本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 XXX学院 专业 英语教育 班级 XXXX级英语教育X班学生 XXX 指导教师 XXX XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 试论哈克贝利·费恩历险记中哈克的冲突 学 院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称: XX 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是探讨哈克的冲突在哈克贝利费恩历险记这本书中的体现以及冲突对哈克的成长成熟的重大意义。其主要任务是通过分析哈克和两个主要人物吉姆、汤姆以及社会三个方面的冲突来论证这些冲突对哈克的成长具有决定性意义。2、 论文(设计)的主要内容本论文分为三章,第一章介绍哈克与黑奴吉姆的冲突,第二章介绍哈克和社会之间的冲突,最后一章介绍了哈克与汤姆之间的冲突。3、 论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线本论文的基础条件是国内外学者对哈克贝利费恩历险记的现有研究和对哈克成长的相关因素的理解和分析。研究路线是对哈克的冲突从三个角度进行详细的阐述,探讨出哈克与这些冲突之间不可分割的联系,从而证明哈克的成长过程中这一系列的冲突的必要作用。4、 主要参考文献Messent, Peter. The Cambridge introduction to Mark Twain. ed.Yu Jianhua, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2008.Smith, Henry Nash, Mark Twain: the Development of a Writer. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962.Thrilling, Lionel. Introduction to Huckleberry Finn. New York: Rinehart, 1948.Twain, Mark Twain. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2005王惠君, 王惠玲译. 2001.哈克贝利费恩历险记, 奎屯: 伊犁人民出版社.易乐湘. 2009. 马克吐温青少年小说主题研究, 上海: 东方出版中心.5、 计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月16日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月16日-3月23日3提交论文提纲3月23日-3月30日4交初稿和文献综述3月30日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教 师: 年 月 日教 研 室 主 任: 年 月 日注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 英语教育 专业 XXX 届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目试论哈克贝利·费恩历险记中哈克的冲突指导教师XXX专业职称XX所属教研室高年级教研室研究方向英美文学课题论证:通过分析哈克和两个主要人物吉姆、汤姆以及社会三个方面的冲突来论证这些冲突对哈克的成长具有决定性意义。方案设计:第一章介绍哈克与黑奴吉姆的冲突,第二章介绍哈克和社会之间的冲突,第三章介绍了哈克与汤姆之间的冲突。进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月23日前写开题报告、任务书3月30日前提交论文提纲4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述5月8日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名XXX学院XXX学院专业英语教育年级(班)XXX级X班论 文 题 目试论哈克贝利·费恩历险记中哈克的冲突完成时间2013年5月8日论文内容摘要作为一名世界级的文学巨匠,马克吐温奉献给我们的是不可多得的传世佳作。作为美国现实主义的集大成者,在作品中他向读者展现了最真实的美国社会写照。哈克贝利费恩历险记就是这样最具代表性的一部作品。经过百年涤荡,它的辉煌意义仍如宝石般熠熠生辉。历来,学者和评论家更多的关注小说中人物形象的分析和马克吐温的写作风格,近年来才有学者把其作为专门的成长小说来研究,其中也有涉及到主人公哈克成长过程中的冲突。但专门研究这些冲突的为数尚少。而本篇论文的作者着眼于贯穿小说和主人公哈克成长过程始终的冲突并对其做更深入的探讨。通过全面细致的分析,探讨因冲突引起的哈克内心微妙的转变。笔者从三个主要方面进行分析:哈克与吉姆、社会和汤姆之间的冲突。其中,哈克与吉姆、奴隶制和汤姆的冲突是分析的重点。最后,在以上分析的基础上得出结论:伴随着种种冲突的升级与发展,哈克渐渐实现了从幼稚到成熟的蜕变,因此,这些冲突对其成长有着重大的意义。关键词:哈克, 冲突, 成熟指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师XXX职称教授初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literature ReviewMark Twain (1835-1910), pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is one of the greatest representatives of America Realism and is regarded as the greatest humorist in the 19th century. As a world-class giant of literature, Twain has won numerous honors. William Faulkner calls him "the father of American literature." His life spans the two Americas, the frontier America and the emerging industrial giant of the 20th century. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Mark Twain's masterpiece. It has a profound and extensive impact on generations of readers in the whole world. Ernest Hemingway once remarked in the opening chapter of Green Hills of Africa (1935):"all modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since". These words indicate that what a groundbreaking book it is. However, this novel has been one of the most controversial and frequently banned books of American literature since its publication in 1884. Researchers at home and abroad have done a great deal of studies of this work from different angles, such as realism, racism, initiation theme, local colorism, and so on. Studies about it are sustained overseas. After its publication in America, the reviews of this work generally disapprove of its crude language, poor grammar and Huck's mischievous behaviors set, which might mislead the young. Some Newspapers and magazines condemn it for its language, style, artistic skills, character, etc. Boston Daily Globe noted in February 1885: "The less education the more Anglo-Saxon". In March 1885, the Library Committee in Concord, Massachusetts banned from the town's public library. Also, Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women and prominent citizen of Concord, adds her curt opinion: "Of Mr. Clemens cannot think of something better to tell our pure-minded lads and lasses, he had best stop writing for them". At that time, these censures aroused controversy in the whole country, because some think that this novel is not children's book and does not aim to be moral enlightenment. Humorous Mark Twain expresses his gratitude to the ban of library, for which greatly enhances its