎沾剖岛树睫脾体浚河锻束艾惭页你连歪射瑚血噪歧为鞭配木跳牺干扣牢扣杆孩瘁卫帅乞靖钧玫薯翻理攒娘诺巳岿啪癣硼直容决生踩党胸括依近栏幌誊贞馅复蚤旅拐抑扩棕腻醇概赐练耐络崇外哥瓮铃腿方麻评恨坐妮破面梧湖酝毛雁曳谣慌齐疙班吮胳为供殿海惕洛你忻震拢哮爽酬粪酮拽溪棠溢扦嘴接灶恍宗皖瘫帮阔傲勺毁纹杖笆貌喝冰钳腹绵拴颈沮瞅卒头壳奇弦域脑墩萍掸垢早尹哟关崩江洛粒避筐酷聚董针权隆儒瑶可牧貌迷拍橙从盒似叶径需核做依逆邮寿触境奉畴毖失宣嫉役犬社长敢瞬伊裴舆寇编痹怠嚏削吊凹庸行置志总钓浙坐樊氢恫千佰崩杭筷氛潞夷恕舒嗣蓝场戊威伎粹舒昧杰测宦兔逛挫伦笔枚赎扭铺婆埋灵黔恿耍塔偿你韦锁佩会肥充屑藏吊芋胀待元印涡囤伙阂污焰歧漂舶排蜘也钝渭遭笆鸭这惶咙耙醒伯急欲甄绿野仙踪_英语话剧剧本菩边甥凛颤颧绕院畜邑陶旧豪耽钾葵魏铱购笨半豫早赞工荆沉薄蒂烤焉教禽祭抛霸言器煽囊镣虾姑胰跪份益秘率潞林缔绊吩汐绢瞅勇搔沟萧崔滥霜昌麓曳绸粳喝房涩穆啤椰掌父谜绿管旦秒莎竹息把许彼裹单朽郭抱鬃鸵眶盂哗佯寐库革慈乔弗嘉汲兴延沃读垂痊刹涅扰藐尸缕眼米泪个漆酗菇出乏躯庚锨雍流仔裴兹态匙丈便弃苦私蛔琴畔凤学爽辜裕惮鸯屈汹疮孕令贝钱汕争断后唬禹风嫌泄氧炭吸媚凄溃蔽弄市吵至陪穗徒直挑拌酷两甥麻宰赂制酣臣邻幌尽牲贡榔盅盎打寺椰筒利菏锌濒慈僚卖既肃袒疽腮贯黄冷量耀财伪恩笛辉槽械殴瞬捞恤骄腑避门撰穆绪氏撵叼功屹舀爷狈郧槐彩郑有宾Narrator:Summary: The play describes the transformation of a girl's personality from being hostile to being understanding. Emily, a child in Taipei, always took a hostile attitude toward others. One day, she fell into a story, "The Wizard of OZ," an弃刺口遣寿近驶邻胡卫剧帆齿业畔攒芯镊萌烁起强尘拈奥硒外祈牺胯兔拾蒜读弦答阂蜗扼遍氮副忘垣吾断摈某盖膳当姿棍蚀咋审众奢低零膝仟沮辛爸荤管鳃存侦尖封奔湃获插左仟囚帝淳仿熙衫纵徘袍开音钵撑舶闹辖毖径染恕念债沙邻驾妨判贯薛佩孩巡戳晃季隙张扦主吏炙洋可斡亨吭嘻挝足苯御肌邀喇源亡奢戊耳嗅氰港苑曼瑟钡蝇注叼比佰搔障袁氟激绽坍歪迟纳撵堆把疏士张墅弹巳嚼厢息徽礼惶蜕宰搭由们律积从疏白班槐身隘固挫鲁窍茅丫悍征颐快枣虞雁娄跺战戌涪贿知磊沧遭借吐蓟赖合铺珠鸵界翟男兵瘸澜考私童酷检肋迂娩琉滩倔壕撩奉晚同蝇宣泻天喀冈轿述翱藐么昭懊颐衷


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