2-inch Bareheaded PhotoPlease Paste Here外国专家证申请表Application Form of Foreign Experts Certificate姓(如护照所示): 名(如护照所示): Surname (As in Passport) First and Middle Name (As in Passport)译名: 性别: 男 女Chinese Name Sex Male Female其它曾用姓名(外文): Other Names Used出生年月日: 国籍: 护照号码: 签证种类: Date of Birth Nationality Passport Number Visa Type出生地(外文):国家 省份 城市 Place of Birth Country State/Province City国外联系地址(国家、省、市、街道、单元号码、邮编,外文填写): Home Address (Include apartment Number, street, city, state or province, country and postal code)国外联系电话: 电子信箱: Home Telephone Number E-MAIL Address最高学历: Highest Diploma Conferred聘用单位名称: 电话: Name of Employer in China and its Address Telephone Number 聘用单位地址: 邮政号码: Address of Employer Postal Code来华工作任务: 在华工作职务: 在华工作传真: Working Responsibilities in China Position in China Fax Number in China 在华住址: 电话: Living Address in China Telephone Number预计停留时间: How long do you intend to stay?入境日期 年 月 日 离境日期 年 月 日Date of Entry Date of Exit (Intended)列出所有曾经授予你护照的国家: List all countries that have ever issued you a passport你是否曾经在中国工作过? 是 否Have you ever worked in China? Yes No何时? 何地? When Where你是否曾经申请过外国专家来华工作许可? 是 否Have you ever applied any other foreign experts working permit in China? Yes No何时? 何地? When Where 请注明聘请的外国专家符合下述的哪一项。 Please mark below type of foreign experts 1为执行政府间、国际组织间协议、协定和中外经贸合同应聘在中国服务的外国专业技术人员和管理人员。1. Foreign professional technicians and managerial staff retained to carry out accords and treaties signed by countries or international organizations and Sino-foreign trade contracts.2应聘在中国工作的外商投资企业中担任副总经理以上职务或享受同等待遇的外国高级管理人员或重要专业技术人员。 2. Foreign vice general manager and above or foreign high level managerial staff or important technicians whose standings are equivalent to them, who are retained to work in foreign investment enterprise in China.3经国家外国专家局批准的境外专家组织和人才中介机构常驻中国代表机构的外国代表。 3. Foreign representative of resident representative office in China of overseas experts organizations and job intermediary agencies approved by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.4应聘来华从事经济、技术、工程、金融、财会、税务等领域工作,或具有特殊专长、中国紧缺的专业技术和管理工作的外国专业人员。 4. Foreign professional retained to work in economic, technological, engineering, financial, accounting and tax fields in China, or foreign technological and managerial professional with specific expertise that is highly needed in China.5应聘在中国学校及其它教育机构 新闻出版 医药卫生 科研机构文化艺术 体育等部门工作的外籍专业人员。 5. Foreign professional retained to work in Chinese school and other educational institution News and press institution Medical and pharmaceutical institution Scientific research institution Cultural and art institution Sports and other institution.请列出申请人曾就读的高等教育院校List all higher educational institutions that applicant has ever attended.校名 专业 就读日期Name of Institution Major Period of Attendance 请简要列出申请人曾工作的单位Simply list work experience of applicant名称 地址 职务 雇用日期Organization Name Address Position Working Period随行家属情况Information about Accompanying Family Members123姓名(如护照所示)Name (As in Passport)姓Surname名First and Middle Name与申请人关系Relation to Applicant国籍Nationality护照号码及签证种类Passport Number and Visa Type聘请单位意见:Opinion from Employer代办人签字: 电话: 日期: 年 月 日 聘请单位盖章Signature of Person Preparing This Form For Applicant Telephone Number Date Seal of Employer