influence and makes the sales double. It is not until the 20th century that the literary value of the novel began to be appreciated. Critics at that time spoke highly of this novel, especially about its form, language, character and structure. Lionel Trilling points out that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is almost perfect in form and style. He thinks that the ending of Huck Finn is an anti-climax, but it is proper in some form. Martin Stapuls Schockley indicates that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has coherent theme and unified structure. Moreover, T.S. Eliot in Introduction to Huckleberry Finn says: "The information was given just enough, no more, no less. It stopped where it should be, leaving the readers to judge morallyNeither the tragic ending nor the comic ending was appropriate to Huck. He should be free as an independent picaresque." While, views of scholars on its ending are still in dispute. Leo Max, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an author known for his works in the field of American studies, figures out the weakness of the ending. In his point of view, it is a structure short of materials, which all bring harm to the characters and theme of the novel. In spite of debates on its ending, the art of language in this novel must be admitted. Great poet T.S. Eliot offers the comment that Mark Twain's colloquialism is "a new discovery in the English language." Barrett Wendell, professor of Harvard University, says that Huckleberry Finn, with its dialect, is a "masterpiece, that amazing Odyssey of the Mississippi."Since the mid-twentieth century, attention has been focused on issues of race, gender and sexuality due to the emergence of new academic schools and a large number of new academic theories. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn arouses heat dispute. Many black writers feel offended with its frequent use of the word "nigger". In 1957, the Advancement of Colored People called upon to ban it from classrooms and libraries. John Wallace, a black educator with the school board in Chicago, extremely rejects the book, claiming it as "the most grotesque example of racist trash ever written"Toni Morrison describes it as "agonizing play" with black freedom in her "This Amazing, Troubling Book". She can not stand the insult towards her men in the novel. Later, a literary scholar at Yale University, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, came to Mark Twain's defense. She attracts national attention to the dispute about Mark Twain's racial views. Virtually, the vernacular style is originally created by a black boy called Jim whose vivid vigorous language greatly influenced the language used by Huckleberry Finn in the novel. Thus, Huckleberry Finn, who was once the American national symbol and culture idol, is actually half black.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has now been read by millions of people and translated into more than sixty kinds of languages. But the controversy has never gone away. In China, there have been at least sixty versions of translation of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn since Zhang Wanli's first full translation published by Shanghai Wenyi Press Association in 1954. As time goes on, an increasing number of master theses and periodical papers are being collected in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). Domestic studies on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn mainly concern the following aspects:First, studies on racism, like Qin Chenghua's"Huckleberry Finn: Mirror of Mark Twain's Ethnic Viewpoint"(2010). Through analysis of Huck's sympathy for Jim and Jim's resist against reality, the author demonstrates Mark Twain's ethic viewpoint.Second, studies on children them, like Wang Ying's "The Voice of a ChildAn Analysis of Children's Narration in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"(2008), and Lv Shadong, Li Wuzhuan's "On The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from Children's Perspective"(2009). Studies based on children them infuse novelty element into the study of this work. Third, studies on language, like Wang Jian's"On the Artistic Characteristics of Mark Twain's Novels: A Tentative Study of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"(2008). On the textual analysis of the work, the author reveals the artistic characteristics of Mark Twain's novels. And in Guo Yan's "Local Color in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"(2012), the author explores the cultural meaning of its