美式英语的计量文体特点 【论文标题】美式英语的计量文体特点 【英文标题】Computational Stylistic Characteristics of American English【中文摘要】 学美式英语已经成为了当今中国最流行的趋势之一,美式英语也一直是国内外学者研究的热点。然而,大部分研究都是定性型研究,而从定量视角对美式英语的研究显得不足。本研究采用基于语料库的研究方法,对美式英语的文体特点进行研究。为了更好地揭示美式英语的文体特点,本文对1800万单词的OANC和1800万单词的BNCS(抽自1亿单词的BNC)中的自然语言进行了比较,旨在发现美式英语在词长,词汇密度,高频词和句长方面的文体特点。本文主要是在现代文体学理论的指导下进行的。数据收集、处理和计算工作主要由计算机程序完成。同时,借助计算机软件SPSS在词长,词汇密度,高频词和句长方面进行了一系列的统计和测试。结果显示两个语料库在这四个层面上均出现显著差异。美式英语的词长比英式英语的长,词汇密度也比后者的大。在高频词方面,研究显示在这两个语料库中,功能词在前100高频词中占的比率相似,但美式英语前100个高频词出现频率总数比英式英语的少。另外,美式英语在句长方面要短于英式英语。【英文摘要】 It is one of the most fashionable trends to learn American English in China, and American English is always the hot area for scholars to do research in. However, most of the studies are orientated to qualitative rather than quantitative, which indicates the lack of quantitative research in this field. This study adopted the corpus-based approach to study the stylistic characteristics of American English. The Open American National Corpus (OANC) with the corpus size of 18 million was made comparison with a set of samples named BNCS with similar corpus size. The BNCS was drawn randomly from the 100-million-word British National Corpus (BNC). The comparison was made aiming to reveal the stylistic characteristics of American English on the aspects of word length, TTR, high frequency vocabulary and sentence length.This study was carried out by the guidance of modern stylistics. With the aid of computer program, the tasks of data collection and calculation were carried out while all the data on the four aspects were carefully studied and analyzed with the help of statistical software SPSS. The results show that the word length of American English is longer than that of British English, and the TTR is larger. On the aspect of high frequency words, although the percentage of function words in the top 100 words is similar in the two corpora, it turns out that the sum frequency of the top 100 words in American English is smaller than that in British English. In addition, American English has shorter sentence length than British English.【中文关键词】 词长; 词汇密度; 高频词; 句长; 计量文体学; OANC语料库; BNC语料库 【英文关键词】 Word Length; TTR; High Frequency Words; Sentence Length; Computational Stylistics; BNC; OANC 【论文目录】摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6 Chapter 1 Introduction 10-16 1.1 Research Background 10-13 1.1.1 “American English Craze” in China 10-11 1.1.2 The History of American English 11-13 1.2 Research Purpose and Significance 13-14 1.3 Research Methodology 14-15 1.4 Layout of This Thesis 15-16 Chapter 2 Literature Review 16-31 2.1 Two Ways to Study Style 16-19 2.1.1 Traditional Stylistics 17-18 2.1.2 Computational Stylistics 18-19 2.2 Quantitative Stylistic Analysis 19-20 2.3 The Criteria of Stylistic Analysis 20-23 2.3.1 Lexical Criteria 20-22 Micro-Level and Macro-Level 20-21 Coverage 21-22 2.3.2 Grammatical Criteria 22-23 2.4 Fundamental Definition of Stylistic Markers 23-27 2.4.1 Word Length and Sentence Length 23-24 2.4.2 Vocabulary Growth Rate 24-26 2.4.3 Common Word Frequency 26-27 2.4.4 Content Words and Function Words 27 2.5 Review of Previous Research 27-31 Chapter 3 Research Methodology and Data Collection 31-41 3.1 Corpora Used in This Study 31-37 3.1.1 Introduction to Open American National Corpus 31-34 3.1.2 Introduction to British National Corpus 34-37 3.2 Instruments Adopted in This Thesis 37-38 3.2.1 Tools for Data Processing 37-38 3.2.2 Test for This Study 38 3.3 Process of Data Collection 38-41 Chapter 4 Results and Data Analysis 41-59 4.1 Basic Data of the Corpora 41-42 4.2 Comparison of Word Length 42-46 4.2.1 Basic Data Obtained 43-45 4.2.2 Statistical Test on the Word Length 45-46 4.3 Comparison of Vocabulary Growth 46-47 4.4 The Top 100 Words 47-54 4.4.1 Basic Data Obtained 48-51 4.4.2 Comparison of Index of Lexical Concentration 51 4.4.3 Content Words and Function Words Distribution 51-53 4.4.4 Unique Words of the Top 100 Words 53-54 4.5 Comparison of Sentence Length 54-59 4.5.1 Basic Data Obtained 55-57 4.5.2 Statistical Test on the Sentence Length 57-59 Chapter 5 Conclusion 59-62 5.1 Major Findings 59-60 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 60-61 5.3 Limitations of This Research 61-62 References 62-66 Appendices 66-75 Acknowledgements 75-76 Resume 76