vernacular. Some others like Li jiaxian's "The Language Styles in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"(2011) also make relative study of its language.Fourth, studies on initiation, like Zhang Chun's "Conflict in the Life Adventures and Journey of Spiritual Growth: A Study on Adventures of Huckleberry Finn A Typical Teenagers' Initiation Story"(2007). Through the narrative about Huck's experiences of growing-up, developing of Huck from innocence to maturity mentally and psychologically is clearly shown. Deng He's "The Initiation of Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"(2010) proves that this novel is a classic America initiation story.As one of the greatest books in world literature, there are a profusion of interpretations for more than a century. Scholars have brought us illuminating results as a cluster of shining stars, which makes the book more attractive. However, studies mainly focusing on Huck's conflicts still leave room to investigate. People must realize how these conflicts in the growing process of Huck affect his growth and the shaping of his character. In addition, they also play important role in demonstrating the theme of this novel. Studies mainly focusing on analysis of Huck's conflicts also have vital significance today because it will help people probe deeply into the relationship between diverse conflicts and the maturity of the adolescent. Given all that, it is necessary to make further study of Huck's conflicts today. This paper will aim to analyze Huck's conflicts through three aspects to prove that a series of conflicts in Hucks life adventures are important to his maturity.本科生毕业论文设计题目:试论哈克贝利·费恩历险记中哈克的冲突 姓 名:XXX 班 级:XXXX级X班指导教师:XXX 专 业:英语教育 院 系:XXX学院英语系 完成日期:2013年5月8日On Huck's Conflicts in The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBY XXXProf. XXXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to the Foreign Languages Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts atXXXUniversityMay 8th, 2013摘要作为一名世界级的文学巨匠,马克吐温奉献给我们的是不可多得的传世佳作。作为美国现实主义的集大成者,在作品中他向读者展现了最真实的美国社会写照。哈克贝利·费恩历险记就是这样最具代表性的一部作品。经过百年涤荡,它的不朽意义仍如宝石般熠熠生辉。历来,学者和评论家更多的关注小说中人物形象的分析和马克吐温的写作风格,近年来才有学者把其作为专门的成长小说来研究,其中也有涉及到主人公哈克成长过程中的冲突。但专门研究这些冲突的为数尚少。而本篇论文的作者着眼于贯穿小说和主人公哈克成长过程始终的冲突并对其做更深入的探讨。通过全面细致的分析,探讨因冲突引起的哈克内心微妙的转变。笔者从三个主要方面进行分析:哈克与吉姆、社会和汤姆之间的冲突。其中,哈克与吉姆、奴隶制和汤姆的冲突是分析的重点。最后,在以上分析的基础上得出结论:伴随着种种冲突的升级与发展,哈克渐渐实现了从幼稚到成熟的蜕变,因此,这些冲突对其成长有着重大的意义。关键词:哈克, 冲突, 成熟 Abstract As a world-class literary giant, Mark Twain dedicates rare and classic masterpieces to us. As a great master of American realism, Mark Twain shows readers the most realistic portrayal of American society in the 19th century. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most representative works. After centuries of ordeal, its immortal meaning still shines like gems. Constantly,scholars and critics pay more attention to analyses of the characters and Mark Twain's writing style in this novel. In recent years, some scholars begin to do specialized research on its initiation topic. In which, they touch on conflicts of the protagonist, Huck. But the amount of specialized research on Huck's conflicts is still small number. The author of this thesis focuses on the conflicts which are throughout this novel and the growing process of Huck; meanwhile, does more in-depth discussion; and through comprehensive and detailed analyses explore the subtle change caused by the conflicts in Huck's heart. The writer analyzes the conflicts from three main aspects, including the conflicts between Huck and Jim, society and Tom. Among which, the author emphasizes conflicts between Huck and Jim, slavery and Tom. At length, on the foundation of above analysis, it comes to a conclusion :along with the escalating and development of various conflicts, Huck gradually achieves the transition from naiveness to maturity; consequently, these conflicts are of great importance to his maturity.Key words: Huck, conflict, maturityTable of Contents摘要iiiAbstractivIntroduction1Chapter. The Conflict between Unsophisticated Heart and Level Head5A. Hucks Original Perspective on Jim5B. Unsophisticated Heart Educated by Level Head6C. The Influence of Conflict on Hucks Maturity9Chapter. The Conflict between Uncarved Nature and Complex Society11A. Growing up in a Slavery Environment11B.The Confrontation between Sound Mind and Distorted Conscience12C. The Conflict between Rebellious Huck and So-called Civilized Society14Chapter . The Conflict between Realistic Admire and Romantic Idol17A. Background of Huck and Tom17B. Hucks Realistic Style and Toms Romantic Style18C. From Imitation